9:47am Feb 8 2014
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Posts: 970
So this is a MineCraft RP, so if you don't know what MineCraft is it's best not to join. Bio. Name:((Must be your MineCraft name)) Image: Pets:((You probably won't need a cat)) Mining Partner:(( It's the person that you mostly know)) Other:
My Bio. Name: SquishyDragon Image: WIP Pets: Two dogs and three horses Other:.....
2:45pm Feb 13 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/332.gif)
Posts: 970
1:10am Feb 14 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/158.gif)
Posts: 6,296
Name:Dralicoma Image: baby ghast from Battles & beasts skin pack 2 (xbox version :3)
Pets:A ginger cat, a black/white cat and a siamese cat
Other: A leader of a secret organization that builds underground laba
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
7:58pm Feb 14 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/332.gif)
Posts: 970
Thanks for joining, I guess when another person joins we can start.
8:03pm Feb 14 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/158.gif)
Posts: 6,296
(no prop :3)
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
7:07am Feb 19 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/379.gif)
Posts: 9,781
(I guess I'll join.) Name: ShadowWalkers
Pets: A wolf, a black horse with white spots, and a tuxedo cat.
Other: Doesn't mine much, but is slowly beginning to mine more and more.
(I love you signature,James. :3 )
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
4:44pm Feb 19 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/332.gif)
Posts: 970
((Yay, Spirit decided to join the world! We can now start, you can start with like you already having diamonds and stuff.)) SquishyDragon walked along the sand. She's been in six villages and only ONE of them had three diamonds. She wanted about six so she could make a diamond sword and diamond pickaxe, though she already had one. She looked around and gasped in amazement. About 60 blocks away she could see a temple, but she also had a bad thing. She didn't like parkour. So she went on and jumped over hills of sand and finally reached her destination. She walked inside and looked down. Instead of taking out the orange wool, she took out the blue, that was on the side. Otherwise, she'd be blown to nothing. She jump down and collected the stuff in the chests. ((That actually happened to me. X3))
9:50pm Feb 19 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/158.gif)
Posts: 6,296
(thanks spirit :3 i've recently started reading the series)
Dralicoma closed the trapdoor beneath him and swam to the surface of the otherwise unassuming lake. The lab beneath him was in pristine condition. The recent tests to document the aggression zombies had towards villagers was a huge success. The scientifically sound conclusion: Zombies are huge jerks. He looked around, slightly confused. "Notch-dammit!" he muttered The jungle trees surrounded him, he had no idea which way his castle was. "I must really find some more redstone... i need a new compass"
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
7:01am Feb 20 2014 (last edited on 7:01am Feb 20 2014)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/379.gif)
Posts: 9,781
(Alright,Wise ^.^ For me the series just gets better and better,James.)
ShadowWalkers silently crept past two creepers and then dashed away with her new found diamonds. It had been her first trip to the mines and she was excited to find out that she had found something of use,especially these diamonds. "I have just enough for a pickax, a sword, and a helmet. Then I can use all this iron for the rest of my armor.",she planned out everything in a whisper to herself as she dashed of to find her burrow-type house.
(Not too good compared to my other intros...)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
4:11pm Feb 20 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/332.gif)
Posts: 970
SquishyDragon noticed it was almost nighttime and started to panic. "Crap, now if I make it up there, I'll face: Skellies, Creepahs, Zombies, and enderman, if I don't look at them." She decided to make a over night stay in the temple, but made a few precautions. She mined out the tnt under her and the pressureplate and placed it back down. Then she made a little hole in the side of the temple, beside on of the chests. SquishyDragon made a crafting table, torches, and a bed. "Great thing a killed some sheeps on the way here. And lucky for me, I found six more diamonds, horse armor, two emeralds, and one name tag." She crafted a diamond sword, axe, shovel, and hoe. After that she walked around and placed a few torches around, and finally went to sleep.
1:46am Feb 23 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/158.gif)
Posts: 6,296
Dralicoma did waht he always did when it got dark and he was lost: Dug down three blocks and sealed the roof. *dig dig dig* "haha im a genius" *dig dig dig* "No mobs gonna get me tonight!" *dig dig dig...* "heheOHDAMN-" he fell through a cave and heard a crunching sound, pain shot through his invisible limbs to his tentacled neck. "Who the hell puts a cave 2 squares underground?" he muttered. He put down couple torches and wielded his diamond sword. It glowed in many colours... Fire aspect and knockback. Slightly low enchanment levels, but hey? Paper was a commodity sometimes. Especially if you plan on making a map
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
3:42pm Feb 24 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/332.gif)
Posts: 970
(( Waiting on Spirit))
7:03am Feb 25 2014 (last edited on 7:03am Feb 25 2014)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/379.gif)
Posts: 9,781
(Sorry. Been busy with school and stuff.)
ShadowWalkers opened her noisy wooden trapdoor and went down the ladder into her burrow. She was careful to shut the trapdoor again as she went down the ladder into the depths of her home. It took a little while to get to it,but she eventually got to the floor and went over to her waiting crafting table that seemed to be calling her name.
(Why are my posts so short?)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
4:09pm Mar 6 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/332.gif)
Posts: 970
Squishy finally escaped the temple and walked toward a nearby forest. Sighing to herself, she smiled. She kinda liked this parkour abit and watching things move. She then pasted by a house that was unfamiliar to her. She pulled out her diamond sword and breathed. "Hello, is anyone in there? I wanted to know if anyone was in there.... without barging in." Squishy said. Squishy didn't barging in houses, mainly because she's terrified of finding Herobrine.
3:04pm Apr 5 2014
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Posts: 970
9:51am Apr 6 2014
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Posts: 42
Hey! Seems fun! Name: TheSyleGal (Idk why) Skin: Female version of Steve but with light green eyes and purple clothes. Pets: 6 dogs. Other: Hates dem derpy squids, like villages with lots if loot.
3:25pm Apr 7 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/332.gif)
Posts: 970
Thanks for joining, Rip! Start whenever you want.....
5:02pm Apr 9 2014 (last edited on 5:04pm Apr 9 2014)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/24.gif)
Posts: 698
Name: xXStormyXx (lawl same MC name as ResXD also call me Storm) Skin: black jacket skinny jeans icyblue eyes and trance like hair (female skin)
Pets: a wolf a black cat and black horse
Other: likes fire is a very fast explorer and miner very good with animals and hates villagers
7:45am Apr 10 2014
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/332.gif)
Posts: 970
((How can you NOT like viillagers.... oh well. Thanks for jooining start whenever))
7:20pm Apr 10 2014 (last edited on 8:41pm Apr 10 2014)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/24.gif)
Posts: 698
(Lawl they annoy me especially with the April fools joke :b anyways can't wait to start ^^)