“And the name drawn is…..” A pause. “Kerry Rice.”
Several gasps came out of the crowd. In the back of the room, a woman broke down and fell to her knees. She was hysterically crying. “Not my baby…” She cooed, holding a teen in her arms. “Not my baby….” The woman would not let go.
“Mother.” The girl said sharply, pushing herself away from her mom angrily. “Let me go. I am NOT your child anymore.” The girl’s tongue was not as sharp as her next actions. She slapped her mother across the face, causing her to hit the ground with such force, the floor shook.
“Kerry…” The woman cried still, not even caring that her only girl had just hit her.
The girl didn’t even look back as she pushed her way to the crowd. Several more people tried to stop her, but as their bare flesh touched her, they all cried in pain; their hands burned as if they were on fire.
It didn’t take long…. Finally, the girl reached the stage. She nodded to the person in charge, keeping her head held high. She turned to face the crowd, not a tear on her porcelain face. Not a single morsel of regret in her ice-blue eyes. Not even a gust of wind could move her long, wavy blonde hair. No, this girl was prepared.
Then, in front of the large crowd, a man came out and stabbed the girl, right where her heart laid.
Even then, not a peep of sound was made from the girl. She fell to her knees, blood coming from both her wound and her mouth. “For the good of the town….” She choked out. Then, as her limp body hit the floor, there was nothing but silence throughout the room.
“Ian…” A voice called out. “Ian!”
“What?” Ian said crossly to his friend. “I know what you’re going to say… And spare me the details.” The boy turned away from his friend, trying to hide the tears that streaked down his face.
“She was your sister….” The other boy said, resting a hand on Ian’s shoulder. “And she died for a good cause! For the sake of the town… For the sake of crops! For the sake of our lives…”
Ian turned to face his friend. “She was the most talented one in the village….” Ian said angrily, glaring at his friend with large, black eyes. “I don’t give a damn about the town!” He shouted at him, almost preparing to hit him as Kerry did to their mother.
“Ian.” The boy said, as calm as ever. “Be proud…” And with this, the teen left, leaving his friend to mourn in peace.
Another year had passed, and it was time for the next drawing. Who will be the next sacrifice?
In a small town, place unknown for now, the Elders put names into a jar. Only the names of the gifted ones, and only ones that are under the age of 25. Each year, a single name is drawn from the jar, and that person is the sacrifice to the gods. Most are compliant, and see it for the good of the town. Others, are not so much. In a month, it will be time for the next drawing… Who will be the sacrifice this year?
Dumbed down version:
Name drawn from jar each year. Only powered people, age 10-25, are in the jar. Person drawn dies for sacrifice to the Gods. 1 month = time for drawing. Who will be picked?
-Listen to me, and read these please.-
-No GM / PP / Mary sues.-
-Each powered teen may only have a single power.-
-Ask to join, as this is a semi-lit to literate Rp.-
- ^^^ That means, at least 2 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each, with proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.-
-Be active. We will not go more than a page without any 1 person. At that time, I will R-mail you. If you leave for a while, be sure to inform all of us on this thread, or through R-mail just to me.-
-Yes, someone will die. It will be chosen at random. Don’t get all butt hurt if your character is chosen to die…. If you have any issues with it, R-mail me.-
-…… What’s your favorite movie? Post a single link of some of your work, Rping, of course, when you ask to join-
- c: I love you all, even if I do say that you are not able to join. ^^ -
-Ages 15-25 please.-
-Romance encouraged. Violence wanted. Keep everything PG 15 though. >.>-
-All other Res rules apply.-
-No gays/bis/lesbians. Sorry, I’m just not good at Rping them.-
-This is half medieval time. No, they are not advanced… Still use horses and old-age machinery to plow fields and such. Etc. They do have more advances clothes though: Jean type pants, T-shirts, blah blah blah.-
-You’ll notice that there are no ‘crush’ or ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ on the bio skeleton. This is because I don’t want premeditated crushes! D< Romance as the Rp goes along….-
-Thou shall not join if your username starts with C and ends with H and has only two letters- That one is just for you, CH. ;D
Bio Skeleton:
Name: [First and last]
Age: [If you read the rules…. >.>]
Gender: [Girl? Boy?]
Powered/normal?: [Do you have to ask…?]
Personality: [No ‘RP it out’ Or 'Shy, kind, can be mean when angry']
Power: [Just 1.]
Other: [No pets.]
Looks/Deion: [Self exclamatory?]
-My bios-
Ian Rice
Ian used to be that ‘fun-loving’, risk-taking, adrenaline junkie type of guy. Even since his sister was sacrificed, though, Ian has become bitter, angry, and a bit of a jerk. He hates the idea that Kerry was chosen, and he fears that he will be chosen next, though he would never admit that. Ian isn’t the type of guy you can talk to anymore, he will hardly give you the light of day. Don’t expect anything from him… It won’t happen.
Ian can shock people on contact, flesh to flesh. He can’t really control it, so he usually keeps wrapped up, gloves, jackets, long pants, etc. Even in the summer…. Ian also has the ability to control the weather, though he doesn’t tell anyone that. (The shock comes from electricity in the air and such. They go hand in hand…. >.>)
Sister died last year… Not much really. O.o
Ian is tall, fit, and toned. Ian stands at about 6’ 4”, and isn’t anywhere near a twig. Ian has muscles, but they aren’t bulging or thick or anything like that. And, the muscles that he does have, are toned, and not masked under layers of fat. Ian has a sun-kissed skin tone, courtesy of working long hours in the sun. His hair is a dirty blonde color, bleached lighter by the sun, again, and it turns a darker brown color in the winter. Ian hair is long-ish, ‘skater’ long, if you get what I mean. It goes to about mid-neck or so.
His eyes are black, pure black, and when she shocks someone, his eyes get a red rim around the pupils. He also has a small row of dark brown freckles that run across the bridge of his nose across the edges of his cheeks.
Ian is usually seen in long pants, closed toed tennis shoes, long sleeved shirts, and usually work gloves. (He is usually working in the fields so… It’s not weird to see him wearing them. o.o)
Angela Winston (Ange)
Angela personally hates her community. She would bring the whole thing down if she could… That is, if she had an army behind her. Ange is the ‘conspiracy’ type of girl, thinking that their Elders are insane and out to kill them all… Which, ironically, is kind of true. Angela is not afraid to speak her mind as well, and is constantly getting in trouble for speaking ill of the counsel. She was even made a ‘public display’ in the town square. Ange was chained to a tree and wasn’t able to eat or drink anything for two days. Ever since, she has been rather cautious about who she spiels to. Though, she doesn’t much trust anyone in the first place.
Angela is able to shift into any type of canine, including wolves. Though, she likes to stay human.
Uhh… No, not much. o.o
Angela is quite petite. She only stands at 5’ 3” and has olive colored skin, naturally, and she doesn’t get much darker, or lighter, no matter what season it is. Ange has middle-of-the-back long black hair, that she usually keeps tied up, and straight cut bangs. Her eyes are almond shaped and a hazel green-brown eyes. Her skin is otherwise flawless, though, she keeps great care of it.
Angela has an athletic body type, she’s not ‘fat’, or real ‘skinny’ either. Though, she is curvy in… -Cough- All the ‘right’ places. Ange is usually wearing shorts and a tank top, her hair up, as I said before.
-New characters, don’t diss. >[ -
-Ian Rice-
-Angela Winston-
-Nikki Smith-
-Avalia Okinari-
-Drein 'Drew' Ivory-