9:29pm Jul 25 2011
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Plot Cole Remier has been the number one pop sensation for five years and people are never tiring of the star. His beautiful voice has girls swooning for him whether they're at one of his concerts, tickets sold out three months in advance to the show, or if they're at home watching from their televisions. Cole writes the songs for his fans and he's always had a lovable attitude toward the fans and the paparazzi. He's never dated any other stars, though he writes songs about love. A lot of people can't figure him out in this department, what with his charming personality and extremely good looks, shouldn't he have someone of his own? Maybe a fan. ;D Outline of Said Plot Cole Remier is a hit pop star, but he's never fallen in love before. One day, he's going to meet a girl that he totally falls for. But will his constant fame keep them apart? Rules > You must be literate > Ask to join > I'm Cole > This is going to be a 1x1 I'm hoping the girl isn't an extremely annoying fangirl that, when she sees Cole, is all like, "OHMAIGOD, UR LIEK COLE REMIER. *DIES* YOU SO NEED TO SIGN MY FOREHEAD. I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH. COLE FOREVAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" ._.
hello my name is elder price
9:31pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
:o This looks very interesting. <3 Join? c:
9:33pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 9:48pm Jul 25 2011)
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Sure thing, Kink. You can post your own bio if you want. I'll put mine up in a minute. (: Edit: As for ages, I think I'll make Cole 17 and a half so feel free to use that as a basis for your girl. <3 Name | Cole Remier
Age | 17 and a half
Gender | Male, obviously
Looks | Cole isn’t the type of person that stands out in the crowd, but this is just as his looks. His dark brown hair is side swept so that it sometimes lightly falls into his eyes. With his eyes, they are a very light blue that tend to shift to a grayish color sometimes. His build is lithe and his muscles are not prominent, but they’re there. His expressions usually consist of something tranquil or calculating. He always bores a simple grin that may or may not reach his eyes.
Persona | Totally new character, but…Cole has always embraced his stardom. Since his mother first put him up for singing lessons, he had more than a few producers watching him. Cole always liked the attention, but his heart was always in the music more so than the fans and the publicity. He just wants to share his music and feelings to the world. He can be a totally sweet guy, but since he never really had a chance at normal life, he can sometimes act like a jerk without realizing it. This going, he has sometimes unintentionally hurt another’s feelings.
History | His mother has always been supportive of his career while his father is one of his agents and tends to look at him as a source of income rather than a son. Cole’s never really minded, but because of that, he’s grown a lot closer to his mother and therefore, has more of an emotional ground. He tends to understand girls better than most guys and he’s more of a listener than someone who dives headfirst into something.
My bio fails. ;c
hello my name is elder price
9:49pm Jul 25 2011
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Name: Kiarra Jonson (Kia)
Age: 16
Gender: ... Female. o.o
Personality: Kia is the girl who really goes unnoticed. She has a large group of annoying, loud friends that make her seem like she's just part of the background. Kiarra is quiet and likes to keep to herself most of the time. She's not that type who does a bunch of crazy events and goes out of her comfort zone. She's very protective of herself, and her friends. She tends to act quite 'motherly' to everyone, even those who are older than her. Oh, she tends to blush a whole lot. Just thought I might add that. xD
History: Got 5 tickets from her best friend for her birthday. She's going to their next concert. 2nd row seats. c:
Other: Uh, no, not much. c:
Looks: But, uh, not the short skirt thing. >.> She much rather prefers Capri Shorts and everything.

9:51pm Jul 25 2011
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((Not as much as mine. xDD I couldn't find a good picture. -Is too lazy to describe- >.>))
9:51pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 9:52pm Jul 25 2011)
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Ooc; Cole's going to fall hard for her. <3333 I shall start? c: I absolutely loathe bios anyway. I like creating the characters through the rps.
hello my name is elder price
9:53pm Jul 25 2011
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((Yay. c: Hehe, and uh, you can start. xDD Hehe))
10:14pm Jul 25 2011
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Cole turned the microphone over in his hands, the cold feel of the ob ject grounding him and pushing away the anxiety. Of course, had done this millions of times and the thought of going on-stage made his heart stutter with anticipation, but also with fear. He knew there was nothing to be afraid of, but getting up in front of millions of people never ceased to make his heart race. He chuckled to himself and ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to rid himself of last-minute shivers. To continue his anxiety quelling, Cole began to hum a few of his songs under his breath. The words flowed easily through his mind and he knew that without a thought, they could pass through his lips and make heads turn. Of course, he let the words roll soundlessly around in his mind. You're there somewhere beneath the stars, always beneath me. You're there somewhere, alone and far, gone where I cannot reach. When will I find you, my starshining girl? Of course, that song had never been written into one of his albums. He wasn't ready to release that one to the public just yet, but his father was getting a bit nosy. Cole would always find himself strumming away at his acoustic guitar, filling in the gaps in the song where the lyrics failed to touch. Everything came together with the stroke of his fingers and the words in his mind, but he dared never speak the words out loud. After all, his father was always listening, and he wasn't ready to tell. "You ready, hon?" Cole blinked open his eyes, gray now, whether from the lighting or his mood, he did not know. His mother stood before him, light brown hair falling down her back in gentle waves, her light blue eyes warm as she regarded him. Cole smiled up at his mother and nodded to her. She gave him a wink as she pulled him from his seat. Cole tossed the microphone between both of his hands as he walked beneath the stage. Above him lay hundreds of people all cheering his name and Cole felt a grin break out on his face. He clicked the microphone on and let the set workers lead him under the stage and onto a metal disc. Apparently, the disc was going to rise up through a hole in the stage and Cole would break out and sing his current hit song, Strikingly Beautiful. "In five," he heard in his ear and Cole's nose twitched when he realized it was his father. He handed his microphone to one of his assistants and fingered the ear piece in his ear. Once he adjusted it to his liking, the words of his father out of his ear, he nodded and got his real microphone back. "On in one," one of his assistants translated to him and Cole cracked his knuckles. "Four, three, two--" and Cole rose to blaring lights on his face, fans screaming his name, and music reaching his ears. The words flowed easily through his lips, his steps confident as he flounced around the stage, his territory, his home. "And I see you before me, there you are with me. Strikingly Beautiful, I see, all the things you've done for me." His fans. This song was for his fans and they all knew it; they ate up his words with an addiction that was never satisfied. He belted out every verse with all his heart, every word holding a passion to music that made his words modest and true.
hello my name is elder price
10:21pm Jul 25 2011
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((One moment, I have to ask these two simple questions: What time of day is it? And what month? -Effects Kia's posts a lot.- xD))
10:23pm Jul 25 2011
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Ooc; I should say the concert is starting at 8 o'clock. It should end at around 10. Also, for month, we'll do summer, so mid-July? c:
hello my name is elder price
10:39pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((Okay, thank you. ^-^))
"Kia!" A shrill voice peirced the thoughts of a particular happy girl. "We're going to be late!" The same voice whined. The girl pulled on Kia's arm and practically dragged her out of the car.
"Victoria," Kia said, nearly falling over from a lack of balance. "Just let me finish getting my tennis shoes on!" Kia shook her arm free from her friend's and made her way back to the open door in her car. She fit on the simple running shoes and tied them tight. "Okay, now I'm ready."
Victoria and three other friends, Chelsea, Annie, and Brittany, all crowded around Kia and started to go towards the concert entrance. Kia looked around and notice how 'under dressed' she seemed.
Vicki was wearing faded short shorts and a tight white tank top. Her hair was in big, glamorous curls and her make up was bright: Red lipstick, blue eye shadow, and a LOT of eye liner. Almost everyone was dressed like this, all in skimpy, or showy, clothes and bright make up.
Then, there was Kia. She was wearing a black V-neck, 3 quarter sleeve shirt with a white undershirt, and the only thing that set her out from the crowd was her bright red capri shorts. Otherwise, Kia's simple make up, mascara and foundation, and naturally straight hair didn't make her stick out much. Or, it did because she wasn't the typical fan girl.
"Kia," Victoria whined, breaking Kiarra out of her train of thought. "Let's go! It's about to start!"
Kiarra grinned and walked through the large crowds. She got pushed a few times, by people more in love with Cole than she was. Though, Kia would never admit that to anyone. Kia and her friends then forced their way into their second row seats.
"It's starting," Kia whispered to Victoria, her eyes brightening with anticipation. Then, he came out. Kia's heart skipped a beat, but she only clapped. The whole 'yelling' and 'whistling' thing just wasn't for her. But Vicki....
"OH MY GOD, COLE I LOVE YOU!!!!" Vicki shouted over and over again, not even bothering to notice Kia's laughter from the side. Kiarra would leave the whole crazy-fan-girl thing for her friend.
Kia then found herself mouthing all the words the the songs. She knew them by heart, as she always had. Cole was her favorite artist... He wrote amazing songs, had a very nice voice, and not to mention good looks.
10:51pm Jul 25 2011
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The typical voices of the fans were another form of music in his ears. Cole's eyes scanned the crowd and he chuckled after the end of one of his songs, the last chords of his guitarist's tune drifting off then. He fingered the microphone in his hand and looked back at the rest of his crew, his band members; his family. They looked at him and knew things were going to change because knowing Cole, he wanted to give something more to his fans. He held the microphone to his lips, but it was not song lyrics that fell from his mouth. "I have a little something new for all my fans that came out here tonight to see me. I wouldn't be where I am now without you guys," he said and heard an uproar of appreciative hoots and whistles. When it all died down, he clicked the microphone off and waved his guitarist over. After murmuring in his ear for a few moments, the older boy with the guitar left the stage. After a few moments of hushed whispers from the crowd, the guitarist of the band came back onstage holding a wooden stool and Cole's own guiatar. Cole patted his friend on the back and sat down on the stool. He took the microphone stand from another of his friend's and set the mic. into its stand. He clicked it on and washed his eyes over the crowd again. When he was handed the guitar, the fans let out more wild screams. "Alright," Cole said with a laugh as he rocked on the stool. "I have something new that I've written," he merely said. "You're there somewhere beneath the stars, always beneath me. You're there somewhere, alone and far, gone where I cannot reach. When will I find you, my star-shining girl? Although the path where I am now may seem so full to you, I know it'll be better when I lay my eyes on you. Take the chance, take the breath, and leap into my arms. Shine with the ray of the silver stars before me and know that I'll find you, my star-shining girl." After a few more verses, the song was over. "That's all I've gotten so far," he said to his fans and there were dozens of screams and whoots from the crowd. He heard more than a few devoted fans scream their love for him, but he only gave them playful winks and stood from his stool.
hello my name is elder price
11:09pm Jul 25 2011
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Kia's eyes widened as she looked up at Cole. Something new? The girl was smiling like an idiot. But it was nothing, nothing, compared to Vicki, who was balling her eyes out. Kia patted her friend gently on the back, pulling out her brother's hankerchief to wipe up her friend's tears.
"Thanks, Kia," Vicki said through her sobs, using the hankerchief to wipe up her tears. But, once Cole starting singing again, Victoria threw the make up smeared hankercheif back at Kia, who took it, folded it, and put it back into her pocket.
Kiarra smiled and took in all the words of Cole's song. She, personally, loved it. Oh how she wished that song was about her. She would give the world to spend just 10 minutes with Cole. Learning the real Cole Remier, not the pop star, song writer, musician Cole.
A sigh escaped from Kia's lips when Cole stood up. That meant the concert was over. A small smile grew up on Kiarra's face as Vicki pulled out a single stemmed rose: white for love. It had Kia's number on it, though Kia believed that it was Victoria's number.
"Go on, throw it!" Kia urged her friend, ushering her to throw the rose. "Just pray to God that he doesn't throw it away!" Kia nudged her friend, giving her a wink.
"Happy Birthday," Victoria said with a sly grin, throwing the rose on the stage. Her eyes twinkled with mischeif, which was never good.
"What do you mean?" Kiarra asked, obviously confused as to why her friend would say that at a time like this.
"I'm sure it won't matter now," Victoria frowned, looking at all the other things people were throwing onto the stage, to show their love for Cole. "Despicable."
Kiarra just play glared at her friend. She finally took her glance away from Victoria to the stage. It had plenty of flowers, teddy bears, and what appeared to be candies scattered all over it. Kia couldn't even see the rose that Victoria had thrown.
"Well, let's go before it gets too cold," Kia finally said, concerned about her friends. "I'll get the car started, and then I'll call you when it's all warmed up."
((I've always wanted to do that at a concert. o.o))
11:27pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 10:33am Jul 26 2011)
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Ooc; I absolutely love the rose idea. <3 Bic; Cole held his hands up to the crowd as gifts of all assortments landed onto the stage. They were the typical items; slips of paper with phone numbers, roses, flowers of all sorts, even a few boxes of chocolate. Since he was young, he had learned never to touch the stuff of the fans. He always hated how the chocolate went to waste, or any other treats thrown about, but there was the whole danger of not knowing what was in the candy to be worried about. He spread his arms out to his sides and gave the crowd a bow. When he stood again, he held his hand out to say good-bye. Another rose flew toward him and landed right into his palm. His fingers wrapped instinctively around it, the white flower dipping slightly under the rather harsh treatment. Cole blinked and held the rose with a gentler hand. A few irritated huffs were heard from the fans in the front row seats below him and he fixed it by taking their gifts and making it seem as if he lost the rose amongst everything else. "Good-night everyone and I hope you enjoyed the show," he said warmly to the crowd as a cleaning crew came out to round up all of the gifts. Cole set down the few he had managed to pick up, but slipped the white rose into his sleeve so it wouldn't be disposed of. After a few more bows, Cole headed to the back of the stage and hurried to meet his mother. She greeted him with a buoyant ex pression on her face as she led them over to the black limousine just beyond the back of the stage. "Beautiful, honey." she said and Cole knew she was talking about the new song. He gave her a warm smile and pulled her in for a short-lived hug. "Do you mind if I stick around the set for a bit? Take the limo back to the apartment so they think I've gone," Cole asked his mother and she frowned slightly. He looked up at her with slate gray eyes. "We've done it before," he said and still, he could see the reluctance. "I promise I'll keep my phone on me and come home by twelve," he said. This seemed to seal the deal, as her gaze softened. "Alright," she said as she opened the door to the limo. She pulled out a gray hoodie and threw it at him. Cole slipped the clothing on over his striking blue crewneck and waved her a good-bye as she stepped into the limo. He pulled the hood up over his head and watched the vehicle slide smoothly out of the lot. Once the car left, the fans seemed to die down. Cole trekked his way back to the stage and peered up from the steps. His cleaning crew were just finishing dumping the rest of the gifts, the stadium for the concert empty of everyone. "Night, Cole." said Jeremy, his guitarist, as Cole walked out to center stage. "Seeya," he responded. Soon enough, the stage was left to him. He pulled the white rose from his sleeve and ran his fingers through the petals. His smile turned down into a frown when he saw the black marker marring the side of the petals. "Of course," he said as he read the numbers. He had gotten dozens of these before, millions of phone numbers always finding their way toward him. He dropped the flower to the ground and fingered the microphone next to him. "Shine down to me, find me, my girl." Of course, the microphone's power was off, but that was okay with Cole. He glanced back down to the rose and sighed as he picked it up. "I would star-six-seven it." Cole turned around to see Jeremy slinging his guiatar over his shoulder. With a shrug of indifference, he picked up Cole's own guitar and handed it to him. "But what if--" Cole continued when Jeremy broke him off. "You'll never know," he said smoothly. "Thanks, Jer." "No problem, bro." When Jeremy left, Cole slid out his iPhone from his pocket. He opened up the dial-up screen and made sure to put star-six-seven before he punched in the numbers from the rose. He held his breath for a moment and placed the phone to his ear when it began to ring.
hello my name is elder price
12:23am Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((D'aww. D: And thank you. c: ))
10:33am Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Finished. <3
hello my name is elder price
7:43pm Jul 26 2011
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"Victoria?" Kia's said through the phone. "Vicki?" She could hear the fans still screaming in the background. "Uh, the car's warmed up!" Kiarra soon found herself having to yell in the phone to be heard.
It wasn't but a few minutes later that the hoard of girls came out of the building, each one smiling bigger than the next. They all came running to the car, pushing and tripping over one another to get front seat. And, like usual, Victoria was first.
"Oh. My. God." The twitterpated girl said, her eyes wide. "There goes Cole's limmo!" Vicki was shouting once more. "Go! Go Kia! Let's follow it!!!"
"Victoria, I'm not a stalker." Kiarra said softly, turning the heater off, though, she wasn't heard over the moans and complaints from her friends. "I'm sorry guys, I don't love him that much! And it's getting late anyways, you guys need to go home."
"It's only... 10 Kia!" Victoria noticed, looking down at her phone. "Kiarra~" The girl pouted, giving her the puppy dog eyes.
"Your mom won't like you being late," Kia said, getting onto the highway. "And I don't want you to be late either." She added quickly, passing a few slower cars. "And no, I will not drive faster," Kiarra said with a chuckle. She had noticed the looks on their faces. Bored by the slowness of her driving.
"Yeah, I know... That's why our parents only let you drive," Annie pipped up from the backseat, a giggle escaping her lips. "Otherwise, we'd be home already!" All the four other girls snickered at the joke.
"Better safe than sorry," Kia said under her breath, using the cliche line for the millionth time in her life.
It only took about ten minutes to drop Annie, Brittany and Chelsea. And another 10 minutes to drop Victoria off. "Thanks, love!" Kia called out the window as her friend walked up to the door. She got a huge smile and wave in return.
Kia just left Vicki's house when her phone vibrated in the cup holder. "Restricted?" Kia frowned. She usually never took calls from a restricted number, but, the girl was feeling spontanious for the night. She answered the phone and put it on speaker phone, didn't want to break any laws.
"Hi, this is Kiarra Jonson. May I ask who's calling?"
12:09pm Jul 27 2011 (last edited on 12:09pm Jul 27 2011)
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"Hi, this is Kiarra Jonson. May I ask who's calling?" Cole heard after a few achingly long moments of ringing. He sucked in another tight breath when he heard her voice, his mind barely registering the fact that the call went through. He stayed silent for a moment as he twisted the rose stem over in his fingers. "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," Cole said with a soft smile. "I got your rose; the white one," he tried. Ooc; Short, but I didn't know what else to post. xD
hello my name is elder price
4:57pm Jul 27 2011
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((I didn't give you much to work with. Sorry. xD)) "I got your rose; the white one."
What rose? Kia instantly thought. I never had a rose...? Who is this guy? And... Why does his voice sound so.... familular.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what your talking about?" Kia said slowly, her voice full of confusion. She reached her house but didn't exit the car. She wanted to know who this prank caller was. She didn't like it when people messed with her.
9:15pm Jul 27 2011
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Ooc; Tends to happen with phone dialogue. xD Cole ran his fingers through his hair and bit his lip momentarily. The rose twisted in his fingers and he had to stop himself from spinning it between his thumb and forefinger before he snapped the stem. He sat down on the stool in an attempt to stop himself from walking around on the stage. "This rose had your number on it. A white rose. Um, were you at a Cole Remier concert earlier tonight?" he asked again, suddenly feeling a bit stupid for saying such a creepy question.
hello my name is elder price