8:46pm May 3 2009
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Posts: 3,557
(Okay, this is unusual Vampy RP. XD)
On the night of the full moon Vampires come out. If you see them, don't scream and shout. They only want you're blood. Just walk around, only in the sun. The night is the only tyime they stay. So you have all day to play. I made this RP for the fun of it. My rhyming sucks Britt D'X ______ Out of all of these vampires, there is only one of pure blood.... A young man working on a case of a murder has found out somethnig rather awkward. The body was not only drained of blood, but her eyes were red, and her corpse was pale. As if it were dead for a lon time. Kain had been trying to find out exactly what had killed this woman as his assignment, but there were no signs of a struggle, no signs of fear, no fingerprints even. At soon as the sun went down, Kain was just about ready to call it a night when as soon as he went for the door a cold hand reached for his shoulder. As soon as he turned around, he saw the face of the young woman that was a corpse. /WAS/ being quite the proper past tense. Kain struggled as bst he could, but to no avail. He felt the creature put it's lips against the nape of Kain's neck, then something amazin happened. The creature dropped to the round, dead, decapitated. Kain looked around, too see what exactly happened, but the only thing he noticed was the window. Opened. He ofcourse had to explain to his superior that he didn't decapitate it, also, he had to expalin it without sounding stupid. Kain later got fired. He was pissed, but was just happy to be alive. He went home, angrily now knowing, he'd have to try and find a new job. But something was amiss. As soon as he went into his room, he noticed his window was opened. He closed it immediatly, then looked around his room, hoping nothing was stolen. He then noticed something. a freshly cut rose was set on his bed, along with a note. Kain read it. "I'm sorry, for last night. Please forgive me." Was all the note said. Perplexed Kain put the rose in a vase, and reread the note several times, curious as to what it meant.... Ugh. Britt, you know you're que. You're the onyl pure blood vampire. XD Lucky you. XD Anybody else who plays is human. You all will ahve their eyes on the vampy or Kain, or whoever. XD
Isn't this fun?
8:50pm May 3 2009
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Posts: 3,265
((Can I join?))
8:51pm May 3 2009
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Name: Age: Gender: looks: Personality: (Sure. XD)
Isn't this fun?
8:59pm May 3 2009
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Posts: 11,785
Have I told you I love you? x3 I'm totally bringing in Kiromaru. He's my original gentleman vampire.
Nah. :D
I WANNA USE COLURZ! *waves paintbrush* :'D
Jade...I need to do something for you. :3))
9:06pm May 3 2009
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Posts: 3,557
(XD *Glompage Britt* No problem! I'm just happy you put up with me. XD) Kain walked out of his house. After the note and the rose, he didn't want to sleep. "..Now, what I wanna know is..Who left it?....*Gasp* Did he mean that thning trying to kill me? Did this person save me?....Then in that case..Is it a woman....? Or a guy perhaps..?" Kain sighed. 'I'm sor comfused.
Isn't this fun?
9:10pm May 3 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((I'm glad I don`t scare you anymore~! <3
*wants to do something like what I did in 'Getting Away With Murder'*
I felt so literate.... :'D
Longest posts I've made recently. <3))
11:29pm May 3 2009
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Posts: 3,557
(You stopped scaring me awhile ago. *Puts shotgun BackInDrawrXD* We're best friends? *ActualyHasNoRealFriends* You're like my pin-pal/RP buddy :3 Anyway what do you have in mind for us to do here? You're call Britt-Britt. XD)
Isn't this fun?
4:02am May 4 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((OOOO: *feelsspecial*
I'm sure we would be best friends if we met eachother. :D Your ferrets seem fun. XD
And you are my bestest RP buddy. :'D))
A man was walking through the city, eyes hidden behind sunglasses so he wouldn't start a riot. His long ebony hair started swaying on a breeze.
Then he smelled it.
He slid his pale hands into his jeans pockets, bright orange and red eyes glowing like embers behind his sunglasses.
To cover his pale skin, he used a black longsleeve with a jungle scene featuring a roaring tiger. He actually loved that shirt.
He followed the scent, looking like someone who was simply going for a night-walk.
10:37am May 4 2009
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Posts: 3,557
(I feel like a special idiot! :'D We can't be too far tohugh, right? We're in the same time zone. XD We're almost exactly alike...We're both spychotic yaoi-obsessod-sailor mouhted-anime addicts that tewnd to take the computer over sleep or a meal. XD And my ferret's are fun. And my pet kitten likes to bite me. Hang on I have to put her back in the next room before I loose me left ear. XD) Kain decided to walk trought a small alley and stopped in the middle. "...*Siggh* It's so beautiful at night..." He then looked down. "...That letter....It /must/ have been the one who saved me from that thing." He thought to himself. He jumped and almost screamed when a arbage can was knocked over by a small kitten. "Jeeze!! Don't do that!" He said, shaking slightly. "Mew!" The kitten ran in the other direction. "..Ugh...Just my luck....." Kain continued walking. 'Now I'm thirsty. Wonder if there are any coffee shops open." He said walking out of the ally walking past the strangest seight. A man with chesnut hair and the coolest/strangest shirt he's ever seen with a jungle feature on it, and he was wearing sunglases at night. He seemed to give the aura of someone that would make any other woman look back or even flirt, but Kain ignored it, not wanting to seem...Well...Wierd. The small kitten from before wlaked up to the man and nuzzled him. He put his I-Pod on, and played Paralyzer.
Isn't this fun?
10:37am May 4 2009
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Posts: 3,557
(I feel like a special idiot! :'D We can't be too far tohugh, right? We're in the same time zone. XD We're almost exactly alike...We're both spychotic yaoi-obsessod-sailor mouhted-anime addicts that tewnd to take the computer over sleep or a meal. XD And my ferret's are fun. And my pet kitten likes to bite me. Hang on I have to put her back in the next room before I loose me left ear. XD) Kain decided to walk trought a small alley and stopped in the middle. "...*Siggh* It's so beautiful at night..." He then looked down. "...That letter....It /must/ have been the one who saved me from that thing." He thought to himself. He jumped and almost screamed when a arbage can was knocked over by a small kitten. "Jeeze!! Don't do that!" He said, shaking slightly. "Mew!" The kitten ran in the other direction. "..Ugh...Just my luck....." Kain continued walking. 'Now I'm thirsty. Wonder if there are any coffee shops open." He said walking out of the ally walking past the strangest seight. A man with chesnut hair and the coolest/strangest shirt he's ever seen with a jungle feature on it, and he was wearing sunglases at night. He seemed to give the aura of someone that would make any other woman look back or even flirt, but Kain ignored it, not wanting to seem...Well...Wierd. The small kitten from before wlaked up to the man and nuzzled him. He put his I-Pod on, and played Paralyzer.
Isn't this fun?
4:17pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((True. :D I live in the Old Dominion state. P: And yes. We are. :D ...I wanna kitten! D: All I have is my sister's cat who's usually outside, but likes to lay on me sometimes...And my grandmother's fat-ass mutt. :3 She's a sweet dog, though. <3 And ebony=black. :D Like ivory is white...Ebony and Ivory. <3)) The man's gaze followed Kain before he bent down to pick up the kitten, gently stroking it. He turned his head, breathing in Kain's scent, registering it permanently in his memory. He lifted his sunglasses from his eyes, his left eye colored a vibrant orange and flecked with crimson, while his left was a glowing, vibrant red, flecked with the orange coloring his right eye. He scratched the kitten behind one of its ears, smiling. "What's a cute little thing like you doing out here all alone?" He asked the little kitten. ((Yay for creative/weird eye colors. :D))
4:32pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 2,671
(( join? ))
Name: Zero (<3)
Age: (edit)
Gender: Male
Personality: Silent but kind. He has blood lust problems and he will try to attack people if they are not careful. He will be nice, but strict about things as well. He doesn't like practical jokes, he doesn't hate them, they just annoy him...
Taking a long break from Res due to Stress levels. Will pop in and out. If you wish to contact me, RMAIL ONLY. I WILL NOT BE ROLEPLAYING. I WILL NOT COME BACK NOT MATTER THE AMOUNT OF BEGGING.
5:09pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 3,557
(Hmmm. I wonder if Zero will bite Kain. XD) Kain looked back. "..Oh, that's not you're cat is it?..If I kne,w I would have handed it to you." He said srugging slightly.
Isn't this fun?
5:18pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 11,785
"No. Believe me, I wouldn't leave a little kitten in the streets." He stroked the kitten's head, then turned his head to look at Kain with his fiery bi-colored eyes."I'm sort of an...oddball, for lack of better words." He grinned. ((XD))
5:23pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 3,557
Kain couldn't help but smiled back. "..Oh..Sorry for bothering you then." He smiled titling his head a little, then started walkin again. The yellow letter had dropped on the ground when he turned. (I have to chare my battery soon T_T')
Isn't this fun?
5:37pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((No comment on his bi-colored eyes? XD He did take off his sunglasses, after all. P: And nuuuu!! D:)) The man moved up the the letter, picking it up with a smile."I see you got my letter, then?" He asked, looking up at Kain, his scarlet-flecked orange eye glowing, while his orange-flecked scarlet eye seemed to burn like fire. The pure-blooded vampire, an odd creature in himself, even without his strange, yet oddly enticing eyes.
5:56pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 3,991
((Heyy Kia can I join?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:58pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 11,785
((..... GDSKGFJLDSJGAKJSGKADGAKJL!!!!!!! *glompsSerenity* :'DDDDDDD))
6:05pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 3,991
((*Falls back slightly* Rika! I guess your happy to see me!))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:06pm May 4 2009
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Posts: 2,671
(( lol Rika fSDAFSADFSDA *tackles* XD ))
Zero walked on a dark empty street and kept still in the shadows. He felt a burning desire in his mind, and it seemed to take control of him. He felt the flare from the hunt consume his mind as he thought of digging his fangs into flesh, human flesh. He lunged out at a someone walking by (no one in particular but if wished fill free to do so ^_^). He dug his fangs into his meal and dug in. He felt the burning desire fade, and he lurched back. His eyes were blazing red. But soon they faded. Realizing what he had done, he turned and fled to the darkest alleyway and disappeared from sight...
Taking a long break from Res due to Stress levels. Will pop in and out. If you wish to contact me, RMAIL ONLY. I WILL NOT BE ROLEPLAYING. I WILL NOT COME BACK NOT MATTER THE AMOUNT OF BEGGING.