9:00pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 7:23pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 3,469
A young girl pushed herself up from the floor, her hands pale against the dark tile. Wait, hands? She dragged herself over to a small puddle being formed by water leaking through the roof, to see a perfectly human face. Light pink hair and sharp blue eyes...She shook her head, muttering in disbelief. "How can I be human? I'm a Magenta Roditore. Not a human...." ~~~ Basically, there is a large group of humans and Creatu taken into this lab, where they are changed. Some Creatu become humans, while some humans become Creatu. What's more, some humans and Creatu only partially vchanged, become humans with Creatu traits. None of these Creatu or humans know what happened for them to deserve this, but they all know one thing, they are left in the basement, alone, abandoned. They hear voices above, human and Creatu, but none ever come down. can they revolt, escape, and possibly turn back? Or will they be stuck in thier cages forever, chained by fear? Rules: No PP or GM. Listen to me and my Co-Owner, Skunkers. Play only Creatu you have. I don't want tons of colored CS pets running about. Post 'Chained by fear.' to join. Only 2 characters of each type for each user. (Ex. Only two Creatu turned human, but yoiu can still have 2 more charries, human turned Creatu, etc.) LITERATE! NO ONE LINERS. Writer's block is understandable, but it doesn't last four pages. Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Species (current for those turned Creatu, previous for those turned Human): Personality: History: (optional) Affliction: (human turned Creatu, etc.) Looks: Other: ~~~ As the girl continued to try and convince herself that she was a Magenta Roditore, a flurry of purple feathers to one side caught her attention, soon followed by a flash of red on her other. She wasn't alone. "Hello?" Her voice was shaky as she called out, and she realized just how frail she was as a human. She lifted a hand to her arm, somewhat relieved that her mark was still there.... ~~~ Name: Serah Age: 21 (Skunkers, this is just how old her Creatu Character is. Not her. I dun even know how old she is. XD So dun argue. D<) Gender: Female Species: Magenta Roditore Personality: Very kind and caring, Serah is willing to help those who need it. But she is also very frail herself, relying alot on Blaze for comfort. History: You'll see. Affliction: Creatu turned into a human. Looks:  Other: partner to Blaze as a Creatu. :D ~~~ Name: Blaze Age: 27 Gender: Female Species: Orchid Otachie. :D Personality: Feiry(no pun intended) and feisty, Blaze will never give up, and won't go down without a fight. Though this harsh Otachie may seem uncaring, she has a soft spot for Serah, whom she helped long ago. History: Hehe. You'll have to wait. Affliction: Creatu partially turned into a human. Looks: Coming. She's a human, with the wings and tails or an Otachie, and a emerald tattoo on her left thigh. The emerald is surrounded by fire. her feet are also the back paws of an Otachie, and always blaze with fire. Other: She's a pyro--she controls fire. Was partner to Serah when a Creatu. ~~~ Name: Attentater Age: somewhere around 30. Gender: Female Species: Nattie Roditore Personality: Cunning and sharp-witted, Attentater lives up to her name. :D That is all I shall say. History: Hehe. if you can find out without a dagger through your heart, you'd be lucky.. Affliction: Human turned into a Creatu. Looks: I have to stop being lazy and scan it... Other: Equipped with many tools of murder--the scientists believed she was harmless.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:07pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:09pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 4:10pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
((Chained by fear. Join? ))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:38pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 6:33pm Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 735
(( One more rule: you have to be literate, no one liners and nono you can join. Chained by fear X3 is this good Fox?)) Name: Umo Age: Hmm it changes every day so right now I'll put him in his 17's Gender: male! Species (current for those turned Creatu, previous for those turned Human): Half Ebilia/Half human Personality: He's cute, charming, and bubbly. Hes so cute hes to die for. He tries to find the best in everything Ex. This expiriment. He looks for the good that comes of it. He also likes to flirt if he likes you. Hes friendly and wont bite unless hes playing. Hes not much of a fighter but since he has Ebilia in him, he could fight if wanting to. He can't see out of one that, which bothers him so. Hes annyoing to.... If you get him on a good topic you'll never hear the end of it unless you try hard enough. History:(optional) He was just a regular Eblia and then he was stolen off to expiriments. his previous owner said if anything ever happened, just look on the brightside and someday they'll meet again. Just keep smiling and so he took the advice. He didn't have to many brothers and sisters or friends since he was still alittle kitty when stolen. He doesn't like his new place very much, but he keeps smiling just like his owner said. He also had an accident with his eye before going into second stage ebilia so he got an eye patch. He picked it ouot, and then he got into fights with siblings so his right ear has a chunk taken out of it. Affliction: (human turned Creatu, etc.) Messed up in expiriment, anthro human and ebilia. Looks: http://yaoifreakgurl11.deviantart.com/art/Umo-the-Ebilia-157986057 So its not colored let me explain now::: His hair is a light'ish brown and the lighter part in his hair is orange. His horns/ears/wings/tail and eyes are the color that an Amber Eblia would have for that certain thing. He wears an extremely long sleeve shirt and the sleeves go over his hands by alot. Thats orange, and his eye p[atch is a just black with a white skull. His pants are a light denum color and black n' white chekered vans. He wears a lime green stud belt and he has a big black collar around his neck and in the middle has a big golden bell. That was put on him when he was little. He is still very little. He is only about 5'4" and weighs very little. He can go awhile without eating so he is skinny. Other: His previous owner loves him much! and his favorite colors are green, orange and purple.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
7:21pm Apr 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
((Accepted, Skunkers. Lemme add the rule.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
4:51pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:56pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,469
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:02pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Name: Raithe D'Arvey Age: 16 Gender: Female Species (current for those turned Creatu, previous for those turned Human): Easero Personality: Sweet and caring to nice people, she hates evil ones History: (optional) Affliction: (human turned Creatu, etc.) ON her back is a pair of light and feathery black wings. She also has two little antennae on hr forehead and a light covering of feathers in her hair and on her nape Looks:  Other: No
7:47pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((So, is she Creatu turned human, or what?))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:16pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
'Chained by fear.' Name: Akusou Age: 15 Gender: Male Species: Ebilia Personality: Shy, very shy and timid. He's very quiet and does what anyone tells him to avoid trouble. However, if he has a good Idea he will say it. History: blah! Affliction: Half-human/half-Ebilia Looks: Small for his age, Akusou has the wings, tail, ears, and horns of a middle Ebilia however the rest of his body is human. He's pale and covered in bandages from where his skin is cut away to show the muscle. He wears a cloth eye-patch over his gouged out right eye. His other eye glows sky blue. Other: None ((Filled this out in a hurry lol so tell me if I messed up anywhere ^_^;;))
8:17pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Thank you Zombie. Det: You're missing something...))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:27pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 5:17pm Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 3,469
Serah pushed herself to her feet, stumbling slightly as she got used to the new height of a human. She glanced over to her right, where a human stood, leaned against a cage. But it wasn't a normal human. Deep purple wings extended from her back, and two tails brushed the ground beneath her. two violet ears swiveled at every sound, one remaining focused on Serah. The girl's voice was humorous when she spoke to the former Roditore. "Nice to see you finally woke up. I was worried. Even more so than usual." "Hard to believe you with any more worry." Serah looked around, her eyes casting about the room until she caught sight of a staircase. She glanced up as footsteps thudded above her. She took a step back, and nearly jumped when Blaze lightly touched her wingtip to Serah's shoulder. "They never come down here. They threw us down here and left us here." Serah looked sharply to her left, where the voice had come from. On top of an empty cage, a natural Roditore crouched, her white cloak billowed out around her. A sword hung at her waist, as did a small pouch. The Roditore's red eyes glinted mischeviously under her hood. Long claws gripped the edge of the perch, and a fur-tipped tail flicked over the metal. Her long ears caught the sounds from above, as well as the water dripping from the floor above their heads. Blaze moved to Serah's side, extending a wing around her protectively. The Otachie kept her gaze on the Roditore for a long moment, then flicked to Serah. "And who're you?" The Roditore rose, then jumped from the cage. She stumbled slightly, then caught herself. When she spoke, it was with a slight German accent. "My name is of no importance. But you may call me by the german pronunciation of my occupation--Attentater."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
3:16pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 3:20pm Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 20
((chained by fear)) Name: Alfar
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Species: Easero
Personality: Typically quiet and soft spoken, he is capable of great power and anger. He can take both the role of leader and follower, but prefers solitude. Alfar is very down to earth and treats strangers with reserved suspicion at first. His respect must be earned, it is not given. He is a hunter and fisher, quite a survivalist. History: Alfar was born in a quiet forest nestled far away from the hustle and bustle of metropolis Relcore. There he grew strong and balanced, the only egg in his clutch to hatch. His parents were very loving and encouraged his endeavors, be it fishing or his choice to learn the ways of shamanism and protect the forest he had come to know and love. However, as the years p*censored*ed, urban society continued to expand, beginning to encroach on Alfar's homeland. In his efforts to preserve his forest, he often sabotaged the construction workers' endeavors, causing their machinery to malfunction, stealing plans, and raking at their helmets with his talons. Then one day, some men in white coats showed up at the edge of the forest. As Alfar swooped down from his perch for a closer look, a jolt of electricity flowed through his body, causing him to freefall from the sky and landing on his head, knocking him out cold. He would later learn that the humans had used a tazer on him and carried him back to the lab, where he now sits. Affliction: Creatu caught halfway between Creatu and human Looks: As an Easero, he has the color scheme of a red tailed hawk with grey talons and a grey beak, brown feathers, a darker brown mask of feathers around his eyes, white primary flight feathers permanently stained with light green from his years of scouring the canopy, three red splotches on his chest, one long red feather on top of his head, and a red tail rimmed in white. The injury to his head caused his right eye to be slightly smaller than his left, but it is difficult to tell in most cases. His eyes are a vibrant forest green. In his current state, he resembles a fit, tan native american male with large wings, a red hawk tail, and a red feather sprouting from his forehead. His head is wrapped around the temples with bandages with blood on the right side. He has long dark brown hair. He has been dressed in a pair of light acid washed jeans and a simple white cotton t-shirt. No shoes or socks, as he isn't expected to be going anywhere. Other: Alfar is a shaman, meaning he has a vast knowledge of healing through meditation, herbs, and stones. He is able to see into other worlds through intense meditation and even into the near future for others, but it is very taxing on him and he can not see his own or those whose future entwines with his. Eventually I will get a pic of him up, I promise! Also, Alfar is stored in my showroom, not on my profile, along with his "little brother", Rimefeather.
I need to be seahabilitated
7:02pm Apr 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
((Det, Raithe isn't on an easero, so you can't play her as an Easero Hybrid.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:59pm Apr 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Umo sat there hunched over and curled up in the corner of his little cage. His wings making it a tad bit smaller, he just sat there breathing. Not listening to anyone else just.... Sitting there. Calm as a flower. He was scared but didn't show it for his face was just blank. He looked around every now and then and saw these three females talking but payed no heed. He just calmly looked back back down thinking what had happen to him. He had hands, feet and just a whole human body. He didn't like it, but niether did hate it. There was some good to this right? ....Right...? He started to almost cry right then and there, he just wanted to go home and be a normal Ebilia but no that dream wasn't a choice at all.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
12:27pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((can i join?)) Name:Ella
Species (current for those turned Creatu, previous for those turned Human):Rose Veram
Personality:Shy, Caring, Friendly History: (optional)none Affliction: (human turned Creatu, etc.) Creatu turned human Looks: Other: none

5:17pm Apr 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
((Anti: Not without following the rules, you can't.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:25pm Apr 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,748
((then i wont be in this!))

9:25pm Apr 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 255
[is it too late to join?]
10:41pm Apr 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
(( no we havent even started XD ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.