I honestly can't even think of a title, man

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2:47am Jun 5 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1,459

tbh, I was in between naming this some biblical-speak jargon or "HELLO, WELCOME TO CHILI'S"

I used to be a pretty big roleplayer back in the day. This is an attempt to start again. 

I'm literate but I'm not going to be picky with skill levels (just give me enough to work with, I'm not expecting you to match the 128363826 paragraphs I throw at you.) I mainly dig creepy spoopy plots [I can make some pretty rad horror/fantasy worlds, too] but again, I'm not picky. Just tell me what you have in mind and I'll tell you if we can make it work or not my dude. 

uhhhh, I can provide sample writings if needed 


7:01am Jun 14 2018

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136

I am... interested :V
I'll have to see how much time I'm gonna have because I have like 8,000 other things I'm doing at once but! Definitely mark me down.

(and it'd be good warmups for fic writing heehaw)

(hi hi its dodo btw <3)

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