11:20pm Apr 14 2010 (last edited on 7:30pm Apr 16 2010)
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For hundreds of years Lycans ans Vampires have fought over who is the 'strongest' and it has resulted in nothing but Bloodshed, murder, betrayal and hate. The king on Lycan has a son, whislt the king of Vampires has a daughter..... They eventually agreed to a treaty, the idea being proposed by the Lycan king's son. If the prince of Lycan wed the Princess of Vampires, and had a child, then the war would be over. However, with every good idea comes a snag. The Lycan cannot shift into wolf form unless it be life or death situation, and the Vampires cannot drink blood from humans. Neither can kill innocent lives, and if a Lycan kills a Vampire, or a Vampire kills a Lycan the treaty is broken. Three-hundred years after the treaty was made the son (Even though the treaty was his idea in the first place) reluctantly married to Daughter, and they have a daughter named Nautica. So far, everything is well, and the treaty is in no danger.... ___________ Ruels: No breaking the treaty!!! I don't care who you are, please abide. No power-playing. No godmodding. No Twilight. Swear as much as you like, it gets censored. Listen to me and co-owner(s) No killing other charecter's without their concent. No throwing yourself in other charecter's past, I absolutelty HATE when that's done.... To prove you've read this, guess who the charecter in my siggy is. I play the Lycan king's son, Chancia is the Lycan king, I'm also the Vampire king, and the Vampire princess. Take as many charecters as you want, but keep them in check. Don't go post-crazy if I'm gone, please. If I ask for a recap, please don't a ssume me lazy, my eyes are real bad, and when I try to read the small text I get seriosu headaches, or I would. I love reading.... Only Vampires and Lycan. If you want to be a shapeshifter or a human ask, please. Also, I start the RP. Thank you. __________ Peeps with my power: Chancia Rike The Fallen Paigcam The Yellow Flash Ssather (If I forgot anyone, you will be added when/if you join. ^^) _________ After everyone posts their bio's, I'll start. Here's the sheet. Name: Age: Gender: Species Looks: Personality: (No RP it outs or 'Kind, loving, but can stand up for blah blah blah,' Or 'Evil, fierce, but once you get to know, blah, blah, blah,' gimme a personality, please. -_-') Family: Special possesion: Brief history: (And no 'Not much' or 'Pretty average' or 'Whatever Vampire's do' a brief history, please.) S/O: _________ Ugh, my first charecter is Alexis, right nwo I gotta go, so I don't have tiem for bio's yet....
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8:49am Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 8:50am Apr 15 2010)
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Name: Alyxander Wolfe Age: 17 Gender:Male Species: Vampire Looks: 123345 Personality: Alyx is almost emotionless, and detests the treaty with a p*censored*ion. He belives that vampires are superior to lycans, and looks down on eveeryone who dissagrees. Family:None Special possesion: His weapon, a weigthed chain whip with a spiked chain. Brief history:Alyx is german, and was abandoned at a young age to fend for himself on the streets. He contracted a deadly illness and was near death when a vampire took pity on him and turned him. He stowed away on a boat a few years later and traveled to America. S/O: Bi And I don't know who the guy with a scarf is.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:12am Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 10:39am Apr 16 2010)
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((I don't know who the scarf person is...It kind of looks like a cat or something.)) Name:Jade Hawk/Ash Griffin Age:16/ 19 Gender:female/ male Species:Vampire/Lycan Looks: Jade: 
Wolf Form:
Personality:Most think Jade is a sociopath but she does have a heart. She has stuffed all her emotions to the deepest darkest corner in her mind and has made it almost impossible to get to them. She shows no pity towards anything or anyone and doesn't really listen to the treaty all the time./ Ash likes to joke around. He always has some kind of joke or prank for everyone. Ash never takes anything serious and can sometimes be annoying. Family:Her three sisters, Aloe, Katherine, and Aurora(I might add them later)/ His brother Hunter. Special possesion: Her pet snake, Fang. She also has two daggers which she hides in her shoes./ His gun. Brief history: Jade grew up in a very strange family. Her mother ran away because her father had killed himself and she couldn't take it. Jade was left to take care of the rest of the family. She was only 12 when all of this happened and didn't really know what to do. She got a job as a baby sitter. Aurora was only one year younger then her and thought that she was more mature. She got so angry that she nearly killed Aurora. She ran away after that, and swore to never get angry, sad, or happy again./ Ash grew up in a rich family. He has always been able to buy anything you can buy and able to get anything he wanted. But when Hunter took over the family money and business he was kicked out of his home to face the real world. He has traveled since then and has started his own business. S/O:Straight/straight

3:20pm Apr 15 2010
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((Lol, yay. And hey... This is from Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans...)) Name: Jack Napier, but call him "Joker" or get maimed Age: Unknown, Immortal Gender: Male Species: Lycan Looks: Above, and deion Personality: Not filling this out, everyone knows how the Joker is Family: Son, Alexis Special possession: His knives and son Brief history: Watched his father kill his mother,before his Father sliced his cheeks into an eternal grin.He killed his father,and that was when he was 14.He is an Outcast,and he goes by the alias,The Joker.Wears cover up on his cheeks to hide his scars.You can't see them unless you look for them,and don't ask how he got them,really,if you value living S/O: Aisexual at best Lycan: Jack's wolf is like no other.He,in wolf form,looks like he is wearing a suit.And a haunting one at that.Most of his fur is purple,but down his chest,it's layered to looks like a vest,and the vest is green.The area around his eyes are black,while the path leading down to his muzzle is white.His scars are clearly visible,due to the fact that,while his muzzle is pure white,his mouth is not.It is colored a lipstick red,hilighting the horrible scarred tissue around his mouth.But,his back legs are a checker board patterned hues of green,purple,and a rusty color orange.

3:43pm Apr 15 2010
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((Haaaay. ouo))
3:12am Apr 16 2010
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(Join, Britt! :D Ferret, youy have as much power as I do. ^^) Name: Alexis Brimmings Age: looks 17. In truth, he's ancient. XD Gender: Male Species: Lycan 9Prince, to be exact!) Looks: He is tall and almost unnaturally slender. He has jet-black hair so short, all you need to do is run your hand through it, and it's considered brushed. He has emerald green eyes, and is very pale. He usually wear black or dark jeans and either black, maroon, Nary or just dark blue tee shirts. Personality: He is quiet, and serious to complete strangers, and can be considered a geek. He is a computer hack and despite a vision problem has great aim. He's surprisingly good tempered, but has a strong dislike for certain things.... Family: His father, daughter, wife and cousin. Special possesion: A pair of gl*censored*es he invented. His eyes are terrible, and not just blind. He can only see very VERY deep, dark blue. He can only see outlines of things just barely. However, white things he can see clear as a bell. The gl*censored*ess make things whitter. They are clunky and pretty much useless, so he rarely puts them on. S/O: Depsite the treaty being his idea, and him marrying a woman, he is, in fact gay, but very few people know this, not even his wife does. _______ Name: Nautica Napier Age: 5 Gender: Female Species: Half Vampire, half Lycan. Looks: She has long sandy blond hair, and green eyes that change to purple when she's mad or upset. Her skin is pale, but not as much as her father's. and she's a little taller than the average five year old, but not much. She usually wears a yellow dress. Personality: She is intellegent for her age, and hates people fighting. She is normally talkitive, happy and a rather sunny person. Not a morning person, much prefering the night. She loves staying with her father and grandfather over her mother, but when she gets sick, she had some confusion with her last name, but her Alexis was able to talk Nautica's mother into allowing her to name Nautica's first name, as long as he gave the last name, which he gave his father's last name. Family: Mother, father, grandfathers. Special possesion: A gold chain her father had given to him. Albiet, Alexis is an athiest, the chain has a gold cross, just to piss Nautica's mother off. (But they don't know...) Brief history: She was born at an unknown time, and for spite, Nautica's mother didn't tell Alexis, so he missed her birth. She prefers going to Alexis' house, but she loves her vampiric relatives as well. S/O: She doesn't knwo yet. >_>' ______ Name: Roze Bayne. Age: 6,000,000 Gender: Female Species: Vampire (The Princess to be exact) Looks: Long black hair, slender build. She has purple eyes (The only thing Nautica inherited from the vampiric side...) and pale skin, but not as pale as Alexis'. She usually wears black dress' Personality: She's normally calm, but recently started getting rather bitter towards her husband. She's quiet, sarcastic, semi-annoying, and unusually intellegent for being the youngest Princess. Family:Father, Husband, Daughter, brother (Deceased) Special possesion: A gold ring Alexis presented to her for marrage. Brief history: As the Princess, she's been in the castle more than anyplace else. She reluctantly accepted the treaty, and has a strong dislike for Lycan kind. Shortly after being impregnated, she became more pissy towards her husband, going so far as to not tell him when their daughter, Nautica, was born. S/O: Straight, and homophobic. ____ Name: Rook Bayne Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: Vampire Looks:Comming Family: Daughter, son in law, Brother in law, wife (Deceased) S/O: Straight
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3:13am Apr 16 2010
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(I've never watched underworld, is it worth getting off of Netflix?)
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5:16pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 5:23pm Apr 16 2010)
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((I guess I will add Aurora and Kitty...It feels weird not rping them.)) Name:Aurora Hawk/ Katherine (Kitty) Hawk Age:15/ 13 almost 14 Gender:female/ female Species:Vampire/ Vampire Looks: Aurora: 
Personality:Aurora is very bad tempered. She is easy to anger and once you have gotten on her bad side it is very hard to get back on her good side. She has a big oppinion for everything and can get into trouble easily. She can't keep her big mouth shut and almost once got killed because of it./ Kitty seems sweet but it is all her big plan. She gains your trust and then uses it against you. She is shy at first but then funny and out going once you get to know her. Family:She has a family but she only talks and lives with Kitty. She hates Jade and her and Aloe disagree on a lot of things./ Aurora, Jade, and Aloe are her sisters. Special possesion:Kitty.lol/ Nothing really...She doesn't really see nonliving things without blood special. Brief history:The beginning is the same as Jade's...Her mom ran away after her father killed himself and Jade took over. Aurora thought she could do a better job and let Jade know this. Jade lost it and almost killed Aurora. Her other sister Aloe left to go lok for Jade after she had ran away. She and Kitty are the only part of the family that have stuck together./ A lot like Aurora's...She hardely ever leaves her sister's side and there for everything that happens to Aurora happens to her. She was however sneakingout to visit a werewolf until Aurora caught her. She got into deep doodoo and promised herself to never talk or see the werewolf again. S/O:Straight/ Straight

6:12pm Apr 16 2010
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((Yeah, it's worth Netflix-ing. But you have to get all of them, then.))
6:38pm Apr 16 2010
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('Kay...) "Ugh, I hate it when she takes Nautica to her father's...." Alexis muttered to hilsef as he paced up and down the living room. The apartment was one he rented when Nautica was visiting. Recently Roze has been beign more of a bitter hag than usual, and whenever she takes their child to her father's mansion she usualy comes back with a cold or another ear infection, or just seems cold to Alexis. Not her grandfather, though. She loves Jack, sometimed Alexis thinks more than him, but that wasn't the point. "We'll need to figure out a way to either divorce Roze, or to get that bug out of her arse...." Alexis muttered to no one in particular, knowing no oen was in the room at the moment.
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6:53pm Apr 16 2010
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A chuckle was heard throughout the room, as Jack appeared at the door. "How about you just tell her to get lost? I mean, she's a total b*tch." He laughed, clasping Alexis on the back. "Or I could just tell her to shut up. Then she'd have to listen."
6:59pm Apr 16 2010
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Alexis removed the clunky, odd-lookign glas ses from his face, lookign at what looked liek a giant blue blur. "Can't. Nautica's her daughter too. Need to do it the old-fasioned way, and divorce the bi*ch. Or at least fidn out why she hates me." He sighed, then sat down on a black leather couch, closing his eyes. "Anyway, when we do get Naut back, should we take her someplace? Or just watch movies or something? Roze and I think she may have a bug and don't want to take her out anyplace. I think she's way too damn overprotective...." Alexis said.
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7:07pm Apr 16 2010
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((Alex wears gla.sses?)) "I think, you need a vacation. I'll take her to a movie, and if Roze has any objection, I'll rip her tongue out." Jack snapped.
7:14pm Apr 16 2010
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(No, did you read his bio? He doesn't, but in this RP he's sorta blind....Just read his bio! DX) "Remember the treaty, dad," He said nearing warning. He rarely called him 'Dad,' but knew now would be the perfect time... "Grandpa!" Yelled an overly enthusiastic voice and a little girl ran over to Jack hugging him. In the corner of the room, in the doorway was Roze. "Alexis," She snapped, her voice holding a hitn of a Russian accent. "Yes, darling?" He asked mock-sweetly. "Your getting Naut for the weekend. We're going to bring her back for the weekdays to visit my father's friends in Moscow," She said. "You mean your beign a possessive bi-" "Daddy!" Nautica said warningly. Alexis may have sounded calm, and didn't even change position from lazily layign on the couch, but he was pissed. "Fine. But I'm getting her for the weekend after that," "Fair enough," She near snarled. "See you tomorrow, honey," She waved, and Nautica merely nodded.
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7:19pm Apr 16 2010
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((Sorry ^.- I thought I knew Alexis.)) "No, you're not bringing her anywhere." Jack growled at Roze, calling her back for an argument. "She's staying with me, because she wants to." He added. "Now, Alexis, I don't care about the treaty, I'll *make her go away*"
7:29pm Apr 16 2010
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(He's normally not. Lol, I'm only givign him the glas ses in this one, I promis!) "She is my daughter, you don't have a say," Roze argured. Nautica ran over to Alexis who picked her up and sighed. "I have a feelign Gandpa's going to need to put another twenty in the swear jar," He grumbled to himself, and wlaked over to Roze. "I think we should make sure Nautica is 100% before we take her out to a place liek Moscow, alright?" Alexis said hoping to break tension. Roze was still glarign at her father-in-law, but turned around and wlaked out of the room, growling 'Whatever." Nautica had her head buried in Alexis' chest, not liking what was going on. "What the hell are you thinking, Jack?" Alexis asked walking back over to the couch setting Nautica down, who was clingign to him, so he had to settle for sitting on the couch with her head in his shoulder.
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7:32pm Apr 16 2010
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(('Kay ^.^)) "Well, she's my granddaughter, and yet another heir to my throne, and as long as she's on my land, what I say goes." Jack snarled lowly, poking Nautica. "I'm sorry, darlin'."He added, turning to Alexis. "I wasn't, you should know that. I was thinking about how much of a female dog she is."
7:38pm Apr 16 2010
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Alexis glared at him a second after the first thing he said. "I'll say you worded that in the best way possible, especially the she's my daughter....You knwo how she get's with hostility. ERspecially after that b itch threw me through the friggin' wall." "Well, don't make 'breaking the treaty' threats around her. The last time I thought she'd actually do it. You two quarrel too damn much," He grumbled, takign a dolor out of his pocket and putting it in a jar on the coffee table near the arm rest that Nautica wrote 'Swear Jar!' He set Nautica down on the couch who looked at Jack, tearign up. "No fighting...?" She asked hopefully. "I need to take my medication. Make nice-nice, you two, please?" He questioned, and left the room. (Oh, he just recelntly started meds that will hopefully get his eyes to get better! xD)
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7:49pm Apr 16 2010
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((LOL, hopefully)) "Now, Nautica, what movie would you like to see today?" Jack asked her, silently playing with her hair as the added twenty bucks to the swear jar.
7:56pm Apr 16 2010
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((I have no idea what to post...))