6:45pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Introduction)) Several large dragons hovered above the sky. They were covered in silver armor. They seemed at ease, yet tense. Something was about to happen. However, these dragons weren’t exactly normal. They were shifters. Dragon shifters to be exact. When they hovered slowly, they tilted downwards and spiraled towards the ground at a break-neck pace. When they were about ten feet from the ground, they leveled out, soaring towards another group of dragons. They were at war. One large dragon dug his m*censored*ive claws into the shoulders of another, completely crushing the armor on the dragon. The dragon that was clawed reached up and blew a puff of fire into the face of the attacker. They both broke apart and landed on the ground, snarling at each other. A small silver dragon in the sky came spiraling down, landing between the battling dragons. The little thing seemed to be only a baby. When it came into contact with the ground, it was knocked out, but not killed. This was the prophesized silver dragon, the dragon that would bring peace. The dragons with the silver armor grabbed the silver dragon and flew off. Another small dragon came spiraling down. However, this one was gold. This dragon was the other half to the silver one. They would bring peace together. The dragons that were battling the silver-armored dragons grabbed the gold dragon and flew off in the opposite direction. They were to be raised, away from each other until they were fourteen. Then, when they reached the age of fourteen, they would be introduced. ((Plot)) Okay, so there are the two dragon-shifter kinds that are battling each other. One side wears silver armor, they took the silver dragon, and the other dragons wear gold armor, they took the gold dragon. These dragons have been fighting each other for decades. There was always a prophecy foretold of two dragons, one gold and one silver, one boy and one girl, would bring peace to the dragon-shifters together. Both of the prophesized dragons are shifters. They normally walk around with humans, but when duty calls, they fly off in dragon form. However, the silver and gold dragons are supposed to fall in love to completely stop the war. That would show the ultimate affection between the two sides and stop the madness. ((Rules)) 1. Ask to join. 2. No gay/bi/lesbian characters. 3. Keep everything PG-13. 4. I will be playing the silver dragon-shifter. 5. Ask to be the gold-dragon shifter. 6. This is mainly a 1x1, but if you would like to join as a side character, you may. 7. This is mainly a romance, action rp. 8. The gold dragon shifter must be a boy. ((Character Bio Skelly)) Name: Age: (Must be fourteen, due to the plotline.) Gender: Looks: Dragon Looks: Personality: History: Power: (Only one for now. You may develop more throughout the rp.) Other: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~My Character~ Name: Airika Krowe. People call her Air, though. Age: 14 Gender: Female Looks: 
((Except she has blue eyes.)) Dragon Looks: Airika, in dragon form, is a silver dragon. She has a muscular body and her claws are very sharp. Her teeth stay tucked underneath her gums, unlike most dragons' teeth. When she breathes fire, her fire is a blue color, not the usual reddish orange. Personality: Airika is a tomboy. She dresses fairly well, but refuses to wear dresses. She'd rather have her tongue cut out than admit that she's wrong. She is a quiet person, but when things get out of control, she quickly gets involved. History: Fell from the sky in the middle of an important battle between the golden armoured dragons and the silver armoured dragons. She was raised by the leader of the silver armoured dragons, Conner. Power: Reads minds. Other: Nopperz
Love is all we need~
6:53pm Mar 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 681
[ I've seen you make several ones of these roleplays ^^ they seem very interesting but I've hesitated to join- I'll join if we can keep posts to one paragraph, since i'm in many roleplays @-@ ]
6:58pm Mar 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((Sure. We can keep this to one-paragraphers. I'm not asking for a novel in one post. But if you post one line after I give you a paragraph, I might just might hurt somebody... People have done that to me way too many times.))
Love is all we need~
7:00pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Ah- I won't do that. I'm very literate, I can send you some examples via Rmail if you want- it's just that I don't want to exhaust myself with two paragraph etc posts or the quality will surley fail due to my other 4 roleplays i'm in. ]
7:02pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((It's fine. That's happened to me many times before. So are you going to join as the golden dragon or a side character?))
Love is all we need~
7:03pm Mar 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 681
[ I know what you mean xO Ditto. And Gold dragon, please ]
7:05pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Alright, Vamp. I'm going to call you that. Vamp. It's final. You may join as the Gold Dragon. Just post your bios and we may begin.))
Love is all we need~
7:15pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 681
[ Alrighty then xD posting bio now ]
7:27pm Mar 7 2011 (last edited on 7:28pm Mar 7 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 681
Name: Dinka Toledo Age: 14 Gender: Male Looks: ( Except the fancy bottles and such ) Dragon Looks: ( Basically in human form, he is redheaded with gold eyes, and in dragon form he is gold with red eyes ) Personality: Dinka is a more or less an outgoing young man. He likes to but into things he shouldn't and loves to put up a fight. He is a bit of a trouble-some kid, but he is cheerful and fun overall. He has a bit of a short temper though, and won't hesitate to bite back. History: Fell from the sky in the middle of an important battle between the golden armoured dragons and the silver armoured dragons. He was raised by the leader of the gold armoured dragons. Power: Levitation Other: None
7:35pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Accepted. I'll start now.)) Air had been ready for several minutes. She was nervous, and not ready to leave Conner. He was the closest person to her. She looked up the stairs as the sound of Conner's large feet clomping down the stairs echoed throughout the house. "My little girl's all grown up," Conner said, pulling Air into a big hug. "It's okay dad." Airika smiled and wrapped her arms around her dad's torso. "We should get going," Conner said, heading for the door. "We don't want to be late for the ceremony at the river," he said, heading outside to his large 4-wheel-drive truck. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several minutes later, Airika and Conner were at the river, waiting for the golden dragon to arrive. There was no huge ceremony. All the 'ceremony' would be is Airika and the gold dragon flying off into the distance. If the gold dragon gives me any trouble, I'll make sure he knows how to hold his tongue, Airika thought to herself. She was fierce. Conner had trained her in hand-to-hand combat. He also knew he had to keep a shield around his mind to keep her from digging around in his head.
Love is all we need~
8:07pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka smirked to himself as he walked behind his father. He decided to test him by skipping faster than him, but the great man held his arm out to stop him. "This isn't a game, Dinka. You need to learn. Haven't I taught you anything?" He grunted, returning his hand behind his back. Dinka trotted slower. "Don't be such a worry wort, Agnis." He said, rolling his eyes. That's what he called him, by hid name. He could never remember once calling him 'dad' or 'father'. Dinka and Agnis neared the river, and Dinka could already feel the tension of his father. His jaw clenched, his fingers gripped each other firmly. Dinka let out a breath of annoyance. Why could he just be laid back? He thought. -- At the river, Dinka looked at the leader of the silver armoured dragons. He smirked. He looks so huge and brilliant. Compared to Agnis, he's a magestic bird to an angry lion. His thoughts were interupted when he laid eyes on the shifter next to him. He grinned widely. She's beautiful. He thought.
8:12pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Air looked over at the gold dragon. His eyes. I won't be able to stop staring, she thought, trying not to look at them too much now. "Alright, Agnis. You know the drill," Conner said, stepping forward and extending his hand. Before the ceremony could start, the two leaders had to shake hands, and then the two prophecized shifters would fly off. Air kept sneaking peeks at Dinka's gleaming golden eyes.
Love is all we need~
9:06pm Mar 7 2011
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Posts: 681
Dinka caught Air looking at him and he smirked. She's into me. He thought. He winked at her, hoping that her father wouldn't catch him not paying attention. He decided to ease the tension so he took on his father's wierd, hunched position, with his hands clutched behind his back with a scowl on his face. He wanted to see the silver dragon laugh with the beautiful bell chime laugh he knew she had. Agnis growled under his breath. He didn't want to shake the hand of the filthy silver dragon. He looked at the hand outstretched again. His gaze flickered from the hand, to his son, then to the daughter of the man before him. He grunted once more, but held out his hand so that it shook Conner's. He made a disgusted face but quickly tried to hide it. Dinka smiled to himself, knowing that he would now be able to see the silver dragon's beautiful scales and her true colors. He redied himself to morph into his signature gold armoured suit that was the golden dragon.
9:39pm Mar 7 2011 (last edited on 9:58pm Mar 7 2011)
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Posts: 6,409
Air observed the situation, looking at Dinka. She could hear his thoughts, but she wasn't about to tell him. That would take away all the fun of knowing someone's deepest, darkest secrets. When Dinka winked at her, she looked down, hiding her blush. He thinks I'm into him, eh? I'll give him something to blush about. Not now though. My dad would kill me. And then when Dinka immitated his father, Air bit back a laugh. She made sure that they had shook hands, and sighed. Before Air began to change, she turned to her dad and hugged him. "Bye," she said, turning away. She walked a few yards away from everyone and then she shifted. Her face elongated to form that of a pure silver dragon. Two small horns popped from her head, curving upwards. Her eyes remained the same, ice blue. Her clothes ripped and fell off as her body fully transformed. She stood there, looking at the others.
Love is all we need~
4:58pm Mar 8 2011 (last edited on 4:58pm Mar 8 2011)
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Posts: 681
Dinka shrugged to himself. He guessed that he wouldn't get to hear her laugh. Maybe later though, this moment was too crucial to be thinking of other things. Dinka saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and turned from the leaders to look at Air. His golden eyes opened widely with amazement as Air's figure elongated, her hair giving way to horns, and her eyes remaining the same icy blue. Dinka was almost to busy staring to transform. His father turned around and shot him a deadly glare, so Dinka rolled his eyes and morphed. His hair started to turn gold on the ends, before his whole hair turned brilliant gold and gave way to two solid gold horns. His eyes changed as well. It looked as if red paint was flooding into his eyes, making the gold vanish as the paint spread. His skin became plated, and he grew into an immense dragon, standing about two feet higher than the female silver armoured dragon infront of him. He smiled with his red eyes at the dragon before him. Agnis smiled at his son. [ I imagine Air like this in dragon form- it's by the same artist as Dinka's dragon form ]

5:14pm Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((I sort of imagine her like that too.)) Air looked over at her dad and let go a sigh, then looked at Dinka. She jumped, pumping her powerful wings downward, sending her up into the sky. She hovered a few yards above Dinka, waiting for him to follow. This is going to be quite the mission, she thought, looking at Dinka. He seemed so... normal. Well, except for the golden eyes thing and the dragon-shifting thing.
Love is all we need~
5:34pm Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 681
Instead of opening his wings and flying, Dinka started to run. His wings tucked in close to his body, making him propel like a bullet as he ran. But he wasn't causing a disturbance under his wave, he was almost floating. His power to levitate himself and other objects let him run in the air. Finally, his feet touched the ground and he shot upwards, his wings shot out and he hovered in the air. His gold armour shone brightly in the sun, but Dinka couldn't get his eyes off of the way the sun bounced off of Air and made her raidiate pure beauty. Dinka shook his head and flew over to her. His tail lightly touched her neck as he lifted again, waiting for her to follow him or race off into the distance.
5:40pm Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"We're going to Branson. I have clothes there," Air said sheepishly. Even thought she was in dragon form, her voice was the same. No deeper, no higher. The light was blinding off of Dinka's gold scales, but she didn't let it show. Air wasn't going to let him see her pushover, ditzy girl side. She meant business. She was going to stop the war.
Love is all we need~
8:06pm Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
5:30pm Mar 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~