We are not animals (supernatural RP)

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6:13pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 6:20pm Dec 11 2010)

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This is a private Role play i will list who is allowed to join when Weba tells me.



Supernatural creatures where becoming instinct and so to save them scientists got the D.N.A. of the rarest of creatures e.g. Shape shifters, Werewolves and Vampires. To do this they took some babies that where compatible with the D.N.A. and injected them with it sometime they experiment and mix the D.N.A. to create new breeds. When the babies grew up and began showing their powers the scientists knew they could start introducing them to one another in hopes they reproduce but in stead the children escape. Now they have hunters and the scientists after them one to kill then the other to lock them up. Erm


No Mary-Sueing, Gary-Sueing, etc.
Romance and violence are extremely encouraged (what would an RP be without them, anyway?)
You can only join if you posted on the original board, or on invite.
One power per character.

Other DNA:
Anything else:



6:14pm Dec 11 2010

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6:18pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 6:36pm Dec 11 2010)

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Artemis Rutherford /// Apollo Rutherford
Gender: Female /// Male
Age: 15 /// 17
Other DNA: Vampire /// Wizard
Looks: She has fair skin, wavy black hair that falls to her mid-back, and light silver eyes. She usually wears a black leather jacket atop a black tank top, black jeans, and knee-length black boots. /// Apollo has silvery-grey hair that is cut short at chin-length. His face is narrow, giving him an ill-colored look. His eyes are a shade darker than his sister's. In contrast to his sister, Apollo wears all white or very light shades of grey.
Personality: Artemis is a bit of a loner, seeing as she's never had any friends. She likes to read fiction books, and is a practitioner of Wicca. She is quiet and kind, and extremely loyal, so once you gain her trust you have a friend for life. /// Apollo is shy like his sister. However, he barely opens up to anyone, not even his sister. Apollo, despite his looks, practices Dark Magic instead of White Magic. Despite this, he is also a Wiccan. If you get on his bad side, then you are in a lot of danger. But if you somehow get on his good side, then he will give his life for you.
S.O.: Bi /// Gay
Crush: OPEN /// OPEN
Power: Telepathy /// None
Anything else: Artemis and Apollo are brother and sister.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


6:18pm Dec 11 2010

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6:19pm Dec 11 2010

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I invite you to join, Feyth. :D

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


6:21pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 6:31pm Dec 11 2010)

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Posts: 6,948



Name: Miyuko Amira Pheonix (Called Amira or Miyu)

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Other DNA: Vampire


Personality: Amira is mute (Is that alright?) meaning she can't speak, but she and her pokemon are one now and she reallydoesn't need to tell them to do anything. Amira can also write, so she isn't helpless, not at all. She is like a bat with her personality, quiet and reserved and only opening up when she feels like it.
S.O.: Straight
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Nope
Power: She can manipulate water/ice

Anything else: She needs human blood to survive, but can live off animal blood. It just weakens her a bit.


Name: Forest Corna
Gender: Male
Age: 14

Other DNA: Shape-shifter


Personality: He is a fun loving human who is very cheerful all the time. In his human form, he is a kllutz. Period. But in his tiger form, he is quick and agile, but a bit skiddish. He is spooked easily and he is very cautious because of this. Some might say he is so cautious that he is on the verge of being paraniod.

S.O.: Straight
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Nope
Power: He can shapeshift, but besides that? He can half shapeshift, like stay in human form, but the get the speed of the tiger in it.

Anything else: Nu.

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6:25pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 7:36pm Dec 11 2010)

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Other DNA:Shape Shifter.
Personality:Kazumi is quiet, shy, and reserved. She mostly likes to be by herself but is cheerful and hyper once you get to know her.
BF/GF:Not yet.
Power:Shape Shifter.
Anything else:Nope.


6:25pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((The shifting that my species do is a natural thing that happens during breeding seasons usually...but since the DNA is mixed I guess it could a certain time daily/monthly or something. Like, the Celestiali could shift during the night, while the Glearli shift during the day? Celestiali embody pleasant thing, while Glearli embody bad. ouo;))


6:37pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 2,713

((Accepted, all. c:))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


6:49pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 2,713

((Should we start?))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


6:54pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((I'm not XD))


7:28pm Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 5:31pm Dec 12 2010)

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Name: Izaki
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Other DNA: Glearli
His creature form is catlike in build but has a pair of bat-like wings and those same glowing red eyes. He has a serpent for a tail and the paws of a dragon, along with the face of a wolf. He has large fangs that are tipped with poison that is supplied by his serpent tail and has sharp, serrated claws so that when he latches onto something, he doesn't get flung off. Around his neck is a tight chain that has more of it trailing behind him, rattling noisily against the ground. This chain connects to four shackles, one on each paw. His wings have rips and tears in them, leaving them tattered ad useless, but adding to how frightening he is. Oh yeah. Did I mention he has these bright red markings, which are Ancient Greek writing that spell out 'CURSED', on both of his sides? And that they glow? 


Personality:Um... He's very stubborn and tries to do what's right...but he's also blunt and a bit rude. ouo
S.O.: Bi
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Power:The Glearli's natural power is power over your worst fears and the ability to transform into them to scare off predators. They are also born with smaller powers that differ for each individual Glearli. In this instance, Izaki's extra power is invisibility.
Anything else:Weaknesses: Extremely bright light of any kind, holy water, anything pure and holy really.

Name: Santua
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Other DNA: Celestiali
Looks: Human:

 Santua's creature form is a large white canine, most likely a wolf/fox mix, with silver feathered wings. Like Izuka he has chains and shackles that are colored gold instead of silver, and the writing on his sides is a glowing blue that reads 'BLESSED' instead of'CURSED' in Ancient Greek.
Personality:He's very sweet and kind and loving, and a bit of a hopeless romantic. <3
S.O.: Gay
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Power:The Celestiali has the ability to transform into the thing you love the most, as well as sort of grant you one wish if you prove you are worthy.
Anything else: Weaknesses: Dark things

 Name: Mordekai (I love this name. So much. ;U;))
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Other DNA: Vampire. :K

Personality: You're every-day gamer dude. He could chatter on and on about video games, and he's VERY good with his hands, if you catch my drift. ;D He's excellent at Guitar Hero and Rockband, and can even play an actual guitar, drums, and sing. He has excellent hand-eye coordinatio and can buttonmash witht he best of them. Along with all this, he's a big sweetheart that's really quite affectionate if can pull him away from electronics long enough.
S.O.: Bi.
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Power: The normal vampire things. He can also create illusions and make people think they're somewhere else, usually somewhere from a game he's played. c:
Anything else: He's a gamer. Just like me. ouo
((Finally done. Human form pictures do not belong to me. They change form during specific times of day. Izaki is in creature form during the day, Santua is in creature form at night. C:))


7:34pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((oooo Kazumi seems to like Izaki XD))


7:43pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((It figures she'd like the one who can shift into your worst fear. XD))


7:53pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((Well that and he's the only one that is either the same age or older haha.))


7:56pm Dec 11 2010

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(( -LurkLurk- ))


7:57pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 11,785

((Santua's only a year younger. XD

My boyfriend if three years older than me. P: Lol. c:))


8:02pm Dec 11 2010

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Posts: 5,406
((yeah but everyone is younger XD. And she likes danger XD))


4:49pm Dec 12 2010

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5:30pm Dec 12 2010

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Posts: 11,785

((I added a gamer guy. |D

And made Santua gay. ^^;;;))

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