Vampires | Humans | Werewolves

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10:02am Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 4:00am Dec 7 2011)

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Posts: 5,998
The Night-Mist vampire Clan has always been at war with the Pack of Vanishing Dreams, a werewolf tribe that lived in the same forest. The war started when a bloodthirsty fledgling vampire crossed into werewolf territory, later killed in a fight with two patrolling werewolves. To avenge the fledgling, the vampires slayed a juvenile werewolf, and the killing continued well over a century.
However, humans discovered the forest and established a small town there. Stylish apartments and skyscrapers bordered the forest, making it hard to fight without gaining attention from the humans. Will the arrival of Brookvale, the human town, stop the fight, or will they only be dragged into this bloody battle?


- No Mary/Gary Sues. I check.

- If you make two females, make a male. If you make two males, make a female, etc. If the gender ratio is extremely unbalanced, you people who join with 1 character will be asked to make another of the opposite gender.

- Same thing applies to the species. Don't make all of your characters one species.

- Romance and violence are really encouraged, but keep things PG

- Please be semi-literate/above

- If you break any of these rules twice, I have the right to ask you to leave.

- Please be active, and make one of your words in your bios purple.

- Do NOT ask to join. Just post your bios.


Personality: [not an option]


10:02am Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 3:33am Dec 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

Vanished Dreams

Alpha Male: Closed
Alpha Female: Akida Kani - Iceheart46
Beta Male: Alex Hamilton - WolfieBelle
Beta Female: Closed
Levi Telco - Tld
Zera Alliender - WolfieBelle
1 spot open

Night Mist

Leader: Keishi - Tld
Second-in-Command: Dante Carlton - Pyrric
Solstice Whitlock - WolfieBelle
Alice Touya - Pyrric
Ari Tallion - Tld
Siphus - Iceheart46
Sven - Twintkitty

Sanae Aoi - Tld
Hunter Carwile - WolfieBelle
Raphaela - Twintkitty
Shay Peyel - Iceheart46



We're going to RP vampires according to my definition and imagination of them. They're creatures who feast solely on humans, though they can last for a couple of months without blood. Vampires have two elongated canines, they don't poke out of the mouth but are immediately visible if the vampire opens their mouth, so the only way of hiding their fangs is to keep their mouth shut. They have superhuman strength and speed, and can control their bloodlust unless they're literally surrounded by humans. They can walk in the sun, but resistance is limited and will start feeling pain after a few minutes and death under an hour. Vampires usually live on for centuries.
Fledgling vampires are newly bitten vampires, unable to control their bloodlust and are usually much stronger than normal vampires. They need blood at least once a week, and will be unable to control their instincts when near blood. Containing their sanity is very hard when near a human, but quite doable if taught. Fledgling vampires will usually be able to settle down after a month, though pain will constantly wreck their changing bodies during that time.
To make this RP unique, only the leader and second-in-command vampires are capable of transforming humans into vampires. The rest of the vampires only give humans a feeling of ecstasy when bitten and fed on.

Same thing with werewolves, my version. Werewolves are perfectly normal humans by daylight, and at night, they can change into wolves (pelt color is identical to the werewolf's natural hair color). They can morph at moonless nights, though werewolves are usually more controlled and weaker during then. They become more powerful when the moon shows more light, meaning a werewolf is weakest during moonless nights. During the full moon, a werewolf would be susceptible of going 'berserk', where they gain a ridiculous amount of power, the strength to combat 5 vampires, and destroy anything in sight. They are strongest then, but may be unable to control their strength. Werewolves have a lifespan slightly longer than a human's, the oldest werewolf being 200 years old when he died.
Juvenile werewolves are newly transformed humans. Their powers are extremely unstable and are more likely to go berserk, even during nights where the moon isn't full. They are the only ones that, on very rare occasions, can turn into a wolf during the day, though effects are very short and usually the juvenile is bewildered and unable to think right. Juveniles are basically quite destructive and are always accompanied by senior werewolves, and their appetite for meat is voracious.

... Really.
Can change into a vampire when bitten by a leader/second-in-command
Can change into a werewolf when bitten/scratched.

Yes, these ideas are a combination of a lot of stuff I read ._.


11:40am Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 8:22pm Nov 23 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
Name: Alex Hamilton
Age: Recently turned seventeen.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Alex stands at an average height of 5'10". His skin is lightly tanned and he has long, lean muscles covering his body. (He also has a very visible four-pack.) His facial features are complimentary to his icy grey-green eyes. His nose points downward slightly, and his chin has a dimple in the center. When he smiles, his cheeks also gain dimples in them, and he reveals a mouth full of white teeth. His mouth is thin-lipped, and his lips are a normal shade of pink like any other person's. His jaw is square and strong. His hair is an ashy blonde color, and it spikes forward a bit towards his forehead. It is neatly cut, and well kept. He normally wears a pair of old blue jeans, a loose-fitting tee shirt, and a pair of old converse.
Personality: Alex is charismatic, funny, and a dreamer. He is often called immature by his peers for going out of his way to make others laugh. In hard times, he tends to make a couple of jokes. If those don't work, he simply gives up and shuts his mouth. Most girls tend to like him, but it isn't a guarantee.
Crush: Open
Species: Werewolf.
Rank: Beta? If not, then just a normal pack member.
Other: Nopperz.


Name: Solstice "Sol" Whitlock
Age: She looks to be around fifteen.
Gender: Female
Appearance: Solstice is very small for her age. She stands just above five feet tall, but her body is perfectly proportional. She is rather skinny, as most vampires are, weighing in at only 95 pounds, but don't let looks deceive you. Underneath her small, childlike appearance is a predator. Her skin is as pale as porcelain. Her wavy shoulder-length hair is a stark crimson red color. Strangely enough, Sol's eyes are the same color as her hair, but they aren't very noticeable. She has a scar on her back. It's three claw marks that start on her left shoulder and go to her right hip. Her facial features are round and soft, adding even more to her innocent appearance. Her nose tilts slightly upward, and is small. Her chin is slightly rounded, and her ears are small also. Sol's fashion style is one to be admired. Her outfit consists of a short black dress with a crimson belt just below her bust, and a pair of leggings that are the same shade as the belt. Her feet are normally bare, but if she wears shoes, they're always high heels.
Personality: Sol is normally quiet. She keeps to herself, and she likes it that way. If you interest her, she'll talk to you, but if she sees no need, why waste her breath? She's had a history with werewolves, and quite frankly, she hates their guts. She wishes that she had a real family, but she doesn't linger on wishful thinking much. Sol is very mature, and she socializes with people that are older than her.
Crush: Open
Species: Vampire
Rank: Just a normal vampire.
Other: Um... No.


Name: Zera Alliender
Age: Sixteen.
Gender: Female
Appearance: Zera stands out in a crowd. With waist-length straight white-blonde hair that is often mistaken to actually be white, she's not hard to identify. Her skin is pale, but not as pale as porcelain. Her features are quite common. She has a small nose that tilts neither up or down. Her eyes are almond-shaped, and the color of tarnished silver. She has a flat chest, but most people don't look at that. They look at her legs. Her legs are long and muscular, given that she runs a lot. She weighs in at around 120 pounds, most of it being muscle, standing at a height of 5'7". Her usual outfit consists of a pair of short, ripped, faded shorts, a light blue fitted tank top, and knee-high colorful converse.
Personality: Zera is a fireball. She's fiesty, and she's not afraid to admit it. Most people tell her that she could argue with a fence post. She replies with, "Well, if the fence post had something smart to say, I sure would." She's compassionate and caring, and she has a very strong maternal nature. She does things without thinking most of the time, but it doesn't phase most people who know her well enough.
Crush: Open
Species: Werewolf.
Rank: Juvenile.
Other: No.


Name: Hunter Carwile
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male
Appearance: Hunter is one that would easily be considered a bad boy. His jet-black hair is shaggy and occasionally covers his left eye. His skin is nicely tanned, and his eyes are a bright blue. He stands at a stunning 6'3", and he is very well muscled. His features are all angles, his nose pointing downward sharply, chin jutting out a bit, and his jaw slightly back. His lips are a normal color and they are often cracked. His chest is full of scars, but you wouldn't see them unless he pulled his shirt off. He has a love for leather, therefore he always has a leather jacket on. His outfit consists of a black muscle shirt, a pair of dark jeans, black boots, and, of course, a leather jacket.
Personality: Hunter fades into the background a lot. He hates being the center of attention, and he doesn't have many friends. However, underneath his cold, hard exterior, he's just a big teddy bear. He loves children, and can often be spotted at a park on a bench just watching them play. He has a motorcycle, and treats it much like a child of his own.
Species: Human.
Rank: Um... Normal human? XD
Other: No.

Love is all we need~


1:15pm Nov 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Name: Keishi
Age: Appears to be 17
Gender: Male
Keishi is more like the definition of elegance and eloquence. He's extremely intelligent, one of the smartest, and can remain calm even in the most chaotic situations. Keishi has a rather quiet personality too, preferring to spend time by himself or amongst animals, rarely partaking in festivities and celebrations. His politeness can calm down any angry adult. Keishi hates fights, especially the constant battle between the mouse and cat in the Sohma family. Despite his regal personality, Keishi can also be cold and unsympathetic. He rarely trusts anyone outside of his family and friend circle.
Species: Vampire
Rank: Leader
Crush: None
Other: None


Name: Ari Tallion
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Ari is extremely imaginative, and also rather unrealistic. She loves to dream up of her own fantasies, refusing to see reality. Because of this, she's perceived as an airhead. She hates it when someone comes raining on her parade, often leaving in a huff due to her short temper. She can't tolerate mess either, always nagging her friends to clean up or cleaning up herself. Ari is also a bit of a hopeless romantic, believing in true love and hoping to meet her own one day. Because of this, she comes off as extremely dreamy with her head up in the clouds, even though her senses are quite keen. She hates any sort of work, usually putting it off until the last minute.
Species: Vampire
Rank: Fledgling
Crush: None
Other: None


Name: Levi Telco
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Drawn for me by Gerychi, yes it belongs to me
Levi is playful and quite relaxed. He may seem cold and distant at first, since Levi isn't one to trust a stranger. Levi is also smart, though he lacks common sense. He's extremely blunt with things, though he gets away with a lot of insults due to his air-headed and cheery personality. He's also extremely impatient, unable to sit still for long periods of time and preferring to act on impulse instead of carefully considering his actions. Levi hates apologizing for things he did, even if it was his mistake. 
Species: Werewolf
Rank: Member
Crush: None
Other: His grandfather is one of the werewolves who started the war


Name: Sanae Aoi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Once again, mine >I
Sanae, to put in a few words, is idiotic, rough and naïve. Her native home is in Japan, and being in a new environment a few years ago was rather overwhelming. However, Sanae is extremely competitive, and caught onto the English language quickly. She does slip up occasionally, though she doesn't like to admit her imperfections. She's not very gentle with things, leave her in a room filled with glass and something will surely break. Sanae is also loud, cheery and outspoken, always voicing out her opinions. She loves parties, though Sanae, being naïve, thinks of parties in the 'festival' way, not the modern-teenager way. Like Levi, Sanae also is blunt, unable to take insults from classmates.
Species: Human
Crush: None
Other: None


3:12pm Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 5:30pm Dec 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 301
Name: Alice
Age: Appears to be 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold, blunt, and rather gloomy. She can be especially clingy and attached, and sometimes acts like a child. Being unusually quiet, she can appear without notice, sometimes spooking people. 
Crush: Open
Species: Vampire
Rank: Member
Other: She has the power of electricity.

Name: Kain
Age: Appears to be 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Stone like, quiet, detached, cold and icy. He is rather dismissive, and doesn't trust anyone. 
Crush: Open
Species: Vampire
Rank: Second in command?
Other: --


4:57pm Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 5:19pm Nov 23 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

Name:Lily Taylor (Shadow)
Personality:Rp out?
Other:Zak's sister.

Name:Zak Hallam (Dark)
Personality:Rp out?
Other:Lily's brother.

Name:Steve Johnson
Personality:Rp out?

Name:Halee Pringle
Personality: Rp out?
Rank:Alpha female is not just a member


I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

5:26pm Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 7:36am Nov 25 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 255

Name: Tera Copata
Age: *Looks* 16, age really unknown.
Gender: Female
Appearance: Bright red hair that is 1' 6'' and slightly ungroomed. Pale skin with barely any freckles or scars, except for the bite on his arm which is only a couple years old. Denim jeans with deep pockets to hide her hands if she has "symptoms" during the day. Short-sleeved teal shirt with a picture of a wolf. Her eyes are a deep, unforgettable green.
Personality: Estremely smart for her age, whatever it is. Got all A+'s when she was human, now she prefers to stay out of the war and read books. However the leader often calls her out for her talents, and the reason she doesn't like to go into war is because she is so good at it. She savors it. However her love for humans pulls her back... and the humans deeper into the territory of the Werewolves and Vampires. 
Whenever she has a moment where she can't read a book, Tera is always talking. She spews out facts like a textbook. She usually seems boring to other people and most of the time is alone.
Crush: Open
Species: Werewolf
Rank: Juvenile
Other: Nada


7:33pm Nov 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
When can we start? :o


8:15pm Nov 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Spirit, I don't consider you semi-literate and I don't believe you read the rules or my bio skeletons -.-
Diamond and Wolfie, please read the rules. ]]


8:20pm Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 8:21pm Nov 23 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((Um... I did read the rules, and to my knowledge, I followed them. However, if you believe I have overlooked one of them, please tell me.
EDIT: Found the rule I missed. Sorry. I could've sworn I read all of the rules.))

Love is all we need~


8:06am Nov 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 255

Oops. Maybe I read the last couple of rules too fast. All I got the first time was "Please be active." on that last one.

Fixed my mistake and read over the rules again.


8:17am Nov 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Actually, Diamond, I also find Tera a bit of a Mary Sue since I can't find any definite flaws ._.
And we also need an Alpha/Alphess for the werewolves. ]]


1:01pm Nov 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(I did read the rules and bio. -.-)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

5:42pm Nov 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 255

Wouldn't loving humans be a flaw to the Werewolves?


7:59pm Nov 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ You did not, Spirit, because I have placed something in the rules that will prove whether or not people have read it ^^'
Not necessarily, since it's more like an abnormality that would fit in with the plot. A flaw would be something that others, including humans, would find annoying/repulsive. ]]


7:34am Nov 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 255

OK, I'll add something.


7:47am Nov 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

[ /stalks stalkery-ly]


7:52am Nov 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Accepted now, Diamond c:
Twintherp should join >c ]]


2:28pm Nov 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

[ Zozo might join this. U: ]


6:45pm Nov 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Zozo must join this :u ]]

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