Yes, Sarya has returned, and yes, this rp will sort of be like an mmorpg. ;D And just like rpg sites, I'll add things to the rp when I get new ideas. c:
Yes, yes, I know you all love me since I'm so creative and epic and awesome and beautiful. ^0^ *strucks a super-star pose*
There will be different events in this rp. And actually... this rp really has no plot. It's just a world filled with characters where anything can happen. ;D
The World of Wonder isn't just any ordinary world, it has many different species and things far beyond imagination. And no, World of Wonder isn't it's name, because that name is sort of pathetic. The world is called Sylicia (Sie-lish-ee-uh). And who cares if that name is already taken or pathetic (I sort of remember hearing that name somewhere...).
Anyways, back to the subject. xD Sylicia is inhabited by several different species, such as faeries, elves, vampires, and even Animus, the half-animal and half-human people. Many towns are inhabited by a mix of all these species, but some places have only certain species inhabiting them. Each species also has a prince/princess, and several different duties/jobs depending on what species they are. (Don't worry, I'll provide explanations for the species I make up, as.suming you should be pretty familiar with species have already been made-up and are in some stories/folktales/myths, and I'll also provide a list for different jobs and what species have them).
Made-up species (by me)
Animus- Animus are human-like creatures who dress up as their animals, similar to Gijinkas (I hope I spelled that correctly). They have the power to transform into their animal anytime they want. They try to keep their identity a secret, because they don't want regular humans to know they are animus because humans tend to capture them for their powers.
Yep, and that's all my made-up species so far. ;o
Guardian- This duty is for faeries and angels only. This job isn't something you sign up for, it is given to you from birth. Having this duty means that once you reach the age of 16, you will have to guard the person you were chosen to until their death. Being immortal (or at least you age slowly), you will guard several people in your lifetime. And fine, you can have some romance with the person you guard. I just added that there because I KNOW someone was going to ask me if they can do it.
Toilet Plumbers- They plumb your toilet. And no, this isn't actually going to be a job in my rp. Well, it can actually, if you really want your character to plumb someone's toilet all day long. xDDD
Shop Owner- Hey, who said your character can't own a store or some sort of business? This rp is supposed to be creative with many different characters and places.
Supernatural Species Hunters- Yes, although the wonderful world of Sylicia is meant to have many different species, some people only want the human race to live, the only race that they consider 'normal'. The humans who have this job will risk their lives to kill all sorts of monsters and species far more powerful than they are, in hopes of vanishing all races but the human race. They carry several different weapons to kill all sorts of species, since not all species die the same way.
CURRENT EVENT- No event will happen until the rp starts.
1. You must be capable of writing at least one paragraph for every post. I'm not saying you have to write a novel, just one paragraph. How hard can that be? If you can write more, that's even better. c:
2. No pp/gm.
3. If I decide something, you follow it. If I want to kick you out, then you're kicked out.
4. No crushing on someone's character without their permission.
5. Ask me if you want to have a special job or be a princess/prince.
6. No killing without permission. Also, if your character is a vampire, it would be polite to ask before biting someone's character.
7. Please be creative. This is what this rp is for. Make your character something out of the ordinary. But don't make them overly-powered.
8. Violence and romance is highly encouraged. ;D
9. I know you all love me. D8<
Pets (if any)~
My bio~
Name~ Crystal
Gender~ Female
Age~ 17
Species~ Vampire/faerie
Powers~ It is a secret.

Position/Job/Duty~ It's a mystery.
Pets (if any)~ Maybe.
Crush~ Open. ;D
Personality~ Rp it out.
Other~ If you read my bio, post 'I like pie'. Oh, and I hope I'm not overpowering Crystal. D;