7:39pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 2:22pm Aug 9 2010)
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Posts: 3,291
Plot: Kids- You are a child, or teen(6-16) that has an illness or mental problems. You were taken far out into nowhere to a farm called, 'Recovery'. It's a place where you will chose a horse, and connect to try and help it, while it helps you. Horses- You are a tame, abused, or ill horse that was brought to Recovery to help the kids recover, but let yourself be halped at the same time. You will be paired with a child for you to connect to. (I know it's a fail)
Rules: #1-Unlimited charas #2-Listen to me #3-ASK TO JOIN 4-No, 'I am here because I murdered someone and need to get over it.' The kids can't be killers, or anything like that. They can witness a murder, but not be part of it. #5-You cannot connect with your own person #6- Keep gender, and breeds even #7- When making a new chara, edit you first bio post #8-Normal rules
Bios: Kids: Name: Age:(6-16) Gender: Ill or Abused: If ill, what illness: Horse: Crush/Date: *Personality: *History: Looks:(Please pics) Other:
Horse: Name: Age: Gender: Tame, Ill or Abused: Kid: Crush/Mate: *Personality: *History: Looks:(Please pics) Other:
Character List: Owner: Tori(me)-Glory(me) Workers: Karienne Jackson(SerenitySorrow) Castor Grason(SerenitySorrow) Kids: Chloe(me) Lori(me) Ayden Westing(lolalover6) Nike(innagong) Cora(innagong) Renidi(Flowers234) Duskira 'Dusk' Winters(Feyth) Relis 'Rel' Winters(Feyth) PJ Lov(ssather) Sinne"Sin" Lov(ssather) Horses: Scar(me) Widget(me) Violet(me) Amirah(lolalover6) Mireille(lolalover6) Firefly(lolalover6) Ember(lolalover6) Yukita(emeraldwing) Sundance(SerenitySorrow) Feyth(Feyth) Concecton: Tori-Glory Chloe-Firefly Lori-Mireille Ayden-Scar Nike-Sundance Cora-Ember Renidi-Amiriah Duskira- Violet Relis-Feyth PJ-Yukita Sinne-Widget Gender Ratio: Humans: Female- 5 Males- 5 Horses: Female- 5 Male- 5 My Characters: Kids:Name: Chloe Age: 10 Gender: Female Ill or Abused: Both If ill, what illness: She was abused by her father, enough to cause her to develop Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Horse: Firefly Crush/Date: None Looks:  Other: She has a fear of men. Name: Tori Age: 21 Gender: Female Ill or Abused: Neither
If ill, what illness: Horse: Glory Crush/Date: None Looks:
 Other: She owns the farm. Name: Lori Age: 16 Gender: Female Ill or Abused: Abused
If ill, what illness: Horse: Open Crush/Date: None Looks:
 Other: She was beaten and sexually abused my her father and older brother. Horse: Name: Glory Age: Adult Gender: Mare Tame, Ill or Abused: Tame
Kid:Owner: Tori Crush/Mate: None Looks:
Name: Scar Age: Adult Gender: Stallion Tame, Ill or Abused: Abused Kid: Ayden Crush/Mate: None Looks:

 Other: Covered in scars. Name: Widget Age: Adult Gender: Stallion Tame, Ill or Abused: Abused, he was saved froma slaughter house when he was a foal. Kid: Sinne Crush/Mate: None Looks:(Please pics) When found:(Do not click if you have a weak stomach) http://www.runawaycreek.com/Katierightneck3days.jpg http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d181/kdahlish/Bluesleg010.jpg http://www.centrevilleequine.net/S*censored*yButt22Feb2007.JPG http://media.katu.com/images/100305_horsesgosplat.jpg
 Now:(With the whitte mark on his forehead from the last pic)
 Other: He has no trust in anything. Name: Violet Age: Filly Gender: Mare Tame, Ill or Abused: Was tame but is now ill. Kid: Duskira Crush/Mate: None. Looks:
 Other: Her old master poisoned her, but was soon arrested after vets found out. (I don't own any of these pictures.)

7:41pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 7:48pm Aug 8 2010)
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Posts: 2,962
Name: Amirah/Mireille Age: Young adult/Young adult (About five years old--still consired fillies by some) Gender: Female/Female Tame, Ill or Abused: Abused/Abused Kid: Open/Open Crush/Mate: Open/Open *Personality: Amirah is defensive of both herself and her sister. They share a close bond and would do anything for one another. She stands up for both of them and acts as their leader and protector. She often more talkative than her sister, with a social personality and friendly dispotsition. She has a temper, though--especially when it comes to Mireille./Mireille, the quieter of the two twins, is very clever and knowledgable. She enjoys learning new things and likes healing. She hates suffering and traitors, but rarely sticks up her herself. She is not talkative except to her sister, and would do anything for ehr. *History: Amirah and Mireille were born to be race horses. Not the type of Thouroughbred used in the Kentucky Derby, no. They were born to one of the finest Arabian sires and a good mare. They were trained hard from a yung age--too young. Their first owners, though somewhat ignorant, were kmind enough. They taught the sisters how to run as fast as they could but preserve energy. When they were two years old, they were sold to another ranch. These owners were not wuite as forgiving. They began competitively racing them, and when they didn't do qwell, retired them as brood mares. They were whipped when they shied away from others, and underfed due to the growing population at their ranch. They were relocated by government officials who closed down the ranch about a year and a half ago. Looks:
Other: They are twins. Name: Firefly/Ember Age: Young adult/Young adult Gender: Male/Male Tame, Ill or Abused: Tame/Tame (Partially abused for both) Kid: Open/Cora Crush/Mate: None/None (Open for both!) *Personality: -Eh, it might come later- *History: -Eh, it might come later- Looks: Other: They are brothers -- Kids: Name: Ayden Westing Age: 16 Gender: Male Ill or Abused: Ill If ill, what illness: Multi-Pesonality Disorder Crush/Date: Open *Personality: Ayden is often plagued with his disorder during times or stress or unease. His alter-ego, whom he calls Ailin, can be violent and snappy. Ayden has been recovering, though, and now knows when he can expect Ailin to come out. *History: Ayden's many past counselors have come to one conclusion: after a very abusive step father, Ayden created Ailin to help him fight out against the abuse. He was sent to many boarding schools, where he did particularly well--except in social behavior. He now is seens as an antisocial "freak" and is labeled so by every school her goes to. he came to the camp in hopes of finally curing the last of his "disease"--which, by the way, is a term that he hates--and possibly making new friends. Looks:  (His eyes are green, though.)
Other: None ((Obviosuly, I don't have anything against people with this disorder. )) [None of these pictures are mine. Full credit goes to the original artist(s) of these works.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:44pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 7:52pm Aug 8 2010)
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Posts: 4,258
Name: Yukita Age: child Gender: mare Tame, Ill or Abused: abused- beaten and then left to fend for herself Crush/Mate: open *Personality: Skitish around people but caring around horses *History: rp it out Looks:
7:44pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm Aug 8 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((I think, Somehow Yukita's bio stretched the page...)) Name|| Karienne Jackson
Age|| Sixteen
Gender|| Female
Ill or Abused|| N/A
Horse|| All of them XD
Crush/Date|| Nope
Personality|| Kari is a totally up beat and friendly girl. All ways cheerful but never too in your face. She just one of those really likeable people. Once, she makes up her mind its her way or the highway. She normally jokes around and seems carefree but she can be serious at times, especially when it comes to the werewolf. She also finds it hard to forgive people if they wrong her. (Yeah, I suck at personalities)
History|| She unlike, the other kids didn't have a rough past. She's not even at the ranch because of a illness. She's a farm hand, working for a part time job. The only depressing part in her past is that her parents divorced and she doesn't see her father.
Looks|| (Picture aren't really my thing) Karienne is a rather pretty girl. She stands at about 5'6 and has long legs. Her skin is a milky chocolate brown. Her curly black hair reaches her shoulders and frames her round face. Her eyes are a deep forest green and are framed by dark lashes. Her nose fits nicely on her face and she has a straight white smile that is ever present. Her lips aren't exactly full and large but slightly less than that. Her body is thin but surprisingly curvy. Now, being the type of person she is you would never suspect it but she has a tatoo of a dragon on her entire back, she normally hides it, rarely wearing bikinis or open back dresses that would show it, she honestly has no idea how she got it.
Other|| She works at the farm and supervises the kids, and she looks after the horses. - - - - - - - Name|| Castor Grason
Age|| Sixteen
Gender|| Male
Ill or Abused|| Abused, but you'de never know.
Horse|| N/A
Crush/Date|| Nope
Personality|| Gah, can''t remember.
History|| Castor life was pretty good, until that fateful day when he was four and his mother died in a car crash. He was in the car and made it out with a few broken ribs and minor cuts and bruises. His father soon after becaume and alcoholic, and blamed the death on his son. Which resulted with him beating the poor kid. And so it went on for six years. At first it was just beating and spanking then some night when his father came home in a drunken rage he would beat him and then cut him. But one day, the new neighbor heards Castor's scream and called the police who came and arrest his father. (Now that sucked and I'm feeling lazy) So Castor was sent into foster care where he was adopted. but his parents sent him hear to get whatever emotional pain that was left out of his system. Instead he applied for a job.
Looks|| Castor due to his greek heritage has a fair (lightly tanned) skin tone. He stands at height of 5'7 but, he's still young so he will probably grow a couple more inches. He has broad shoulders, and an athletic build. His hair is dark brown, which grows out into waves, if he doesn't cut it, although always does so it appears straight. He has a rather handsome face. His eye are probably his best *censored*et, they are a warm chocolate brown that light up whenever he smiles. (He also has dimples when he smiles but I dind't know how to fit that in.) Althought, most would not not think he was abused because of his personality there are definately scars. The emotional ones have long heal but the physical (which was really the only abuse he received) have not. He has a long (well about a good 15 inches) cut that runs along his forarm and he has multiple scars criss crossing his back. (Well really only about four or five)
Other|| He works at the farm with his friend Kari. - - - - - - Name: Sundance Age: Young Adult Gender: Male Tame, Ill or Abused: Tame Kid: Nike Crush/Mate: Nope. Personality: Rp it out? History: He was born on the ranch and lived there his whole life. So of course he's not abused, and he's not ill. Looks:

Other: Nothing.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:47pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 4,914
Kids: Name: Nike Age: Fifteen Gender: Male Ill or Abused: Ill. :D If ill, what illness: A.D.H.D. <3 Horse: Sundance Crush/Date: None/Open *Personality: RP it out *History: RP it out Looks:Coming. <3 Other: None. Kids: Name: Cora (Lol fail name. xD) Age: Fifteen Gender: Female Ill or Abused: Ill If ill, what illness: Dyslexia, and she gets the occasional spaz attack and runs around with knives... <3 Horse: Ember Crush/Date: What's the point of putting these in forms? Open, of course. :D *Personality: RP it out *History: RP it out Looks:Coming Other: None
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
7:47pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((It did? ill see if i can fix it))
7:50pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((idk what happened i took out all the pics, i dont think its me now))
7:50pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm Aug 8 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((I'd hate to spam. But wow, It's still messed. Edit: Maybe It's Lovee's Big Words... Em: In you bio, if you highlight it, there a huge space next to child. Check it out. Maybe it's that?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:59pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,291
(It's the spaces. I took the big words out.)
8:01pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((i guess, well its my dreaded bed time so ill catch ya later peeps))
8:02pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Emem-Can you at least fix your bios first? I can't even read posts.)
8:07pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 650
((Do I have to redo my bio?))
8:09pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(That's what I said to do.)
8:11pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 650
((Sorry I was gone...And one last thing, is the old rp like this still up...))
8:19pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Yes. Instead of posting the stupid question, you could have just looked you know.)
8:27pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 8:29pm Aug 8 2010)
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Posts: 650
Name:Renidi Age:(6-16) 14 Gender:male Ill or Abused:Abused If ill, what illness:NONE Horse: IrohAmirahCrush/Date:Anybody that likes him *Personality:Emo, scared for life... *History:Not much to him, just being abused Looks:(Please pics)  Other:NONE
9:16pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((So Lovee are we waiting for Sather before we start.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:31pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Did you get me?))
 <-- Click me
9:34pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(Feyth-You haven't posted your bios.)
9:38pm Aug 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Respost your bio Feyth. >.< Im pretty sure Lovee said that earlier.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.