6:47pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 7:04pm Mar 23 2010)
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+Plot+ Animals. They are the ones that seem to be everywhere, listening and watching you. You expect to see them everywhere you turn. Then, they disappear, including your pets. Where are they? They're still here, even though you don't know it. Before the animals had 'gone off the face of the earth', a spirit came to them, looking like a combination of all animals and human too. The spirit gave the animals the ability to blend in, be any creature they desired to be, mythical or nonmythical. Guess what happened. Most animals chose to be humans, others chose to be phoenixes or dragons. The animals who chose the life of humans, had to find someone they loved before the spirit came again, and changed them back into their old forms. The ones who chose to be phoenixes or dragons had to find a human to bond themselves to or they would meet the same fate when the spirit came back. So, what will happen? +Rules+ Pretty much normal. Listen to me. You can be one of the changed animals or a regular human. Click my sig to join. Your bio is your intro. Animal intros start the day after they are changed. Have fun. Easy. My Intros (I'll put Animal over the changed animal chars and Human over the normal chars): Human Nero groaned as the alarm clock beeped over and over again. He slid out of his bed and pulled on his clothes, tiredly. Another day of boring school, another day of work, that threatened to make him sleep. A normal week as always. Nero brushed away his black bangs from in front of his midnight blue eyes, blinked, and gave a loud yawn. Absolutely horrible to wake up early in the morning, when you're supposed to be asleep. Human Lila heard her brother groaning from the other room, and gave a smile of amusement, flashing her white teeth. She laughed loud enough for Nero to hear her, then slipped out of her small bed. It was nice to torture her brother by teasing him, and Lila was someone who took pleasure in it. The girl with her shiny black hair and liquid-like light blue eyes, opened the door, and stepped out of her bedroom. Animal Gsir blinked open her eyes, and found herself in the meadow, that she had lived in as a horse. She had seen a strange spirit last night who had promised to grant her wish to be human, and secretly wondered if it had been. Gsir stood up, and found herself on unsteady legs. Two legs, to be exact. Gsir gave a neigh, or what was now a human cry, of surprise. Her heart thumped. She needed to find something, to look at herself, and quick! Animal Knaros found himself on his favorite tree he loved to climb as a leopard. The spirit had been very impres.sed with his climbing skills and had asked if he wanted to be even more special. Knaros had said 'yes', and admitted that he wanted to be the fire-breathing creature that the humans called 'dragons'. The idea of being scaly disgusted him, but still he could fly then. The spirit had left after that, and now Knaros found himself, looking at his dark red scales. Awesome!
7:06pm Mar 23 2010
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(( ~Bump~ ))
7:37pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 48
((I clicked your egg.)) Human Kara rolled over in her bed, pulling her blankets with her. This way, she was facing the clock. She peeked an eye open, afraid of what she would see. The clock glowed red at her, showing the numbers: 6:07. Kara groaned and sat up, pushing her blankets off. She rubbed at her grey eyes, brushed back a strand of her blond hair, and yawned. No sleep again. She was afraid of when she would crash, since, with her luck, it would likely be sometime during her history test. As she got out of bed, she absently flicked the TV on. She'd heard the news was doing a segment on insomnia, and she wanted to see it before she got to school. Animal Myr awoke with a start, nearly falling out of the tree. Tree. Why was he in a tree? The mouse reached up to brush his ears in confusion, but he found his arm moving oddly. He opened his eyes to look, and found out exactly what the problem was. Myr didn't have any arms. He had wings. Wings covered in bright yellow, orange, and red feathers. Feathers that seemed to be glowing with a strange, fiery light. "That wasn't a dream!" he squawked, as that is the sound that phoenixes make, rather than the timid squeak of a mouse. There really had been a spirit who promised him a deal. Either that, or Myr had an extremely over-active imagination.
7:45pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 40
((I clicketh on it! :))) Human. Jared turned on the TV while he slid his jacket on. Yes it was way early and he could still be sleeping. Jared's smooth black hair hung over his forehead and just barely touched his ears. It was impossible to do anything special to it so he normally just combed it out it out in the mornings. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked outside. He sat down on a bench and ate his breakfast. He liked morning.
I am currently : Offline D:
Something to Consider of the day: Rolling down a hill with friends after it has been fertilized isn't smart. XD
4:26pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Animal Gsir walked through the field, occasionally stumbling, not used to the idea of walking on two legs. A breeze blew by, making her shiver. The sooner she got to her owner's house, the better. Maybe there was something to look at herself with. Gsir tried to quicken her pace. Human Nero heard the laugh from outside, and gritted his teeth. Why couldn't he be an only child! He closed his eyes for a moment, wishing that Lila would just leave him alone forever. When he opened them again, Nero walked slowly towards the door, and twisted the doorknob. Nero swung the door open.
4:30pm Mar 24 2010
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((Clicked it!))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:34pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((I clicked it. I'll post bios when I can. ^^))
Resident mounted archer
4:42pm Mar 24 2010
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Animal- Dawn walked around, flexing her wings, and relaxing her muscles. Her bright blue scales shone in the sun and her eyes were so intriguing. She walked off, and eneded up neer a forest. She remembered this forest, she would run in it when she was a wolf pup. Being a wolf was much easier. She thought You didn't have to find a human, or hunt for huge meat. She sighed, and shooked her head. She kept walking, and notice how large she was compared to the trees. her body only had a few feet to move around, but she was skinny so she fit through mosts spots. Ugh, I hate this. Being annoyed she rushed back to the open gras-s, and took of flying. Human- Lily opened her eyes quickly, and felt like her body was exploding. She cried out in pain, and fell off the floor . She glanced at the window and infer that it was about noon.Lily was in an old abandoned house, a small room she had layed in the night before. She got up once the pains had settled down. She grabbed her backpack sized bag , and her small messenger bag. She walked out quickl, and ran away from here. She found an open area, and a few houses. "I'll blend in." She said to herself and walked on.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:54pm Mar 24 2010
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Animal Knaros felt the branch bend beneath his weight. He was a whole lot bigger, and Knaros realized that with a size like this, the tree could entirely tip over. Knaros gave a soft grumble of anger of not being able to climb a tree again, then leaped off the branch, as if it wasn't at all high. Knaros hit the jungle floor, hitting the hard ground. Knaros then walked over to a pool of water and spread his wings, examining how he looked. Impressive, he thought, seeing huge emerald green eyes looking at him in the small reflection of the pool.
5:05pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Human It was still dark when Jais eyes opened, then blinked back shut. Maybe her internal alarm was taking a break. Maybe it would let her sleep in....Something kicked her, hard, in the ribs and she rolled over and up, snarling...right into the face of a younger teenage girl with long black, gray, and brown dappled hair and blue eyes. A section of her bangs were white. "Who the he....heck are you?" Jai gasped, then looked around. "And where's my dog?" Animal Hunter yawned and woke up, rolling over. His mistress' voice seemed worried. Worried and tired. he stood up, willing to take care of whatever it was that was worryin her. She was stretched over Piff, who looked, for all the world, amused. Hunter blinked is brown eyes and looked at his hands. Ah. Right. He could see where Jai would be annoyed. He sighed, bracing himself for the explaination he knew would come sooner or later. Animal Epiphany-Piff-for-short, had never given a second thought on being anything but a dauchshund. Now she knew why. Tey was surprisable creatures with not even a little bit of humor. She grinned as Jai shook her, turning her head to lick her hand. Jai pulled back and turned at a sigh from the foot of the bed, making a surprised noise as she caught sight of Hunter; before a elder chow-lab cross breed, now, a smashing older boy with deepbrown eyes and white blond hai, shot through with darker blond. She was grinning even as Jai yelled and shoved the two of them off the bed.
Resident mounted archer
5:16pm Mar 24 2010
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Human Lila saw Nero slip out of his bedroom, and shoot a glare at her. She gave a large grin, that grew even wider as Nero scowled. She turned her head away from him, tossing about her black hair as she did so, and walked daintily down the stairs. Lila laughed when she heard Nero groan. When Lila reached the table in the kitchen, she drew out a wooden chair, and plopped down in it. A box of cereal was already at the table, probably set down there by her parents, who always knew that she had a taste for cereal in the morning. A bowl was there too, awaiting to be filled. Lila took the box of cereal, and carefully tipped its contents into the bowl. She swiped a tongue over her lips, feeling very hungry. She heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs and knew it had to be her brother. Animal Gsir walked up to the door of the house. She was getting the hang of controling the strange number of legs she had now. How could humans even live like this? Gsir took a deep breath and remembered what she had seen from the fields when people she did not know arrived at the front of the house. She knocked.
5:25pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Human Jai stared, looking at the two strangers. "Where're my dogs?" She growled, glaring at the two as the boy helped the girl to her feet, wobbily himself. When they didnt answer, she yanked the door open and stomped down the hall, calling after them in a playful yet shaky voice. Animal Hunter whimpered. How do they talk? He knew almost all the words Jai was saying, but didnt know how to form them in his new shape. She had often asked him whereherdogwas when he was in his yard and she wanted to play, or when it was timeforbed and they were all three on the bed playing before sleeping. Beside him, Piff tilted her head one way, then the other. Animal Piff was confused. Shouldnt she be happy? Jai had always said she wished the two of them were human so she could understand them better. Now she was storming off, calling for them while they were right in front of her. She shrugged. Humans were strange.
Resident mounted archer
6:47pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Human Lila had gotten a spoon from one of the kitchen drawers to eat her cereal with, when she heard a knocking at the door. She sighed, then got up and walked to the door. Who could be up at this hour, knocking at the door? Lila unlocked the door and opened it up slowly to see someone she didn't know, a slim teenage girl with silky blond hair and warm brown eyes. "Who are you?" Lila asked, looking confused at why this girl was standing here. She didn't know her from school. Animal Gsir looked at Lila with her brown eyes, wondering why the girl looked so confused. I'm one of the family horses, she thought. So why doesn't she know me? Gsir flicked her fair hair out of her eyes. "I'm Gsir," Gsir answered, surprised that she was actually talking like a human and not neighing.
6:56pm Mar 24 2010
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Human Jai filled the dogs' bowls before grabbing a windbreaker and running out the door to take care of the outside animals. She hoped they werent gone, too. No. The sheep and goats were in their pens, the chickens, pigs, and cows as well. But, the cats were gone and...there were no mice in the grain bag. She shrugged. Maybe the cats had gone to new grounds after eating all the available mice?
Resident mounted archer
11:16pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 48
Human Kara came back into her room, carrying a bagel and a half (since the other half was in her mouth). Over the sound of the TV, she could vaguely hear the squawking of some kind of bird. A parrot, or maybe a hawk. Ignoring both sounds for a moment, Kara bent down to the ground, peering at the molding on her walls. Or, more specifically, the hole in the molding. From what she could see, the mouse wasn't at home, so he was either hiding or gone. She left a bit of her bagel there for him, just in case. After standing back up, Kara looked at the clock and saw that she still had twenty minutes. Plenty of time to watch the news. Animal Myr had found himself a lovely window to use as a mirror. The morning sun was hitting the gl*censored* at the just the right angle to show his reflection without showing the former mouse anything that was inside of the building. Myr rather liked his new look. Sleek, colorful, and large. He had a long, sharp beak, rather like a heron's, to go with his long, easily movable neck. His colorful tail was more like that of a pheasant, though. Myr caught movement in a room a floor below him. If he was right, it was the room where his old home was.
12:47am Mar 25 2010
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Human The strangers both looked up from where they sat on the floor as Jai walked in the front door, rubbing her hands together. She paused when she saw them, nodded, and disappeared into her room, returning with a pair of underclothes, jeans and shirt for the girl, and a selection of her talle-but-younger brothers clothes for the boy. They looked at the garments strangely. Animal Who the heck were they supposed to put these on?!? They probably itched and were uncomfortable. What was wrong with them the way they were? They hadnt worn clothes as humans! Piff looked at the clothes in disgust.
Resident mounted archer
9:46am Mar 25 2010
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((-is about to click your siggy-)) Animal Silver flew high in the sky, enjoying her new appearance. Her wings were lighter than they had ever been before, and were beautiful. They were like fire. They were the colour of fire. She felt that her body almost gave off heat. And her voice was song-like now, too. Before she had met the spirit, she had been a grackle. A bird that was common, and had black wings. Or at least people thought that grackles had black wings; really, if you were to look at a grackle in the sunlight, one would have noticed that her feathers had much more colour to them than just black. But Silver went un-noticed. Some people mistook her for a crow, which she was not. Crows were louder. Animal Ravyn yawned and woke up. She stretched and sat up in the green gr*censored* of the field. Then she realized she was bigger than she has been before. Ehh?? She hadn't stretched her wings. She looked; she had fair skin, and arms that were smooth... And cold, too. She shivered in the morning air. She had two legs. Strange... And then she remembered the dream, or had it been a dream? The Spirit! So it hadn't been a dream. She was a human now. Ravyn stood up on her two legs. Surprisingly, they were strong, and she knew how to walk in them. She lifted her hand and touched her mouth. It wasn't a hard beak. It was soft lips. Then she touched her hair and looked at it. It was smooth and silky to the touch. And it was jet black, straight, and pretty darn long. She opened her mouth. "Eep!" was the words she spoke. It was the first thing she said as a human. Her voice wasn't soft; it was loud, and firm, and almost sharp. Just like the raven she had once been. She wondered what her eyes were like. Later she would find out that her eyes were just as black as her hair. She had wished that her eyes could be as blue as the sky on a summer morning, or even brown so she could fit in with the other humans, but she guessed that this was how a raven would look in human form. Ravyn looked down at her clothing. Thank goodness she had clothing; she was cold. Also she wasn't sure she had ever seen a human wandering around with no clothing on. She was wearing some pretty simple stuff. Jeans that fit her curvy figure, and a royal blue short sleaved t-shirt with, ironicly, a black raven printed on it. It looked kind of cool. Her shoes were some sort of sneakers that were black, although her jeans flared out at the bottom so they covered a good portion of her shoes. Her pale skin really showed up with all the dark colours on her, but it looked good with all the contrast. Ravyn plucked up her courage and walked towards... Somewhere.
4:32pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 40
Human Jared noticed the morning get quiet. Almost as if waiting for an answer to a question it never asked. He sighed and stood up from his spot on the bench. On his way to school he noticed a girl. She was kinda confused which wasn't very normal. He approached her. She had long black hair and strange black eyes. "Hey um you knew to this area or something?" He asked. "Eh sorry." He cocked his head. "You seemed kinda...eh...unsure? Do you need any directions or anything?"
I am currently : Offline D:
Something to Consider of the day: Rolling down a hill with friends after it has been fertilized isn't smart. XD
5:55pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Human "Listen," Jai said, facing the-somewhat-clothed stragers in her house. "I've gotta go to school. Mam an' Da'll be home really late, so dont worry. Theres....food in the fridge..." Shouldering her pack, she cast a wary eye at the female, who appeared to be trying to lick under her legs. The male nodded and grinned as Jai left, then pushed Piff over as the door slammed shut.
Resident mounted archer
6:19pm Mar 25 2010
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Human Nero was at the foot of the stairs when he saw the open door and Lila staring at some girl. Interesting. The girl looked uncertain about what to do and she blinked her beautiful brown eyes slowly. Nero stepped up beside Lila. "Can we do anything for you?" he asked, smiling kindly at the blonde girl. Animal Knaros blinked his emerald eyes, and gave a roar, which made a loud, booming sound. The roar was more impressive than the fearless growls and snarls he had given as a leopard. Knaros lifted his scaly head in pride. He was powerful, absolutely powerful. Then he remembered what the spirit had told him, the only way he could keep his hold on his new form. 'Find a human to bond with.' Knaros gave a rumbling sigh. This would be hard.