6:56pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 3:18am Aug 12 2011)
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If you do not know what Wolf's Rain is, it is an Anime about wolves trying to get to a place called paradise because the world is basicly ending. I could explain it, but that would take forever. This is my ultimate favorite Anime. Thought it would make a cool roleplay. ^.^ If you have any questions about anything just ask. I will be glad to awnser them. Plot: Ever since Kiba's pack failed to get to paradise and the flower maiden was killed, paradise has closed for all, that is until the new generation of wolves have been set out upon the earth to reopen paradise. The nobles are still around and will stop at nothing, expecially Darcia's descendents, to kill these new wolves. Can the new wolves open paradise that Kiba's pack never reached? Or will Darcia's descendents win once again and this time forever close paradise? Information on Darcia's Descendents: They are still cursed which means that they too can turn into wolves, but they are not true blooded wolves. They are still part of the Nobles and with this they will never be permited into paradise which is why they hate wolves so much. Its called 'Paradise's curse'. Other information: People who are part wolf part dog like 'Blue' can turn into a human as well. They are allowed as well if you do not want to be full blooded wolf. Rules: This is literate rp. No one liners please. You are required to post at least a paragraph per post. No less than 7 sentences. No helpless wolves. I'm sorry I don't want blind wolves, or deaf wolves. No pups or cubs. I don't want a whole bunch of tiny pups running around. No one younger than what Toboe was. Since school has started and people won't be on at certain times. I do not want anyone to go too far without anyone else. I do not know if i'm going to do a posting order. I hope not because they suck, but sometimes they are nessisary and can come in handy. We'll see if I have to put one up or not as we get into the rp. No powerplaying of course. No mary-sues or anything along the lines of that. I may pick a co-owner at a later date to help keep things in order if I must. Not sure i'll need to though. Violence is a must obviously. There are hate/hate relationships, blood and what not. If you can't handle that then this is not the place for you. I assume you all know that though since this is Wolf's Rain. Romance is encouraged. We can even do a forbiden type of romance if you really wanted to. Wolf/Human. Wolf/Wolf. Wolf/ Darcia descendent. Ect... These are allowed.
Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Species (Wolf/Human/Noble/Darcia’s Descendent): Looks: Personality: History: (Optional)

8:11pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 11:59pm Aug 12 2011)
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Characters we currently have: Wolves: Tala - 17 (LadyNightfyre) Sin - 18 (Immortal) Isa - 17 (Immortal) Anie - 17 (RikaTheFallen) Ryan - 18 (RikaTheFallen) Mordekai - 20 (RikaTheFallen) Wolf Hunters: Arwan - 41 (ShaoXbaby23) Nobles: Julien - 20 (Immortal) Darcia's Descendants: Saber - 20 (ShaoXbaby23) Raine - 19 (Immortal) Flower Maiden: Huna - 16 (LadyNightfyre) Wolf/Dogs: Avalia - 16 (Feyth)
10:09pm Aug 11 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((I'll join, but probably 3 posts a day is whta I can do. May I be a wolf/dog like blue?))
 <-- Click me
11:53pm Aug 11 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((May I join as well with the leader of the wolves, basically what Kiba was, and a coouple other guys?
I won't be able to post much either btw. Being in band and a relationship and thinking about colleges takes a lot of time. X.x))
12:01am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Join as one of darcia's descendants and a wolf?)
12:14am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,825
( Yes, yes, and Yes. lol. @ Rika. Its alright. I'm starting college next week. So it will be a slow rp. Just to warn everyone as well. )
1:25am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((I'd like to join, if you don't mind. As a wolf. And maybe the flower maiden? Either way, a wolf, please.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:37am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,825
( Yes, Yes of course you may. Just everyone post their bios. Mine will be up a little later. )
1:41am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Mine too because it is really late and I am on my ipad.))
 <-- Click me
1:51am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[Since two rp's I was in were dropped, I'll see if I can keep with this one. Posting my bio soon.]
2:09am Aug 12 2011
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Name: Tala
Age: 17
Gender: female
Species : Wolf
Personality: Tala is a very determined wolf, when she has a cause. She does not really believe in Paradise, but she needs something to drive her and following the others gives her purpose. History: Will RP

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:26am Aug 12 2011 (last edited on 3:15am Aug 17 2011)
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Bios: Name: Saber Milone Age: 20 Gender: female Species: Darcia's Descendent Looks: She’s rather tall in both her wolf and human forms. In her human form she has the same black hair as Darcia which is in a bobcut with a large chunk of hair in the front (emo style). Also like Darcia, she has one blue human eye (the right), and one wolf (the left), which do not change in either form. Her skin is exceedingly pale with pink scars on her shoulders and back from being whipped. Despite this, it gives her an ethereal look, but there is a constant aura of darkness surrounding her. She wears silver cargo pants with a white tank that has rhinestones on it, a silken woolen lined hoodie, and a black and white striped fedora. Saber doesn’t wear shoes most of the time because she doesn’t go outside a lot. But when she does go out it’s in a pair of white and black converse. In her wolf form her fur is black with a purple tinge. The bottoms of her paws are a black-splotched pink, as is her tongue. In her wolf form she also wears a tail ring which is roughly wrought iron. Because of this, her tail cannot be disguised completely, which is the purpose of her hoodie, being that it is three sizes too big. From a long time ago, she was tagged, though she can't remember by who or why. It is a bright orange plastic tag with a metal ring attaching it to her ear. It has the characters: AWP#5, engraved in both sides. She doesn't know what it means... but just so I don't forget it means Armageddon Wolf Project and she's test subject number 5. Personality: Saber is a descendent of Darcia, the one wolf that could not enter paradise. So Saber is also passed on this curse. You would think that this makes her a sad, dejected loner, but quite the contrare. She is very social, with many humans and animals. Despite her ancestor’s past, she is very loving and has been well-loved all her life. She grew up in a mansion with her aunt Delilah and her multitude of soldiers, learning how to fight, use guns and such. But more than anything, she focused on healing the sick by taking in anyone who was injured, from humans to animals to wolves. It was when she was told by an old beta that she had the power to change into one of them that she changed drastically. She had always thought the only thing she got from Darcia the tainted wolf was his wolf eye, but she realized that she might be like him, doomed to wander alone, and then destroy paradise. She did not want this, she cut her hair (which had been long at the time) as a sign that she’d forsaken her home, and left. Under the guidance of a pack of young males she travelled looking for the human able to end her life, seeing as she was very picky and did not want to die. Name: Arwan Emiya Age: 41 Gender: Male Species: Human (wolf hunter) Looks: Despite being pretty young, he considers himself old and his grey hair doesn’t help that. He has shoulder length, straight hair that he keeps in a ponytail most of the time, he prefers not to leave it down because it gets in his way. Arwan also has a bit of a beard, although it’s not too long. He claims it’s just there to stroke when he’s thinking, for effect. His attire consists of black slacks, a blue v-neck and a large tan trench-coat, paired with black boots and brown wool socks. Also, he wears a string of leather around his neck with a silver bead on it, engraved with initials of his deceased daughter and son-in-law. When he’s planning on hunting or going out for long periods of time he’ll wear fingerless black leather gloves. He’d wear normal gloves but he believes it would be cumbersome towards his aim if his fingers are covered. His skin is a bit on the tan side, and is not wrinkly, though Arwan claims it is. Personality: Arwan is one of the few wolf hunters that still exist since few believe in the wolves’ existence. He, like most hunters, relies on a dog with a smidgen of wolf blood in them. He and Zexal (his dog who cannot become human), travel to different towns where wolves have been spotted, and hunt them down. In his life he’s rid the world of several dozen wolves, although only a handful of people ever thanked him for it. Arwan sometimes encounters someone who hires him to chase after and kill a wolf for them. It could be for a reason, or just because they don’t want it around, but Arwan doesn’t ask questions and he looks into the whereabouts of the wolf in question. Arwan uses an old-school revolver when he hunts, preferring to give the wolf at least a chance to escape. He believes that everything should be given a chance to prove itself before it dies, and a six-shot chance is perfect for a purpose such as this. It is his personal rule to not use more than six bullets for one encounter with a wolf. If he kills it, it’s dead, if he doesn’t tough luck. Even though he tries to prevent it, he does have bit of a thirst for blood, namely the blood of wolves, though he himself cannot remember exactly why. He believes it may have something to do with the deaths of his daughter and son-in-law, and the disappearance of his wife five years ago, but that memory won’t come to him, at all.

2:35am Aug 12 2011 (last edited on 2:43pm Aug 12 2011)
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Name: Sin Vultura Age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Wolf Looks:

 Personality: Sin is a very quiet soul. He doesn't like to speak up much but that doesn't mean he isn't paying attention. He roams around trying to reach paradise following the scent of lunar flowers wherever that may take him. He's very open minded as well. History: N/A Other: Sin has two different colored eyes. His right eye is blue and his left eye is yellow. This is only in his wolf form though. His ear is also peirced.f **** Name: Isa Vultura Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Wolf Looks:

 Personality: Isa loves to have fun. She is very out going and just likes to make everything an adventure. She's open minded and just likes to run around. At times she can be extremly shy but other times she can be bouncing off the walls. History: N/A Other: She always wears that necklace around her neck. She too has earings in her ears as a wolf. ************** Name: Julien and Raine Age: Julien is 20 while Raine is 19 Gender: Male and Female Species: Julien is a noble (Descendent of Jagara) & Raine is Darcia's descendent Looks:
 Raine's Wolf Form:
 Personality: Raine is very cold. She hates wolves with all her heart and the fact she can turn into one only seems to make her mad though she see's it as a sign. A sign that she can finially end the wolves reign and close paradise once and for all. She knows she can never cross over nor can any human or noble so her ultimate goal is to kill all who get in her way and close paradise for good even if it means ending her own life. Julien on the other hand is very laid back. He follows Raine's orders since he is sort of in charge of watching her. They have always been friends so he's been extra careful of Raine. His sole purpose in life is to help Raine get where she's going and will stop at nothing to keep her safe until she reachers her goal. History: Play it out. Too complicated to write here. Other: There is no love in the relationship between Raine and Julien. He was ordered to protect her and that is what he does. Raine on the other hand isn't capable of love. Her heart has turned black long ago. Julien's weapon is a sword he carries by his side.He can not turn into a wolf. Raine's weapon his her wolf form.

2:39am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((Sure, Shao! It might be interesting!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:50am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,825
( Shao. I'm every eager to see you play out your character. <3 I like how you twisted things. ^.^ Anyway. I just now realized I forgot the rules. >.< *fails* I'll add those to the first post )
3:24am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[Alrighty then ^^ can't wait Steph <3 And thank you Immortal, I'm glad you like it =3 *waits for rules*]
9:34am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[Immortal, is it okay if I bring in three male wolves just for my first post? As a kind of prelude to Saber's part of the story. They'll all get killed off within the first post. I can also make bios for each of them, although they'd be brief. What do you think?]
10:43am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Anie Age: 17 Gender: Male D:< Species (Wolf/Human/Noble/Darcia’s Descendent): WOLF. :I Looks:

Personality: Anie has a very rough sort of personality. He comes off as mean and uncaring, but the truth is he just doesn't know how to express himself any other way. He's not used to being around others, but he is like a natural leader, able to take charge and lead his followers to whatever they need to do. History: Bluh bluh leader bluh. :U Name: Ryan Age: 18 Gender: Male Species (Wolf/Human/Noble/Darcia’s Descendent): I am a wolf. Looks:

 Personality: The more...gentle of the group, Ryan has a hard time hunting a lot of the time because he does not like to kill. HE prefers to eat what is already dead instead of ending the life of another living creature. But if he has to kill to save his friends, he will. He's a loyal wolf that will be the one to stick by you until he draws his last breath. History: Bluh bluh etc. :U Name: Mordekai Age: 20 Gender: Male Species (Wolf/Human/Noble/Darcia’s Descendent): Wolf. :I Looks:

Personality: He's chill with it. If it comes down to it, he's a very relaxed, laid-back sort of wolf that can rarely be pushed into doing much unless he decides he wants to. Well, Anie could convince him...but he's scary so he could convince anyone. D8 Yeah, he's afraid of anie, but then again, Anie does sort of yell at him alot... History: Bluh bluh bluh. :U ((I WILL ROLEPLAY OUT HISTORIES. Too lazy to type them. :I))

11:37am Aug 12 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[I also made another character, is he alright? He's going to be a recurring character, but Saber is my main.]
1:09pm Aug 12 2011
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{[ Everything is fine Shao. Do as you want. You can have as many characters as you can keep up with. <3 }]