5:07pm May 25 2011 (last edited on 1:39pm Jun 19 2011)
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Plot: Extortions, Bust-outs, Burglary, Underground fights, Gambling, Kidnapping, Drug Trafficking, Corupt Police welcome to the Underground world. New York can be a scary place, petty thefts, hold-ups, gang battles. But those are nothing compared to the people pulling the strings. They are hidden in the darkness, always there, but never close enough to reach, like a shadow always looming over the sleepless city. They have hold over everything, money flow, jobs, you name it. They run an entire underground empire. From fights (Both Human and Dog), gambling, human trafficing, assassins for hire, you name it. They're are the most elite of elite gangs, untouchable by the police. Unlike other gangs they don't leave a mark, the don't take claim for their crimes. But you know they were there, you can feel their presence you can tell which crimes were done by them. Their syndicate is run more as a buiness, and less of a gang. They don't participate in petty convience store hold-ups, and such, they go for bigger fish, CEOs, the police, the mayor. You don't dare cross them if you value your life, members who even think of turning are, to say in a polite word, put to sleep. The man who runs the syndicate is the King Pin, Micro, no one knows who he really is. He is an elusive figure, whispered about on the streets, like a story one would tell a naughty child. Passed from generation to generaton, he is thought to be an urban myth, just to frighten gang from going out of line. People who chose to believe such as police, would be laughed at. Many officers spend their whole life trying to find this mysterious man, but fail. Becoming alcoholic, their marriages falling apart, their families wanting nothing to do with them, all of this just from chasing one elusive man. For year's the police have tried to take them down. But their are no ties, no one can touch this elite group. So when the police finally catch a break, they jump at the chance, sending up young recruites. But you don't join this crime ring, they find you. Can you survive, stay with your mission? Or will you become corrupt, and fall into the hands of the gang. That is up for you to decide. Keep in mind, they are always one step ahead. But for now, Welcome to the Trinity. - - - - -Intro (OOC)- How nice of you to actually click on this and read this roleplay. This going to be pretty fun so I hope you'll join. Now Because I know most people like fantasy I have decided to add some of that here. So read on, and read everything. (BIC) Now there are many things that set the Trinity apart from other gangs. For one, they are regular people. They have day jobs, they have a wife, family, kids. When first met they seem like an everyday person. But once night falls the animal comes alive. That is when the Trinity strikes. Not to mention that the King Pin is really a vampire. That explains how he is always there, always watching yet his is not. His story has been told for so many generations that is why he seems so unreal. Also the Strike Team, they are all vampires, which is what makes them the Elite of the Elite. Now the vampires in the roleplay are different for typical vampires. Sure they are strong, fast and just inhuman, but those special vampire features, that only comes out during nightfall. When it is daytime, they can walk around and they seem completely normal. Their senses are slightly heightened. Meaning they can hear better, move a little faster and have a stronger pain threshold. But they are not completely vampire, more human with heightened senses. But if it's extremly sunny out they will most likely be in their house, lights off, AC on so high it would give someone frostbite. Also, like vampires of lore, they don't have reflections, which is great when they sneak up on other people, and if they are caught leaving a crime scene they wouldn't show up in the photo, making them untouchable. No one, abosultely no one but themeselves and the King Pin, know that they are vampires. The Trinity also has a gang tattoo. All members have this somewhere on their body. It is three dragons shaped in the Trinity knot. See here People can join as both Trinity Members and Undercover cops. This will start off as the cops are going to become recruited, but their can be the few odd cops who are already members. People in this roleplay don't even have to be part of the gang, they can be a relative who knows about, a girlfriend of a former member. Some one who gambles a bit to much and are being hunted down for money. - - - - - Rules -Well you made it this far, keep going.- 1.) No powerplaying, godmodeling, Mary Sues and all that jazz. 2.) Be literate. This means using proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. (Few typos are understandable). Posts must be at least one paragraph. You must be literate, I can deny you. A sample of your writting may be needed if I haven't roleplayed with you before XP 4.) Keep genders as even as possible. I've noticed female characters are more popular, but this is a gang roleplay so males might be more popular. I'm not going to ask you to join as both a male and female, but join as whatever just keep gender ratios in mind. 5.) Please use some form of OOC whether it'd be {} () or anything else 6.) No powers beyond the vampire race deion. Although I may allow, a few XP 7.) Don't post to much without me, I will probably be on everyday though XP 8.) Action, Romance, Drama is a MUST. Keep everything PG-15 9.) Try to leave spam to a minimum. If you wanna talk do it over rmail please. 10.) Ask before claiming a limited spot. 11.) Have fun!
-Rules are subject to change, be added, ect.- - - - - - Bio Skeleton: Remove brackets. Sections marked with * are optional. Remove if not used. Name: (Full Name) *Aliases/Nicknames: (List all) Gender: (Male or Female) Age: (20-30 If immortal, put age as well) Looks: (Deion preferred. At least one paragraph. Pictures accepted. Photo's or anime XP) *Clothing: (Short deion or general idea) *Acessories: (Anything you couldn't fit in the other categories) Rank: (Undercover cop, member, corupt cop, Strike Team ect.) Personality: (At least one paragraph) Strengths: (At least three) Flaws: (At least three) History: (At least a paragraph. Please not all sob stories) *Location: (Where they live) Current Status: (Jobs, if any, current conflicts, ect.) Lover/Crush: (Are they involved in a relationship?) *Weaponry: (Up to three things) *Pets: (Optional. Nothing weird, like a tiger ect.) Other: (Anything else we should know?)
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:07pm May 25 2011 (last edited on 2:16pm Jun 19 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
Characters -Will add more depending on how many people will join XP- 5 : 4 Members: 1. Jethro Reagan 2. Shakira Monametti 3. Ellowyn Grey 4. Draek Siome 5. Strike Team: 1. Markus Taen 2. Jadaria Katanna 3. Police: 1. William Petrovich (Moriarty) (Corupt) 2. Jacob Manner 3. Other: 1. Arisky Siome BREAKING NEWS! -This is the setting, and current conflicts- It's nightfall, around 10:00 pm. Police officers should be getting ready to meet The Trinity in an abandoned building. They've recieved a piece of paper telling them where to meet up and when. - The members have arrived the wearhouse where the others are now slowly trickling in.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:08pm May 25 2011 (last edited on 8:10pm May 26 2011)
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Posts: 3,991
Name: Jethro Reagan Gender: Male Age: Immortal, Appears Twenty-Five in age. Looks: Standing at an above average height of 6'3'', Jethro is a surprising good looking guy, in the bad boy sense(Although, once he opens his mouth, all thought of attractiveness disapear). He has black hair, which really has nothing special about it. Its short and just sits on his head, a typical hair cut, nothing special. Now Jethro is pretty in shape, considering the boy works out alot. Unlikesome other guys, he doesn't work out to get girls, mostly because he likes being fit. Also, he doesn't work out enough for any bulk, but he clearly has a six pack. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue which tend to stand out against his dark hair and pale skin. His mouth is always in a crooked grin, (although some might call it a sneer) which show off his white teeth and his deep dimples. The shirts he wears are normally long sleeves which shows his broad shoulders and how built he is, also he is normally always wearing a leather jackets. On his legs are dark blue jeans, simple as that. The boy also has quite a collection of tattoo's. Nothing stupid or ridiculous, like some of the biker gangs. He's more classy than that. On his upper back, he has a tattoo that says Affliction and underneath that he has a tattoo of three dragons shaped in the trinity knot, the sign of the gang, underneath that, he has on that says Evil is just a point of view. on the inside of his left forearm he has another tattoo that says Carpe Diem.While on his right, along the side of his forarm it says We are our own devils; we make this world our hell. Clothing: Jeth's clothes vary depending on what mood his in or where he is. If not in his police uniform he can be found wearing dark blue jeans and a close fitting top showing how in shape he is. He also can be seen wearing one of his several leather jackets, and on his feet you will most likely find hightops. When at Trinity meeting he is always seen wearing expensive pinstripe suits, and cigar in mouth. He looks like a traditional 1950s mobster. Dispite how dapper he looks, on his feet instead of dress shoes are most likely hightops. When he's in the house, he'll probably walk around shirtless with neutrel coloured pajama bottoms, although he may be decent enough to pull on an undershirt. Rank: King Pins son. But works as a cop. Personality: Now Jethro isn't what most would call nice. Sure he has his moments, but that will be quickly followed by something mean. He is the type of boy who will refuse to call a girl by her name, most likely giving her an annoying nick name or calling her a different name that starts with the same letter. He is a rather easily irritated, violent guy, not to mention head-strong. He will never back down from a fight and will most likely fight to the death, unless someone interveens. He tells thing exactly like it is, and when its rude or mean, he says 'I'm simply stating the truth, if you don't want to hear it, don't ask.' There of course is also a playful side to him. He can be rather coy at times, not to mention he makes inuendos and is the first the drop sexual jokes or pick up on them. Sure he may come across as a jerk but those who decide to stick around tend to see hs true colours. He really is a loyal friend, helping you when you fall, or kicking the guys ass who pushed you down. And although most may never see it, seeing as it is a rare thing indeed, Jethro has a soft side to him. He will do anything for a friend, even if it ment killing someone. Although he hates tears, he will be the first to ask the ever so annoying question 'Are you alright?' even though you clearly are not. And he will be your shoulder to cry on. And although its unbelievable, the boy loves kids, even though he calls them little brats and will swear that he hates them till he's blue in the face, he does. He likes small animals and children, he has some sort of maternal instinct (if that what you could call it) to protect. Oh yes, there are many layers to Jethro, do you think you can unwrap the all? Strengths: Jethro is a smooth talker. Once hes in suit, and he looks at you with the blue eyes he can get you to do anything. He has a charm to him, which of course only work on mortal women. He is also quite the buiness man, being able to use his smooth words to talk people into buisness deals. Although he often refers to brute force. Flaws: He's a jerk. He really is, that just gets him into so much trouble right there. He is also head strong never backing out fight, which can often be disaterous if its in the daytime. He also can't pass up the chance to tease someone, the man has way to many cons the pros to list. History: Born to a somewhat wealthy family in the 1940s Jethro had a relatively good upbringing. His mother an heiress and his father a lowly cop. Now it was odd in those times if a woman made more than a man, so his father often gambled alot of the money in underground poker. He lost the entire fortune, gambled his family broke. The only reason the Trinity didn't kill them is because the leader had taken intrest in their young son. Seeing the potential in the younge boy so he took the child forgave them of their debts. He raised the kid as his own, teaching him the ways of the empire until he knew it inside out. And once he hit twenty-five the King Pin changed him. Now even though Jeth was changed in the 1950s he has amazingly adapted. He has even emeraged to become a cop and diminished any thoughts the police have of trying to infultrate the gang. Although he knows nothing about the mission, and the under covers. Its all very hush hush, need to know basis. Location: Currently living in small, although up-scale condo. (And because I'm a visual person, I had to attach a photo of the apartment, or else it would just anger me XP Apartment looks here.)
Current Status: Works as a Cop. Although he sometimes draws suspicions considering his lavish life style. Lover/Crush: Thats funny. As if anyone care enough to get past all of that. He's not really into the whole relationship thing, unless he finds someone who's really worth it, not to mention as I stated before most girls give up on him after he opens his mouth. Weaponry: The man always has a gun with him at all times, a Other: Jeth is a smoker. He's not addicted but he just almost always has a cigarette in his mouth. He also owns a motorcycle, which is his main way of transportation. - - - - - - - Name: William Petrovich Aliases/Nicknames: Will Moriarty Gender: Male Age: Twenty-three Looks: Standing at an average height of 5'11'' Will, is a relatively attractive guy, I guess. (Ugh well edit later XP Just click) Clothing: When on the job, he's normally in casual work place clothing. Dress pant, dress shirt, but he tends to wear a leather jacket. When he;s out he is normally in jeans and t-shirts. He really dresses however he feels like but he always looks good. He is always in some leather jacket, he has mulitple pairs. Rank: Corupted Cop Personality: (At least one paragraph) Strengths: (At least three) Flaws: (At least three) History: Will had a strange childhood. His father a russian mobster, his mother a young girl who had happened to fall in love with him, having him at the age of sixteen. When he lived with him father when he was young life was good. He had toys, a large house, but it wasn't until he turned ten when things turned bad. Buisness in the gang started going bad, and he finally saw that his mother wasn't happy. He had never noticed before the bruises she had tried to hide. He walked in once when his father had striked her down in a drunken stupor, yelling at her calling her a lowly wh***. So when he father had stormed up, he said something no six year old would think of. He told her to run away. They made arrangements while his father was away, they got a place to stay and they ran. Leaving the life of luxery, they went to a run down apartment complex in a bad area. His mother having to work three jobs, sometimes having to use her body, although she did that in the richer districts. They lived like that for ten years, until Social services threatened to take him away but they managed to avoid them by doing one of the things she had hoped she would never have to do. She went back to her parents, her father had long walked out to be with a younger woman. His grandmother greatly took in him, but she didn't really care for her daughter, staying out of her way. He was always a trouble making kid, getting into trouble for back talking teachers, although he mostly did it in russian, which got him into more trouble seeing as people didn't understand. Things were getting bad and his mother signed him up for the army, much to his distaste, he resented his mother for that but he didn't know it was because he father was back threatening her. When he came back after a couple of years, he learned his mother was dead, she had gone to face his father but he killed her, not before she had taken out his eye. Not knowing what to do, he joined the force. He was a good cop, moving through the ranks, they even sent him undercover to a motorcycle called the Crypt Kings (Thank you CSI: Miami XD) There he tracked down his father. He he grabbed his shotgun and went to the mans house, he found him an entered into his house late at night and found him with a hooker in bed. He raised his gun and poked the man and managed to wake him up. The man looked bewildered. "Whats the matter father. Don't remember your own son?" he had asked the man in Russian before shoting him point blank in the face, then he fled into the night. He later told to police he didn't want to be under cover anymore and he was promoted to the arson desk. Later the Trinity had found out and they wanted him, he went just for the hell of it and found himself loving their corupt world. Location: (Where they live) Current Status: Works as a cop. Arson devision. Lover/Crush: None at the moment. He's open to it though Weaponry: (Up to three things) Other: He is fluent in Russian which often comes in handy in negotiations. He also rides a motocycle. Although he also drives a sport car.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:18pm May 25 2011 (last edited on 6:49pm May 26 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
Name: tle="Character">Jadaria Katanna Aliases/Nicknames: Jade, Sakura, Sora, The Phantom Shadow Gender: Female Age: Appears 20; Is 217 Looks: Long, dark and silky hair. During the day, she has electric blue eyes but once the sun goes down, they become a deep maroon that seem to peer into your very soul. Jadaria is tall, nearly six-foot, and slender. Even for a vampire, she is strong for her age and the majority of her toned muscles are in her legs(often the reason she wears short bottoms). A slightly pointed face gives off a false sense of vulnerability but beware of her fast reflexes. Clothing: Generally wears a tube top and shorty shorts with some sort of 'cape'. Tends to wear all black for that kind of an outfit. Another of her favored attire is a tight green camisole with silver/gray miniskirt. Acessories: Always wears two amulets; one bearing a snake, the other a crow/raven, as well as a gold anklet on her right ankle. Rank: Strike Team Personality: A strong, independent girl. Jadania prefers to work alone but greatly enjoys company anywhere else. A bit of a social akward, Jadania usually keeps to herself and smiles and laughs when other do. She appears to be a 'kool-aid' drinker but in reality, she pushes the group in one direction as much(even more so) than those around her. She is impatient when it comes to things she wants, weither it be a line for food or just to wait for the street light to change. For the amount of time she has lived, Jadaria finds that reading is her favorite thing. Strengths: Fast reader, acrobatic fighter, reading the emotions of others Flaws: Impatient, reckless, short tempered(bipolar, if you will) History: She used to be the geeky girl, hated by many. At seventeen she found herself constantly fighting with her parents and quickly grew tired of the bickering, fed up with all the teasing at school. She ran away. Didn't look back but kept running, the police couldn't even catch her but that didn't mean that others couldn't as well. She left home without money so she was forced to steal what was necessary. After about a year of doing that, she became confident in her abilities to get away with crimes and began to steal more precious items such as jewelry. Nobody knew her name, but they all knew what she did. She was nicknamed 'The Phantom Shadow' always a step ahead of the rest and never caught. Until she ran into another, very strange group of people. It was sunset, growing dark quickly. These people grew more and more frightening, but Jadania held her ground regardless of the shaking knees. When she finally decided to run, those men were faster than she. Nobody heard her scream. That was 217 years ago, now she is a member of the Strike Force. She stands tall and proud of what she was created as, always pushing herself to the limit. Current Status: Currently No Job Lover/Crush: Available; Plays hard to get. *Weaponry: Fights hand-to-hand or with a set of double hand blades. Pets: A German Shephard/Husky mix named Draco. Other: Her gang tle="Tattoo2">tattoo is set on her right side, usually exposed when she wears her favorite outfit. ------------- Good. You can post it up once you finish the other. ------------- OK Here are the other two... Name: tle="Other Character">Jacob Manner Aliases/Nicknames: Jake, Connor, Dante Gender: Male Age: 25 Looks: He is your average height, thin and not all that muscular but very good looking. He dyed his hair but it was originally blonde, he hated the color because of many jokes made about it. At first glance you would not at all as.sume Jacob to be a cop but in reality that is what gives him the upper hand in a chase. In highschool he ran for the track team and actually made a few records. Though running was about as good as he could get with sports. His kick, hit, throw and all out sports that included more that running have ended him up with several scars on his legs, back and thin scar under left eye.
Clothing: He is your jeans and a t-shirt kind of guy. He hates formal attire and detest clashing colors. Usually he wears tight fitting clothes; Skinny jeans and some sort of band logo tee. Acessories: A cross that hans around his neck on a golden chain and a silver ring on his little finger(right hand). Rank: Cop Personality: Determined. The one word that could even come close to describing him. He never gives up and is always tyring to push himself over the top. Nothing is perfect, ever, and always needs fixing or help. Not OCD, he's not that addicted, but just a point of view. He loves the thrill of adrenaline pumping through the veins and is always out to prove himself, strength or wits. Nothing is too good, or too lame for that matter, for Jacob and that often gets him noticed. He is friendly towards everyone, who doesn't look like they are up to no good. Once he has his heart set on a task he will see it through to the very end, not ever letting anyone sway his oppinions. Strengths: He loves to run, and is great at strategizing or planning things out. He doesn't give up on others and is always willing to help, perfect at hiding true emotions and displaying what he wants others to see. Flaws: He can't stand talking in front of crowds larger than five people, gets nervous in front of people in general. He so caught up in making others happy that it is never a priority for himself. If it comes to a project he will often forget to eat or sleep. He also just jumps into things too, sometimes letting his actions take over before he makes plans. History: Your average kid, went through highschool unoticed by the majority but still plenty of friends. Originally he wanted to be a teacher but found that watching cops at work more interesting to him. He began to obsess over the shows on TV and studied until graduation. From there he had already applied and was accepted into training. He soared through, already knowing alot of what they taught. In no time at all, he had finally reached his dream at the age of 23. He has been a cop for two years now, moving from Rookie to a decent level by the time he hit 25. Current Status: Works as a Cop, but also takes up part-time jobs as securtiy gaurds for buildings or body gaurds for people. Lover/Crush: Not really looking but Open all the same. Weaponry: Just your average gun supplied by the department. Other: I still don't think so. ~~~~~ Name: tle="And yet another Character">Shakira Monametti Aliases/Nicknames: ShayShay, Mokona, Sherry Gender: Female Age: Appears Mid-Twenties; Immortal Looks: Petite and flat chested, this beauty never really took on the looks or habbits of the other girls of her time period. A slender frame, not much meat and a natural glare in her eyes. Her blonde hair reaches down to touch her hip line but somehow it never looks messy or out of place. Her complexion is one that others would die for but she doesn't care, never wearing make-up or anything of the sort. Clothing: Has a unique style of wearing cute clothes with gothy or rocky like acessories. Usually wears some sort of summer dress(even in winter) with hulky 'combat boots'. Acessories: Always the dress with the boots and a helmet for some reason. She hates motorcyles so it is a mystery as to why she wears the hat. Even though it is an odd way of dressing, this girl can very easily pull it off and pas.s as if she were just another normal person in society. Rank: She is kind of just a gang member, not really anything special but a very trusted member when it comes to certain ordeals. Personality: Rambunctious and outrageous, doing what others would never dare do. She used to stares and learned quickly how to take a comment and turn it against others. She adapts to everything, times and society. Perfect at blending in with those around her, weither it be at a convention or just another time period she is forced to live through. Strengths: Great at lying and a perfect actress. She knows how to be unique and still stay hidden from unwanted eyes. She is sly and never to be trusted with cash money but if you give her an ob ject, no matter the worth, you will never have to worry about her running off with it. Flaws: Easily bored, she often goes looking for trouble. Hates being the last one out and tends to let jealousy take over at times. She doesn't let anyone in, which is a problem when she is feeling down. She turns to human drugs though they have hardly any affect on her body and no addiction ever forms. She does it for the pain on the inside that not be felt on the outside. History: Shakira was born in 1899, but she hated everything about it. She hated the dresses, the fanciful parties and all the socialites. Her mother and father were both vampires, making her a naturally born immortal. She watched from her window as time moved on around her, changing from the past to the present. She happily adopted the newer fashions and took to living on her own. At one point she was a hooker, then a bartender, now she doesn't really do anything but run errands for the gang. Current Status: Gofor Girl/Errand Girl Lover/Crush: Not at all interested in searching but open minded with some matters. Weaponry: She has a favorite katana blade that she fights with, somehow never noticed by those around her. She almost always has it with her but sometimes she stows it in a secret hiding place. Pets: A black cat named Willy Other: Ya, no pictures used were actually mine... Credit to their owners, and uh things had to be cut short becacause of computer failures... tle="Tattoo">Trinity Knot Tattoo is placed at the base of her neck on the back side. ((Cops don't get the Trinity Tattoo unless they are corrupt right? So I don't need to worry about that with Jake?))
8:39pm May 25 2011 (last edited on 11:25am Jun 12 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Name: Markus Kallaticus Taen Nicknames: Mark or Taen Gender: Male Species: Greek Vampire Age: 2030, but looks roughly 19 Looks: Markus is, in short, an albino. When he fangs grow in, all four canines look roughly similar to a wolf's or a cat's fangs. One his left shoulder blade is a black tattoo of a Fleur de Lis, underneath the Fleur is the Dragon Trinity knot.. His pants are tight black jeans that end at his ankles and he wears black boots that end at his knees. The boots have silver skull fastenings.The skulls look like they have small fangs. He also stands at six foot two. Clicky! Rank: Strike Team Personality: Markus is cold and outlandish. He is an outcast in his own eyes, but very mysterious in the eyes of others. He doesn'tlike to get close to people for what happened in his mysterious past. Sometimes, he is more animated when he is around people he trusts. But that is very rare for him to leave his stoic state. Strengths: Markus's strengths involve fighting, extreme steath and agility, and controlling the element of Air/Wind [maybes?]. Flaws: Er.... -headdesk- He doesn't show his feelings correctly so people often misjudge him, uh... Markus often has trouble "blending in" with society, and he hates people in general. History: Markus was born in 19 BC to a wealthy family in Athens, Greece, as a human. As he grew up, he went to school and learnedabout the methods of fighting and other things. He was happy duringhis human life. Until his parents arranged a marriage between him anda woman he did not love. That happened in the years in which “Jesus Christ” was supposedly born. And during that time, he was attackeda vampress and was turned into a vampire. His maker was called Shoniand she was an Egyptian vampire; a lovely one at that. They traveledaround Greece for a while until Markus turned a hundred. They were in Sparta at the time and Shoni was killed. Markus was branded with a Fleur de Lis and he fled Sparta. After that, he traveled around the Mediterranean. Only coming back to Greece once every hundred years. Then, he grew tired of his world and decided to travel through out the world. Location: The Bronx Current Status: Working in a gun store. Lover/Crush: Maybe a bit later... Weaponry: Markus has two black, Glock 19s. They always have silencers screwed into the barrel and are holsted in the small of his back. He also has a three-foot-long sword that he wears under his jacket at a diagonal. Though, he rarely uses the sword. Pets: He has befriended a white she-raven he calls Riiva. Other: Markus can sometimes be spotted smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer. He seems to work better when his is flagged or onthe effects of the nicotine. But Markus only drinks or smokes everyonce in a while since his mind tells him he is not addicted to the nicotine or the alcohol. ~xXx~ Name: Ariskye Siome Nicknames: Risk and Risky Gender: Female Species: Human-ish Age: Twenty Looks: Ariskye still has her crimson eyes, but this time, they are confined into two small circles surrounded by white. The crimson irises are hazy and clouded, but the pupils seem to be non-existent. But when she gets angry, her pupils fade into being in the form of narrow slit-like pupils. Her hair is still hip-length with its blue-black strands that seem to reflect crimson in certain light. When she has her hair up in a ponytail, part of her bangs covers the left side of her face and a jagged, white scar that runs from her hairline to her lower jaw. Ariskye is dressed in all black which blends in with her dark olive-like skin tone, and the white scar stands out brightly against the dark colouration of her skin. Her shirt ends at her waist while it curves around her neck, it is skin-tight, and the shirt is sleeveless. Her pants start at her hips and does down long, muscular legs until it reaches her ankles. The pants are also skin-tight. Her shoes are black boots with silver skull fastenings. The boots also have two-inch heels. Ariskye also wears and ankle-length, sleeveless black coat. The coat is split in the back and the split starts just above her tail bone and it has two pockets on each side. Black scales start at her shoulder blades and curl down her arms until it ends around her wrists, looking like a long tattoo. Her fingernails resemble claws and they are tapered to a pretty sharp point. Her canines are slightly longer and she looks animalistic when she smiles. Her hair covers the tips of her pointed ears; the right is pierce three times with small gold hoops on the fleshy part and the left is pierced with three silver studs on the cartilage. Ariskye stands at six one. Rank: She knows about the Gang, but she is not in it. She is more like an assassin for hire that the Trinity uses. Personality: Ariskye is very mysterious in her own, unique ways. It is because of that, that some people are drawn to her; thinking they can unravel the mystery behind her. Because she comes off as cold and distant the first time somebody meets her, she is rather hard to befriend and/or “tame.” She has very few people she can actually call her friends because of it. To those select few, she is loyal and protective. Not to mention, if anything were to attack them, she would give all of herself to save them from impending doom. When caught in a corner, she will fight to escape it. When she fights, she can receive a viscous blood-lust that will take a while before it is sated. Strengths: Her skill at fighting [swordplay and Martial Arts] is phenomenal, she is very gifted in the Art department, and her master and use of the Shadows is amazing and slightly disturbing. Flaws: She hates anything that involves testosterone-induced males, she will go off the deepend of somebody calls her anything else besides her specified nicknames, and if she uses her Shadow-ability longer than a specified time, her stamina will drop dramaitically. History: Its long... and I don't feel like editing it down... Location: Ariskye lives in one of these because she has serious moniez now. Current Status: She is a free-lance artist that charges a lot for each commission she does. Lover/Crush: "You dare ask me this? Do you have a death wish?" Weaponry: A three-foot long sword with a collapsible blade. But, there is a hidden button on the hilt that allows the curved steel to spring into action. The blade is carved steel while the hilt is wrought out of woven metals. She carries two of them. Also carries a black Glock 19 that has a silencer screwed into the barrel. Several clips and cartridges can be found on her person. Other: Ariskye can speak Japanese, Gaelic, Greek, and Spanish since English is her native tongue. She can always be found with a sketch pad in her hands, along with a pencil, some charcoal, and a coloured pencil. She also has an iPod with her filled with heavy metal rock bands, like Disturbed, Godsmack, Korn, and Drowning Pool. Two of her favourite sayings are “What do you want from me?” and “Ready to die?”. Unbeknownst to her, Ariskye's blood is very poisonous. She also has a custom-made hubless motorcycle that looks abit like this. ~xXx~ Name: Draek Siome Nicknames: Serpent, Dray Gender: Male Species: Human-ish Age: Twenty-five Looks: Draek's eyes have deep crimson irises and in the middle of the irises is a darker than black, cat-like pupil. The ends of his shoulder-length black hair is jagged and meant to look that way while he has a streak of silver in one of his bangs. His black hair is rough compared to the silky texture of the silver streak. A small scar breaks his right eyebrow in half. The scar is a faded white and he received it in a small accident at school during recess. Draped over his shoulders is a tight black t-shirt. Just plain black. And it ends at his hips while hugging every muscle he has on his torso. Starting a few centimeters below the end of his shirt are black leather pants that hugs is well-toned legs and ends at his ankles. The space between the top of the pants and the bottom of the shirt slightly show the V as it dips beneath the leather. Sheathing his feet protectively in leather, are black boots that end just under his knees and have dark silver fastenings. Covering the black t is a black leather jacket. It ends at wrists in small cuffs and at the waist in another cuffed end. Small skulls are used as unused buttons and there is a white skull-and-cross-bones sewed onto the back. Around his throat are black scales that look like it has been tattooed into his skin. It goes down his shoulders to his arms and then to his wrists where it coils around; ending its path. He also has the Trinity Knot in the middle of his shoulder blades. Draek's skin tone is a dark tawny and his teeth flash white whenever he smiles. He also stands at six foot three. As mentioned before, his teeth are white and his canines are longer than average. Pointed and curved towards the back of his throat. His ears are slightly pointed and pierced three times. The right by three golden studs and the left by three silver hoops. Rank: Member Personality: Draek is more easy to read than most. Even if his emotions aren't clear on his face, they show in his eyes and in his words. Generally quiet and reserved, Draek never likes to be the center of attention in any crowd. He can relax and have fun around people, but it is only around it friends, and he doesn't have very many of them. Once relaxed, he can joke, laugh, and become a whole lot more animated than when he is alone with people he doesn't know. Draek is protective of his friends and loved ones, even if he doesn't convey it. Strengths: Draek has skills in Matial Arts since he traveled to Asia to learn most of the styles when he was a kid with his family, he can move like a ghost whenever he wants which can make him extremely dangerous at times, and -- much like his sister -- his mastery and use of the Shadows is both amazing and disturbing. Flaws: He is very self-conscious about the colour of his eyes and usually wears cool-looking shades to cover them, and if he uses the Shadows longer than a specified time, his stamina drops dramatically. History: [Let's see. I don't have it on his profile I have saved on my flashdrive... But I'll think of something.] His real parents loved each other, but his human mother died soon after he was born. His father was an agless demon named Azael from Lemuria -- lost continent -- and he was adopted by a nice family who loved to travel. But they mostly traveled to Asia where he learned a lot of the different styles of Martial Arts. Ranging from Karate to Kung Fu and Ninjutsu to Taekwondo. Basically? He is a weapon unto himself. When he was old enough, he moved back to the states to live in New York. There he joined the Trinity after about a few years later. [Rough... Might edit and make smoother later.] Location: He lives with his half-sister in her fancy-@ss appartment. Current Status: Unemployed. [Ariskye; Stupid freeloader] Lover/Crush: ... Weaponry: Draek can turn anything into a weapon. [Draek; See this pencil? -slams random head into point- Now you don't.] Other: Draek can speak all of the Asian-oriented languages as well as his native English. His taste in music is the same as Ariskye's and he also has an iPod filled with the same music. Draek's blood can heal the wounds he substains and he can use the bright, light crimson blood to heal other people's injuries if he wishes to.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:12pm May 26 2011 (last edited on 7:19pm May 26 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Psh, I think I scared everyone away XD Bump. Psh, I wanted all the tattoos to be the same, thats why I posted a picture of it XD Edit: Cops get it as an initiation when the join the gang, so you don't have to worry about it now. Unless you planning to have him go undercover.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:14pm May 26 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((My bio is all up and ready to go... I think. How many more people should we wait for to begin?))
9:40pm May 26 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:35pm May 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((Hmmm, maybe I should make him go undercover...))
8:09pm May 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Doesn't matter to me XP I'm waiting for more people to join. Heart said she might XP To the top))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:34pm May 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// I might add another char if I can find her sheet... -rumages around papers near laptop- -mutters- I need to organise this sh!t...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:07pm May 28 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// -pushes to top- I also gave up on trying to find another char to use...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:03pm May 31 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
7:06pm May 31 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((God my roleplays always fail XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:14pm May 31 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((Lols, you forgot about it! XD Don't you think we could start though, I mean we do have a couple of characters each so.....Oh and I had an idea of how to introduce my characters to this roleplay but I wasn't sure if it was ok, shall I send you my thoughts?))
7:18pm May 31 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Well I wanted more people to join but now that seems grim XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:11pm Jun 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// I could add Draek if you want me to.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:26pm Jun 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Hell, I don't even care. Go ahead. I guess we can start soon XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:29pm Jun 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// XD Sweet... I'll get his sheet up as soon as I can. I am also "working" homework for skool. :d
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:03pm Jun 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((Hurry! I am so bored I might die. XD I just got back from dance photos so I might poof for a minute for food. But never fear I will return soon.))