10:27am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 2:46pm Jul 18 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
Plot: There are two stables: Moonlight Walk Stables, and Pinewood Stables. The two have always been in compition and have a show once a year to see who wins the Stable Cup. The compition is coming up and both stables are training long and hard for the upcoming event. Who will win, and who will lose? There`s only one way to find out.
The Stable Cup: The Stable Cup is a trophy made by the two makers of the Stable, who were in fact brothers, it pretty much just gives the holder stable bragging rights over the other. There are four parts: Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, and Barrel racing. The stable with the most points wins.
Rules: I am in charge and I might pick a co-owner or two No cussing ASK TO JOIN Normal humans and horses please Keep genders even Romance is encouraged, but there really isn`t a need for violence There are only two stables and you can only be in these two You must have at least one horse, no more than two horses per human Post "Stable Cup" in white on you bio under other to join. You can do all four show types if you want, but you have to do at least one per rider You don`t have to play your own partner(Ex: User1`s human can be User2`s horse`s rider) BEfore you throw a twist or something drastic in, talk to me about it over PM I will add and subtract rules as we go along.
Bios: Human: Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Horse(s): Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
Horse: Show name:(Optional) Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Stall #: Owner/Rider: Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
Stables/Chara list: Moonlight Walk Stables: Owner: Sesal(me) Vet:(1-2) Annabeth(Earthrabbit1) Riders: Maara(me), Kakariyu(atalanta) Horse stall #: 1- Shadow Dancer(KeresCanis) 2- Snow Dancer(KeresCains) 3- Fallen(me) 4- Utsukasha(atalanta) 5- Luna(me) 6- 7- 8- Anarion(atalanta) 9- 10- Dunkin(me) 11- Raven(me) 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20-
Pinewood Stables: Owner: Sasha(me) Vet:(1-2) Hatami(me) Riders: Kamati(me), Paradise(Earthrabbit1) , Hikariyu(atalanta), Eddie(Earthrabbit1) Horse stall #: 1- 2- Crystal(me) 3- Shadow(Earthrabit1) 4- 5- 6- 7- Roy(me) 8- Memory(me) 9- 10- Senshi(atalanta) 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- Sand(me) 17- 18- 19- Nightmare(me) 20- Pepper(me)
Owner list: Rider-Horse Maara-Luna, Fallen Kamati-Memory Sesal-Raven Sasha-Sand Hamati-Pepper Paradise-Shadow Kakariyu- Utsakashi, Anarion Hikariyu- Akariyu, Senshi Eddie-Crystal
Pictures:(I don`t own any of these, all came from bing.com) Moonlight Walk Stables: Farm house:(Where everyone stays)


Horse stalls:



 Tack room:

Pinewood Stables: Farm house:(Where everyone stays)


Horse stalls:



 Tack room:

(My charas coming next.) Videos/Explanations: Dressage:(Watch full video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPJGEzI3aIc Barrel racing:(You`re suppost to go as fast as you can around the barrel, and not knock any over) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bryG23bBQDg&feature=related Show jumping: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zCCxHvf0zQ Cross country: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rdFWmDjL9c

10:30am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
10:39am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 10:56am Jul 9 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
10:43am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
(Okay. Not accepted, read the rules. If your horse doesn`t have a Show name or you`re rping out the personality, just delete that part, and you`re suppost to delete the stuff in parenthaces. Oh, and this isn`t the rp for our group you know. I haven`t put that up yet.)
10:48am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((oh okay))
10:54am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
(So are you still joining? If so, read the rules. If not, please delete the forms and put 'empty' in the post.)
10:54am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((i still am i just still have to do some ajustments))
10:55am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
( yeah im still gonna join if you want me too.))
10:56am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
((nvm i'll just do the gruop one im mad at my pc now. i'll just do ours))
10:57am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
Human:Name: Maara Age:16 Gender: Female Stable: Moonlight Walk Horse(s): Luna, Fallen Show type: Cross country, andBarrel racing Looks:  Other: Nope. Name: Kamati Age: 18 Gender: Male Stable: Pinewood Horse(s): Memories Show type: Show jumping Looks:  Other: Nope. Horse:Name: Luna Age: Adult Gender: Mare Stable: Moonlight Walk Stall #: 5 Owner/Rider: Maara Show type: Barrel racing Looks: (I really own this pic and horse)  Other: Nope. Name: Dunkin Age: Colt Gender: Stallion Stable: Moonlight Walk Stall #: 10 Owner/Rider: Open Show type: Show jumping Looks: (I really own this pic and horse)  Other:Nope Name: Crystal Age: Adult Gender: Mare Stable: Pinewood Stall #: 2 Owner/Rider: Open Show type: Cross country Looks: (I really own this pic and horse)  Other: Nope. Show name: Remember the Memories Name: Memory Age: Adult Gender: Mare Stable: Pinewood Stall #: 8 Owner/Rider: Kamati Show type: Barrel racing Looks:  Other: She and Fallen are actually twins. Show name: Night of the Fallen Name: Fallen Age: Adult Gender: Mare Stable: Moonlight Walk Stall #: 3 Owner/Rider: Maara Show type: Cross country Looks:  Other: He and Memory are actually twins.

11:03am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,338
wow i like the horses!! especially the white one!!
11:04am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
(If you aren`t gonna jion stop posting, and spaming up my board. You`ll see I get very strict about my rps, so stop.)
11:14am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 11:14am Jul 9 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 818
((I'll join... What is needed is at the end of this post, just highlight it...
Stable cup.))
11:15am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
(Tehe. You`re suppost to put that in other, but okay. XD)
11:16am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 818
((I di it this way cuz I'm still woking on my bios. XD))
11:20am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 8:23pm Jul 10 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 818
Humans: Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Horse(s): Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Horse(s): Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Horse(s): Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Horse(s): Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
Show name:(Optional) Name: Age: 5 years Gender: female Stable: Stall #: Owner/Rider: Show type: Dressage. Looks:  Other: She needs a rider
Show name: Shadow Dancer Name: Shadow Age: 5 years Gender: female Stable: Moonlight walk Stall #: 1 Owner/Rider: Show type: She is experianced in all of then, which one she enters deoends on her rider. Looks:  Other: She is Snow Dancer's sister. She needs a ride.
Show name: Snow Dancer Name: Snow (or Dancer,,,) Age: 5 years Gender: female Stable: Moonlight walk Stall #: 2 Owner/Rider: Show type: Dressage. Looks: (The pic has a bit of grey on it... But Snow is actually solid white...)
 Other: She is Shadow Dancer's sister. She needs a rider.
Show name:(Optional) Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Pine Wood Stall #: 3 Owner/Rider: Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
Show name:(Optional) Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Pine Wood Stall #: 3 Owner/Rider: Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
Show name:(Optional) Name: Age: Gender: Stable: Pine Wood Stall #: 3 Owner/Rider: Show type:(Dressage, Show jumping, Cross country, or Barrel racing) Persoanlity:(Optional) Looks: Other:
((Sorry it is taking me so long to finish...))

11:22am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
(O.o ATTACK OF THE BIOS! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! *runs around flailing and screaming*)
11:37am Jul 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 818
((LOL. Hey, you wanted people to join... XD))
9:05pm Jul 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
12:23pm Jul 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291