6:36pm Feb 17 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Mar 25 2010)
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Posts: 202
~Introduction~ Ooc: Alright, welcome to my first role play on HERE. :3 And it shall be about the famous horror movie Saw and Death Note, though don't stop reading yet! I've got more information about the rp and the plot and all that good shizz. xD It's a literate rp so, more then three sentences please unless you just absolutely can't get that much. ^^ So make sure you can type that much before you join in on the fun. ^^ Now, to the reaaaallly fun part. The plot! :D After plot shall be the setting, then rules, and then finally the character sheet. ^^ Then a little bit of extra info. ;3 It took me forever to think of this since I have writer's block, so please bare with me. :3 Just post if you wanna join or not, n'k? I need to know who wants to join in before I post my cheerie. :D
~Plot~ It's the Wammy's first time that there filled all the way up, and all the letters in the alphabet where taken, besides the ones that were already used. B,L, W, and I could not be used. Though every letter from A-Z were taken up, so thus the Wammy decided that no more kids could be taken in. As a celebration they prepare a special party for all the kids from 8-16. L and Watari where there as well, though L on his laptop and Watari in person. During that party thOugh a scream is heard and everyone rushes in to see a dead child. Soon the whole place was in a panic from the loss since eVeryone knew that there was a killer among them. Watari went to speak to L in person back at Task Force, and L sEemed disturbed, for he was still in the middle of the Kira case. He couldn't just drop it to investigate his soon-to-be-successors to see who out of them committed the murder. Soon, his brain hatched an idea and as he told it to Watari, he didn't seem to happy about it at first, but went with it, and since then, L talked to everyone over his laptop to tell them that this was all a test. That whoever found the killer first would be in his sight and had his attention. He told them all to fend for themselves, and the faster they find the killer the better for them all, for the killer had to be one of them. So the hunt is on for the killer, all the kids and teens trying their best to find the culprit, wanting to desperately be L's successor. Though with some dying in the same place they call home, some really want to leave while others are just getting started eager for the new task given to them by the great mentor L. While on the other hand, another goal was on a different teens mind, in fact, he had his eyes set on the ball of his own goal, though it was completely opposite of the other boys. Though no one would guess-.... So the hunt begins! ~Setting~ It's currently in the middle of winter, though it's pouring down rain BEcause temperatures haven't dropped Yet. It's the night Of the party, driNks and fooD to all extent is served. From exotic dishes to regular normal 'everyone knows what it is' dish. Music is playing and everyone is having a great time, the party just started. People are opening up and getting to meet others. ~Available Letters~ A B- Taylor C- Kira D E F G H- Hiara I- Taylor J- Cherry K
L M N O P Q R- Taylor S- Serenity T U V
X Y Z ~Rules~ 1: Regular Rescreatu rp rules apply first and foremost. 2: Posts must be no shorter then four sentences. 3: THis is a LITERATE rp. So please try to be as Literate as you can, ok? Semi-Lit is ok too. 4: I am playing the role of the killer and L. Sorry. '^^ 5: Mello and Near may not be used in this rp. N'k? Just to make it fair on everyone else. ;3 6: Yaoi is allowed. For all those Yaoi lovErs out there. 7: I am still debating weather or not I should allow girls in the rp. But it's not ruled out yet, so join anyway and tell me if you want to be a girl or not. 8: Be nice, and no chat speak please. I absolutely despise chat speak. 9: Only on killer, though if you wanna debate this, just rmail me, n'k? 10: Any questions, don't be afraid to ask, I dun bite much. ;D 11: I might add new rules so check periodically. N'k? :3 I have the tendency to forget stuffiest. 12: Only 22 more people can join. 13: Please don't make a character that looks or acts or has the quarks of a Death Note character, ok? Use your own original piece of work, I'd like to rp with your own cherrie not something someone else made, please and thank you. ;D 14: Your free to have up to two cherries, I'll see how many people join, and depending on how many join is how many you can have. :P 15: Post weather you do or don't want girls in the rp as you join. 16: In show me that you have read all the rules and shizz, please post the secret message by using the words highlighted in red in the same order, I have a feeling you'd know what the message said too. Oh and every new category you enter too, you put a space between the words. Show me your great detective skillz at work! Follow them in order line to line, and unscramble the one with the available Letters. xD ~Character Sheet~ *- Means to fill It out, all the reSt are your own choice weather you want to or not, ok?
Basic Info NAme: (Full if possible) * Alias: (What is your cherrie's letter, aND what else does he go by) * Age: Birthday: * Personality: * Quarks: (If they have any, and if your character does, what strange things do they have a habit of doing?) Weakness: (What is your character weak in?) Strengths: (What is your cherrie good at?)
*Looks HAir CoLor: Hair Style: Eye Color: Skin Color: Muscular: (Do they look buff like a body builder, slim like a runner, WeAk, what?) Accessories: (This includes piercings, tattoos which I doubt theY'd allow to have. I dunnoS though...) Picture: (Not needed, but if you had one, one would be liked. xD) *Clothes Top: (What do they wear often?) Bottom: Jacket or not: (If not just put not, It'LL be ok. ^^) Shoes: Sock Color: (If they don't wear socks just put that. xD) Extra: (Wears gloves, gl*censored*es, etc. etc.) Family Mother: (If they don't rememBer put that, if their dEad just put deceased this goes for all of the family shizz. Talking about peoples.) Father: Siblings: Friends: Pets: History: (I do prefer you to have one, but if you don't don't fret about it, it's totally ok, it was just needed to get to know your cherrie a little better. :3)
~Finale~ Well, I believe that's it, that's all I must say. I shall Go do my intro befoRe anyone else to help ease up a little of the confusion. '^^ I hope you liked it, again, I had writer's block so it really isn't thought up THAT well, but it sounds fun, right? Anyway feel free to join in At any time, we'll give you a recap. The more people that join the merrier! So join away and I hope you have fuN at the Wammy House M*censored*cre. >:D
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7:14pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Save me the letter C. 8D Love is and always will be grand. Girls are fine. o3o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:55pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 202
Ooc: Ok, coolio. Yay! One person joined. ;3 And actually the letters are I love Beyond Birthday and he is and always will be grand. xD But you got it. :D Alright, so C is taken.
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8:16pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 1,301
((Could you save me the letter H? I wanna join, but I gotta fill out the bio later~ I love Beyond Birthday and he is and always will be grand! >D))
8:57pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 202
(Sure, saving the letter H. ^^)
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6:41am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 202
(And I think I shall do my intro today. I dunno, it depends on my time. And the bio of course. '^^)
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10:53am Feb 18 2010 (last edited on 11:27am Feb 18 2010)
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Posts: 950
((Join as letter A, V and K? I'd like to join as three girls, and I like girls in rps... I'm a huge supporter of yuri too... Not just yaoi. ^_^ If spots are open later, I'll bring in guys... But I'm btter with my female characters... >_> IerftgyhjkjhygtewerftlovegyhjytrewBeyondertyhujygtf rdewedfrgthjhgfdBirthdayholland yagirlfrostbittenheinsaneclownposseis twiztedandboondoxalwayshappyloveyouiluvueggwanted djnsdocjnconrnhvb vnbfiodjpkjslkslkdieijndcfolcnckicoslsl.w,xmwillhahahade wfbeghnjmhgfdgrand. No you use yur detectiveness to find where I put the p*censored*worrd.))
2:49pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 202
(Can only reserve two. Sorry. '^^ We'll jsut wait and see how many more people we have in order to get more, but until then two. xD ANd about the girls, hmm, again we'll wait, but as this rate girls SHALL be allowed. ^^)
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6:35pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 202
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6:38pm Feb 18 2010 (last edited on 6:42pm Feb 18 2010)
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Posts: 1,301
I seriously hope this is good enough. xD Basic Info NAme: Hollow Heartbeat * Alias: H (Haiku) * Age: 16. I think… Birthday: November 7th * Personality: Hyper and sociable. Though his upbeat personality causes many to become aggravated with him. He also has a darker, more serious side that come out when he’s hard at work. * Quirks: He concentrates best when in pain. (But he doesn't hurt himself! D8) Or when causing pain to others. Also, he only eats ice cream~ But he will eat other foods mearly for the sake of blending in with society. (*snorts*) However, too much of other foods makes him seriously ill. Weakness: Stealth, Hand-to-Hand combat, and spying Strengths: Getting close to people, Solving problems, and Torture
*Looks &*Clothes Basically the persona on my profile in male form. Just imagine the ears and tail as being false and accessories he wears. :3 Family Mother: Killed in a fire he accidentally started at age 6 Father: Killed in a fire he accidentally started at age 6 Siblings: None (Had a twin sister who died at birth) Friends: ? Dun know yet. >> Pets: Two birds (Gil *Link* and Roddy *Link*) and a cat (Kio *Link* ) History: Hollow was orphaned at the age of six due to a fire caused by a candle left burning in his room unattended. A blazing inferno engulfed his home in the dead of night and all were injured. The hospital was able to save him, but his parents died within the week. (Through extensive corrective surgery he’s been able t remove his scars extraordinarily well. Only one lone burn scar is left across his shoulder blades.) None of his other family was willing to take him in, and the young boy was sent to an orphanage. However, he was soon kicked out because of his strange appearance (The clip-on ears and tail, mostly). The only place willing to take him in was a place called Whammy’s House because of his high intelligence level.

6:28am Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 202
(Whoot! That's one! I'll probably going to do mine today. :3 Just give me a little bit of time and time to get home. xD)
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2:59pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 202
(Sadly... ;-; I have decided to switch out cherries. Once everyone psots their cherry sheet we shall begin. :3)
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4:50pm Feb 19 2010 (last edited on 7:07pm Feb 22 2010)
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Basic Info NAme: Hayden Cordell * Alias: C, Cade * Age: Sixteen Birthday: December Twenty-eighth. * Personality: "Cade" or "C" often comes off as menacing and maybe even rude, but he's really just that one quiet guy in the corner who may or may not understand what rudeness is. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he says little. * Quarks: Cade always carries around a box of matches and he lights them all one-by-one throughout the day, and he usually has some type of permanent marker in his pocket or hidden somewhere that he uses to write all over his arms. Usually to make sure he remembers something or something like that. Weakness: Conversation, torture, swimming. Strengths: Fighting (physically and just arguing), being a spy.
*Looks HAir CoLor: Ebony black. Hair Style: What a lot of people consider "emo style". Eye Color: Blue with flecks of silver-gray here and there, and a ring of green around the pupil that makes the pupil look like a black-and-green sun. Skin Color: Pale beige. It sometimes looks gray-beige. Muscular: He looks anorexic. Accessories: Nothing, really. Picture: o3o If you can't get a good enough image of him already, I'll post one. *Clothes Top: It doesn't matter. Bottom: Any type of jeans that aren't baggy and uncomfortable. Usually straight leg jeans. Jacket or not: Yeah, he wears a black jacket. o3o No matter what colour shirt he's wearing. Shoes: Anything, really. As long as he likes the shoes. Sock Color: White or black. Extra: Sometimes he wears netted gloves. How long they are ranges from to his wrist to all the way up his arm, and even a netted shirt. Family Mother: She's dead, apparently. D: Father: Cade doesn't know where he is, or who he is. Siblings: Same as his father. Friends: We'll see. Pets: There is a little brown sparrow that visits him from time to time, but nothing more. History: *stays quiet*
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:20pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 202
(Post mine mnday afternoon. xD)
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5:39pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,991
(( Can I join as a girl with the letter S? I love Beyond Birthday and he is and always will be grand. ))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:20pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 202
(Sure. :3)
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2:16pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Basic Info NAme: Yuuki Kaname * Alias: S (Snow) * Age: Seveteen Birthday: February 22nd (Mah Birthday) * Personality: * Quarks: Weakness: (What is your character weak in?) Strengths: (What is your cherrie good at?)
*Looks HAir CoLor: Whitish-Grey Hair Style: She wear her hair out and it goes down to her mid back. Eye Color: Her eyes are a greyish brown Skin Color: She has very pale skin Muscular: Yuuki is thin and slightly curvy Picture: Here
*Clothes Top: She tends to wear alot of dresses. Mostly white or grey or brown Bottom: Sometimes she wears jeans Jacket or not: She normally wears a long black trench coat or the Shoes: I don't know. It doesn't matter to her. As long as she likes him. Sock Color: Normally she doesn't wear socks. But i guess...it doesn't really matter. Extra: She always wears a silver locket engraved with the chorus to her favourit song. Family Mother: She died after giving birth to Yuuki. Father: Uhh, he alive but she's not exactly sure where he is. Siblings: She has an older brother who is currently in Univeristy Friends: We'll see :3 Pets: She has a little black cat named Kiki History: Uhh...
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:31pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 4:32pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 202
(Eight to sixteen, Serenity, Kira. '^^ And Serenity; We need personality from you. xD ) Basic Info NAme: * Alias: B, Blue * Age: 16 Birthday: 10/13 on a Friday * Personality: He is quiet and laid back. Very mysterious and barely anything is known about him. But be as this may, no matter how much he doesn't share or tell, he can easily get you talking in a second giving off all information you know do to his seductiveness that he doesn't even mean to have. He is very slick and easily a smooth talker. Everyone at the Wammy House loves him as a brother since he's always helping with anything anyone gives him from the smallest cases like losing on ob ject to the largest like being *censored*igned a crime by L. Quiet. Mysterious, unpredictable, but charming. No one knows what he’s ever thinking. He seems very sweet. He has always been referred to as B, nothing else, because no one knows his actual name. Though he can act like anything and blend in like a chameleon, changing his personalities to take on the persona as someone else. Very slick. Very sneaky. He never lets anyone get him down. He's very smart, Very confusing person when you talk to him, he turns things right around on you. * Quarks: He eats Strawberry Jam. He ALWAYS has a jar in his hands. He sits just like L. He nibbles on the first bend of his index finger as well as Ian. He has the tendency to play with the sharpest points on sharp objects, subconsciously when in deep thought. Weakness: (What is your character weak in?) Strengths: Impersonations Blending in
*Looks HAir CoLor: Black Hair Style: Long and pointed, Blue streaks in his hair. Eye Color: Red though they look blue because of the contacts he wears. Truthfully there red because he too was born with shinigami eyes. Skin Color: Tan/pale Muscular: More like a runner, though he does have unnoticeable muscles on his arms though. Accessories: None Other: He seems to be as skinny as a toothpick, and scrawny, like L or B, but he is actually pretty strong. Though he doesn't look the part. At times he can look very innocent, very ukish, but most the time he looks like he is calm and in control of everything Picture: http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/rr81/Taylor1813_1989/Blue.jpg Him a little bit older, so picture a younger version of that, accept without the red jacket. *Clothes Top: A long sleeves black loose shirt. Bottom: Loose long jeans Jacket or not: Nope Shoes: Usually none Sock Color: Extra: None Family Mother: Deceased Father: Deceased Siblings: Red his younger brother. Friends: Everyone but no one. Pets: None History: When he was little his family was murdered right in front of him, and then his murders raped, and completely took over him. And his brother, who the gang later killed for defending him, or so he thinks. Enslaved for about four years of his life to the gang, he had to take care of himself, learn how to do everything the hard way, and get tortured every day. He was utterly alone and miserable, either dying from sickness or hunger. Getting a beating every day for no reason, it was his own person concentration camp. He either killed, or starved, in his life, it was kill or be killed, so... He killed. Forced to do every dirty deed in the book. Thus he dropped his old name and became known just as 'B' to signal that his innocent self was long gone. He took care of his self for many years on the streets learning everything he possibly could, but he was born and raised as a killer. Once the gang had been busted and they found Blue, he was put up for adoption. No one wanted someone who had been 'tainted' by blood and so no family wanted him. Soon though it became known that Blue was unusually smarter then all the rest of the kids, and when Watari came to check it out, he took both Blue and Red into the Wammy House where they were never separated again.
Basic Info NAme: Unknwon * Alias: R, Red * Age: Birthday: * Personality: He's gentle and sweet on the inside, but on the outside he is quiet and sincere, trying to always help Near with everything. He is very protective over anyone he knows. L is the only one he will be close with, other then that, he tries to stay away from the world, always appearing to be lost in thought. Pain is always clear deep in his eyes. He is a very sad soul, though he doesn't act it, if anything his very charming and mysterious, but very stoic and cold once you first meet him. Though his is very happy and jumpy and very energetic, but deep down inside he is serious. No one can resist his gentle and happy go-lucky FALSE behavior. He can also blend in like a chameleon just like his brother. He's very charming and can be very hard to stop staring at him because he can be very addicting at times. Once the ice around his heart melts he is very romantic. Though he is filled with pain and hurt from the memories of being trapped with the gang members. * Quarks: He is always seen eating suckers. You never see him suckerless. When in deep thought he has the tendency to fiddle with things. Let's say a piece of paper was in front of him. He's mess with it subconsciously not even realizing what he was doing. His hair is the first thing he goes for sometimes if nothing else is around. He sits without his feet touching the ground. He sits crisscrossed in an chair he is in. No matter how uncomfortable it looks. Weakness: Ehh? Strengths:
*Looks HAir CoLor: Black Hair Style: Long and spiked, accept his hair has red streaks. Eye Color: Redish brown. Though it looks red. Skin Color: Tan/pale Muscular: Just like Red Accessories: None Picture: http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/rr81/Taylor1813_1989/Red-1.jpg Again, like Blue, forget about the jacket. and picture him younger. *Clothes Top: short sleeved black shirt. Bottom: Tight dark blue jeans Jacket or not: None Shoes: Usually he wears black tennis shoes. Sock Color: (None Extra: He looks just like Blue accept he has red streaks and red tips. He is the same height and everything as his brother. He has scars going down his whole body from whenever he had been in the gang as well. The only noticeable scar is the one going across his face, from the end of his left eye brow going across the bridge of his nose, and stops in the middle of his right cheek, it makes him look very ominous forming a slash mark. And a less noticeable one going down his right eye if you look close enough you can see it. Family Mother: Deceased Father: Deceased Siblings: Blue Friends: None yet. Though he is friends with everyone. Pets: None History: When he was younger he watched as his mother and father died right in front of him, and he too was rapped by the gang members, and forced to join the gang, by his older brother's side. They went through many years of that Hell together, each defending the other, each defending themselves. His older brother also protected him as much as he can and gave him his extra rations of bread or food. Trying to keep him alive and make him save himself. More years p*censored*ed and one day Red planed a great plan. he disobeyed the gang rules on purpose and once whipped, he acted as if he had finally died, his plan had won, he had one. Red was supposed to be dead, but he had actually gotten out and managed to escape. Taken into an orphanage, he quickly showed everyone up. At ten, Watari adopted him, seeing his potential for great talent. Every since L and Watari saved his life from being a loner, he knows he owes L his life. He owed L everything, and knew he would do anything to protect L even if that meant death for himself. It was the least he could do, L and Watari had saved him... From a a hell far worse then just regular Hell...
Basic Info NAme: Unkown * Alias: I, Ian (pronounced- I-an) * Age: 16 Birthday: 10/31 * Personality: He is quiet and reserved. Accept once you meet you and he trusts you he becomes very gentle, sweet and nice. He loves helping other's out. He isn't very open about his emotions or how he's feeling. He can be very innocent, childish, and ukish at some times. But you you first meet him and for the most part,he acts VERY similear to L. * Quarks: He sits just like L, accept something is a little off, though no one knows exactly what. He is ALWAYS eating fruits, anytime you see him. Fruit to him is like Sweets to L. He puts the crook of his index finger in his mouth and chews on it when in deep thought. He slightly slouches just like L, though again, something is slightly different in his walk then L's. Weakness: Strengths: Solving cases Helping people.
*Looks HAir CoLor: Black Hair Style: Like L's accept his is a little longer. Eye Color: Black Skin Color: Paleish tan. Muscular: More like a runner athlete only his muscles are noticeable due to his loose fitting clothes, but he is actually very muscular legs. Accessories: Naw. Picture: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p32/mookuchen/827717.jpg Other: Spitting image of L, though no one knows how. *Clothes Top: A long sleeved, loose white shirt. Bottom: Loose jeans. Jacket or not: Naw. Shoes: He doesn't where any. Sock Color: None Extra: Nope. Family Mother: Deceased Father: Deceased Siblings: None? Friends: None yet. Pets: None. History: Honestly, he doesn't remember much. But his Mom and Dad did die right in front of Ian even though he doesn't recall who killed them. So, he went about to find the killer and when he did after the killer was caught, Watari had found him and offered him into The Wammy House. Watari and L are both stunned that Ian looks so much like L thought. Finally finished. xD There you go. My cherries. Now, I shall post an intro tomorrow. :3
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1:18pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 950
Basic Info NAme: (Full if possible) * Alias: (What is your cherrie's letter, aND what else does he go by) * Age: Birthday: * Personality: * Quarks: (If they have any, and if your character does, what strange things do they have a habit of doing?) Weakness: (What is your character weak in?) Strengths: (What is your cherrie good at?)
*Looks HAir CoLor: Hair Style: Eye Color: Skin Color: Muscular: (Do they look buff like a body builder, slim like a runner, WeAk, what?) Accessories: (This includes piercings, tattoos which I doubt theY'd allow to have. I dunnoS though...) Picture: (Not needed, but if you had one, one would be liked. xD)*Clothes Top: (What do they wear often?) Bottom: Jacket or not: (If not just put not, It'LL be ok. ^^) Shoes: Sock Color: (If they don't wear socks just put that. xD) Extra: (Wears gloves, gl*censored*es, etc. etc.) Family Mother: (If they don't rememBer put that, if their dEad just put deceased this goes for all of the family shizz. Talking about peoples.) Father: Siblings: Friends: Pets: History: (I do prefer you to have one, but if you don't don't fret about it, it's totally ok, it was just needed to get to know your cherrie a little better. :3) ~~~ Basic Info NAme: (Full if possible) * Alias: (What is your cherrie's letter, aND what else does he go by) * Age: Birthday: * Personality: * Quarks: (If they have any, and if your character does, what strange things do they have a habit of doing?) Weakness: (What is your character weak in?) Strengths: (What is your cherrie good at?)
*Looks HAir CoLor: Hair Style: Eye Color: Skin Color: Muscular: (Do they look buff like a body builder, slim like a runner, WeAk, what?) Accessories: (This includes piercings, tattoos which I doubt theY'd allow to have. I dunnoS though...) Picture: (Not needed, but if you had one, one would be liked. xD)*Clothes Top: (What do they wear often?) Bottom: Jacket or not: (If not just put not, It'LL be ok. ^^) Shoes: Sock Color: (If they don't wear socks just put that. xD) Extra: (Wears gloves, gl*censored*es, etc. etc.) Family Mother: (If they don't rememBer put that, if their dEad just put deceased this goes for all of the family shizz. Talking about peoples.) Father: Siblings: Friends: Pets: History: (I do prefer you to have one, but if you don't don't fret about it, it's totally ok, it was just needed to get to know your cherrie a little better. :3) ((Will fill out tomorrow... I'll take K and A please. ^_^))
4:58pm Feb 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 202
(Alright, well.. We'll let Gothic finish the cherrie sheet up and then I shall begin it. ^^ Sorry for the long wait. xD)
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