I'll join.
Name: Featherswift
Positon: Warrior/Queen for now
Mate: Eaglestar
Clan: Thunderclan
Offspring: Monarchkit, Branchkit and Ravenkit
Gender: She-Cat

Bio: Featherswift was very loyal to her clan, from saving from fire and dogs, she has been there. She has had downs, getting caught in bramble as she was trying to fufill StarClan's destiny.
Name: Eaglestar
Positon Leader
Mate: Featherswift
Clan: Thunderclan
Gender: Tom

Bio: A sandy tom- with a scarred flank.
Name: Mosswing
Position: Warrior
Mate: Open
Clan: Riverclan
Gender: She-cat

Bio: Mossheart's mother died from a fox attack shortly after born. All her siblings died from starving but only Mossheart survived. She was very popular with the caln and always was because she caught her first fish when she was two moons old. She will always stay loyal and is a strong fighter, watch it!
Name: Monarchkit-Monarchwing
Clan: Thunder
Gender: She Cat
Bio: Monarchkit is known for mischef, she has already almost drowned in the river.
She is still popular for her devoted mother and father.
Clan: Thunder
Gender: She Cat
Appearence: A white she-cat with unusual marks on her face and a stumpy tail.
Bio: A daughter of Featherswift's she wants to heal cats as she hates to see them die.
Name: Ravenkit-Ravensoar
Clan: Thunderclan
Gender: Tom
Appearence: A black kit with alluring green eyes.

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Bio: Ravensoar was the least popular of Featherswift's kits, however she knew she loved him more than everything else, he wanted to be just like his father so cats will never doubt him again. They'd be chanting "Ravenstar! Ravenstar!" But he looked nothing like his father or moither. None of his siblings did. One day he will show the clan that they should never doubt him again.