Guardians of Ga'Hoole

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2:03pm Sep 21 2010 (last edited on 2:03pm Sep 21 2010)

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Posts: 456
Hi again,folks.  So, who's read the books?  Has anyone seen the movie yet?  What do you think of the books and if you've seen the movie what was your opinion?  Who is your favorite character?  Do you hope there are more films made?  Let us know.


2:09pm Sep 21 2010

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Posts: 5,835
 I think I might have read one of the books...I really want to see the movie because it looks like it might be enjoyable.


2:28pm Sep 21 2010

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Posts: 456

The 3D looks exceptional.  I want to see the film but I also read the books first.  This is one series I never got around to reading.  I hope it's good.  The books are very short, though, so I should be able to breeze through them very quickly.  

From what I've heard they did a very good job with the movie.


1:36pm Jan 26 2011

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Posts: 2,052

I'vce seen the movie it is AWESOME! The bit where Soren flys through the twister in the rain is awesome! Gylfie and Eglantine are so ADORABLE!

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2:15pm Jan 26 2011

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Posts: 1,289
I read the first one and The Journey.o3o RLY good.


7:09pm Jan 27 2011

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Posts: 232
I read to 3 in the books, then I went onto other books. I got bored to be honest. My sis is a total fan of Guardians. Our friend borrowed the movie and we are begging our parents to buy another copy because we love the Guardians movie. <3 We are currently memorizing the sc
ript lines of the movie. My sis is: Noctus, Kludd, (Until Soren and Kludd aren't together) Miss P, Eglantine, Gylfie,Alomere, Borron, Outulissa (can't remember how it is spelled) and Digger. I am: Soren, Soren's mother, Kludd, Twilight, The Echidna, Barran, Ezylryb, etc. I can't remember now. >.< I have watched the movie like 30 times! 8D

If you can't smile, nod AND smile. ^^

5:38am Jan 28 2011

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Posts: 305
I love the movie, never read the book though D;


11:39am Feb 4 2011

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7:40pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 1,391
OMG can I join? I have all the books! 8D


6:25pm Oct 14 2011

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Posts: 8

In my Ga'Hoole ROleplay, my name is Semmer, and I am a Pygmy Owl. I am in the Fighting Chaw.

Why do we ask ourselves to be or not to be? That's the real question!

11:37pm Oct 14 2011 (last edited on 11:39pm Oct 14 2011)

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Posts: 498
I'm a big fan of the books. A friend of mine is also a big fan and watched the movie. WARNING SPOILER ALERTS BELOW.

The movie is good ONLY if you've never really read the books. Why? Because the movie doesn't really follow the books at all. It's actually quite disappointing from a fan standpoint. The writers didn't even try to follow the series' storyline. Here are some examples:

Movie: Kludd and Soren both get kidnapped by St. Aegolius. Book: Only Soren gets kidnapped.

Movie: St. Aegolius is run by the Pure Ones. Book: St. Aegolius has nothing to do with the Pure Ones, but is taken over by the Pure Ones later on in the series.

Movie: Owls are moon-blinked by being forced to sleep under a full moon. Book: Owls are moon-blinked by being forced to march under the light of the full moon and chanting their names until they forget them.

Movie: Nyra and Metal Beak are the main villains. Book: St. Aegolius is the "villain." Metal Beak doesn't show up until Book 3 and Nyra doesn't show up until Book 5.

Movie: Gylfie's "captor" is an owl named Grimble. Books: Grimble was never even pretending to work for St. Aegolius; he was one of the captured owls the whole time.

Movie: Metal Beak dies while Kludd, in the end, gets away and becomes one of the Pure Ones. Book: Metal Beak and Kludd are the same owl. Kludd becomes Metal Beak behind-the-scenes and doesn't show up until Book 3.

Movie: This plot never really happens in the books. Book: The actual plot is never replicated in the movie.

All in all, Guardians of Ga'hoole WOULD be a great movie...if it wasn't trying and failing to be based off of the series. =/ However it's a good movie if you've never read the books, but if you're a fan of the series then the movie is not worth your time whatsoever.

All that being said....I do love the books. xD


4:58pm Oct 23 2011


Posts: 3,217
i loved the film but never read the books... i plan to one day tho ^^


9:03pm Oct 23 2011

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Posts: 3,426
I've read most of the books. x3 I read them so long ago.
The movie was fantastic as far as graphics and the style of fighting, but I agree the plot was kind of poor. The only thing I liked was that Kludd got more attention as Kludd, but they made him seem weaker.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:31pm Oct 27 2011 (last edited on 9:32pm Oct 27 2011)

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Posts: 266

I totally agree with BowEcho. I read all the books and saw the movie. I hate the movie compared to the books but love it by itself. You forgot to mention BowEcho that in the movie Gylfie is a nut job and in the book he is the smartest one.


5:59am Oct 28 2011

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Posts: 3,426
Souten you're mistaken. o-o Gylfie is the little female Elf owl Soren first met. I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Digger, although you're mixing their characters up in general. I don't remember much about Digger, but I know Gylfie was the smartest.
I was trying so hard not just burst out laughing at how much of a spazz Digger is in the movie.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

2:40pm Oct 29 2011

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Posts: 498
Yeah, souten, you're confused. Gylfie was a female elf owl and was consistently smart; Digger wasn't AS big of a spaz in the books but he was still everywhere. They at least stuck somewhat to the character personalities, thankfully. xD


7:24pm Nov 15 2011

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Posts: 4
I agree w/ BowEcho. If they had succeeded and tried harder to relate more to the books, the movie would have been much better. When i first saw the moovie, i thought it was no where near the books. Now that i've watched it a couple times, it makes sense why they did the stuff they did. XD All i all.... I LOVE EIZYLRYB
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