I'll Join too. It's fun to be in this kind of RP.
Name: Moonstar
Age: 25 moons [25 months]
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Leader
Personality:A rather young leader, her mentor was a leader himself at the time. She has great courage and she will leave something to remember if you cross the territory.
History: Forest born.
Looks: A white cat with unusual green eyes.
Mate/crush: Open
Clan: River
Name: Featherswift
Age: 15 moons [15 months]
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Personality: A very good hunter and tree climber for Riverclan but she will not let you get away with just a few scrathes in a fight. Her mother {Moonstar before leader} gave her this name because he little white paws look like feathers. She was surprised she gave her warrior name to her own kit! She is on of the most quiet cats you've known but not so quiet in a fight.
History: Forest born.
Looks: A dun and white tabby.
Mate/crush: Open
Clan: River