1:43pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Okay, basic RP, I aint too controllin with my RP's, so some rules will be flexible, just ask and I'll probly change some rules for ya: Rules: 1) No God modding 2) No limit to what you wanna say, but use full stops to stop the forum from censoring swearwords. 3) Make sure you ask me before you do anything major.
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1:50pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 2:06pm Mar 4 2010)
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Posts: 2,378
Vampire RP, I'm going to play Dryac, the second oldest vampire ever, however he doesn't age, therefore he has never left his physical peak, he has blood red eyes and wears a black suit with a chaos black trench-coat, he carries powerfull Beretta hand-guns on the belt he wears, he carries extra ammunition attacked to the belt next to the guns, he never seems to run out, although he barely ever needs to use his guns. Here is my BIO: Name: Dryac Age: Centuries of years old. Appearance: 
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1:54pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Join? I might leave if this gets too dark or there is a lot of blood though...I guess I will check it out.XD))
2:02pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 2:44pm Mar 9 2010)
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Name: Illumay Age: Immortal Appearance: 
-Has the ability to control people and animals be looking into their eyes. She cannot control vampires, and she also has an ability which allows her to read emotions and calm people. She is technically only a child, and was changed by Nemesis who she calls her big sister, although they are not related by blood. -------------------------------------------- Name: Nemesis (Nema) Age: Immortal Appearance: 
-Has the ability of darkness manipulation. She can quite literally drown her enemies in shadows and use them to travel at great speed. She can also solidify darkness and use it in a number of ways. The pipe she smokes is venemous to humans. Nemesis was the old blood vampire who changed Illumay after she was attacked and left for dead, and is currently guiding and teaching her.
2:05pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 2,378
(ssather, go ahead, keep it detailed though.) ((Awesome bios kuro! once Ssather has posted his bio I'll kick it off.))
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2:16pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 3:12pm Mar 4 2010)
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Name:Aurora Hawk Age:unknown Gender:female Personality:Aurora is very gloomy and almost always sound bored. She can get angered easily. History:Aurora was born on a day most people think unlucky. In the year she was born it was friday 13th. She has been teased most of her life aboutbut doesn't really care what others think. In her school she got pretty good grades and didn't really even have to study. Her parents took her out of school thinking it wasn't hard enough for her and home schooled her them selves. When she was 9 it all happened. She got in a bad car wreck making her loose most of her memory and go into a deep sleep. Most thought she was died like her parents until she fianlly woke up. She has lived a pretty normal life and became a vampire a few years ago. Looks: Power:Aurora's powers are unknow but when ever she is angered it almost seems like something takes over her. Nickname:Death Other: None
2:22pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac was wandering through the arid streets, car noises and shouts coming from the background, rain coming down hard and fast, he was sick of the modern world, he preferred it when it was all swords and fights to the death, what the humans had coined 'justice' was meaningless to him, he killed when he needed or wanted to, no results would matter to him. He mumbled as he saw a mugging down an alleyway, "handy, I was getting a bit peckish..." Dryac the lunged on the muggers and told the victim to run, he then extended his fangs and drank to his heart's delight on the two useless stains on society.
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2:33pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 2:37pm Mar 4 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
She stopped running. The rain was falling thick and fast, and the young man who had followed was panting, doubled over, a hand on his chest. When he finally got himself together he looked over at the young girl he'd been following. She was only a child, and she looked lost... not to mention downright unusual with her violet eyes and snow white hair. "Are you lost?" he asked. The way she was looking at him made him nervous. Quietly, Illumay laughed. Humans. So gullible. To think she had been one of them not long ago. She saw the young man's nervousness, and took advantage before he could bolt. Her eyes glowed, and suddenly, this young man was under her control. She smiled cruelly as she moved him towards her, before following her insticts and drinking from him while he was powerless to stop it. She dropped what was left, a small stain on her pale face, the red contrasting with the white of her hair. "Well done. Although... I do suggest you be alittle more discreet, and perhaps... not so messy..." Illumay turned, sitting on a house not far behind her was her saviour. The very person who had given her life back. Nemesis. A frankly quite dangerous old blood vampire. She looked stunning, sat with her legs crossed, her black dress almost seemed to be woven from the shadows themselves, and her auburn hair shone with pure white streaks. This beauty of the night had saved Illumay's life. Illumay, the child who had fallen prey to a murderer, only to be saved by the vampire. She remembered like it was yesterday. Hell, she had been frightened when she first woke up as a vampire. Nemesis however had calmed her and helped her, and now, she was learning from the best. "I'm sorry... sister Nema... I guess I got carried away" Illumat brought her hand across her mouth, wiping away the excess blood, a small smile lighting her pale face.
2:37pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac cleaned his mouth on the sleeve of one of the stains, he then heard voices, familiar voices... vampire voices, he sniffed the air and leapt up onto the wall of the alleyway, looking across the city, he saw the one he recognised sat on a house, he then leapt into the air and flew to where the girl was, "I know you, from where?" Dryac had impatience in his voice, certain memories had gone... missing from his mind pan, so he need to recall them.
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2:51pm Mar 4 2010
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Nemesis didn't even flinch at the site of the other vampire. She simply placed the pipe she always carried into her mouth, poisonous red smoke filtering from the end. "I do not know you, I'm afraid." She turned to look at him. No, she DID recognise him. She had seen him around... a very powerful vampire, if she was correct. She did not actually know him however. Down on the floor, still standing besides the dead human being, Illumay hissed at the newcomer, as Nemesis removed the pipe from her mouth and blew out a trail of that same red smoke, which curled in the air before her before been blown away by a slight wind. "Do not be hasty, little one..." She said, looking down at the violet eyed girl. She turned back to the male. "Who exactly are you... and what makes you think you know me?" Illumay was still hissing slightly. She couldn't help it, she was still new to her vampire senses, and any dangerous creature (other powerful vampires) made her nervous, she did try to stop herself but it never usually worked. She simply stood, looking up at the two vampires on the rooftop, her eyes curious and guarded.
3:17pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 3:59pm Mar 4 2010)
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Aurora sniffed the air. Her throat hurt and she couldn't get enough air...Not that she needed it. She drug her hands through her purple hair closing her eyes. She could sence that something was close. It wasn't human though. Vampires? She thought. I have never smelt a vampire here before... She walked forwards curiously. She looked at the vampires from a far distence wanting to make sure it was safe. Her eyes looked bored and disapointed,"May as well see what is going on." She whispered her voice sounding cold and as sharp as a knife. She walked towards the her eyes still bored.
3:58pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 15,067
2:05am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Of course you can chance.)) Dryac's head snapped his head round to face the younger looking girl and he snarled at her before growling the words, "You would do well to watch your toung with me little one, or else I may have to rip it from that dripping cavern you call a mouth." Dryac then looked at the girl he recognised, "I am Dryac, I am the second vampire ever created, I am not one of these plague vampires you see around lately, I am one of the original breed. I am ageless, therefore I do not keep track of my birth year, pointless, trivial human trait, I don't need it." Dryac sat back on the house and sniffed the air, "There is another coming, they don't smell dangerous, but... I suppose you never know." Dryac then stood on the rooftop, the rain still beating down, and he glanced over at teh city, seeing the figure walking towards them, he recognised this one too, but from where? "We should wait and see what it is she wants." Dryac then offered his hand to the older girl, "Happy to make the aquaintance of such a powerful vamire as yourself."
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9:52am Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 9:56am Mar 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Nemesis simply looked at the male vampire, looking both slightly annoyed and slightly curious. "You would do well to leave my young blood out of this." By saying "young blood" she was pointing out that the child below them was of her making, which made Illumay a very special child, afterall, she had been changed by an "Old Blood" vampire, and the Old Bloods were the rarest breed. The girl had been changed with Nemesis' blood, and because of this they shared a certain bond... Besides, she had grown quite fond of having another, younger vampire around, and should this vampire choose to so much as harm the girl then Nemesis would have to get involved. Violently, most likely. She blew another puff of red smoke from her mouth. The rest of what he had said however, was completely true. Most vampires these days were not old blood. They were plague blood, unable to control their need to drink. It made them both dangerous and unreliable. Nemesis looked down at Illumay, who was still looking up at them curiously. "I shall see you later, Young One... You know where I am" With that, Nemesis nodded at the vampire who had joined them, letting him know she wasn't completely blanking him before dissapearing in a flurry of shadow. Illumay remained where she was, simply looking at the male with her curious eyes.
9:58am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac snarled at the young girl, sick of always getting short-handed, "Where did she go young one? I would rather talk to her and try to make an ally, then have to hunt her and slay another enemy." Dryac then glanced up towards the rainy night sky, he loved the feeling of rain on his skin, he let the rain was the hair from his face, his long black hair was now down his back, his face cleared for all to see, includung the deep looking scar right down the left side of his face, only barely missing his eye, "Sorry if I frighten you little one, I can be mean and menacing, it is just my way, it comes natural to me. Oh, and the scar I got from a fight with a demon, those old things didn't know what was coming, but then I guess neither did my face."
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9:59am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
10:05am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Go ahead devil.))
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10:09am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Reu: Thanks! ^^) Name: Alexis Brimmings Age: 19 Appearance: He is skinny and tall, almost unnaturally slender. He has jet black short hair and Emerald Green eyes. He wears a tight leather dress that shows off his left leg from the thigh. His arms are covered in the red leather form the tight Kimono, but he wears red leather gloves, and wear clingly leather black pants and leather high heeled red boots. The Kimono is dark red almsot seeming Orange, and leather-like material. He wears black mascara and puts white make up on his face. He wears red lipstick. He is easily and always mistaken for a woman, He also wears a black tee shirt, under the red kimono.
Isn't this fun?
10:30am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Illumay blinked. "It's not wise to hunt her... She is an Old Blood. And so are you, right?, I can tell by your scent." Illumay jumped, landing onto the roof with ease. She looked up at the menacing figure before her. My... He was really quite tall, and dangerous looking too. She smiled at him. Sure, it probably wasn't a good decision, walking straight up to a strange vampire like this, but clearly Nema had thought she'd be safe enough to be left alone. "You said your name was Dryac right?... The second vampire ever created?..." She tilted her head, her glowing violet eyes questioning. "So... who was the first? Do you know?" She was quite the curious child, Illumay. Her personality had not changed much since she was human, and she was always asking questions. Sister Nema had always been patient enough to answer them. Illumay loved Nema, she had saved her life afterall... And even after that, Nema had always taken care of her, teaching her the ways of the Old Bloods. The Old Blood herself was heartless plenty of the time, seeing as vampires her age tended to harden themselves to their emotions, but Illumay had learnt to live with that side of sister Nema. She smiled again at the tall male in front of her, her face full of childish joy and innocence.
10:31am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I have no idea where to start. T__T")
Isn't this fun?