12:56am May 25 2010 (last edited on 1:00am May 25 2010)
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Posts: 10
I'm in need of some roleplaying ;D Plot: The time of the elements has come. It has been raining for a moon now, and every clan has begun to feel a need for sunlight as the water begins to suck away at their territory. But when the earth begins to shake so will the cats’ minds. Promises long kept will finally be broken, clans will begin to tumble apart and fear will strike through the heart of every cat beside the lake. But with the rise of the elements came a prophecy that will be given to some special cats; the ones that when brought together will bring down evil with a power never dreamed of before.
Your job is to make the story happen. You can choose your cat to be good or evil, normal or one of the "chosen" cats, it doesn't matter! As long as you follow the rules, the sky is the limit! (:
Rules: - Although the cats from the prophecy do get a power each, they must be believable! Flying is NOT allowed (sorry guys P:). - Try to be as literate as possible. We can understand if you get writer's block, but posts over a paragraph are expected. - You can have up to two characters. - No god-modding (making your cat extra powerful) or powerplaying (playing someone else's character). - Have fun!
Bio Form: Character Name: Age: Gender: Clan: Chosen Side: (Good, bad, undecided etc) Prophesised Cat: (Yes or no) Appearance: (can use photos) Personality: Brief History: (not required, but it is nice to get to know the character a bit more) Anything Else?:
If I've forgotten anything, please let me know! My characters bios:
Character Name: Silentcry Age: 30 moons Gender: Female Clan: WindClan Chosen Side: Good Prophesised Cat: No Appearance: Silentcry is a white she-cat with very pale grey points. Her eyes shine light blue like the sky on a clear day. She holds the slender figure that all WindClan cats possess, but with slightly larger ears than many of her clanmates. Her nose, inner ears and pawpads are greyish pink, and her claws are sharper than a raven's beak. Personality: Silentcry is an outgoing she-cat, determined to prove that her disability doesn’t impact on her in any other way than depriving her of sound. She has a great sense of humour and loves other cats, especially kits. It is almost as if she has no enemies; she is immensely popular amongst the clans. Brief History: Silentcry was born with a voice issue, and has never uttered a single word. She communicates with body language and usually relies on her eyes to do the speaking. Despite her problem, she had a normal apprenticeship and is one of the best hunters in her clan, maybe due to her intensified hearing and sight. She was born with the name Blizzardkit, but once her problem was discovered her clan decided Silentcry was more fitting. Anything Else?: She is open for a mate, if anyone wants her xD
Character Name: Shadepaw Age: 8 moons Gender: Male Clan: ShadowClan Chosen Side: Bad, but it's unrevealed ;3 Prophesised Cat: Yes Appearance: Shadepaw is a mottled grey and black tom, with piercing reddish amber eyes. He is smaller than most apprentices, but do not mistake him for being weak because he is quick-witted and almost too determined to prove himself to his clan.  Personality: Shadepaw is a determined, ambitious apprentice who holds grudges and always seems to be looking for a reason to get into a fight with another clan. He believes his clan is the best of all beside the lake. With his pride and determination comes immense loyalty to ShadowClan and he seems to not want to make friends with any cats he does not share a clan with. He loves climbing trees and hunting in the night, as darkness and him share something; they are both black. Brief History: - Anything Else?: He's also open for a mate.
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
1:03am May 25 2010 (last edited on 1:16am May 25 2010)
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Posts: 27
picture anyone ? Character Name: Redstones Age: 15 moons Gender: Female ;) Clan: ShadowClan Chosen Side: Hasn't really decided .. Prophesised Cat: Nope. Just normal Appearance: Orange, red, and yellowy patches on her pelt. Her ears are slightly darker red. Personality: Cheeky, likes a laugh, but when she gets serious, she gets really serious. Red is veeryy adventurous; frequently gets into trouble. Brief History: Parents are both around, but he brother has been lost for a while now. Anything Else?: Wants to find someone special (: Hope that wasn't too bad .. :/ 
1:06am May 25 2010
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Posts: 10
Haha, thanks for joining x) Would Red and Shade like to get together when he becomes a warrior?
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
1:13am May 25 2010
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Posts: 27
:O yuss pleases. now, i spose we wait. c'mon, peoples !
4:54am May 25 2010 (last edited on 1:31am May 27 2010)
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Posts: 1,588
((Heya Clemrex, joinage a RiverClan prophecy kitty and her 'sister', *bookmarks page*)) Character Name: Sagepaw/Willowpaw Age: both 9 moons Gender: both She-cats Clan: Both RiverClan Chosen Side: Good/Undicided Prophesised Cat: Yes/no Appearance: sagepaw / Willowpaw is pale silver with darker spots and white paws, she also has blue eyes Personality: Sagepaw is bubbly, friendly and can be a little overwelming to be around at times/ Willowpaw is shy and no much of a talker, but she works hard and tries to impress her mentor. Brief History: Both the 'sisters' were born and raised in RiverClan, but Willowpaw's real mother died having her, so Willowpaw was given to Leopardmoon Anything Else?: None for both
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
6:53am May 25 2010 (last edited on 4:32am May 27 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
Character Name: Silverpaw [Can she be named Silverstone?]
Age: 7 moons Gender: Female Clan: ShadowClan Chosen Side: Undecided Prophesised Cat: No Appearance:  Personality: Silverpaw is a naive young she-cat, who believes that every cat deserves a second chance. She may seem to be a shady cat to other clans, but Silverpaw can be a kind she-cat. Brief History: N/a Anything Else?: Could she be Shadepaw's crush/mate? :d --- Character Name: Sunflare Age: 22 moons Gender: Male Clan: Riverclan Chosen Side: Good Prophesised Cat: Yes (if not taken?) Appearance:  Personality: A strong, and pa-ssionate cat, Sunflare has a golden heart, or at least tries to look like it. He only wants things better for his Clans and friends, and to become a good Clan leader. Brief History: N/A Anything Else?: Not much
8:20am May 25 2010 (last edited on 7:51pm Jun 3 2010)
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Posts: 6,948
Character Name: Duskpaw (Duskwing) Age: 8 moons Gender: Female Clan: ThunderClan Chosen Side: (Good, bad, undecided etc): Good Prophesised Cat: (Yes or no) Yes Appearance: (can use photos) Will draw Personality: Mysterious, hard-headed, but a good cat in general. Brief History: (not required, but it is nice to get to know the character a bit more) She doesn't have memory of anything before the flood that whiped out her family. Anything Else?: Her power is that she can control the element of water (WaterBending)
 <-- Click me
4:06pm May 25 2010 (last edited on 4:08pm May 25 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
Character Name: Copperfire Age: 38 Moons Gender: Tom Clan: Windclan Chosen Side: He is undecided as of yet, but leans more towards the good side. He wants a little more time and information before he picks. Prophesied Cat: No Appearance: Copperfire is large in height for a Windclan cat, but it lithe in muscle structure with long, strong legs and a longish tail. His fur is short and sleek with a mane around his neck. The fur is is a dark red, almost blood like in the night but bright when in the sun. Darker rings flow down his back and over his muzzle. His eyes are a dark amber with slightly yellow rings in the center. Personality: He's a very out-going cat in the clan politics such as following the warrior code or relationships in other clans. Yet when it comes to friendships he's awkward and very naive. He enjoys hunting with others or alone, and can be aggressive if his clan is threatened. He is a serious believer in the warrior code. Brief History: He lost his sister to a flash flood going down the hill, and is now terrified of water. Anything Else?: Would not mind a mate. Character Name: Silentheart Age: 45 Moons Gender: Tom Clan: Riverclan Chosen Side: Good Prophesied Cat: No Appearance: Silentheart is some-what small in in muscle build, but make up for strength in speed.He is very lithe and has dark drown, almost black, short fur with darker tabby stripes. His eyes are a bright amber. Personality: Silentheart, like his name suggests, is a very quiet cat and can be a bit anti-social and aggressive if he does not know you. He wants only to become the best warrior he can be and surp*censored* what everyone expects of him because he was not clan born. His loyalty runs deep, not just for his clan but also for his friends, and tries to hold them close in fear of losing everything again. Brief History: Was born by a rouge and a a kittypet. His mother died during a fox attack as well as his father. His sister chose to become a kittypet, saying she was not up for the life of a warrior, and he chose to stay in Riverclan He was brought up the last few moons of his kit life by Falconwing, loving n her as a mother. Anything Else?: Nope

6:52pm May 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 694
Can I join? I'll be back in 10 minuts
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
1:51am May 26 2010
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Posts: 10
Awesome guys! Thanks for joining! (: And sure, SeaDragon, you can join. After that I think we'll start roleplaying.
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
6:19am May 26 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Great! May I start? And is Silverpaw's crush/mate accepted?]] It was dawn. Silver blinked open her eyes, and yawned, exposing her small, but sharp teeth. She looked around the apprentice's den. 'Quiet.' She thought. Silently, she stalked out of her den, pausing to look at the sleeping form of Shadepaw. Looking forward again, Silverpaw edged outside, and looked around the camp. 'I think I woke up too early...' Silverpaw thought with amusement.
8:37am May 26 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Duskpaw blinked as she saw someone else wake up. "Hello Silverpaw. I think I am going to go back to sleep because I hate the morning." She dipped her her black head and yawned, the sun hurt because it beat down on her pitch black pelt unrelentlessly...
 <-- Click me
12:13am May 27 2010
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Posts: 10
[[I think so, yeah. We should make a love triangle! ;)]] Shadepaw was falling. His surroundings blurred as the forest floor melted from beneath him. A cackle sounded from below, from down underneath the ground that he was falling through. He screeched as flames licked at his pelt, scorching his mottled black pelt. Shadepaw awoke with a start. The pale dawn light filtered through the den and he looked up to see Silverpaw standing in the entrance. His hackles lowered as he realized where he was. Weaving through the sleeping forms of his denmates, he made his way towards Silverpaw. "Morning," he whispered. "Want to go hunting?" His heart was still racing from the nightmare and he needed some time to think, without going out on his own. No. Not after that.
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
12:20am May 27 2010
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Posts: 27
Red awoke to another cats mumbling. 'Ugh. Sleep anyone?' Red muttered. She stumbled to her feet, stiff with sleep, and shook off some of the loose dirt covering her bright pelt. The voice was coming from the entrance, and she made her way towards it. It was Shade. With Silverpaw. Redstone's heart sunk. Why was it that whenever she saw him, he was with her? Not that Silver was a mean apprentice. It just pricked at a nerve to see them together. Though the weren't together-together, it was obvious they liked each others company more than every other cat in ShadowClan. She gathered herself up, and strode over to the pair. "Going hunting, eh ? Mind if i come ?"
1:25am May 27 2010 (last edited on 1:26am May 27 2010)
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Posts: 10
Shadepaw turned to see Redstones walking up to them. He flicked his ears, still trying to shake the laughter from them. One more on the hunt would be okay, in fact it would make the patrol look more official. "No, it's fine," he meowed. "You can come." He trotted out of the bushes that hid the camp and into the trees, the pine needles soft beneath his pads. Birds sung in the branches above, in spite of the clouds covering the sky like a thick blanket. Rain would be coming soon. It always did. Infact, this was driest the forest had been for months. Pricking his ears, the small tom scented the air. A mouse was foraging nearby. Shadepaw slunk across the earth, before pouncing and killing the mouse in a single blow. He scraped earth over his catch. He would come back for it later.
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
1:38am May 27 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((can Sagepaw's power be empathy, as in she controls emotions of others)) Willowpaw chased as fast as she could after a very excited Sagepaw, who was on her way to the ShadowClan border with the rest of the RiverClan patrol. Willowpaw didn't mind the rain, she was a RiverClanner and was therefore used to being wet Sagepaw reached the ShadowClan border before the rest of the patrol, being so noisy she almost scared all the prey away between where she was standing and the moonpool
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
2:23am May 27 2010
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Posts: 27
Redstone bounded past Shadepaw, catching him scraping the dry dirt over his prey. She was utterly determined to impress him, so she raised her pink nose to the air and took a m*censored*ive SNIFF of the morning wind. RiverClan! And a WHOLE patrol! She scampered back to the two others, a warning yowl ringing out.
2:40am May 27 2010
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Posts: 10
Shadepaw lifted his head as Redstones galloped past him, obviously as eager to get out of camp as he was. He jumped as a yowl sounded out from infront of him. Was that coming for her? Was she in trouble? "Redstones?" he meowed, running towards her. "What is it?" The smell of fish hit his nose and he knew the answer beforehis clanmate could speak it. RiverClan.. He hurtled towards the border.
"What are you doing here?" he growled, his fur sticking up and his teeth bared. A young apprentice was sniffing around his clan's border, over the scent marks, and what looked like the rest of the patrol were only foxlengths behind. Why were they tresp*censored*ing? The rain had been suppling them with more than enough water and fish, so there was no reason to take prey. They're obviously looking for a fight. Well it looks like their going to get one..
"Hello there young child, I'm here to inquire about your spooons." - Salad Fingers :/
3:10am May 27 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((err little Sagepaw and Willowpaw arn't there to fight, they are just stuck on a border patrol))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
3:11am May 27 2010
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Posts: 27
(( explain to uss in cat form :D we don't get it ))