3:45pm Jul 31 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,318
Two children Twins with opposite powers Will unravely the mystery ~Of the school of Secrets~ Ya so basically this is between me and Feyth :D Our 1x1 about twins with powers :3 Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Power(s): Looks: Personality: History: Other: My bio will be up ina sec^^
3:47pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 7:38pm Jul 31 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,948
((Alright, keep in mind that I claim water and darkness XD)) Main Character Name: Avalia Orikani Age: 13 Gender: Female
Power(s): She can control water, Turn invisible, and Shapeshift Looks:
Personality: Avalia is very quiet and withdrawn,prefering to keep to herself rather than talk tooter people. However, she loves her twin to death and would do anything for her twin. She loves drawing and can often be seen with her sketchbook. Her other favorite pastime is running. If you get to know her, she is a very loyal friend who always seems to know what's wrong when you are sad. History: (None yet)
Other: Her 5 forms are:

(She cannot control herself in this form) ta:image/jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCADCAQMDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAAAAgMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQAAgUBBgcI/8QAOhAAAgEDAwMCBQI*censored*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*censored*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lTbkb/ipUqCgFkiMcsqk5O5FJ9QH8T9v/ALqVKCo7E7/2wPp2+1eN62i69WkZJ3OKlSriIwJVBYZAO1BKr4H4qVKGI5pX+kfitPoaIbrdVO3ipUpDR6KNEz8q/irJGm/sX8VKlZvZZxUUasKoyfFCiRfWxpGN+31qVKPQZaRVFwcAD9qLGBknHNSpT8EwuldS7D8VGRMN7V58VKlHomcmAEajHaqYHpqcDPmpUrYgq+2oDilV3m3qVKYDMf8A0noLAADAqVKFskKoGOBUqVK0A/Z" alt="" />
 Minor Characters
 <-- Click me
3:59pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 8:06pm Jul 31 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,318
[[Then that means I have light and fire O-O LOL xD]] Bio: Name: Kentanu Sazos Age: 13 Gender: Male Power(s): Can control fire, light and he can transport anywhere. Looks: tle="Anime Guy Hair Eyes "> Personality: Kentanu is a very chill, layback kind of guy. He's very kind but also outgoing; though others prefer to call him silent because he can be very quiet at times. He is one to speak his mind and stick up for his friends, even when they're wrong. Kentanu is one to joke around but when things get serious, he's the most serious and dedicated person you would ever wish to know. History: Other than he has a twin sister? Life has just been crazy for him. He doesn't speak to his parents much; seeing how they annoy him ever since his last arguement with them. [fail] Other: Not my image :D
4:11pm Jul 31 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,318
[[You wanna start or..? ]]
4:14pm Jul 31 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,948
((You canm, I have to do some work))
 <-- Click me
4:22pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 3,318
Kentanu woke up and yawned, his dream had been extremely weird; something about ninjas and elephants. I really gotta stop watching those ninja circus movies.., he smiled and headed to the bathroom. ~ Now downstairs, he checked the mirror that was on the wall in the hallway. "My hair.. is great as always". He winked into the mirror and then his smile faded when his mom came up to him. "Breakfast is on the table dear", she told him with a smile. She was about to give him a hug but he dodged her and hurried to the kitchen. On the table there were waffles. He sat down and began eating, not even waiting for his father to eat with him. You see, the family wasn't his favorite these days; he dyed his hair to get them angry, he knew it would make them go crazy. The only person he did actually talk to was his sister, Avalia. Cleaning his plate he grabbed his backpack and headed towards the door. "I'm heading out without you sis! You better hurry.", he called over his shoulder.
5:07pm Jul 31 2011
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[[*lurks* I don't mean to sound condescending, but, if they're twins, why is one 13 and one 18? Sorry for interrupting.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:33pm Jul 31 2011
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Avalia looked at her alarm clock with blurry eyes as it went off for the 3rd time that morning. She sat up in bed to hear her mother calling to her from downstairs. Sighing, she stole a quick glance at the picture of herself beside her bed and got up. She stumbled sleepily to her dresser and pulled the drawers out, frantically searching for her clothes. She calmed down when she finally found what she was looking for: a white t-shirt with black lining and a pair of blue jeans. She tied the white sneakers on her feet and trotted downstairs, following the delicious scent of waffles. Avalia pulled up a chair and gobbled up her waffles so fast that as she finished, she groaned from a small stomach ache. And, on top of her stomach, she was going to be late for the first day of highschool. She glanced at the blue watch on her arm and stood up, pushing her chair back in. Avoiding a large bear hug from her father, she ran out the door, forgetting the schedule on her table. -- "Excuse me?" Avalia said as she wandered into the registration building and walked up to the lady behind the desk. The lady had an obviously fake smile plastered to hre barbie-like face. Avalia stopped herself from recoiling in disgust. "Yes, how may I help you?" The woman said in a sickly-sweet voice. "Ummm.... I forgot my schedule." She blushed, seeing the scowl that suddenly appeared on the woman's face. "Alright, take it. Your dorm is room 3 on floor 4" The woman shooed her away. -- Avalia traveled up a long winding staircase to the 4th floor while she read her schedule, a confused look on her face. - Working with Animals
- Chemistry
- Power Class
- Fighting Class
- Riding Class
- Shapeshifting
She shook her head, wonding what kind of classes these were. She concluded that this was a joke punishment for forgetting it. She supposed the real one was on her bed. She arrived at her room and saw another girl who gave her a weak smile. "Hey, have you seen my schdule" "Its in your hand" The other girl said "No, this was a joke" "No, its not. You'll see soon enough..." She answered Avalia cryptically...
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6:14pm Jul 31 2011
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7:46pm Jul 31 2011
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1:50am Aug 1 2011
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10:07am Aug 1 2011
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4:20pm Aug 1 2011
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4:56pm Aug 1 2011
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[[OMG, I'm so sorry Feyth D: I would've replied yesterday but it was really hot and I had to get off of the computer; the ac isn't functioning properly DX]] Kentanu had brought his schedule with him, and had laughed the first time he read it, though when he got into his first class it seemed that he wasn't going to continue laughing. "Ohey, Avalia! We have first period together, awesome." He had overheard what that other student said and he just smirked. Do they think they can fool me? This is just a regular class, we'll see what happens. Kentanu sighed and looked for a seat, there were some available in the back and since he didn't like sitting in the front, it was a match made in heaven. He dropped his backpack on the ground and sat at the desk with his 'cool' face on. It didn't matter what type of school it was, he was sure that he could make it through. I just hope the school day doesn't speed by, anything to stay away from home. Afterall, the only reason why he was so hyped about school was because he wasn't at home with his parents. He could finally get some down time and relax, or so he thought. Just then a teacher walked into the room, looking very strict and cruel. Don't tell me it's one of those teachers that get ticked off for no reason, because that'll give me a reason to skip. As much as he hated to admit it, he got into a lot of trouble in middle school. Teachers weren't exactly a fan of his, he didn't care either. Their job was to teach, not critisize. As long as this teacher remembers that, things will be fine.. Kentanu motioned to Avalia to sit in the seat right next to his; it was the first day of school and he thought it best to spend most of the time with his sister. The teacher, now announced a Mrs. Chinel, began talking about how to work with animals. Kentanu scratched the back of his head. This was no good, all the people in here were probably animal lovers and he ws the complete opposite. He couldn't help but have a huge frown on his face as the teacher continued on.

5:01pm Aug 1 2011
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Avalia grinned as she wandered up the front of her class. She turned and waggled her tongue at her brother. She liked sitting in the front of the class because it helped her learn. She watched as the teacher pulled out a bunny from behind her desk and began stroking it and describing how you would take care of it. She narrowed her eyes as she caught a glimpse of something in the corner of her eyes. Unless it was her imagination, the bunny had two little horns in front of his ears. She shook her head and shut her eyes, but when she opened them, the horns were still there. "Excuse me, ma'am, may I go to the bathroom." Avalia asked as the teachre pointed at her raised hand. "Yes, you may." The teacher sighed. Avalia walked out of class and to the bathroom where she splashed water on her face. "Are those wings?" She cried in horror as a girl removed herself from the 3rd stall on the left. The girl glared at her and Avalia ran outside. She looked for an escape, but there was none, so she walked back into the classroom, her face red with embarresment as she had water dripping down her face...
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5:21pm Aug 1 2011
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Avalia wasn't the only one to have seen the horns on the bunny, even though he was sitting at the back of the class he could see it clearly. He blinked twice, still there. It must be some foreign species of bunny. The idea seemed believable enough, there are some strange things in this world and he figured that the rabbit was just one of them. He watched as Avalia entered the room again, her face a deep red. He mouthed the words: "What's wrong", and he hoped for an answer, but he doubted that he would get one. The teacher began speaking again and Kentanu felt like he was in the wrong class, many times during class he felt the urge to get up and ask if his schedule was correct, animals were not his thing. Sure, he cared about endangered species and all, but he didn't like how they slobbered on you or made noise, completely inappropriate. Still, he chose to stay silent, actually paying attention for once.
5:25pm Aug 1 2011
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As class ended, Avalia ran to put her arms around her brother. She burried herself in his jacket and kept repeating, "I must be crazy" over and over again. When she could cry no longer, she got up, gathered herself and ran to her dorm to shower and get reclothed. She sighed as she finished washing herself and then redressed herself. There was a note beside her bed that red, At 5:00, you will report to the principle's office. You are not in trouble -Mrs Krons. She read. She put down the card and threw herself on top of her bed. As soon as her roomate came in, her roomate grimaced at the red, satin card...
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5:52pm Aug 1 2011
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Kentanu felt utterly confused at why Avalia was crying but he figured that she needed to let it all out so he just hugged her back and stayed silent. When she finished he sighed as he watched her walk away. He looked at his jacket, now wet with tears. It didn't bother him though, his sister was important to him and he wanted to be there for her. I'll find out what's wrong when I catch up with her later.. Kentanu finally made it to his dorm, it was a huge room and he only had one other person in there with him. More room for me, he thought with a small laugh. He took a qucik shower and changed his clothes, feeling refreshed and ready for his next class. When he noticed a note next to his bed. "Wow, this is really reassuring. I have to meet with the principle on the first day at 5:30.. This is a new record", he laughed before throwing the card into the trash. Maybe I should just.. skip the meeting? But he dismissed the thought, it was completely irresponsible, even for him.
5:56pm Aug 1 2011
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As 5:00 rolled around, Avalia got ready to leave. Her roomate looked at her and sighed as if this was her last day to see her. "Are you going somewhere?" Avalia asked the other girl. She shook her head and didn't answer. Avalia shrugged it off and wandered out the door. She followed her map to the principal's office and sat down in one of the red chairs. The principal looked over her desk at the girl sitting opposite her. "Come with me Avalia Orikani Sazus." The principal motioned her into a back room just as the clock turned to 5:00. She heard the door close behind her and another one open in the next room. She was shoved into darkness and pulled into unconciousness...
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6:03pm Aug 1 2011
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((Will you hatch 3 sirleon eggs for me. I don't have tu to give you, but you can keep the natties you find.))
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