Welcome to the Circus; we've got fun and games. CIRKUS GOTHICA

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10:17pm Jan 2 2013 (last edited on 10:28pm Jan 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
Circus: [noun] A large public entertainment, typically presented in one of more very large tents or in an outdoor or indoor arena, featuring exhibitions of pageantry, feats of skill and daring, preforming animals, etc., interspersed throughout with the slapstick antics of clowns.

I'll tell you right now, if you've come to Cirkus Gothika for the large, colorful tent, clown 'antics', seeing a bearded lady and the strongest man in the world, you've come to the wrong place. Here, you aren't going to see the pretzel girl, but there are wicked contortionists. You won't see supposedly 'strong' men, but how about men who move so fast, it's almost as if they teleport? And you may think getting a lion to jump through a hoop is fancy, but if you want to see a mere child climb in the jowls of the dangerous beast, this is the place for you.

Cirkus Gothika is not the typical circus. They preform underground, to very small crowds who are willing to pay the unbelievably expensive price to get in, and if they pay out a little extra, meet up with the performers. Cirkus Gothika doesn't worry about the safety of others, and that's not why people watch. It's the entertainment, the adrenaline rush, the danger of it all that attracts their crowd. 

And once you're in Cirkus Gothika, the only way you're leaving is in a body bag.


Okay, so, Cirkus Gothika. They aren't your average circus members. Almost every one of them has a certain power. 

The 'dangerous' animals in the show? They are gifted shifters who have learned to control their talents. 
The side shows? The contortionists can actually bend their bones in any direction, the 'fast' or 'strong' men have the ability of heightened strength and speed, or even teleportation. 
Anyone else in the circus you might think to be normal? They're not.  Even the ticket boy has a slight power of persuasion and charm that draws you in... makes you want to pay to watch the show. And if you're not careful, you might not make it out.



1. This is an OPEN Rp. Every one is welcome, even if we're 70+ pages in, new people are always welcome. <3

2. Keep is Res appropriate. Violence, drama, and romance are ALL encouraged.

3. My position on Sexual Orientation? Who cares! People are people! 8D Make your character however you want. c: 

4. Try and be literate. I understand brain farts and whatnot, but EVEN if you are stuck for what to post, I do NOT want to see one liners. Honestly, it's really not that difficult to post 3 sentences. 1 or 2 liners are a strike. 3 strikes and you're out. ;o 
[And don't worry, I will give you warnings. c: ]

5. First come first serve to positions. I do want variety, though! I don't want to see 50 tigers and 1 tamer in this rp, okay? ;-; 

6. No Powerplaying, godmodding, mary sues, gary sues. [If you don't know what those are, feel free to ask. <3]

7. Follow Res rules. [Stated it once, I'll state it again. xD]

8. Be cool. 8I

9. So, there are 5, FIVE, slots for NEW people in the circus. These are first come first serve, as are every other position. 
Just thought you ought to know. ;o

10. This isn't a rule, but just a little tidbit of info for you. I have a small group, private, Circus Rp with Ser that inspired me to make this one. This was is completely different, as it's in new age, with no murder, and characters with powers. ;o 
I love them both. 8I

Yeah. o3o

Biography Skeleton:

Name: [First and last, please. c:]
Age: [16+]
Gender: [Male/Female]
S.O.: [Sexual Orientation.]
Power: [Yes, you only get one. c:]
Position: [In the circus? Include if you're one of the 5 newbies here too, please. c:]
Personalty: [Give me 5 words, or 5 paragraphs. Just a little SOMETHING to go off on. ;o]
Other: [Erase stuff from brackets, please. xD]
Appearance: [Picture/drawing/desc[injection]ription. Please give credit where credit it due.]

Notice how I didn't include 'crush' in there or anything. That's because I do not like, NOR encourage, insta-romance. You don't instantly fall for someone when you see them. Sure, you can have an attraction, but don't go make out under the bleachers. 8I [Pet peeve of mine, sorry.]


Characters Made: 

Aria Mathonwey - Singer - Lady
Tanwen (Wen) Mcallister - Fire Acts - Lady
Issac Rowen/Showfreak - Magician/creator/newbie - Charmens
Roslyn Heer - Fire eating/breathing Act - Jess
Kalima Thomas (Kali) - Aerial Ribbon Act - Lady

Animal Acts:
Katrina Lombardi (Kat) - Animal Trainer - Vin [Since we needed one. LOL]
Vincent Price - Leopard Act - Vin
Eros (Bear) Bane - Aerial/Animal act - Insano
Alexander (Axel) Bane - Aerial/Animal act - Insano
Cain Tindal - Tiger Act - Jess
Spirit Marie Fawn - Animal Illusionist - Spirit

Xavier Price - 'Guessing' show - Vin
Elliot Walker - Puppet Show - Poke
Marion - Main Puppet - Poke
Allyn Perkins - 'Fortune' teller - Poke
Agatha Nimpx - Fortune Teller - Rabbit
Cell Thomas -  Magician - Wulfey
Akuti Iris - Hypnotist/newbie - Unique

Lazarus Monrow - Manager/co-owner - Kitty
Cyrus Botain - Ringleader - Vin
Kimo Kye - Management/cleanup/newbie - Charmens
Rene Metiaah - Backstage hand/guard - Nyght
Jake Yemin - Ticket boy -  Rabbit
Jayden Bell - Recruiter - Vin


10:26pm Jan 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,255
((Mind if I join?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

10:26pm Jan 2 2013 (last edited on 5:02pm Jan 5 2013)

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Posts: 1,786

Name: Cyrus Botain
Age: 27
Gender: Male
S.O.: Gay 8D
Power: Persuasion
Position: Ringleader. ;o
Personalty: Cyrus is a perfectionist. He demands that things be right, and be right the first time around.  He is very, very testy, and little things, like challenging his leadership and how he runs things, can really set him off. He has gotten violent before, but only in very extenuating circumstances. He is always open for opinion, and refuses to lie. Does that dress make you look fat? Yes, yes it does. But if you want real opinions on how to do things, or work something out with a friends, or something more, he'll be there with good advice. 
Other: Mentioning here that he has a strong connection with his pet rat, Zane, who is often seen sitting on his shoulder, or hiding out in his vest pocket.
Appearance: Cyrus is very tall, and very lanky. He's one of those guys that weighs 170lbs and is 6'4". He's pasty white, looks as if he hasn't seen the sun in years, with dyed white hair, short, and bright red bangs, which are slightly longer than the rest. He has a strong brow line, dark brown eyebrows [accenting his red eye contacts], which his left one is pierced. He wears a shabby, old tophat on his head. As for clothes, he wears a little leather vest, that hardly covers his chest and shows off his lovely nipple ring. Leather everything, with lots of chains. Oh, he also has a tongue piercing. Thought I should mention that.


Name: Xavier Price
Age: 24
Gender: Male
S.O.: Bisexual
Power: Mind Reading that he can control. [Don't worry, I will NOT Powerplayy this. 8I]
Position: He's a sideshow, and also works up front with the ticket boy to direct people to their preferred acts.
Personalty: Xavier is very protective of his little brother, Vince. He's one of those guys who just kind of shrinks into the background and doesn't get noticed a whole lot, and he prefers it that way. He is not a violent person, and prefers to keep to himself, and to Vincent, usually keeping the boy out of trouble. He knows his limits, and knows when to speak up to wrongs as well. Usually, people are surprised that he talks at all. 
Other: Vincent is his younger brother. c: 
Appearance: Xavier is a few inches taller than normal, standing at 6' even, and is built just like Vince is, only taller. He has long, middle of the neck black hair that he slicks back. He has almost sad looking features, purple eyes always looking down, lips set in a firm line, brows scrunched as if he's always thinking hard about something. His body is usually hidden behind a black trenchcoat, and a plaid scarf. He is commonly seen walking with a cane because of an incident with Vincent when he was first learning how to control his powers. 


Name: Vincent Price
Age: 17
Gender: Male
S.O.: Bisexual
Power: He's a snow leopard shifter. c: 
Position: One of the 'preforming animals'. 
Personalty: Vince is a hothead. He doesn't like being told what to do, and is very stubborn. He's much like a housecat. He thinks he owns the place, he does what he wants, challenges who he wants, eats when he wants, and attempts to control his 'owners' by his loud yowling and obsessive touching.  He's needy, and whiny when he doesn't get what he wants, but is arrogant and cocky when he does. The only really good thing about him is his loyalty to his friends, even if he knows that they're wrong. He's dreadfully loyal. 
Other: His older brother is Xavier. c: 
Appearance: Vince isn't the tallest, standing only at 5'8", but he is lean and fit. He's muscular, but not bulky. Much like that of the cat. You can see his muscles, they just aren't bulging. He has short, black hair usually styled into a Faux-hawk. He has big, yellow eyes that have the cat slit pupils even in his human form, and thick, dark eyelashes to fr[injection]ame them. He usually is seen sporting stubble, though it never really gets longer than that. He wears cargo shorts and usually just a plain black T-shirt with flipflops, easy access for going barefoot. 


Name: Katrina Lombardi [Kat]
Age: 20
Gender: Female
S.O.: Straight c: 
Power: Power of tongues. She can understand all human and animal dialect. 
Position: Animal Tamer [And translator if needed.]
Personalty: Kat is good at what she does, and will constantly tell herself that. She has been with the circus since it  first started, back when she was a mere child and followed her father everywhere. He was thrown out, but she stayed, working her way up the ranks as she did so. Now? She's a cocky, experienced girl who will get what she wants when she wants it, and isn't afraid to flaunt it in your face when she does.
Other: Nothing of fancy.
Appearance: Kat is a petite little girl, only about 5'... with shoes on. She's got big, honey brown eyes that are fr[injection]amed by dark, shapely eyebrows. She has a button nose which is littered, along with her cheeks, with soft, golden freckles. Her hair is long, about halfway down her back, but is always in a long French, or fishtail, braid. She's got a small waste, and a large butt, both of which are enhanced by her revealing clothing choices. She wears tight capri pants, and a tight belly shirt, just to show off her figure, which she really needs to look her age, since her face makes her seem like she's about 16 still. She also wears a dagger on her thigh, and a whip on her hip. LOL Rhyming. The whip is for the cats, the dagger for any gentleman callers from the stands who get a little too handsy.


Name: Jayden Bell
Age: 22
Gender: Male
S.O.: Bisexual
Power: He's able to sense if others have powers, what they are, and how powerful they are. He tells power by levels. There is tier 1, 2, 3, and 4. Tier 4 is the strongest that he's ever encountered. 
Position: Recruiter. He approaches people on the streets/crowds/anywhere really and talks to them about their powers and the circus.
Personalty: Jayden is very personable, easy to talk to, the kind you feel comfortable being around from the start. He's laid back, never pushy, and is as willing to listen as much as he's willing to talk. Jayden never talks about himself, really, and his past is a mystery. He will talk your ear off, but you never really learn about him. Because of this, he is everyone's friend, but no one is his. And, if you begin to talk about his past, he will swiftly change the subject.
Other: He won't be as active as my other characters, but he is just as important. So, don't forget about him. xD
Appearance: Jayden is very boyish looking for his age. He has medium length, honey colored curls, a button nose and a wide, permanent grin. He has big, soft blue eyes that are framed by dark lashes. He's a little on the chubby side, and is about average height, around 5'10". He's usually wearing a white, long sleeve, button up, collared shirt and khakis with white tennis shoes. He does not fit the deion of 'Cirkus Gothika' but certainly feels at home with his lovable band of freaks. 


10:27pm Jan 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ Of course you can join! ^^ No need to ask in this rp, just post up your bios and you'll be good. <3 ]]


10:56pm Jan 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,255
((Thank you!))

Name: Aria Mathonwey
Age: [16
S.O.: Bisexual
Power: She is a singer, with the power to entice people to her when they hear her voice
Position: She is one of the acts that stands outside and sings to draw people in.
Personalty: Aria is a sweet and gentle girl. She doesn't speak very much, because of her power, communicating mostly in whispers and with a pad of paper and a pen that she wears around her neck. When she does speak in a normal voice, it is to say something very important. She is perpetually terrified that she will enchant someone she cares about.
Appearance: Aria is a tiny girl, standing only 4'11". She wears her black hair in tumbling waves almost to the ground and streaks it with brilliant sky blue right above her temples. She has eyes as bright a blue as her hair.

Name: Tanwen (Wen) Mcallister
Age: 20
Gender: Female
S.O.: Bisexual
Power: Wen can control fire, create it from nothing, handle it without being burned.
Position: Fire Dancer
Personality: Wen is as bold as her power. She loves to flirt, with everyone, but she rarely ever means it. She can be harsh, but it hides a very soft interior. She is one of those people who will give you her last dollar and the shirt off her back, if you are in need. She might also give you the shirt off her back if you just ask nicely though.
Appearance: Wen is about 5'6" and curved well in all the right places. She is the definition of sensual femininity. Her hair is a rich chocolate color and her eyes shift color from sea green to almost white and every color in between,

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

12:13am Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 10:18am Jan 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 76
((It all good if I join you too? This sounds fun.))

Name: Elliot Walker
Age: 19
Gender: Male
S.O.: Gay

Power: Elliot is telekinetic and can move ob[injection]jects with his mind. The easiest way he finds to channel this ability is to image strings over the ob[injection]ject his wishes to move and hold out his hands to maneuver it as if it was one of his puppets.

Position: Elliot is the puppet master. He has a booth where he puts on puppet shows for people to watch as they wait for the main events. While his guests are busy watching, he sends another puppet into the crowd to pick pocket them.

Personality: Elliot is a child at heart. The smallest thing can make him light up or get excited. He loves to see people enjoying his show when they take the time to stop and watch.

Other: His favorite puppet is one by the name of Marion.

Appearance: Elliot keeps his untidy, shoulder length, brown hair hidden under an off lavender snow hat with ear flaps that is topped with a pair of brass goggles. He wears that hat at all times of the year and it is very rare to see him without it. He has green eyes that  shine out clearly from his pale skin. Elliot tends to dawn rather formal clothes: a white button up shirt with black slacks and a shinny black pair of dress shoes. However, the first few buttons of his shirt are undone and his sleeves are constantly being rolled up.


Name: Marion
Age: When she is full size she looks as if she is in her late 20's early 30's.
Gender: Female
S.O.: N/A

Power: Marion can shrink and grow from puppet height to a full sized human. She can also talk and move independently from Elliot's will unlike the other puppets.

Position: One of Elliot's puppets.

Personality: Marion doesn't have much of one consider the fact that she is made out of wood. She can only take things literally and finds it hard to understand human emotions.

Other: N/A

Appearance: Marion's skin is made from finely sanded light colored wood. Everyone of her joints is made up straight pieces of wood being connected to round balls, she cannot however curve her back since her torso is one piece. To cover as many of these joints as possible she wears a floor length, high collared, red, puffy dress with many la[injection]yers and black lace around all the edges. Seamlessly woven into her head is blonde hair that is fashioned into large loose curls. Marion's eyes are made of glass that have had the pupils dyed blue. She can not move her eyes in her sockets so to be able to see something on one of her sides she would have to completely turn her head. She also cannot bl[injection]ink. At the corners of her mouth, moving down to her chin, are slits in her wooden face that allow her to be able to move her mouth and talk. Under her many la[injection]yered dress Marion's wooden feet are encased by a pair of black heels with a strap across them.

((I figured since Marion was a puppet it was okay for her to not have a last name/age/s.o. Hope that isn't breaking any rules, if it is let me know!))


Name: Allyn Perkins
Age: 21
Gender: Female
S.O.: Straight

Position: Runs a booth where she advertises herself as "The Blind Fortune Teller".

Power: Allyn can't really see the future. You mark a set of Tarot cards so you can still tell what they are when you can't see, and suddenly every idiot thinks you know everything. Allyn can however see Auras. Each person has a distinct one and it can help tell you a bit about random strangers, mostly emotions. That knowledge combined with her marked deck lets Allyn lead the cards in the right direction to help people hear what they want to hear. 

Personality: Allyn is very independent. She doesn't want anyone helping her with anything if she can help it. She goes to such lengths like memorizing the amount of steps it takes to get to everywhere in the circus so she doesn't need a guide, and using her Aura seeing ability to say blunt things as to drive people away so try wont be inclined to help her.

Other: Allyn is not completely blind. Besides being able to see Auras she has enough vision to make out mostly blurred shapes and colors through a white haze that fills her sight.

Appearance: To please the crowd's expectation for what a fortune teller should wear, Allyn endures the ridiculous "traditional" outfit; complete with many bangles and jangles, and the crazy, long, patchwork skirt. Her head is wrapped with a bright blue and shinny scarf that is tied so the ends are trailing down her back almost her waist. This scarf covers most of her short and choppy black hair, but also brings out her turquoise colored eyes so they catch people's attention. Her eyes are slightly dulled and fogged over looking, but not to the point that a fully blind person would have so there is still color to them. To go with the patchwork skirt, Allyn wears a loose white cotton short that has elastic around the top so she can push it down to reveal her shoulders. Complimenting the blue scarf, is another blue sash around her waist. Allyn may have to put up with that outfit when there are customers around, but as soon as they leave she rips off the patchwork skirt to reveal the white pantaloons underneath it and removes all her jangles and bangles. The only jewelry that she keeps on her her earrings. Her left ear is pierced on three places while her right in five. The scarf and the sash however she keeps on just in case she needs to dash into her costume quickly. Allyn prefers to walk around barefoot not wanting the padding of shoes to muffle the sound of her  jingling anklets.

5:54am Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 6:21pm Jan 4 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
Name: Cain Tindal
Age: 28
Gender: Male
S.O.:  Bisexual
Power: Shift into Tiger
Position: Tiger shifter. Would like to be in the first act.
Personalty: Adventurous, short-temper. This man has a very short temper, whoever his 'trainer' is better be careful of what he says. One wrong thing and he will slash and bite until he's satisfied.
Appearance: Short ginger hair, has a small goatee as well. Bright green eyes. He likes to wear a trench coat and anything baggy. Until he has to turn into his tiger form.

Name: Roslyn Heer
Age: 19
Gender: Female
S.O.:  Bisexual
Power: Breath and eat fire.
Position: Fire breather wants to be in the first act. But won't go out of her way to talk to Cyrus about it.
Personalty: She's very into her work. LOVES showing off her ability and pleasing the crowd. She may still be a teenager, but she was born for this kind of job.
Appearance: Long brown hair, tied in a pony tail, so it wouldn't get caught on fire. She wears golden bracelets around both wrist and around her ankles. She wears tight purple pants and a tight black shirt. Her eyes a bright green.


So everyone knows. When I use cane it will look like this:
It will look like this since he's a tiger...|D You know? lol...Yeah don't ask. Okies?
And for Roslyn I'll probably use...
A rose-ish color |D


2:07pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ Okay, Jess x3

Also, all of your characters are great! [and accepted] c: ]]


6:37pm Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 6:50pm Jan 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 176

Name: Issac rowen aka Showfreak
Age: 21
Gender: male
S.O.: as straight as a rainbow
Power: magician/ creation
Position: newbie, but would like to be in the main act if possible
he is fun and outgoing but has a bit of a temper. lucky he isnt fast to anger.
he likes to cheer people up and make people smile. but there are a few people he can not stand.
history: Issac has always been called showfreak sense he was 4. he grew up alone and on the streets preforming for money. a gang caught wind of his magic and forced him to join. he slowly moved up the ranks but he messed up and it got messy. he found a darker side to creation. he went a little power hungry and tried to kill his friend. When all that was left around him was destruction and chaos he cried. he fell into depression drinking heavily for a while, but found a flyer premoteing a dangerous underground circus. 
Other: a little more definition to his power
he "creates" things out of thin air with his thoughts, only problem is he cant get rid of them without physically destroying them himself. he also has to concentrate his thoughts or things get deadly. he also dislikes using his power
Appearance: he is based off of my creatu showfreek 
he wears a blue boa with a pink cape, no shirt, his eyes are tattooed and his hair is a light blue
his pants are flair bottoms and fade from pink to blue
a pic (dont add the horns)ja[injection]vasc[injection]ript:nicTemp(); 

Name: Kimo kye
Age: 19
Gender: male
S.O.: bisexual
Power: time control
Position: newbie, management, clean/cover up (cause someone has to do it)
Personalty: he is fun and a bit stubborn. he thinks he is always right. he sometimes get into it with others just for fun.
History: he and showfreak met while in the gang, although showfreak was older, kimo held a higher position, cleanup and coverups.he joined because he wanted to do something with his skill and thought it would be fun, for a while he felt like a god, but then showfreak tried to kill him. naturally things got chaotic. but as awesome as he was, he went back in time (taking showfreak with him) and stopped the chaos. he left the gang feeling upset with how they abused showfreak. he went job hunting right away and found the circus, and pushed his friend to come with him.
Other: he and showfreak will NEVER be together, just saying. they are more like brother and are to much alike to really get along to well. 
Appearance: ja[injection]vasc[injection]ript:nicTemp();  as you can see he wears a few opens hirts and has a mohawk of awesomeness


6:47pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ Ohh, Showfreak. :o I seriously am in love with him already. <3

Accepted, lovely~ ]]


7:13pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 76
((As much as I love my sexy men, we're pulling a little short on the ladies side. If we don't get any more new people by the end of the day I'm thinking of adding a female shapeshifter, if that's alright.))

7:18pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ Well, lucky, a lot of the boy characters are either gay or bisexual, so that kind of evens those out. xD 

But yes, when we're about to start and we're lacking a lot of females, I'll probably make one and allow others to make them to. c: 

I have no character limit for this Rp. ^^ Mostly because if we get tired of the regular act, there can be people quitting or fired, so we can add more people and new acts. c: ]]


9:45pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,255
((I can add another female if I need to.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

11:20am Jan 4 2013 (last edited on 9:36am Jan 6 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,789
((May I. ;D

Another made-up-on-the-spot character it is then. Tell me if it's not acceptable. xD))

Name: Rene Metiaah

Age: 22

Gender: Female.

S.O.: Straight. Just because everyone else isn't. LOL.

 She's a shadow user. 8I Uses shadows to travel quickly, create forms, barriers, communicate etc. She can morph with it, to shift,
looking like a werewolf when she transforms.
 This tranformation radically increases the strength of her eyesight,
hearing, speed etc. She has no mind abilities, but can communicate
through her mind in this form as it's her only way of speaking. Her use of shadows assists with her role as
a guardian of the Circus, forever keeping watch for
the unwanted.

 Rene is straight to the point and abrupt, sarcastic and witty. She doesn't believe in lying
or skirting the issue. She will state it as it is whether or not it
harms anyone's feelings. She can, in some situations, come across as
blunt, though that's just her being her.
 She gets along with people she knows just fine.
She's usually
very calm, and despite being what she is, will face complicated
situations without going off on one. She's very good with keeping her
emotions in check. Unless someone really, really annoys her. ;D In which
 case the scale can tip pretty quick.

Position: Not really much of a performer, Rene prefers to guard the doors once they've been
closed and the show has started. Especailly if people decide
they'd rather not watch and attempt to leave partway through, (Or if
the more foolhardy people try to get IN.).
She's also there to create a bit of... Atmosphere. Should
any of the performers like a more... Nightmare-ish
feel to their acts. Or even when opening the show.

Other: Not really.

 As a human, Rene stands around 5'9", with shoulder length
dark-chocolate coloured hair; Falling straight, although it curls a
little at the bottom. Her eyes are hazel, and her skin is pale. She
usually dons a black, collared t-shirt, a black leather jacket over that sometimes. She
dons dark gray jeans with this, and black boots that end halfway up her
shins. Both of her ears are pierced with small silver hoops, as is her
As a werewolf, Rene stands around
around 5'11, with dark brown, almost black, glossy fur coating her
entire body, the exact shade of her hair, that gives off a peculiarly dark, shadowy look. She remains stood upright, her femanine shape still visible in this form. She is slender, and slightly
 muscular, though it's easier to see here than when she's human.


3:54pm Jan 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ Squee!~

Love her, Nyght. 8D Added. c: ]]


5:40pm Jan 4 2013

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Posts: 2
I'm soooooo confuzzled

I love tesuri

5:50pm Jan 4 2013

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Posts: 1,786
[[ Uh, how so? Please, elaborate on your question(s) so I can help you out. c: ]]


6:45pm Jan 4 2013

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Posts: 1,477
 Lazarus Monrow



Straight, although not interested in any sort of relationship

Lazardus is a blood bender, and has the power to control any one and anything, simply by shifting their blood.
He mainly uses this power to do his dirty work, but does use it on a regular basis when he is angered or frustrated. Many have been witnesses of his power, and some have even died from it.

 Leader and manager of the circus

Very short tempered, hardly smiles, normally keeps to himself unless angered, very sly and sneaky.



Has a 'wide' face, crimson eyes that glow brighter when he blood bends, has medium, thick brown hair which seems to always slip over his face. He normally wears a black, tall top hat with a red ribbon around it, wears a long black trench coat with a long collar, which he keeps up to hide his face, wears white gloves which he keeps hidden in his pockets, large, tall boots which are covered in dust and grime, and keeps a pocket watch hidden in his pocket. But People say he wears the clothes of those victims he kills.


7:22pm Jan 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,255
((Ok, so another girl))

Name: Kalima Thomas (Kali)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
S.O.: Bisexual
Power: Levitation. She can levitate herself above the ground, though about 50 feet is her outside limit. If she is carrying an item, the heavier it is, the more restriicted her height limit is. For instance, if she was trying to lift something that weighed 50 pounds she would not be able to go as high as if she were lifting something that weighed 10 pounds.
Position: Ariel Ribbon Dancer (think Cirque De Soleil)
 Kali is perpetually cheerful, constantly bouncing with joy. Sometimes when she is at her happiest, she levitated a little without realizing it. She's maybe not the brightest crayon in the box, but she's all heart.
Appearance: Kali has the long, lean build of a ballerina. She wears her white blonde hair in a bun almost perpetually, but does occasionally let it down. Her eyes are bright, icy blue and her skin is the color of fresh milk: pale and just slightly creamy. She usually wears skirts and dressed, in every shade of blue, purple and green.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

7:40pm Jan 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
I am so subscribing to this <3

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