6:58pm Mar 16 2010
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If your lost,
And you need to find some escape Or some peace of mind, Call my name When you need a friend I'll be there, I'll be there If your dreams Are drenched in sweat You can't sleep There's too much in your head Call my name Any type of day, I'll be there, I'll be there When you can't carry on, When the road's way too long Know that your not alone I can carry you home If you hold on tonight I'll be there If you give, Till you've got nothing left, Wanted more, But you end up with less, All your friends, Have turned away But I'll be there, I'll be there
When you can't carry on, When the road's way too long Know that you're not alone I can carry you home If you hold on tonight If you hold on tonight
The weight of the world is too much to take Pulling you down like a tidal wave I can hold you, I will hold you Here and now
If your lost and you need to find some escape, Or some peace in mind, yeah
When you can't carry on, When the road's way too long Know that you're not alone I can carry you home If you hold on tonight When you can't carry on When the road's way too long Know that you're not alone, I can carry you home If you hold on tonight, I'll be there
When the world seems wrong When you've come undone No, you're not alone I'll be there for you When the world seems wrong When you've come undone No, you're not alone You know I'll be there, I'll be there By Faber Drive ~~~~ <(= o___o =)>
~~~~ Shadowshifters: A shadowshifter is an odd creature. It looks just like a human does, except it has certain powers that define it. A shadow shifter can change thier appearance and age at will, but not their gender or eye colour. Their eyes are the same colour as their shadow aura. Shadowshifters have sharp, pointed teeth like an animal's, and needs to feed on human blood to survive. They do not have hearts. A shadowshifter can only go three days without blood, and then they will die. Their own blood his poisonous to other Shadowshifters and humans. A Shadowshifter's shadow aura is the colour of their power. For example, if their aura is green, when they call on shadows, the shadows will change to a green colour. Each Shadowshifter, while in human form, have a single mark ontop of their stronger hand. It represents them. Shadowshifters all have a true form; there really is no way to describe it, but I'll try. Their true form is like a human-like figure made purely out of black shadows with glowing eyes the same colour as their shadow aura. They are strongest in this form, but the hardest to controll; and their need for blood is amplified. ~~~~ <(= o___o =)> ~~~~ Rules: You may be a ShadowShifter or Human. Nothing else. Please, no GM or PP. I am in charge. End of story. Romance and violence are good in moderation. Keep cursing to a minimum. I have no co-owner yet. You do not have to ask to join.
~~~~ <(= o___o =)>
~~~~ ShadowShifter Bio: Name: Original Age: Gender: Aura Colour: Personality: History: Other: Looks: _____ Human Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Crush/BF/GF: Personality: History: Other: Looks: I play a male and female ShadowShifter, and a male and female human.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:28pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 7:38pm Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 9,944
Name: Joshua Banks
Original Age: 17
Gender: Male
Aura Colour: Indigo
Personality: Josh is quiet, and laid-back. He's ashamed of what he is, and doesn't enjoy feeding at all. He's not a fighter, but carries around a bunch of weapons anyways. History: He lost his sister a long time ago in the middle of a fight. Stil looking for her. :C
Other: He carries around a bow and arrows, and a dagger. 8D He has a british accent.
Looks: Josh is tall, with silky black hair that falls in shaggy bangs over his forehead and eyes. He has pas$ionate indigo eyes framed by thick lashes. He's muscular and tan, with a smile to die for. The mark on the back of his hand is a snake wrapped around a sword. _____ Name: Poppyseed Banks (Poppy) Original Age: 15
Gender: Female
Aura Colour: Gold
Personality: Poppy is bubbly and fun, ready for action and energetic. She's upbeat and ready for anything, but she's also serious at times. She's a fight where as Josh isn't, and she's very outgoing. History: Somebody kidnapped her in a fight a long time ago. She's lost all memory of her brother and her past.
Other: She carries around two swords and three daggers.
Looks: Poppy is short for her age, with curves that pack a punch. She's got beautiful gold eyes framed with thick lashes, and long black hair with side bangs. She's tanned like her brother. The mark on her hand is a spider with outstretched legs. ______ Name: Jace Willowspring
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Crush/BF/GF: -open- Personality: Jace is cocky and proud, always ready for a fight and fun. He's not one to take kindly to rude behaviour, and he can hold a grudge forever. Revenge is a hobby for him. History: Shadowshifters killed his entire family when he was 3. His sister, his mom and his dad. They left him with a scar over his left eye. He grew up on the streets, seeking revenge. Other: He carries only one dagger. He's blind in his left eye.
Looks: Jace is tall, muscular and pale with gorgeous silver eyes. His hair is also silver, and hangs over the left side of his face to cover his scar. His scar travells from his left temple, through his left eye and down to the left side of his chin. He's very handsome. _________ Name: Charlotte Sparks Age: 16
Gender: female Crush/BF/GF: -open-
Personality: Sarah is quiet and gentle. She's not a fighter, and is virtually kind to everyone and everything around her. She's forgiving and sweet, but she really has a painful punch when you make mer mad.
History: Shadowshifters kill her sister Sarah, and her baby brother Jacob. She lives with her parents, who abuse her. Other: She carried no weapons. She's often covered in bruises.
Looks: Sarah is tall and semi-pale with long, curly blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She's got a body to kill for, and a smile that matches.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:30pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( May I join as a Shadowshifter with an ice blue Aura? :D ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:31pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((Sure. :D))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:57pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 11:14pm Mar 17 2010)
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ShadowShifter Bio: Name: Erin Falkener.
Original Age: 15.
Gender: Female.
Aura Colour: Ice Blue.
Personality: Erin is energetic and will never back out of a challenge. She loves to fight- whether it be simply sparring or an actual battle. She really doesn't hate what she is, but she's learned to swallow her pride and hide the fact that she's a Shadowshifter, otherwise she'll just get killed. She enjoys the company of others and, while her temper is easily stoked, she is generally kind to others. Despite being some odd, murderous beast Erin is paranoid and easily intimidated, but also very decisive and determined.
History: Nothing interesting really. o3o Lives the life of a Shadowshifter, basically. Can she be the one who killed Sarah's brother and sister? 8D
Other: Carries an obsidian hand-axe with an extendable handle. The word 'CARNAGE' is etched across it in silver.
Looks( as a human ): Erin. ALL CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST!Except her hair has ice blue (the same colour as her eyes) streaks running through it. Quick physical deion of body; Erin is petite; a bit shorter than average, and slender. She's pale with deep black hair in the style you see above. Yes, she does wear a little black dress with frills, with some dark blue jeans underneath. She goes barefoot. She's rather pretty, once you get past the fact that she's a Shadowshifter. The mark on the back of her hand is a feather pinned down with an axe.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:00pm Mar 16 2010
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((Accepted 8D))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:10pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Yay. 8D I don't understand why people haven't joined this yet. D:< The concept is awesome and it's literate. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:14pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Thank you, Dust. XD I thought of this yesterday, while sitting in the shade outside :P ))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:37pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((.. bump D:))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:23pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. :c ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:38pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((Well, this makes me feel fail -__-")) ((Thanks for joining Dust.))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:54pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 934
((I'm going to bed soon, but may I join tomarrow afternon as a human male who hunts ShodowShifters for a living?))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
10:59pm Mar 16 2010
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((Sounds great, Morgain. 8D))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:58pm Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 934
Human Bio: Name: Westley Alexander Kaos Age: Almost 18 Gender: Male Crush/BF/GF: Open; may edit later~ Personality: In the battlefeild, Wes has no mercy for those he slays. He is determined to take down all and any foes he encounters. He preffers a good match, and therefore wastes little time on other humans that dare to pick a fight. He will either kill them instantly or simplt leavethem in the dust. ~ Outside bloody battle sceans, Wes is rather kind. Though he's used to getting his way, he tries to be open to seggestion and compremise. To humans he is always warm, unless, of course, you tick him off. If you know how, this is very easy to do. He never stays in one place at one time. It's to riskey. History: Westley grew up fast, taking care of his little brothers and sister. When there parents and aunt and uncle died, they where left on their own. The young, twin brothers caught millaria young, and when Wes was 12 he had to slit thier throats. There was no saving them from the pain they suffered. When Wes was 15, his sister Anna, now his only family, was taken hostage by a pair of ShadowShifters. In an effort to save her, he ended up killing the two. Anna's wounds were too great to save and she died four days later. In a blind fit of rage, he killed several bandits who jumped him. Observed by gangs, Wes became an *censored*asin. When his skills exceaded his master's. more *censored*asins came for him. So, after killing several entire gangs, he did the best thing he knew: killing. He became a mercinary for two years, ond only recently has he been hunting ShadowShifters. He's slaughtered over 60 now. While some settlements put up "WANTED" posters for him, others cherish his presance as a hero. Other: I think I've covered it. Looks: Shoulderlength, dirty blonde hair that falls messily around his face and bright, emerald- blue eyes eminate as proud features. He's tall with lean, thick muscles under streached, pale skin. He wears fairly tight clothing including thick, black leather gloves, boots and jacket. He carries three guns: a pair of pistols on each hip and a shotgun on the inside of his coat. He also carries a heavy, two- handed longsowrd strapped across his back and a small mashettie. Around his neck, usually tucked under his shirt, is a thin silver chain. From it rests a lovely silver locket, rectangular, small and light. He never takes this charished thing off.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
4:06pm Mar 18 2010
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((Accepted. 8D))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:18pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 735
((finally done :D I spent forever writing this , at a friends and distractions accur so much! But I'm done)I Name: Patrick Deason
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Crush/BF/GF: Damien
Personality: He's the kind that if you need a shoulder to cry on, he'll be there. At times he can be very peppy around the people he knows and is very comfortable being around. Shy at first meeting and no peep will exscape his mouth.One of many who believe in "Love at first Site" Very paranoid about the Shadowshifters, but his friend is one, so he tries so hard to get used to that. History: Lives with is older sister, becuase his parents both died from cancer when he was just a boy. He is happy with her and doesn't break many rules, 'cept one big one. Befriending a Shadowshifter. His siter has never liked one after her best friend was killed by one. She doesn't know hat her brother was friends with one. Hes not a abused boy, and he is very happy with his life. But obsticle courses do come from time to time. Other: He's in love with his best friend but doesn't show t much. He keeps it down to a best friend level know that his shadow friend has no heart or emotions tward him beside the crave for blood. He helps his friend and cuts him self everynow and to prevent from his friend from dying. He doesn't let his sister know thoug, he uses the excuse "I fell today" Looks: He's 5'3'' and a smile is a usuall thing on his face. Short, wild, lightbrown hair with a few blonde streaks. Light toned skin and blue eyes with a mixture of green. He wears light colored shirts with a white jacket, that has a red heart one the right chest area. His convers are just blue and dirty. Has skinny arms,legs, and waist. When you look at him you hink- Very huggable!...But very fragile.. Name: Damien Bell
Original Age: 17' and a half
Gender: Male
Aura Colour: Red Personality: Very "I don't really care" most of the time. Not as peppy as his little friend. Doesn't smile or concern about people most of the time.He's only concerned when his friend gets hurt then he pulls out caring, but just a tad becuase he just feels sorrow for him. He knows how to avoid disasters like Patrick's sister or people who hate Shadow shifters. He's like a shadow in the city. Shadowshifters don't have hearts right? History: Along time agop after a fight when he was 10 he was injured horrible and left in the alley to die until a nice 9 year old came to help him. Secretly would sneak food for him and He felt like a smoocher. For 3 years he hid from him but came back after everyday he saw the boy go back to see if he came back. He actually felt like he was a regular person when that boy had done that for him. Other: He's much taller that Patrick. He is 6'2'' and Patrick is 5'4" Looks: 6'2'' normal sized kid. Mscular in someway but not to muscular. He has dark brown hair that goes just a tad bit past his ear. He keeps it straight and doesn't let if poof like crazy in the old days. Dark toned skin but not too much more darker than Patrick. His dark red eyes make it look alittle more brown than red. He has freckles lightly pattered on his cheeks and across the nose. He wears a navy blue sweater. He is usually is wearing a red or white shirt underneath. His baggy jeans with holes in them don't make them look all so pretty. He has red convers or sometimes you can catch him wearing his white ones.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
10:30pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 735
(( I might draw them myself sometime when I have have time.))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
1:46am Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 1:56am Mar 19 2010)
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Hai 8D I like your signature Moo ;p ~ Name: Starlett Original Age: 15 Gender: Female Aura Colour: light purple Personality: At times she is bright and bubbly, but very quickly she can turn quite evil. She didn't like killing people at the start but she hardly notices it now. She is very observant, and has quite an obsession with stalking. History: When her and her twin (Reason) were about 3, their father died. Soon after their mother couldn't handle the twins and put them up for adoption. They escaped and have been living on the streets since. Other: Nope Looks: coming ~ Name: Reason Original Age: 15 Gender: Female Aura Colour: dark purple Personality: She is dark and quiet, the opposite of Star. She doesn't like annoying people and stays out of anyone's way. History: The same as Star really ^.^ Other: Nope Looks: Coming
1:15pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 735
((BUMP!! D:))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
12:01am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 735
(( I actually want to RP on this one D: BUMPETH!!))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.