Zombie Killhurs

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4:15am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 8:53am Mar 13 2011)

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We are the Zombie Killhurs.
We fight to protect our fellow human.
We do not give into dark temptation.
We are sworn to the secrecy of our deeds.
Our loyalty to this Club is stronger than blood.
This is the life we live by.
Ten years ago, five students snuck into Seizon High School on a dare. The dare was to sneak down into the basement and use an old spell they'd found to summon something "evil" to the school. No one belived it would work.
However, what they brought fourth wasn't evil. It was heartless and mindless, with only one drive: to consume the flesh of the living. They'd cast a spell on the school that draws the undead to it. And they have no way of reversing the curse.
At first, it was only the occasional ghoul. The zombie would come, it'd be killed, and that was the end of it.
However, now the plague is spreading. More and more zombies are showing up.
An elite group of students took a stand.
They protect the school from the zombies. No one knows except the ones that are sworn in. They constantly live in fear of the undead who hunt them and the humans they protect that could turn on them at any moment.
It's a harsh job, but they live for it.
o Tld is my co-owner. This is based on one of her dreams, lol.
o No PP, GM, Mary/Gary-sues.
o Be at the very least, Semi-Lit. Use proper grammar and spelling and post at the very least a paragraph, preferably two or more.
o All Res Rules Apply.
o Violence is a must, Romance is encouraged.
o Genders mostly even.
o We need more charries than just Zombie Killhurs. Feel free to make other students, teachers, cops, whatever.
o Zombies are NPCs. They do not think, they're mindless and will try to bite you.
If you've ever read The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, you'll have a pretty good idea of zombies. If not, I'll answer any questions.
o No insta-crush and don't let your charries have crushes on each other.
o Try to be active but don't go more than a page without anyone.
o Tld will probably add to or correct these rules, and I have the right to do so as well.
o If you break any of these rules or get on my nerves, your charrie will be fed to the zombies and then shot for good measure.
This Roleplay is set in modernday Japan... minus all the disasters. (My heart goes out to the Japanese in this time of crisis.) Seizon High School is in an medium sized city that has a great mix of both urban attractions and rural and traditional features. I'm not too huge on setting, so feel free to add any details through the roleplay as long as they aren't completely rediculous or contradict a feature someone has already added.
Zombie Killhurs do meet every day after school (including Saturdays) in the basement where the magic circle that summons the zombies are.
Name: (Japanese. Last name then First name.)
Age: (15-18)
Affiliation: (Zombie Killhur, Teacher, Student, Cop, etc.)
Cla.ss: (*)
Appearance: (Anime pic or good deion. Pic prefered.)
Personality: (No RP outs. At least a few sentenses.)
Crush: (Optional)
History: (Give a little something. ;c)
 (*) Cla.sses are done as a number and a letter. Numbers determine the grade they are in, and letters are the specific cla.ss. (Unlike in America, Japanese stay with their cla.ss through the day and the teachers will switch between cla.sses to teach. Some teachers teach multiple subjects.)
1 is equal to 10th grade, 2 - 11th, 3 - 12th. (High school is only grades 10-12.)
So an example of Cla.ss would be 2-B. An 11th grader in the second 11th grade cl*censored*.
Letters should only be A-C in order to avoid everyone being in a totally different cla.ss.
Addition: Names! Okay, I'd really like it if you'd use Japanese names. Tld already seems to have broken that rule... >.> I really wish she hadn't but no one else is allowed to. Also, most students, unless they are really close to each other, will call each other by their last name, which should be the first part of your bio. Please don't mix this up.
Also, using honorifics is important. Not using them implies that the person is very close to the one they are speaking to or being very rude to them.
For proper use of honorifics, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_honorifics The first part is what you'll most likely be using. 
If I've forgotten anything or you need something answered, just ask! :) 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

4:16am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 2:08pm Mar 13 2011)

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Posts: 3,426
Kazekuro Seiji | Zombie Killhurs | 3-A | Graveyardfox
Hattori Len | Student | 1-A | Graveyardfox 

Haine Makoto | Zombie Killhur | 1-A | Tld
Kaori Tora | Student | 2 - B | Tld

Daemon Haste | Student | 3-A | Tld
Robin Edsall | Zombie Killhur | 2-B | Tld
Kokkan Risu | Student | 2-B | RabbitWings
Arisu Chou | Teacher's Helper | Wanders RabbitWings
Enokai Rei | Zombie Killhurs | 3-A... sorta | RikaTheFallen
Karekuro Mizan | Zombie Killhurs | 3-A | RikaTheFallen
Fujioka Dachi | Student | 3-B | ilovetoshiro

Fujioka Hana | Zombie Killhur | 1-A | ilovetoshiro
Calyx Draykolynn | Zombie Killhur | 2-B | zozane08
Daichi Kohaku | Zombie Killhur | 3-C | zozane08

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

4:17am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 10:53am Mar 13 2011)

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Name: Kazekuro Seiji
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Zombie Killhur
Cla.ss: 3-A 

Kazekuro is cold and determined. He's the leader of the Zombie Killhurs and takes the elimination of zombies very seriously. He is forceful with his words and actions and can be a bit difficult to deal with, often keeping people at a cold distance. However, true to the Zombie Killhur code, he's loyal to his comrads and would never let one of them down. In fact, he'd sacrifice his life for any one of them.
He's also a bit of a tech nerd. He's a briliant hacker and it's thanks to him that the Zombie Killhurs have such power and ability in the school without anyone knowing. He can hack into the school system blindfolded, making it easy for him to delete any zombie footage on cameras or loop tapes while they're fighting.
Crush: Open.
History: Kazekuro was one of the first to join the Zombie Killhurs. His best friend (or at least the one who butted into his life most often) formed the group in their first year when the pair fought off a zombie to protect a female student. It was his friend who came up with the name. Secretly, they found out about the "curse" and slowly recruited memebers they thought could handle the job. In their second year, Kazekuro's friend simply disappeared, leaving Kazekuro with the legacy of the Zombie Killhurs.
 Other: He wears that mask into battle to protect his face for extra safety against witnesses and even a camera or two that he might not have looped or wiped in time. He's sometimes called the "Black Wind Demon" in honor of his name and all-out skilfully quick fighting style.
He carries a Katana in a secret part of his kendo bag. And yes, he's part of the Kendo Club too, although he rarely shows up because of the Zombie Killhurs meetings.
Name: Hattori Len
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Student
Cla.ss: 1-A

He also have purple tips. They're against school regulation but he doesn't give a crap.
Personality: Hattori is a bit of a punk and a slacker. He gets good grades, but he causes problems for the teacher when he's not sleeping in cla.ss. He shows the traits of someone who's just bored of the world around him, and he desperately wishes something interesting could happen. Under all the atitude, he's a pretty decent guy. He can be respectful and caring when he wants to, but these are on rare occasions.
Crush: None, but he does have a bit of a soft spot for Makoto.
History: Nothing really that interesting. His father is often away, so he and his little brother were raised by their mom. His brother attends middle school a little ways away from Seizon, so he makes it a habit to walk him home from school whenever he doesn't have a Track meet.
 Like most of the students, he's totally unaware of the Zombie Killhurs.
He's in the Track Club and is one of their fastest runners.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

4:27am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 8:54am Mar 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Hahaha, Tld will probably add or correct these rules xD 
Make a rule that's like for every 2 girls, make a boy. Loki is an exception to this rule because he is a special person owo]] 
Name: Haine Makoto
Gender: Female
Age & Year: 16
Cla ss: 1-A 
Affiliate: Zombie Killhur  
Normal Outfit: 
Haine actually looks like a sweet and quiet girl. The truth is, she's a bit eccentric, curious and crazy. She absolutely loves trouble, and is the jester in the group. She does have a sense of humor, and doesn't know where's the fine line. Sometimes, she is true to her appearance and is sweet and quiet, but only when she's tired. 
Crush: Open
Other: None
Name: Kaori Tora
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Cl *censored*: 2-B 
Affiliate: Student, attempting to get into Zombie Killhur
Kaori has a fiery and protective personality. However, she is rather clumsy. Despite being a girl, Kaori handles weapons pretty well, and isn't afraid of fighting anyone. She likes to voice out her opinions in a loud voice, and dislikes anyone who objects to her decisions.
Kaori is a little like a leader, and enjoys that. She does enjoy bossing people around. 
Crush: Open
Other: None  
Name: Daemon Haste // Robin Edsall 
Age: 17 // 16
Cl *censored*: 3-A // 2-B  
Gender: Male // Male
Affiliate: Student // Zombie Killhur 
Personality: Daemon is a very quiet and tolerant boy. He has a calm and sometimes cold demeanor, and is strategic and quick-thinking. If Robin is fire, he is water. Daemon prefers to sit back and think. Because he's a rather studious, Daemon is experienced in many things. But because of his background which I will not disclose, Daemon is somewhat vain and insensitive. 
Robin is energetic, flamboyant and overly curious. He, does not bother hiding his feelings, and is like an open book. Robin is also a devious prankster and a joker. He also loves animals for some reason, and climbing trees. He and Daemon are unnaturally close. Daemon treats Robin like a brother most of the time.
Crush: Open // Open
Damien Robin is de brunette holding a knife, and Daemon is ze blonde one c: 
Other: I would like to say openly that I would not accept crushes that are Mary Sues, from people that look like they put almost no thought into the bio [i.e. Lack of personality and picture], and from people that only RP girls. I find mega-feminists very unfair. I mean, there are probably lots of girls like me on this site, and I know plenty that can play guys perfectly fine. So stop making up excuses and at least try to RP a guy. No. I can safely say that all men/boys do not have cooties, pneumonia or any silly thing.
End note: I know you guys would probably think I'm being picky, but this is my 'unfair' decision and you should let me roll with it.   


4:29am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 3,426
((Should I just say genders mostly even? o-o Shoulda put that. xD It makes things easier, I think.
And I need to add a bit of a name guide, too. Forgot to do that after the cla.ss guide. >_>;))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:47am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 3,426
((Tld, use my bloody bio. :U You're forgetting the cla.ss! And they're all human. -_-; ))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:52am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[Derp. Did I put in something else? xD Sorry, Loki. AND NUO. I don't want to >:U I'll settle cla ss later ono]]


8:55am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 3,426
((Two of them have gijinka features. XD And two of them also have English names... *pulls out fish* Should you just make them transfer students? -_-; ))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:57am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[Nuo. Not the fish :c I'm too lazy, and I adore Robin's name >:U So yesh. Transfer students. I got rid of the nekomimi features ono And added cla ss. I'll just edit this post in the future when you complain, so I don't spam up our wonderful Zombie-board 8D]]


8:58am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 2:00pm Mar 13 2011)

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Posts: 1,557

(I love how you talk about 'mega-feminists'; I'm just about exactly opisite.)


Name: Kokkan Risu

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Student

Cla.ss: 2b

Appearance: Risu has short golden-blond hair that falls to his shoulders, but he usually ties it up in a ponytail at the top of his head, allowing his bangs to do whatever they want. He has green-blue eyes that tend to look dull when he's bored. Risu is [very] short compared to other teens his age, as well as lean. Risu has just about no muscle on,  which make it hard to 'connect' and play sports with the other males.



Personality: Risu is a bit 'out of it'. He's intelligent, but he has a tendency to forget things and wander around without a purpose. He doesn't relate well with other people, which causes him to be lonely at times. Risu is creative and spends much of his time writing songs, singing, or playing on his keyboard.

Crush: None~

History: Risu is a halfer [Japanese & American], and he's had problems with people bothering him about it before. He lived with his father in America for the first ten years of his life until his mother won a custody battle and he was shipped off to Japan. Now he is going to a Japanese high school and praying that his mother will lose interest in him so he could return to his father.

Other: Risu likes all types of music, but he tends to listen to the Vocaloids and people who dub the original song by the Vocoloids [like Mii-chan and Clear].



Name: Arisu Chou [Noble Butterfly XD]

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Teacher's Helper

Cla.ss: Just kinda wanders...














Personality: A major pushover and worry-wort; Chou is famous for doing whatever people ask of him to do. He is overly kind and can't bring himself to hate another living thing, even if there is a good reason to. Chou has issues with doctors for reasons that involve his past. It's rumored in the school that he was once locked up in a mental institution, regardless of how hard he tries to keep it quiet.

Crush: Erm... None...

History:  Chou was only nine when the curse was set upon the school, so he doesn't remember much about it. What he does remember, though, is that his brother left late one nigh, then returned early in the morning covered in dust, chalk, and dirt. His brother told him that he had done something that he'll regret later in life, then left it at that. When his brother moved out a year later, Chou got his room. Under the bed, he found his brother's journal and found out what had happened that night a year ago. He never told anyone what was in the journal.

Other: Chou is learning Lithuanian and Russian. He wants to work at a mental institution in Lithuania when he gets older.


9:23am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 3,426
((Lol, fine, Tld. XD
And it's kinda a push and pull on the romance thing. XD Tld only likes straight romance, while I adore shounen-ai. I said romance, which usually implies straight romances for her sake, but you're welcome to hook up with one of my guys if get's that far. ;D But Tld's charries would be off limits because she's a wimp. ;c))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:29am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[sdfsdfd -breaks mental rule- WHO. CALLED. TLD. A. WIMP. >c
Loki is asking for a very slow and painful death.
Let's just say any '-sexual' is allowed c: Except for asexual o-o]]


9:29am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 1,557

(Pfft, okay, thanks. [I just had to ask that because most people freak out whenever I suggest anything other than straight...]

Another also~ Would you like us to send/post an example of our R.P./writing abilities?)


9:36am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 3,426


((Good luck killing me, Tld! D:< I'll just Rez as a zombie and nom your face off!
Also, please make sure that your bios are in the proper Japanese Last name before First name format.
Pictures can be posted by clicking on that little tree icon on the second bar under quick reply. A popup should come up with a place you to post the URL of the image than resize it (I suggest anything over 400 in width be scaled down a bit.
And an exaple would be nice. I forgot about that.)) 


HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:46am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 1,557
(Fixed & edited. Should we just post it here, or would you rather us Rmail it to you?)


10:09am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 3,426
((Rmail it to me. :3 That makes it easier and less board spammy. XD))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

10:22am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 1:29pm Mar 13 2011)

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Posts: 11,785

((Rika wants to be a Zombie Killhur. c: She watched all three Resitdent Evil movies last night and is ready and raring to go.))


Name: Enokai Rei
Age: 21
Gender: MAle
Affiliation: Zombie Killhur
Cla.ss: Sneaks in to 3-A to talk to Kazekuro before he gets chased off and comes back to the club to  speak with the younger members. P:

Personality: HE has a bit of an unastable persona and unleashes every bit of it on the zombies. He loves it when there's a challenge to keep him occupied. When he has too much free time he can get a bit dangerous. ouo
Crush: Open. Btw, he's bi you guys. xD Though, he does seem to have a strange attachment to Kazekuro. P:
History: The reason why he's so unstable is because he lost the rest of his family to a bunch of zombies when he was younger and has spent his entire life since then getting his revenge.
 Other: If he wasn't so unstable he'd make an excellent teacher. xD
Name: Karekuro Mizan
Age: 18
Gender: MAle
Affiliation: Student
Cla.ss: 3-A ;D

Personality: He's pretty cold and uncaring for the most part. He seems like he doesn't care, but he really does. If he gives you a smile, then he is extremely fond of you. ouo
Crush: Open. And sorry girls, he's gay. xD
History: ....Can I explain it through the rp?
 Other: His favorite weapons are sharp. Swords, knives...anything.






10:32am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 10:45am Mar 13 2011)

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Posts: 1,805


Thumbnail provided by MakeAThumbnail.com

(Hj42 <3) 



Name: Fujioka Dachi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Student
Cla.ss: 3-B
Appearance: (male above)
Dachi is a joker. He always tries to see the best in people, tending to be drawn to the shadyer of people (For some weird reason). He has an obsession with his cap and goes mental when people nick it. Dachi has anxiety issues when talking to people of the opposite gender other than his aunt or sister and often gets flustered. 
Crush: is scared of girls...
History: Their mom died at Hana’s birth. They lived with their dad until they where 10 and 8, but then his disappeared. Have been living in their aunts house (dads brother). She is well off from her explorations, however is hardly there to spend her money so gives it to Hana and Dachi.

 Other: Lives in their aunt’s house. She is in her mid thirties, has gone grey with purple highlight, and wears a maroon leather jacket. Hates formalities and searches for adventure.

Gets dragged into the killing by hana.


Name: Fujioka Hana
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Zombie Killhur
Cla.ss: 1-A
Appearance: (Female above)
Hana has a pix-o-mix personality. She loves cute plushies and will melt at the sight of them. She doesn't like getting muddy so often avoids swampy terain. Despite her frail apperance and innocent sounding voice, she is very athletic. She practises kick boxing, kendo, hurdles, sprinting and lacross. Even in the worst of situations, she is always perky (due to ignorance).
Crush: Open
History: Their mom died at Hana’s birth. They lived with their dad until they where 10 and 8, but then he disappeared. Have been living in their aunts house (dads sister). She is well off from her explorations, however is hardly there to spend her money so gives it to Hana and Dachi.

 Other: Lives in their aunt’s house. She is in her mid thirties, has gone grey with purple highlight, and wears a maroon leather jacket. Hates formalities and searches for adventure.



Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:34am Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 1,805
((Zombies o.o this reminds me of High school of the dead. Love that anime. -joins rika in watching resident evil- got the first movie yesterday. ))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:35am Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 10:39am Mar 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((Rabbit is accepted. Rika, check your age. ;c Although actually, it might add a little interest to the Club if an adult was sneaking onto school grounds to visit the club every day. xD
My bios are completed. <3))
((Edit:// Lol, accepted Toshi. :3 Kazekuro might have kittens when he learns Hana brought Dachi into the Zombie Killhurs world without his permission. XD)) 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr
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