11:45am Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 11:49am Jun 2 2010)
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PLOT: The wild dogs approach the Windwalker lands, wishing to take it over for the rich prey and resources. They are stronger and larger than the Caracals, making them formidable foes. Only the nightkit and the sunkit will be able to defeat them. THE WINDWALKERS Caracals: They live in the forest, controlling all of it. Their camp is centered in a large hollow in the middle of the forest. Their camp is a long ovular shape with a small brook running through it. On the right of the brook are the Kitting Den and the Watchers Den with the Hunters Den right behind. On the left, straight across from the Kitting Den is the Fighters Den. Near the bottom is the Leader’s Den and attached to it is the Healer’s Den. The Kitting Den, Watchers Den and Hunters Den are all under a large rocky overhang that reaches the brook. It is very shady and cool under there. The Fighters Den is in a natural cave that was hewn out by the brook before it was diverted and started to flow a different way. The Leader’s Den is the smallest yet most comfortable, with strands of ivy hanging in front. On the left is a small pas.sage connecting to the Healer’s Den, which is made from two large rocks that are leaning together. The Healer’s Den has a small pool in it for sick cats and a small sleeping hollow near the back. At the very back is another pas.sageway, which leads to the Healer’s medicine supply. Caracals are mostly sandy yellows, browns, grays and sometimes a light brown. The most rare and revered colors are black and red. Depending on their job, a Caracal will have different markings on their pelts. These markings are made from earth that has been wetted and is painted on by the Healer, who invokes the powers of Ystronia of Chaos and Xyrion of Order to give the cat a good and happy life. Colors are: Black, red, yellow, gray, and light and dark brown. Younglings: They have gray paws and ears. Kitters: Their marks are the same as in their first job but their tail becomes ringed in small gray bands. Watchers: They have large light brown spots on their backs and smaller ones on their legs. Hunters: They have dark brown or black stripes so they can blend into the tall gra.sses of the plains. Fighters: Have bright red markings to symbolize blood and death. These markings are jagged stripes on their backs and swirls on their legs. Healer: Has bright yellow paws and ears, often with a light brown tail tip. Leader: Has pure black ears and tail with bright red paws and stripes.

11:46am Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 11:54am Jun 2 2010)
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Leader: Healer: Watchers: Hunters: Fighters: Kitters: Younglings: BIO Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Appearance: Personality: Mate: Kits: Other:
11:49am Jun 2 2010
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Join as the Nightkit?
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11:51am Jun 2 2010
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{Sure Feyth, I'm the sunkit. Let me just finish the whole set up thing for the first two posts. Oh yeah, this is based of Erin Hunter's books so use the appropriate names and stuff.}
11:52am Jun 2 2010
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((Okay, can I post my info of Duskkit the nightkit. Also, can she have blue and black markings instead of red and black?))
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11:55am Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{Why not, let's just say that those are the markings of the Nightkit and Sunkit ^^}
11:56am Jun 2 2010
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(What if the sunkit had yellow and black and nightkit as blue and black?))
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11:57am Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 11:57am Jun 2 2010)
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((Or orange and black?))
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12:00pm Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 12:02pm Jun 2 2010)
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{Sounds good, but it'll be gold and black for the Sunkit. THey get the markings when they become Younglings, so at 6 moons} Name: Ghostkit // Leafkit // Robinwing Age: 5 moons // 5 moons // 24 moons Gender: She-cat // She-cat // She-cat
Rank: Youngling // Youngling // Hunter
Appearance: Bright ginger fur of the incarnation of Ystronia, with dark blue eyes // Cream colored fur with emerald eyes // Light brown fur with blue eyes
Personality: Sometimes cold, lonely // Bouncy and full of happiness // Calm and sweet
Mate: No // No // Deceased (Stormtalon)
Kits: No // No // Ghostkit and Leafkit Other: Incarnation of Ystronia // No // No | |
12:05pm Jun 2 2010
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Name: Duskkit // Lifewing // FallenStar (?) Age: 5 moons // 12 moons // 30 moons Gender: She-cat // She-cat // Tom
Rank: Youngling // Youngling // Leader
Appearance: Black fur with blue paws and purple eyes. // Pure white fur with bline blue eyes// Ruffled red fur with bright red streaks down his face. He has dark green eyes with a little black in them Personality: Mysterious and Hard-headed, but kind. // Motherly and kind to Duskkit her kit // Calm and Fatherlike. He knows when to fight and when to not fight. Mate: No // No // Open Kits: No // Duskkit //No Other: Incarnation of Xyrion // No // No
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12:07pm Jun 2 2010
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{Accepted, and sure Fallenstar can be leader. As you noticed, there isn't a deputy post. The cats fight for it ^^}
12:09pm Jun 2 2010
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((Can you start, I am drawing my cats.
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12:12pm Jun 2 2010
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{We need morepeople to join. We don't have enouigh, we need at least one of each. Let me go hound Ribunny, I;ll make her join ^^}
12:13pm Jun 2 2010
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12:20pm Jun 2 2010
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((I will be back on later))
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12:22pm Jun 2 2010
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{Ok Feyth}
2:19pm Jun 2 2010
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7:04pm Jun 2 2010
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11:49am Jun 3 2010
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12:00pm Jun 3 2010
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{Hey Feyth, just wait a moment to see if others join. If this goes on too long without people joining, I'll either make a new thread for this or discontinue it.}