9:34pm Aug 6 2011
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This is a PRIVATE roleplay between Night and myself. I don't mind lurker posts, but please don't post spam - uneccessary posts that have nothing to do with the roleplay. Thanks! :) PLOT:
A war has become of the world between werewolves and vampires. The human population decreases each night. The human governments have tried to put an army together to defeat the devouring creatures, but they are impossible to stop. Every night, werewolves and vampires go out for hunting on human prey when they are not fighting with eachother. And, during the day is the time for the humans, around the world still alive, to find food, clothes, water, and any other neccesities they need. Families have been broken, children dieing in a painful death. It's survival of the fittest, and everyone now only fending for themselves. Until something changes. Two vampires in a group apart from many around the world has some logic in their vampire brain, and believe that they shouldn't be kiling the humans. They should be taking them hostage as a food source. For, if they kill the humans, sooner or later there will be no more to eat. And, the monsters would die from starvation. The leader of this vampire group is angered at such a suggestion, and forces them to leave. As these two vampires pick sisters - that have been seperated from the war - as their food source...
Will the human girls start to mean more to them then just food? ^^ Ya. That was the best I could do. Too cheesy? D: BIO SKELLY: Name: NickName [ Optional ] : Gender: Age: Personality [ Optional ] : Appearence [ Deion or Picture. I don't care, which. ] : History [ I feel like this shouldn't be optional, but I don't want to force you. So if your able to think of something on the spot like this, I'd rather you have one. But I will be nice, since I usually make this 'Roleplay it out' <3 ] : Vampire, Werewolf, or Human? [ Just thought I'd try with the werewolf, since they are apart of the war. Maybe some kind of twist? You don't have to D: As I was writing the plot, I was thinking that. But I dunno D: *Flees* ] : Other? [ Uh... Yeah, anything really. I don't care if you have pets. :I ] : ^^ Can you take the brackets off when you do the bio? D:
Haha, I think this is it!
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9:36pm Aug 6 2011
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9:38pm Aug 6 2011
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[[Homg. I. Spot. A. Lurker. *Hugs* Night: We have a lurker before we even started. Thats like... A new record ;) ]]
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9:39pm Aug 6 2011
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[[No, two is. Love the name. ^_^]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:45pm Aug 6 2011
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((Ahem. I believe I make a total of three. ))
9:47pm Aug 6 2011
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[[Awh <333 Hahahaha. xDDDDDD This really beats the record then o_o ]]
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10:06pm Aug 6 2011
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((lurker post XD))
 <-- Click me
10:07pm Aug 6 2011
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[[Homg. You gais keep tricking me D: I keep thinking it's Night with her/his bio D: hahahahahaha xDD ]]
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10:33pm Aug 6 2011
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((You want to have one vamp one wolf?)) Name: Dimitri
NickName: none Gender: Male
Age: 300
Personality: Dimitri is a very mysterious man. He is full of hidden smiles and hidden secrets. He is very good at hiding what he feels, but under that he is incredably passionate. Appearence:  History: Dimitri was 21 years old when he ws changed by the woman he was engaged to marry. They were very much in love, but only a few years after they married, she was burned to death by a human who had discovered the truth about them. Dimitri was on a business trip at the time and so was saved. He came home to discover the home they shared burned to the ground, with a cross driven into the ground in the yard and what lookd like her body nailed to it. (Twist?) Vampire, Werewolf, or Human? Vampire Name: Casia
NickName: Seah
Gender: Female
Age: 19 Personality: Casia is very careful in who she trusts and what she does. She is constantly aware of her surroundings and always on guard. She is fiercly loyal and protective and looks out for those around her.
Appearence:   History: Casia lived with a small group of humans, until they were set upon by werewolves. Her family was seperated, her parents killed and her sister gone missing. She left the survivors after that and set off in search of her sister. Vampire, Werewolf, or Human?: Human
This ok? |

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:34pm Aug 6 2011
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((Haha. Wow! So many lurkers! And Night is a her. Hence the LADY Nightfyre, haha. It's ok.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:41pm Aug 6 2011
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[[Homg. I'm so used to calling you 'Night' that I've never really looked at your username. Bahaha. *Face palm* I get it xDDD *Bios coming shortly* Anddd, I was just saying that maybe if we somehow get writers block throughout the rp, later we could make a werewolf or something as a twist. Like he takes Casia or something. You know? Just thinking ahead DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: ]]
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10:47pm Aug 6 2011
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((Haha. It's ok. That would work!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:51pm Aug 6 2011 (last edited on 2:34pm Aug 7 2011)
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Name: Lancelot - Means 'Romantic NickName: Lance Gender: Male Age: Lance is stuck on age 20, but has lived a total of 310 years. [I thought, if the vampires ages were kind of the same, it would be more realistic of them being friends or something you know? ]] Personality: Roleplaying this out Appearence:
 History: When Lance was human, he had a deep respect for women. He was known as the perfect gentlemen, that always put them before him. Ironically, that respect hasn't changed as a vampire. He was 20 when changed, and 80 once the war started. He's been a scavanger for his prey ever since. But notice how he tends to only kill men. Once, he tried to kill a women, and found himself so sick with rage - at himself - that he was the one who fled. Imagine that, a vampire attacking you and then, without warning, running away like you were the dangerous one. Ever since then, he promised himself to never kill a women. It would ruin a vampires reputation. And just the thought of killing a women made him want to hurl anyways. Vampire, Werewolf, or Human?: Vampire Other?: Before becoming a vampire, he was in England. So, he still has kept his British Accent over the years <3
[[I like with what you did with your vampires wife/ fiancee, whatever. I'm a Christian, so I just... Thought it was a cool twist xDDDDDDD ]] ~~~ Name: Paradise Gender: Female Age: 21 Personality: Roleplaying this out. Appearence:
 [[Imagine her black hair to her belly button xD ]]
History: At first Paradise was very safe during the war. There was a group of humans that succeeded in finding their neccessities and then going in hiding again - with eachother. This group consisted of her family also. Until the day they finally got found. Luckily, Paradise had gotten out of the scrimage before a vampire or werewolf could attack her - or even notice her. But, not knowing if her whole family is dead, or if any of them are alive, what was the point in her living? Though she felt that way, right now she was living in a box in a alley way, trying to survive on a couple crackers she'd find in the dumpster a day. The woods would be the ironic spot, but she guessed the vampires were usually there at night. Vampire, Werewolf, or Human?: Human Other?: Nothing I know of.
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10:54pm Aug 6 2011
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((GAHH I COULD ROLEPLAY THAT WEREWOLF! 8D -Would hurt a platypus to get in this roleplay-(which is actually saying somethig very deeply because I LOVE platypi and would never harm one on purpose unless I had to to get into or get something I reallly really really super wanted) ))
10:59pm Aug 6 2011 (last edited on 11:12pm Aug 6 2011)
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[[FullMoon: I'd love for you too, but I was talking about in the future, when me and Night got writers block. I was just trying to think things up, so that it didn't die. This was also meant to be a one on one. I'm sorry D: Night: Alright. I think my bios are officially done. xD ]]
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11:18pm Aug 6 2011
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((I'm actually a Southern Babtist preacher's daughter, so awesome! They were married, so Dimitri is actually a widower. Will you start? And were the girls twins?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:22pm Aug 6 2011
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[[Wait...They're twins? D: I didn't know, or I would have found pictures the same. I could have sworn you said no to twins in our last post D: And, ohhh that's cool! I'm kind of even more glad your the one doing the roleplay with me know. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ]]
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11:27pm Aug 6 2011
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((They are both 19, so if they're not twins, one of them needs to be a little older or younger. I can change Casia or you can change Paradise. It's up you. Haha, I'm glad! I think this will be a lot of fun!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:29pm Aug 6 2011
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[[*Face palm* OMG. Alright. I can change mine. Just one second. And, IKRxDDD B-but... I have to get off now. It's 11:30 where I am. D| Byee~ ]]
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11:53pm Aug 6 2011
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((Haha. Sorry. I'm all about details... Night))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!