Youthful Shade [Warrior Cats Roleplay]

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12:22am Jun 25 2011 (last edited on 9:19pm Jun 28 2011)

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Posts: 6,216
Youthful Shade
Season: Newleaf
 When cats die, they either go to StarClan if they have followed the Warrior Code or have just been good in their life, or the Dark Forest, where the ones who have done unforgiveable crimes are sent.  In the Dark Forest, cats are supposed to walk in the shadows alone for eternity, with only a few being able to break through that barrier.  Lately, more and more cats have been able to overcome this obstacle, and the Dark Forest became united under the cat who began teaching the method to others.  There is no deputy, and the group of Dark Forest cats are given the ti
tle of DarkClan.  The Warrior Code no longer applies, and cats are free to attack each other and do whatever they want at will as long as they listen to their leader.
The new unity of the Dark Forest caused a rise in their power, and they learn a new way to gain a stronghold in the real world.  Three kits are born into AshClan, and their spirits are robbed of their bodies.  Spirits of those from the Dark Forest take over and lose most of their memories when they are reborn, but slowly gain it.  Those 'corrupted' kits are frequently visited by those that are still in the Dark Forest and are trained to become stronger and take over the clans.  As they age, they regain their memories.
The spirits of the original three kits are caught in limbo, being in the middle of StarClan and the normal world, and no StarClan cat came to escort them there.  That was because the switching of the bodies occured without them knowing, and resistance from the Dark Forest has keeped StarClan locked out, unable to figure out why they lost access.  
The corrupted kits age, and they gradually begin to exert their power, with no one knowing.  However, as they do this, they begin to grow close to those that they didn't know in their first life.  They have to resist not taking mates or getting close to mentors, because they know that in the end, everyone is going to get hurt.
-----AshClan Setting
A river diverges into two streams, between them is the AshClan camp.  In certain parts of the streams, it becomes shallow enough to wade across.  Near where the river diverges, at the point, is a rocky area known as Sharp Point.  East of the area is a cavern where a hole in the ceiling allows moonlight to shine into a small pool of water that accumulated from consistant run off.  There cats go to speak to StarClan.  The training grounds are south of the AshClan camp, where cats practice in a not-so dense forest setting.
1. Have as many characters as you can manage.
2. Active characters, ones that you provide bios for, must be roleplayed in almost every post.
3. For family and such, you can simply list names and they will be added to the overall list in whatever clan they belong to (StarClan if need be).  You do not need to roleplay them actively unless you want to.
4. No swearing- Warrior cats don't use human swear terms.
5. Keep things pg-13.
6. No god-modding, power-playing, etc.
7. When fighting another cat, you do not decide if you get a strike.  All you can do is write that the cat attacks in some way, and your opponent decides if it lands or misses, and vice versa.
8. Do not kill without permission.
9. Corrupted cats are apprentice aged at the start of the roleplay, and will eventually become warriors after some time.
10. Feel free to do some forbidden stuff- have a medicine cat that maybe had a secret mate, but don't overdo it.
11.  Be at least semi-literate.
 12. Warrior names shouldn't have things like Dragon, Emerald, etc. in them because how would they know about that?
13. No one knows that the corrupted kits are actually corrupted, since even StarClan doesn't know what is going on and DarkClan has cut them off so they cannot investigate.
14. Silverwolfy is my co-owner, please listen to him.
15. Have a form of out of character.
16. Tell me if you want to do something that might drastically change the plot.
17. Warrior names must apply to the same book format, unless they have joined the clan and retain a rogue or kittypet name.
18. For every character you make, if you make more than one, you must make the next one of the opposite gender.  If three characters, they cannot be the same gender. 
19. I will assign you a mentor/apprentice.
20. Be realistic in terms of physical appearance and living cat ability.  No flying cats or ones that can magically conjure kittens out of the sky.
 -----Character List
Leader: Fallenstar [Stray], Closed
Deputy: Thrushsoar [Tld] Closed
Medicine Cat: Mothflight [Reeses], Closed
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Foxpaw [Det], Closed
Warriors: Silverfur [Wolfy], Mudfall [Reeses], Kestrelwing [Det]Silverfur [Wolfy], Brightfang [Reeses- previous queen to corrupted kits], Swallowtrill [Tld], Frostmist [Tld], Thunderhowl [Tld], Gingerfox [Stray], Skywind [Stray], Reedwhisker [Det], Crowsong [Det], Goldfeather [Det], Marshclaw [Det], Maplefur [Alice], Badgerclaw [Alice], Shallowstripe [Nom],   Open
Other Apprentices: Icepaw [Tld], Silentpaw [Stray], Sleetpaw [Det], Tippaw [Nom], Closed
Corrupted Cats: Bluepaw [Reeses], Nightpaw [Wolfy], Coalpaw [Tld], Closed
Queens: Rosedew [Alice], Closed
Normal kits: Closed
Elders: Falconwing [Alice], Open
Silverfur [Wolfy] - Coalpaw [Tld]
Crowsong [Det] - Icepaw [Tld]
Swallowtrill [Tld] - Bluepaw [Reeses]
Shallowstripe [Nom] - Nightpaw [Wolfy]
Reedwhisker [Det] - Silentpaw [Stray]
Gingerfox [Stray] - Sleetpaw [Det]
Thrushsoar [Tld] - Tippaw [Nom]
Mothflight [Reeses] - Foxpaw [Det]
Morningtail [Wolfy]- Mother to Nightkit, mate to Silverfur
Thrushfang [Reeses]- Mother to Brightfang and Mothflight, mate to Goldenwhisker
Goldenwhisker [Reeses]- Father to Brightfang and Mothflight, mate is Thrushfang
Hawkpaw [Tld]- Thrushsoar and Swallowtrill's sibling, kit of Frostmist and Thunderhowl
Thornstar [Reeses] - Old leader, died stopping Bluepaw and Frostnose from killing a prophesized queen
Liontail [Reeses]- Father to Frostnose, Thistleheart, Mistkit, and Whitethroat, mate to Willowpelt
Willowpelt [Reeses]- Mother to Frostnose, Thistleheart, Mistkit, and Whitethroat, mate to Liontail
Shimmerpool [Stray]- Mate of Fallenstar, mother to Amberkit, Rowankit, and Silentpaw
Shadeheart [Stray]- Father to Fallenstar, mate to Whisperwind
Whisperwind [Stray]- Mother to Fallenstar, mate to Shadeheart
Thistleheart [Reeses]- Kit of Willowpelt and Liontail
Mistkit [Reeses]- Kit of Willowpelt and Liontail
Whitethroat [Reeses]- Kit of Willowpelt and Liontail
Amberkit [Stray]- Female kit of Shimmerpool and Fallenstar
Rowankit [Stray]- Male kit of Shimmerpool and Fallenstar
Graywhisker [Det]- Father of Sleetpaw, mate of Kestrelwing
Ivykit [Det]- Murdered kit of Larkwing
Owlkit [Det]- Murdered kit of Larkwing
Lionheart [Alice]- Rosedew's mate
Raintail [Nom]- Mother to Foxpaw, mate to Oakheart
Oakheart [Nom]- Father to Foxpaw, mate to Raintail
Hawktalon [Alice]- Father of Shadowstar and Falconwing, mate to Russetpelt
Russetpelt [Alice]- Mother to Shadowstar and Falconwing, mate to Hawktalon
Redtail [Nom]- Father to Shallowstripe and Ravenspark, mate to Amberheart
Amberheart [Nom]- Mother to Shallowstripe and Ravenspark, mate to Redtail
Streamfeather [Det]- Mate to Lilypetal, father to Reedwhisker
Lilypetal [Det]- Mate to Streamfeather, mother to Reedwhisker
Blackfang [Det]- Father to Foxpaw, mate to Goldfeather
Honeypelt [Det]- Mother to Crowsong, mate to Marshclaw
Whitestar [Det]- Father to Goldfeather, mate to Snowdance
Snowdance [Det]- Mother to Goldfeather, mate to Whitestar
Dark Forest/Dark Clan
Leader: Shadowstar [Alice]
 Frostnose [Reeses]- Schemed with Petalfur and Bluepaw (in his first life) to kill a queen prophesized to give birth to a better leader that would strip them of their powers.
Petalfur [Reeses]- Same as Frostnose.
Larkwing [Det]- Murdered her newborn kits
Poppyfrost [Det]- Killed her patients by feeding them henbane and deathberries.
Moonshadow [Det]- Tried to kill rogues/loners.
Ravenspark [Nom]- Killed her parents and failed to kill her brother.
Ravenspark [Nom] - Bluepaw [Reeses]
Larkwing [Det] - Coalpaw [Tld]
 Shadowstar [Alice] - Nightpaw [Wolfy]
-----Character Skeletons
Age: [Kits are under 6 months, apprentices 6-12 months on average, warriors 12 months+]
Family: [Just list names, don't have to be actively roleplayed.]
Physical Deion:
History: [optional]


12:52pm Jun 25 2011 (last edited on 4:39pm Jun 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Name: Brightfang
Gender: Female
Age: 20 moons
 Rank: [Previously Queen] Warrior
Family: Bluekit [kit], Mudfall [mate], Thrushfang [mother], Goldenwhisker [father], Mothflight [sister]
Mate?: Mudfall
Kits?: Bluekit and the other corrupted kit, foster mother to Nightkit
Physical Deion: White she-cat with light blue eyes, a fluffy tail, and a sharp face.
Personality: A motherly figure, Brightfang is a gentle cat who has loyalty to her family and friends.  However, this means that she will step in front of those who insult her kits, even if they are right.  As her kits grow older and make more mistakes, she struggles with wondering if it is her fault they're this way.  Mudfall, on the other hand, is overjoyed that the kits, even Nightkit who isn't his own, have matured so quickly in comparison.  Eventually, she grows silent in most moments when other cats begin to scold her for not being able to see the wrong in her kits.  In truth, she sees everything that is wrong with them, but as a mother cannot leave them.
History:  She was the queen who nurses all three corrupted kits after Nightkit's mother, Morningtail, dies in birth.  
Other:  She is one of the few cats who Bluekit has qualms against hurting in his quest for power.
Name: Bluepaw
Gender: Male
Age: 8 moons
 Rank: Apprentice
Family: Mudfall [father], Brightfang [mother], Coalpaw [brother], Nightkit [foster sister]
Mate?: None.
Kits?: None.
Physical Deion: Blue tom with green eyes and a small frame.
Personality: Bluepaw is one who does not resist help on the grounds of appearing weak.  He takes what he can get, and flounces his ability to make the best of it.  While a hardworker, he is not as physically skilled as he was in his past life, so he is clumsy from realizing his old fighting methods do not fit with his current body.  This headstrong attitude also contrasts with the emotional side of him, and while he can develop many relationships, he avoids doing so for fear of them interfering with the things Frostnose had been teaching him to do for the future.
History:  Bluepaw's body was posessed by an old deputy many, many generations ago who died trying to murder a queen prophesized by StarClan to give birth to the next leader that would lead them out of their home that was overrun by twolegs.
Other:  Bluepaw is trained by Frostnose in his dreams, a tom who was his best friend in his first life and helped to try and kill the prophesized queen.
Name: Frostnose
Gender: Male
Age: 24 moons at death
 Rank: DarkClan Warrior
Family: [All deceased] Liontail [father], Willowpelt [mother], Thistleheart [brother], Whitethroat [brother], Mistkit [sister]
Mate?: Petalfur- Helped in his plan to kill the queen.
Kits?: None.
Physical Deion: Light grey tom with a white underbelly and face.  He has a torn ear and scars across his left flank.
Personality: Frostnose is a behind-the-scenes kind of cat, preferring to gather many under him to do his own bidding and inflicting his strength over them to keep them in line.  Any loss is personal as with defeat, and he never forgets.  Much of his pride gets in the way of his otherwise strategic approaches, and after his death, he felt like StarClan itself had betrayed him.  While he isn't happy following the orders of DarkClan's leader, he at the very least owes some amount of respect to him for teaching him how to get past the barriers.  He has undying loyalty to Petalfur, who he finds as one of the only cats to truly understand him.  When Bluepaw was chosen as deputy in their first life, he saw it not as a reason to be jealous, but a chance for him to get power as well once he became leader.
History:  Frostnose was the best friend of Bluepaw in his first life.  Since Bluepaw was the deputy, he was soon to become leader seeing as Thornstar was on his last life.  A prophecy was given by StarClan that a cat would come and take its rightful place as leader after that, which was a threat to Bluepaw's position.  The actual prophecy meant that Bluepaw would have a bad rule and the next deputy he named would be best if he listened to the other cats' choices.  Frostnose was not a favorable option, but that was who Bluepaw planned on picking.  StarClan prophesized the right next deputy would be born to a queen, and fearing that the clan would be unhappy if that cat was not chosen, they planned to kill her.  Frostnose and Bluepaw together planned to build the Clan's power beneath them and start a long line of conquest over the smaller rogue families in the area.  However, they could not kill her, as Thornstar was there without them realizing it.  He killed them both and lost his last life in the fight, though did so a hero.
Other:  N/A
Name: Mothflight
Gender: Female
Age: 20 moons
 Rank: Medicine Cat
Family: Thrushfang [mother], Goldenwhisker [father], Brightfang [sister]
Mate?: None.
Kits?: None.
Physical Deion: Somewhat fluffy she-cat with pale ginger fur, a wide face, and small feet.  She moves quietly, has a bushy tail, and green eyes.
Personality: Ironically, Mothflight saved Nightkit, one of the corrupted kits, from birth complications.  She also helped Brightfang give birth to the other two, which gave her an important role, to DarkClan, in helping their plan indirectly.   Mothflight is to the point, wasting no time in her patient's fears of treatment and instead just doing what she can to get them better.  She is one of the first there is something different about the three apprentices and treats them with caution, despite Brightfang being unhappy with how she treats her nieces/nephews.
History:  She became a medicine cat because she hated the thought of having to restrain herself in battle to prevent killing another cat, if the case happened.
Other:  N.A


7:20pm Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
((;p I knew it, I'm usually unlucky with roleplays.))


9:44pm Jun 25 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Join as the deputy, corrupted apprentice and two females? o3o Dep. and apprentice will be males x3 ]]


10:04pm Jun 25 2011

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Posts: 6,216
((Sure, your apprentice will be the last corrupted kit and be Brightfang's second kit, if that's okay. c:))


10:42am Jun 26 2011

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Posts: 6,216


10:43pm Jun 26 2011 (last edited on 9:22pm Jun 27 2011)

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Posts: 5,998
Warrior Name: Thrushsoar
Gender: Male 
Age: 19 moons
Rank:  Deputy
Personality: Thrushsoar has a bit of a cocky and overconfident attitude. He doesn't boast, but he enjoys showing off. He listens to himself and only himself, and is usually an outgoing tom who is in the center of attention. Thrushsoar is logical, and his pride in his intellect is what causes him to be so filled with hubris.
Family: Swallowtrill, Hawkpaw [brother] [deceased], Frostmist [mother], Thunderhowl [father] 
History: He used to have two siblings, Swallowtrill and Hawkpaw. They were still are apprentices, but Thrushsoar always had the craving for adventure. They ventured into the forest one day, and Hawkpaw had been severely injured by a badger, later dying. 
Warrior Name: Swallowtrill 
Gender: Female 
Age: 19 moons
Rank: Warrior
PersonalitySwallowtrill, true to her name, is an excellent hunter. She, unlike Thrushsoar, is agile and fast, like a bird o_o She's also rather flexible, but that doesn't mean that she's strong muscle-wise in battle. Swallowtrill is a sharp-tongued and quick-witted she-cat, nothing like her fragile looks. She really likes kits, though, and spends time with them whenever she's free.
Family: Look at Thrushsoar because I'm lazy 
History: Look at Thrushsoar's
Warrior Name: Icepaw, Iceweb 
Gender: Female 
Age: 9 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Silverstream_by_Darkstripe4ever.jpg (900×428)
PersonalityShe's very quiet, and sometimes moody for no reason. Icepaw is very gentle and kind, and most of the times no good in battle. She's very fast and agile, able to do quick turns and maneuvers. When forced into battle, Icepaw prefers clinging onto the opponent's back and never letting go. Icepaw is an independent she-cat, and rarely asks for help. Icepaw actually doesn't like help, and is determined to show that she's perfectly capable of doing anything by herself.
Family: Being a past-kittypet, her siblings and parents were unknown to her because she was taken at an early age. 
History: She was originally a kittypet with the name of 'Hope'. One day, Icepaw strayed away from her home, and couldn't get back. She's been stuck in the forest ever since.
Other: The strange marking on her chest is a result from being previously owned by very fashion-oriented housefolk. And I hope her past is alright? o-o
Warrior Name: Coalpaw [Coalfire]
Age: 10 moons
Gender: Male
Rank: Apprentice
Personality:  Coalpaw has a logical and calm personality. He tries to control his anger and is quiet most of the time, but he can get short-tempered and snappy on certain days. He seems to be on a quest for knowledge, and prefers to stay back, although he doesn't wish to become a medicine cat. Coalpaw is always confident in his decisions, and is more of a thinker than a fighter. 
Family: Brightfang, Bluepaw, Mudfall 
Other: He's the other corrupted kitten owo 


1:10pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 1:12pm Jun 27 2011)

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Posts: 6,216
[[Tld: Accepted- Icepaw's past is fine.  Can I have the genders of the deceased and the other family members that aren't main characters?
Just to clarify as someone else wasn't too sure, the corrupted kits are each composed of a reborn spirit of ONE Dark Forest cat, not more than one crammed into a single body.  They are able to make their own decisions, but are just influenced greatly by the other Dark Forest cats that talk to them in their dreams.  They also slowly regain their memories, and in some circumstances, will have to choose between living their second life as a better cat or following the plan that allowed them to live again in the first place.]]


1:17pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 1,148
{{{Can I join?}}}


3:17pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 2,092
OoC: May I join as Ashclan leader as well as a few warriors/apprentices?


4:07pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,216
((Yes, both of you may.  Someone has to be DarkClan/Dark Forest leader~ hnn. owo))


4:28pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Is there a 'special' apprentice left that I could role-play? If not, could I join as Med. Cat apprentice and some warriors/apprentices?


4:49pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
((All spots for corrupted cats have been taken, sorry Det.  Sure, you can join as those positions though.  The position for the leader of DarkClan is open as well- they get to visit the corrupted cats through dreams and stuff.))


4:52pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Ooc; I'll have to put up my bios later, since I'm supposed to go do stuff now. ;c But I'm bad with leaders, so I'll pass. ^^;


4:52pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,216
((Okay, that's fine. c: I'll reserve the medicine cat apprentice spot for you.))


5:17pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 9:37pm Jun 27 2011)

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Posts: 2,092
 Name: Fallenstar 
Gender: Tom
Age: 34 Moons
 Rank: Leader?
Family: Whisperwind {Deceased Mother}, Shadeheart {Deceased Father}, Shimmerpool {Deceased Mate}, Silentpaw {Kit}
Mate?: Shimmerpool {Deceased}
Kits?: Silentpaw, Amberkit {Deceased}, Rowankit {Deceased}
Physical Deion: Taller then many, but not very muscular, Fallenstar is more suited to running then fighting. Large paws and a long, thin tail make for decent balance on slippery leaves. His short, thin pelt is a deep orange witrh darker ginger tabby stripes running from a dorsel along his back. Fallenstar's eyes are a deep, cold amber flecked with gold towards his iris's. 
Personality: Different from his roudier days as an apprentice and warrior, Fallenstar has mellowed out quite a bit since becoming leader; much more level-headed. Though he does have a quick temper still. He tries to deal fairly with every cat, and see past their mis-deeds to the cat they could be; though thats still a skill he's working on. Frankly he tends to be biased on his decisions, and makes hasty ones that could lead to trouble. This os one of the reasons he goes to the medicine cat often, finding them much wiser then himself. His loyalty is to his clan and his clan only, Fallenstar had a disliking of rouges and loners and will not hesitate to be rid of one in Ashclan territroy, no matter what story they have.
History: Not a lot to tell really. He'd always been an ambitious apprentice, looking to suceed in places the other apprentices failed; though he tended to fail as well. He later rose to become a warrior then was picked to be deputy. He declined, saying he had a new family to take care of, and he could not split his duties between the clan and Shimmerpool with their kits. After Shimmerpool died of Greencough along with two of their three kits, the position of deputy was again opened, and this time Fallenstar took it, later again rising in power to become leader.
Other: N/A

Name: Silentpaw {Silentheart}
Gender: Tom
Age: 10 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Family: Fallenstar {Father}, Shimmerpool {Deceased Mother}, Amberkit {Deceased Sister}, Rowankit { Deceased Brother} 
Mate?: No
Kits: No
Physical Deion: Silentpaw is about average in height for an apprentice and lacks muscle of any sort. Rather he's quite lanky, with thin legs and small paws; Silentpaw is made for running rather then fighting. His fur is a light brown, almost a sandy hue, with darker tabby stripes. A white spot mars his chest and right front paw. His eyes are the same color, dark amber flecked with gold, as his fathers. 
Personality: Silentpaw is awkward to say the least. He grows flustered under the stare of a warrior, often times his voice grows much quieter until it is almost inaudiable. He has a bad tendency to shuffle his paws as well, never meeting another cats eye. Around a pretty she-cat his social-backwardness gains new levels; he often times forgets how to speak at all and will turn tail and run. He blames his fathers prestigues rank, and the fact he feels he'll never amount to much. But he does try, training behind his mentors back where he's not watched, and enjoying the freedom of hunting; which he will admit is one of the things he's better at. Silentpaw is, if nothing else, loyal to his clan. 
History: There's nothing really to tell. He was born and raised in Ashclan. He does not remember his mother very well, or his littermates. 
Other: N/A
Name: Gingerfox
Gender: She-cat
Age: 23 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Family: Sunfur {Deceased Mother}, Earthrise {Deceased Father}, Skywind {Sister}
Mate?: None
Kits: None
Phycial Deion: A small she-cat, Gingerfox prides herself on being swift and agile in the heat of battle, though she may not be as strong as some. Her paws are tiny and her legs stocky, but she holds herself up with pride; thick plume of a tail waving proudly above her back. Her fur is long and thick, tending to take quite a while to clean. Its a deep red mixed with brown and black along her back and tail, being brighter around her face and neck. Her chin is a bright white as is a spot along her chest. Her eyes are a dark, forest green.
Personality: A very plucky, up-beat cat, Gingerfox is always more then willing to sit and talk to her fellow clan mates or crack a joke to try and make another smile. She has a bright outlook on life, and beleives the best in every cat. She's not physically as strong as most, but mentally she lets nothing stop her from getting what she wants; and if she puts her mind to something, she lay down her life to do exactly that. Though not aggressive often, if someone messes with a kit or apprentice they'll find her claws are as sharp as any.
History: Gingerfox was born the runt of her litter, the medicine cat at the time not sure she'd even make it to be an apprentice. She was sickly as an older kit and apprentice, and spent more of her time in the medicine cats den then in the field training. She'd been asked numerous times to try out to be the medicine cat apprentice due to her decent memory and time spent in the den, but every time she declined, saying she would make it as a warrior if it was the last thing she'd do. In the end she did become a warrior, though it took longer then most; and she's always said that if needed she'll help in the medicine cats dne. 
Other: N/A


6:56pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 7:53pm Jun 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

 Name: Foxpaw [Foxstep]

Gender: She-cat

Age: 10 moons

 Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice

Family: Goldfeather [mother], Blackfang [father]

Mate?: N/A

Kits?: N/A

Physical Deion: Foxpaw is a small ginger she-cat with dazzling blue eyes. Her fur is still short and fluffy, reminiscent of kithood, though not long enough to consider her a long-haired cat. She has a short, clumsy body with large paws and of an average build. If one looks closely at her pelt they may be able to see darker russet stripes lining her body in a tabby pattern.

Personality: Foxpaw is very bright and lively, the kind who’s always ready to get into some sort of mischief. Though she is a tad more serious compared to when she was younger this is mostly due to her recent position of medicine cat apprentice, which is a sobering rank to hold. She is naturally caring of others and while she lacks discipline she makes up for it with sheer passion and will-power.

History: Foxpaw was originally a normal apprentice until her skills as a medicine cat were noticed and she abandoned becoming a warrior to train with the medicine cat.



Name: Reedwhisker

Gender: Tom

Age: 26 moons

 Rank: Warrior

Family: Lilypetal [mother], Streamfeather [father]

Mate?: Open

Kits?: None

Physical Deion: Reedwhisker is a pure black tom with light sky blue eyes. He had a lanky build that is more defined with muscles now that he is older. On Reedwhisker’s left shoulder are three parallel scratches from some battle.

Personality: Reedwhisker is a serious tom who takes all his duties seriously. It’s difficult to get him to show more than a casual amount of emotion and he finds slacking off or relaxing hard to do. He is also very energetic and can go on for hours no matter how much sleep he gets.




Name:  Sleetpaw [Sleetfeather]

Gender:  She-cat

Age: 11 moons

 Rank:  Apprentice

Family: Kestrelwing [mother], Graywhisker [father]

Mate?: No

Kits?: None

Physical Deion: Sleetpaw is a sleek calico she-cat with dark amber eyes. Her fur is short and sleek which matches her body type, very long and gangly. Sleetpaw actually has very few calico markings.

Personality: Sleetpaw is bit like her name, reserved and stony. However, she’s also very shy and doesn’t enjoy large gatherings. Though older than Foxpaw she sticks close to the excitable ginger she-cat since they are very close.

History: Nothing particularly exciting. Her father, Graywhisker, is dead.



Name: Crowsong 

Gender:  She-cat

Age: 21 moons

 Rank: Warrior

Family: Honeypelt [mother], Marshclaw [father]

Mate?: Open

Kits?: None

Physical Deion: Crowsong is a pale ginger (though more ‘marmalade’ in color) she-cat with a white breast, muzzle and paws. She has slightly fluffy and short fur that is typically well-groomed. Her eyes are heterochromatic, or double-colored. Her left eye is pale green and her right bright blue.

Personality: Crowsong is a bit dour for her age and doesn’t enjoy joking around and certainly doesn’t enjoy apprentice pranks or tricks. She is known for having a dry sense of humor, however, and has her moments.

History: Clanborn etc.

Other: Crowsong’s name comes from the fact that she has a very husky, or scratchy, voice. While not harsh sounding it is unusual.


Larkwing - she-cat - 27 moons - queen
(sent to Dark Forest for murdering her newborn kits)

Poppyfrost - she-cat - 24 moons - medicine cat
(sent to Dark Forest for feeding her patients henbane and deathberries)

Moonshadow - tom - 29 moons - warrior
(sent to Dark Forest for attempting to exterminate the rogues and loners)


Ivykit - she-cat - 5 moons - kit
(murdered by her mother Larkwing)

Owlkit - tom - 5 moons - kit
(murdered by his mother Larkwing)


7:35pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 6,216
((Det, do you think you could change Icepaw's name?  There's always a cat in the roleplay called Icepaw and it would be a bit confusing. x3
Stray; Is Gingerfox's sister and father supposed to share the same name?
Also...does anyone plan on making Dark Clan cats?  I'd like at least two more (including the leader) to train the other two corrupted cats in their dreams.))


7:37pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 7:40pm Jun 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Oops, I did not see that. o-o; I will go fix it immediately.

EDIT: May I just add some names that will be DarkClan cats? I don't want to do full bios. ^^;


7:43pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
((Thank you. c: And sure, just tell me which ones will be actively roleplayed DarkClan cats.  Just one or two active ones will do, as Nightpaw and Coalpaw need DarkClan mentors for their dreams.))

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