1:09pm Mar 19 2013 (last edited on 12:27pm Mar 28 2013)
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The undead are cominggggg.
So, this roleplay's time is two months after the outbreak where people were falling ill, dying and coming back as something...different. More vicious, violent, bloodthirsty, and undead. By now everyone is starving and they are being forced to come out onto the streets, where the walkers wait for something to eat. And there is only one thing they eat. Living things.
So your character has lost everything. Everything they have ever known has been ripped out of their hands. Now they must learn to defend themselves if they want to survive. It's a survival of the fittest, and you must be able to hold off a pack of walkers if you want to make it past morning. Just make sure you don't get bit, and try and keep blood out of your ears, eyes, nose or mouth. Maybe make some allies, and fight it out until no undead figure stands on the face of the earth.
So you want to join, eh?
I just have a few rules. -No spam, powerplay, godmodding or mary/gary sues. -This is a roleplay based off the walking dead TV show/books/game so all I ask is you do not use the characters from them. -This will have violence, possibly romance? But keep it in res boundaries. -If you sign up, you must atleast have some sort of commitment, I don't really want this falling apart. If you have a reason, rmail me. -This isn't lit, though as much as I would like it to be I'm pretty sure less than 50% of the role-pla[injection]yers are lit. -Continuing the rule above, you may join with any literacy as long as you don't have one-liners often and know how to spell. -Delete everything in parenthesis in the bio form below. -Don't go all, "RAAAH KILL EVERYONE". If you want to harm someone's character, make sure it's okay with them first.Fill out this form, then.
First Name: Last Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: {Desc[injection]ription or picture, both would be great} Personality: {give me atleast four sentences} History: Other:
You probably wanna know what's going on out there.
Day: 52 days after the outbreak. Time: Around 1pm Weather: Raining Temperature: 7 C

1:10pm Mar 19 2013 (last edited on 11:38am Mar 20 2013)
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First Name: Amelia Last Name: Winters Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Amelia has long brown hair that falls about half way down her back. She has goldish green eyes with olive coloured flecks. She stands about 5"6 and is rather lithe, not because she's been starving for a while but because she's always been built that way. She doesn't have much upper arm strength, most of her strength is in her legs. She has a soft angled face with distinguishing features, such as her eyes or few freckles. Personality: Amelia is a person who firmly believes a group is as strong as it's weakest link. She believes a group is the best way to survive, along with capable weapons and firearms, but she is yet to find them. Although Amelia was just a regular girl enjoying college before, who really only cared about having fun, all that has left her. She hardly ever smiles now, and a new cold harsh look resides on her face 24/7. History: Amelia grew up in a rural town with only her sister as a friend. When she was about seven her family moved. They moved to a much more populated town, with much more things to do, and where she spent three years learning self defense. Of course, this is when undead rising up and cutting the population in half wasn't even in people's minds. When she graduated from high school, she moved out away from her family into an entire different place miles away. She was visiting her family on a break from college when the outbreak broke out. Her family had died when the undead had invaded their house, and Amelia had climbed up to the attic. She's been stuck up there ever since. Other: Has skills with a sword and knives, while none with firearms.
First Name: Ryan Last Name: Evans Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: Ryan has short blonde hair and brown eyes. He stands about 5"4 and has a muscular build, though he's no bodybuilder. Isn't a very fast runner for the lack of strength in his legs, but still can run, just not that fast or far. He has a slightly tanned skin. What strength he doesn't have in his legs he makes up in upper body strength. Personality: Ryan was the typical, carefree bachelor that could care less about the problems in the world. His life was driving nice cars and living alone. The only people he really cares about are people that have worth to him, or mean something to him. He's rather reluctant to make friends, after a previous tragedy, but if you win Ryan over he'll see worth in you. Now that the outbreak has put Ryan's life upside down, the only thing he doesn't care about are the other groups lurking out on the streets. History: Ryan grew up in the hustle and bustle of New York City. His parents both had high paying jobs; his mother a celebrity lawyer and his father a CEO of a large company. When Ryan was 18, his father divorced Ryan's mother and married another woman. This other woman had a child named Elise. One day, when Elise was about 6 and Ryan 24, Ryan took Elise out for a picnic. This picnic, now after Ryan has looked back on it was no place for a 6 year old, had a pretty sharp drop-off near where they were picnicking. Ryan went into his car to grab something, and he told Elise to stay and wait, but curiousity got the best of Elise and she had fallen off the cliff. After that, lawsuits ensued but after months of battling the court finally declared Ryan was not guilty do to the circumstances. This is why Ryan is reluctant to have friends, he's afraid he might lose them, like he did Elise. Other: Has skills with firearms, but with nothing else.

6:30pm Mar 19 2013
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Reserved :3
7:19pm Mar 19 2013 (last edited on 10:31pm Mar 22 2013)
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First Name:Spirit Last Name: Fawn Nickname: Dawn Emo Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance: Spirit has long blonde hair that hangs down to her midback, she'll usually put it up in a bun or a pony tail. Eatheir way, doesn't really matter to her. She'll usually were a black cowboy hat with her white bandanna tied around her face. He's about 6'3, ocean blue eyes with a slim smile pale smile. She's rather tan and on the skinny side. Personality: Spirit is an adventrous girl that loves getting into things. She loves getting into stuff she's not supposed to. Although, ever since the battle for survival has began, she often can't sleep at night and often will have nightmares when she does sleep. Even though it's only been a few days, she has already adapted too a habit of thinking it's been forever ago since it has started. Scared she's nothing but the last human in exzistance, she does think of herself as a murder now that she has killed few of the zombie population. She has gaind a bit of crazyness inside her mind, History:
First Name: Last Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: {Desc[injection]ription or picture, both would be great} Personality: {give me atleast four sentences} History: Other:
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
11:38am Mar 20 2013
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Ooc; Yaay joiners. x3 Hopefully we can start tomorrow, and people can join as it begins.
6:02pm Mar 20 2013
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Name: Michelle ( Or Micky)Last Name: Jones Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Micky has blonde wavy hairalong with fair skin. She has bright green eyes with a scar underneath her right eye. She wears a plain green shirt with working jeans. At the bottom of her jeans is a blood stain which i will explain in the story :P.
Personality: Micky is a bit stubborn but listens if the matter sounds important. Her temperture is fair but there have been times when she couldnt hold it in anymore and snapped. Besides that she has a soft spot for animals and kids. Micky is very rebellious and has a knack for getting in trouble. History: Micky has a pretty regular childhood but during Elementary and Jr.Hgh she was made fun of for being different. During the apocalapse she was walking around the streets just getting some fresh air when a man ran at her tryng to bite her. Before it could she smashed its head in a car window and killed it. After that people were screaming and walkers soon filled the streets.
Other: She finds Sandy during the apocalapse alone in the dumps later in the story. (( ill have her bio up later))
7:40am Mar 21 2013
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Posts: 165
First Name: AJ (Alexa Joanne) Last Name: Kunner Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: ( Don't know how to put in images) AJ is a bit short for her age. She has a very slim figure, partly due to the food storage. Her hair is dirty blonde and very stringy and loose. She has odd gray eyes. She wears a black sweater with a striped yellow and green tank top underneath. She also wears blue cargo pants. She also carries a big hunting knife. Personality: AJ is that quite kid that's sitting in the corner reading. Well, that was her. After the disaster, everything about her changed. She is now rebelious, brave and always alert. That is a cover for a constantly terrified and paranoid old self. She seems to be a natural leader but she isn't sure. History: At age 5, AJ was rescued from some evil parents. She lived most of her life being adopted, her parents not liking her and giving her back. In the end, the right parents found her. She loved them very much. One day, AJ went on her first job interview. She came home, overjoyed that they had hired her, only to find her parents dead. That's when she realised the apocololapse had began. Other: She is very skilled with the hunting knife. She also is pretty good with firearms and a can opener. She loves spiders.
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"
1:03pm Mar 21 2013
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Ooc; I'm going to start now, and people can feel free to join as they wish. Also, if you are done your bios feel free to post your intros. ^^
Amelia slept curled up in the attic, until her hand reached out at something and she was jolted awake. A small ray of light shone through the gap in the barricade in front of the attic window. Is it morning already? I'm still so tired. The growling of her stomach was a chilling reminder that she could quite easily starve to death in the next few days. I have to go out and take my chances one of these days. It's either starve or be eaten alive. A low moaning noise was heard under the floorboards. The shattering of glass. The low moaning noise of the undead. Coming into her house. Now. Don't worry Amelia. They can't come up here. They aren't that strong. Her mind raced frantically. How many of them? Can I take them on? What if they come up here? She listened in silence for a few moments, listening to things being knocked over and things shattering. Finally, when she could hear them under her, she stood up and quickly but silently tiptoed over to the side table to grab the sword she had taken up with her when the outbreak first started. By now it was a little dusty and her skills with it were probably rusty, but she was going to leave right now. She quickly took the cover off. The sword had a few scratches and probably wasn't the sharpest, but she could always sharpen it later. Putting the cover on, she slung the sword over her back and looked around. Anything else I need? She looked at her broken knife lying on the floor, the handle broken off completely. She had broken it a few days ago throwing it against the wall. She walked over to the barricade by the window and started taking heavy boxes off the top. After a few minutes, she had already taken five boxes down. She swiped her hand across the window to clear a bit of the dust and looked down. Walkers, which she had heard some people call them when she was driving home to her parents when the outbreak first started, wandered the streets in large groups. Something caught her eye a little ways off. A woman, who clearly looked mentally unstable, ran out onto the streets screaming. Amelia clenched her teeth. Don't draw attention, fool. The effect was immediate. A pack of about 50 walkers began to surround the woman. Amelia watched until the woman was out of sight, before she couldn't bear to watch. That could be me in less than a few hours. Amelia thought grimly. She continued taking down her barricade until she had just about cleared the path to the window. She tried moving the large box that held a bunch of glass panes. It refused to budge. "Damn it!" Amelia dared to utter the words out loud. In frustration she ripped the top of the box of only to reel back one of her hands. She had cut her palm of her hand on one of the panes of glass. The moaning below got louder. Could they smell blood? Oh no, they must know I'm up here! Adrenaline pulsing through her viens, she shoved the box away with all of her strength. She wiped the blood off of her jeans. Pulling a worn tissue out of her leather lace-up boots, she dabbed at the cut. Blood was seeping through. The cut itself wasn't that deep, but it was as long as her palm. Seeing a worn, dirty shirt on the ground, she ran her hands through it. Finding an unscathed spot, she pulled out her sword and cut a strip of material from her shirt and tied it around her hand and knotted it quickly. Only one more box to go. Shoving it out of the way, she began to fiddle with the window latch. It was rusted over and of course, jammed. The attic opening began to jerk with the boxes ontop of it. The boxes fell over, leaving the attic opening as vulnerable as ever. Amelia quickly sheathed her sword and ran over to the opening, holding it down. It was too much strength, because she flew back and walkers piled through the opening. One began to crawl towards her feet. Amelia let out a scream and crawled backwards towards the window. Her back met the wall of the attic. Standing up quickly, she pulled out her sword and shattered the window into a hole big enough to climb through. She went through the hole. Only one part was stuck. She saw in horror as a walker gripped her foot, ready to sink is teeth in. Sword in one hand, she came down on the arm, severing it. Falling out the window, she landed in the lawn below. Dazed, she looked around. The walkers were too stupid to follow her out the window. She saw the hand still latched onto her leg. Eughh! She thought as she shook it off. She brushed herself off and stood up. The pack of walkers that weren't in her house were still over where she had last seen the woman. She set off in the other direction when she heard a noise. Turning around, she saw the pack of walkers beginning to head towards her. Oh no. Oh no no no no no. No. This isn't happening. You're hallucinating. Deep breaths. But it was no hallucination. A pack of about fifty walkers were heading towards her, and rather fast. Amelia let out a scream, hoping someone would hear her. Besides, it was too late to be silent now.
Ooc; Sorry for the length intro, got a bit carried away, aha. xD Will post Ryan's intro sometime today.

12:19am Mar 22 2013
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Posts: 165
It was another day of zombie-avoiding for AJ. AJ's home had been pretty much destroyed, so she had taken refuge in a grocery store. She had been takiing a wal and burning up zombies with a flame-thrower, when she heard a scream. It came from a house near by, filled with zombies. But there must have been someone alive there, otherwise the zombies wouldn't have come. She busted open the door and yelled "Hey! Anyone there?" Some zombies had turned towards her. She checked how much gas was left in the flame-thrower. There was a lot. "Good." She muttered and began to burn the zombies.
(Was that good? BTW She found the flame-thrower in someone's house that she looted.)
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"
12:22pm Mar 22 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; That's great. c: Imma squeeze Ryan's intro in here. Hopefully it won't be as long. |D
Amelia looked frantically around for someone. A person, a dog, an animal, something. Amelia began to walk backwards, looking behind her quickly time and time again. The acidic smell of smoke filled her lungs. She saw some sparks coming from her home. What did they do? Knock something over and set it on fire? She saw the side window where the kitchen was open. Someone might be in there. She sprinted towards the window and jumped through. No walkers were in the kitchen, but they were distracted by something else. Someone has a flame-thrower! She thought. Pulling out her sword, she watched as some walkers began to catch flame. But..they don't die. There must be a way to kill them...somehow. She quickly remembered even after seperating an arm off of a walker they continued to live. Maybe...the heart? No, that wouldn't make sense, they're dead. The brain! She thought. She would have to give it a try. After all, how would they be able to do anything without a brain?
Ryan sat in a worn leather chair, staring at the peeling wallpaper of somebody's house. It was quiet here, there weren't many undead wandering around...atleast, none that he had seen and it was actually peaceful. His only defense, a small pistol lay on the coffee table infront of him. He heard the sound of wood breaking and the sound of moaning. Getting up, he gripped the pistol in his right hand. "Anyone there? If you're a human you better come here, right now. If not, I'll shoot."

1:52am Mar 23 2013
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Micky had been bored all day and was walking the streets. It was clearly not the best idea to do now but she had her crossbow so she was perfectly fine. During the past couple months she had been out here she had learned two things. One: Aim for the head. Two: They have a sense of smell. Everyday she went out, she had to smear zombie intestines on herself. The first few days it was scary having the zombies walk up to her and smell he but she got used to it. Up ahead was the building she lived it. A hardware store. She would usually go to the roof and watch through her binoculars above. At least a mile away was a house with fire coming out of it and a woman who look terrified with hundreds of zombies around them. She gasped and ran a bit closer over there and got rid of some of the zombies. "Hey!! What are you doing over there!?" She yelled loud enough for them to hear.
11:21am Mar 23 2013
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Amelia looked through the now gaping hole in the roof to see a girl standing ontop of a tower. "We're trying to get out of here, before we become one of them!" Amelia yelled. A walker began to lumber towards her and Amelia tried her prediction. In a couple seconds the walker was motionless. IT WORKS! She thought. "Hey!" Amelia called at the girl with the flame-thrower. "Burning them doesn't change anything! You have to destroy the brain!"
Ooc; Don't know what to do with Ryan, trolol.
12:37pm Mar 23 2013
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Posts: 165
"The brain? Okay!" yelled AJ. She had a new strategy. She stopped the zombies with her flamethrower, knocked their head off with her knife and then stepped on them with her feet. It worked! The decapitated walkers had stopped moving. It took a much long, so she added another entry to her mental checklist: "Find machetes" After a while, she was able to make it to the attic. More walkers filled the house. "Are you okay?" she asked the girl sitting in the attic.
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"
1:15pm Mar 23 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; Amelia isn't in the attic lol, she jumped out the window, was backing away on the road when the walkers came, but she was in the kitchen helping AJ. xD
5:29pm Mar 23 2013
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Posts: 4,873
OOC: May Spirit find Ryan and Chance just be wandering around?y
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:09pm Mar 23 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; Sure. ^u^ But I don't know who Chance is. xDD
Ryan sat back down, convinced that if he were to shut up now, that whatever was outside wouldn't come here. He had done alot of wandering, and had gone without food for too long now. There was no way he was going to resort to cannibalism, not matter how much his stomach demanded food. So, he sat down, waiting. Finally, a walker walked into the sliding glass door, smearing whatever was on it's face on the window. That's just...sick. He thought. And where there was one walker, there was always more because about another 15 pressed up against the window. It was going to shatter any second now. Ryan couldn't go out the front door. One, he couldn't see what was on the other side of it, and two, he had seen some walkers stuck in cars, probably people that had died trying to escape. So, he grabbed the pistol once more and ran up the stairs. The shattering of glass rang out just as he had gotten to the top of the stairs. He couldn't think of a place to hide. There was nowhere to hide. He couldn't hide in a closet, he was claustrophobic and the thought of being eaten alive in a confined space was unimaginable for Ryan. So, looking around quickly, he ran into the master bedroom, and slammed the door. Of course, no lock. The room was empty. Broken wood, but otherwise, nothing else to bar the door. He heard the moans of walkers nearby. Oh crap. He thought. He leaned up against the door, hardly breathing. He didn't know how long he stood there, barely breathing and praying that the walkers were too stupid to open the door or that they couldn't smell him. Then, all at once he felt a walker slam into the door. Ryan jerked forward, startled. Ryan ran towards the window. He slammed against it a few times, but still, it would not break. Ryan pulled the trigger, hoping that it would bust the glass. Sure enough, it did. But, he would shoot at it 3 times before it was big enough to be able to fit through. Just as he was crawling out, five walkers piled into the room, faster than Ryan could remember. Firing at one, he looked around, seeing a place to escape. He couldn't find one. Just hold them off for now, and think of a place to go. When they overwhelm you, leave. So, firing again and again, another walker went down. He never missed. Only when about 50 of them piled through did Ryan throw himself onto the roof above. He crawled to the middle of the roof where he panted a few moments, rrelieved. Standing up, he looked around. He saw a bell tower 3 houses down. What if I could ring it and lure the walkers there while I get supplies? So, that 's what he began to do, leaping from roof to roof, hardly tripping. He occasionally took a glance at the undead below, not noticing the human. He was on the last roof, he looked up. He would have to run, get a grip on the ledge, and heave himself up to where the bell tower was. No way was he going to climb down and go up the stairs. Beside, what if walkers were there. So, he sprinted, tripping at the last step, but jumping. He clung onto the side of the bell tower and took a few breaths. Heaving himself up, he began to ring the bell, waiting for the reaction it would cause.

8:57am Mar 24 2013
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Posts: 4,873
[I'm making a new char named Chance ^^ And, I'll finish Spirits Bio and get to Chance's tomorrow. I've been gone all day, so I haven't gotten to finish. But I'm posting Spirits Intro tonight. I hate waiting.. LOL]
Spirit pulled her bandanna up over her face and she put her hat onto her head. A smirk appeared under the mask as she put one hand on her belt, holding her Pistol with bullets, and a knife under the belt. She also rested her other hand on the handle of the motorcycle she sat on. She took her other hand and turned the motorcycle on and pulled out a the parking lot she had found in and sped out as she started to hear the moans of the "Walkers". As she turned down every ally and road, their was at least five of them popping out of no where. As she gained speed every few minuets, she began to slow to a stop in front of a small house. "Out! All ready!" she yelled and looked around. She then got off and bean to push it to a gas station, only about 35 yards away. Although she was pushing the motorcycle to the gas station, she was still avoiding zombies, though she acted as if she wasn't.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
3:08pm Mar 24 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Going to drop out ok? Sorry :P))
3:45pm Mar 24 2013
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Posts: 1,557
[[Can I jump in? :D]]
7:59pm Mar 24 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; It's okay slyfox. c: I understand. Sure Rabbah. ^u^