9:33pm Jun 7 2011 (last edited on 4:00pm Jun 9 2011)
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Plot: This rp is now full, no one else may join. None. Some rps are better with no plot, so hopefully this will be one of them. But there are two wolf packs Ravenwood Pack and Ashwood pack. Both packs live in the Avanti Forest (which is completely made up by the way.) This rp will be a small group, so I will allow 3 people to join. (this doesn't include myself.) This wasn't planned out over rmail with anybody or anything, I just wanted a small group wolf rp so I made this. Rules: no swearing No gay/bi/lesbian wolves, not to offend anyone. Even gender ratio. If you make a female, make a male, if you make a male, make a female. Don't take every important rank. Semi-literate. Don't make too many characters to keep track of. No perfect characters. You can not join as a pup or an elder. Be realistic. there aren't tigers in the forest. Make the two packs even. No fighting OOC. Use these () {} [] when posting OOC. No mating scenes or birth scenes. No superpowers No unnaturally colored wolves or weird markings. No insta-mates. I have added the rank 'pack members in training.' these are wolves training to become pack members who are taught by the entire pack. This rank is partially based off the warrior cat books. Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Pack: Rank: Personality: History: Crush: Other: Wolves: Ravenwood: Alpha Male: Ketu (Tld) Alpha Female: closed. Ketu can pick one later in the rp. Beta Male: Ire (Me) Beta Female: closed. Ire will choose one later in the rp. Pack Members: Kyan (Blood) Laurelin (Me) Bari (Tld) Training wolves (wolves training to become Pack Members): Pups:------ Omega: Enisea (Rika) Ashwood: Alpha Male: closed. Xeriaze may choose one later. Alpha Female: Xeriaze (Blood) Beta Male: Skoll (Tld) Beta Female: Closed. Skoll can choose one later in the rp. Pack Members: Xera Alliane (Me) Leto (Tld) Esithen (Rika) Pack Members in training: Omega: Ryko (Me) Pups:------ My Characters: Name:Ryko Age:Young Adult Gender:Male Looks: Pack:Ashwood Rank:Omega Personality:Very calm and tranquil, he tries to avoid conflict the best he can. Although he is of a peaceful nature, being an omega, he is picked on and bitten a lot. He has a high pain tolerance, but isn't really strong enough to put up a fight. Ryko is very thin because he has to eat last all the time, and very shy and quiet, often stammering when he talks and staying a distance away from the rest of the pack. The only thing he's really good at is tracking, almost never losing a scent. History: Crush: Other: Name:Laurelin Age:Young Adult Gender:Female Looks: Pack:Ravenwood Rank: Pack Member Personality: She's quiet and friendly to most wolves, but it takes a while to earn her trust. She can't stand cruelty to anyone, so she never learned to fight, and is useless in battle. She is thin and fast, and she's very smart. She is unually un-agressive towards wolves from other packs, but never trusts them completely. She was supposed to become an omega, but never did. History:Normal Crush:Open Other: none Name:Ire Age:Adult Gender:Male Looks: Pack:Ravenwood Rank: Beta Male Personality: Ire is extremely intelligent; a complete genius. He can always come up with an amazing plan in the bl ink of an eye. He loves to mock and taunt others, make fun of them and trick them. He jokes around a lot, especially in serious situations. He is very sly, and very dishonest. He can never be trusted. Ire is a cunning wolf and is very narrow-minded. His actions are always unexpected. He's very self-centered, he never thinks about anyone elses feelings and how his actions will effect them. He is very violent, he never has any hesitation when hurting or even killing someone. He can fool others with ease, no matter who they are, and his thinking is very twisted and dark. History: Was a loner, then joined the pack. Crush:Open Other:none Name: Xera Alianne (just call her Xera. XP) Age:Young Adult Gender:Female Looks: Pack:Ashwood Rank: Pack Member Personality:
History: Normal. Crush:None Other:none

4:01am Jun 8 2011
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Name: Ketu Age: Adult Gender: Male Rank: Alpha Male [ forever D< ] Pack: Ravenwood Appearance: Credits to SterlingRuinsFall337 @ Deviantart
Personality: Ketu is a loyal and trustworthy wolf, extremely noble and dedicated to his Pack. Perhaps too dedicated? Ketu has a snooty personality, and even though he adores his pack, he can't exactly show it well. He's confident and thinks whatever he does will better the pack, so he doesn't like it when a wolf objects. He has little respect for other Packs, and will always work to prove that his is the best. Crush: None Other: Chain + Pendant not included HE WILL NOT HAVE A MATE. I DISLIKE INSTA-MATES --- Name: Bari
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Pack member Pack: Ravenwood Appearance: Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart
Personality: Bari is an easygoing she-wolf. She doesn't have much of an ambition, and is quite docile. She follows the leader's orders without question, unless they're ridiculous. Bari's fun to be around, and is quite a pushover. She does tend to wander, and has a short attention span.
Crush: None Other:None --- Name: Skoll
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male Rank: Will be Beta if you want? o3o Pack: Ashwood Appearance: Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart
Personality: Skoll has always aspired to become the Alpha of the pack. He strives to prove his dominance, and is quite strong. He despises the other pack, but he doesn't dare to show it. Skoll is deathly calm and always observes, being a rather level-headed and cool wolf. Skoll does get snappy on occassions, though, and can't always maintain the same level of concentration. He often has moodswings and 'happy days'.
Crush: None
Other: ... --- Name: Leto
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Pack Member Pack: Ashwood Appearance: Credits to KayFedewa @ Deviantart
Personality: Leto has a tongue as sharp as her claws. She's got a quick wit and somewhat of a quirky attitude, but she's always aiming to become the best. She's competitive and easily distracted, but is always true to her pack. Leto's also incredibly dense, and likes to follow her own version of justice. She's fiery and protective of her loved ones and own choices, and won't be afraid to snap at the Alpha if he made a decision she didn't like.
Crush: Ire, latar? o: Other: None

10:53am Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 1:45am Jun 10 2011)
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Posts: 2,422
((I shall take the last spot, if it is ok. I will joing with two new characters of mine just to get used to roleplaying them. My bio's will be up in a moment.)) Name:Xeriaze(Call her Aze) Age:Young adult Gender:Female Looks: 
Pack:Ashwood Rank:Alpha female? Personality: Aze is a very tough wolf. She isn't cold hearted but she rules with an iron first..er..paw. When she's not patrolling the borders or battling, she's in her den, stratigizing(sp?). She can get blood thirsty and it does happen often. Once she goes into the 'zone' she won't come back out until her target or targets have been killed, no matter what pack they are in. She has killed her own pack before and won't hesitate to do it again. History:Normal Crush:Urm... Other:N/A Name:Kyan(Call him Kya) Age:Adult Gender:Male Looks: 
Pack:Ravenwood Rank:Pack member Personality: Kya is a level headed wolf with a calm mind and a peaceful heart. He lives for the little moments in life. Although, in battle he can become an amazing ally or a formidable foe. He is deathly afraid of insects, though, and is OCD about cleaning. His den is the cleanest in the pack and his keeps his coat sleek and bug free. History:Normal Crush:Open, he won't crush first Other:N/A ((ART IS NOT MINE. CREDIT GOES TO ARTIST
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:28am Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 11:28am Jun 8 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
(Accepted Tld. I will close the Alpha Female slot for Ravenwood, Etc. Etc. Etc. Leto can choose an alpha female later in the rp if he wants to. Leto can crush on Ire later. And sure, blood, you can join, but after that, there's actually one more open spot XD.)
12:21pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((There. I put my bio's up. I will edit their personalities once I have written them up. Sorry. They are new characters so I'm still working out the kinks.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:02pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(O.o Kyan looks awesome.but you need to have one of your wolves in Ravenwood Pack, if that's okay.)
1:07pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Join as Ravenwood Omega...? ouo;))
1:09pm Jun 8 2011
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(Sure, Rika.)
1:32pm Jun 8 2011
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((And also can be an Ashwood member? ouo; Unless that'd make the packs too out of balance? -making her wolves now-))
2:48pm Jun 8 2011
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Name: Enisea Age: 3 Gender: Female Looks:
 Pack: Ravenwood Rank: Omega Personality: Quiet and withdraswn, she is the socially awkward member of the pack. She gets extremely nervous nervous if a lot of attention is drawn to her, and she is extremely submissive. Se also startles very easily, and is often seen tripping over ehr own tail to escape the thigns that supposedly lurk in the shadows. History: Blegh. xP Crush: Open Other: None. :U
Name: Esithen Age: 5 Gender: Male Looks:
 Pack: Ashwood Rank: Member Personality: He's very dark and mysterious. He keeps to himself until someone starts a conversation with him, but he gives off such creepy vibes it's hard to get very close without your fur standing on end. He's not very talkative, but will spek his mind if it comes down to it or the whole pack making a stupid, reckless decision. He's loyal, though. c: History: Blegh. XP Crush: Open Other: I MADE THESE ON A WOLF MAKER. STEAL AND DIE.
5:30pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Accepted, Rika,and Rose, can Xera later crush on Kyan? )
11:49pm Jun 8 2011
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11:16am Jun 9 2011
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2:54pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((Of course. And I will change Kyan to Ravenwood since Aze is alpha female for Ashwood.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
3:59pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Once you add their personalitys, We can start the rp.)
1:45am Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((Ok. I've changed their personalities. Is that ok?))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:10pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(sure. we can start now, whoever wants to start.)
11:36pm Jun 10 2011
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1:51pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 1:51pm Jun 11 2011)
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Ire looked over Ravenwood, acting as if he were the alpha. I should be alpha, not Ketu! He thought. This was a thought he had thought of several times, but never said a word about it to anyone. I'm smarter than that wolf. If I could just get rid of him, my life would just be perfect. I would be the alpha of Ravenwood, everyone would listen to me. Or they would be killed. I need to get rid of him...I'll have to! Who else will? I can't simply kill him on sight, someone would be sure to see and attack me. No. I'll have to earn his trust first, then when he's alone...I'll become alpha. Xera watched disgutedly as Ryko rolled around in the mud. "That's so gross!" She growled. stupid omega. "You're gonna stink for like a week!" She wrinkled her nose in disgust as the mud-covered omega sat up and looked at her. He was neraly coated completely in dark brown mud. Ryko stood up and shook some of the mud off his pelt, a suprising amount of it splattering on Xera Alianne. She yelped in suprise as she became ploka-dotted with the mud. Ryko laughed. "Now you're gonna stink for a week." She snarled at him and walked away. (Laurelin's asleep.)

2:38pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Aze emerged from her den, glancing around at her pack to make sure everthing was ok within the walls. She was off for a hunting trip. Although, as the only alpha as of now, she needed to find somewolf that would watch the pack for a bit. She trudged up to the nearest wolf, Xera, and grunted to draw her attention. "Aze, I need you to watch the pack for a bit, please." and with that, she sprinted off into the deepest parts of her territory. The undergrowth wasn't thick here at all and she could see many small animals scurring over the hard packed earth. She slowed, her footfalls barely making a soft thud. She krept up on a large rabbit. When she was nearly standing over the animal, she ended it and continued the hunt. At the end, she had collected two rabbits and a squirrel. She ran back to camp, set the food outside her den, took the largest rabbit for herself and retreated into her den.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann