12:15pm Apr 8 2011 (last edited on 1:01pm Apr 8 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Welcome to the Tesuri Club!
>Introduction< Members
Selling Buying Giving Away Trading Tesuri Stuff Of The Month! My Goals Do you love tesuris? Are you finding it hard to complete all your goals? Welcome to the friendly, tesuri-loving place where you can buy, sell, trade, adopt, give away, help others complete goals and more!
Hello, all you fans! 'Despite their brush with extinction, the Tesuri have survived. Though they still keep to themselves in the wild, they have been known to shelter and guide lost travelers back to known landmarks. Their ability to learn and their quick wit make them valuable companions should one manage to obtain one of their well hidden eggs. When raised from the egg they are the most loyal of all Atquati Creatu, being especially good with children. Should you happen to gain the love of one of these magnificent Creatu, consider yourself blessed and treasure them always...' Yep, I just love tesuris! I'm trying to complete a life-long goal of an albino tesuri, and I'm looking quite close to it right now, which I'm utterly overjoyed about! c: But what about you guys? If you have anything tesuri-ish to share, then post away! c:
12:15pm Apr 8 2011 (last edited on 1:45pm Apr 26 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Welcome to the Tesuri Club!
Introduction >Members<
Selling Buying Giving Away Trading Tesuri Stuff Of The Month! My Goals Do you love tesuris? Are you finding it hard to complete all your goals? Welcome to the friendly, tesuri-loving place where you can buy, sell, trade, adopt, give away, help others complete goals and more!
Hello, all you fans! So here's a list of all our brilliant members! 1. Reddasyi 2. sonador 3. Berry1258 4. ?
Member Privelages - Members can advertise and sell pets here
- Members can advertise trades which they would like to make
- Members can post in the 'Other' and the 'My Goals' section
But what about you guys? If you love tesuris and want to join, then post away! c:
12:15pm Apr 8 2011 (last edited on 12:59pm Apr 8 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Welcome to the Tesuri Club!
Introduction Members
>Buying< Selling Giving Away Trading
Tesuri Stuff Of The Month! My Goals Do you love tesuris? Are you finding it hard to complete all your goals? Welcome to the friendly, tesuri-loving place where you can buy, sell, trade, adopt, give away, help others complete goals and more!
Hello, all you fans! So here's a list of all our amazing tesuri owners and what they are interested in buying!! 1. Reddasyi - Buying any nicely named tesuris for dyeing 2. What about you? Looking forany tesuris or items for them? Post, and I'll put them up here.
But what about you guys? If you love tesuris and want to join, then post away! c:
12:15pm Apr 8 2011 (last edited on 8:44am Apr 24 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Welcome to the Tesuri Club!
Introduction Members Buying >Selling< Giving Away Trading Tesuri Stuff Of The Month! My Goals Do you love tesuris? Are you finding it hard to complete all your goals? Welcome to the friendly, tesuri-loving place where you can buy, sell, trade, adopt, give away, help others complete goals and more!
Hello, all you fans! So here's a list of all our amazing tesuris for sale from all you guys! 1. Reddasyi
Selling ginger tesuri, three letter name. 2. What about you? Selling any tesuris? Post, and I'll put them up here. But what about you guys? If you love tesuris and want to join, then post away!
12:15pm Apr 8 2011 (last edited on 1:00pm Apr 8 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Welcome to the Tesuri Club!
Introduction Members
Buying Selling >Giving Away< Trading Tesuri Stuff Of The Month! My Goals Do you love tesuris? Are you finding it hard to complete all your goals? Welcome to the friendly, tesuri-loving place where you can buy, sell, trade, adopt, give away, help others complete goals and more!
Hello, all you fans! So here's a list of all our great tesuris up for adoption! 1. Reddasyi - Just got one adopted, none for the moment, items, same. c: 2. What about you? Looking to get rid of any tesuris or items for them? Post, and I'll put them up here.
But what about you guys? If you love tesuris and want to join, then post away! c:
12:15pm Apr 8 2011 (last edited on 1:00pm Apr 8 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Welcome to the Tesuri Club!
Introduction Members
Buying Selling Giving Away >Trading< Tesuri Stuff Of The Month! My Goals Do you love tesuris? Are you finding it hard to complete all your goals? Welcome to the friendly, tesuri-loving place where you can buy, sell, trade, adopt, give away, help others complete goals and more!
Hello, all you fans! So here's a list of all our amazing tesuri owners and what they are interested in trading! 1. Reddasyi - None at the moment!
2. What about you? Looking to trade any tesuris or items for them for other pets or items? Post, and I'll put them up here.
But what about you guys? If you love tesuris and want to join, then post away! c:
12:16pm Apr 8 2011 (last edited on 3:12pm Apr 8 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Welcome to the Tesuri Club!
Introduction Members
Buying Selling Giving Away Trading >Tesuri Stuff Of The Month!< My Goals Do you love tesuris? Are you finding it hard to complete all your goals? Welcome to the friendly, tesuri-loving place where you can buy, sell, trade, adopt, give away, help others complete goals and more!
Hello, all you fans! So here's a list of all our amazing stuff of tesuris you can use, threads where you can find some! 1. Link submitted by Reddaysi, art by kraine: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/arts/artgen/tesuri-adoptables/~page/1/ By kraine, looking something amazing like this: 2. Link submitted by Reddaysi, art by Resceratu: http://www.rescreatu.com/graphics.php?img=/banners/icons/24.gif A bunch of graphics by artists on rescreatu that I discovered the other day - plenty of tesuri banners fre to use looking like the picture in my siggy, or: I actually love whoever made these.. <3
2. What about you? Seen any amazing tesuri stuff anywhere? Check you're allowed to use it, post, and I'll put them up here.
But what about you guys? If you love tesuris and want to join, then post away! c:
12:20pm Apr 8 2011 (last edited on 9:33am Apr 24 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Welcome to the Tesuri Club!
Introduction Members
Buying Selling Giving Away Trading Tesuri Stuff Of The Month! >My Goals<
Do you love tesuris? Are you finding it hard to complete all your goals? Welcome to the friendly, tesuri-loving place where you can buy, sell, trade, adopt, give away, help others complete goals and more!
Hello, all you fans! So here's a list of all our other stuff! 1. Reddaysi - My goals are: An albino tesuri! Any DKs apart from Magenta, Amber, Lime, and Orchid.
2. What about you? Any goals to share? Post, and I'll put them up here.
But what about you guys? If you love tesuris and want to join, then post away! c:
1:49pm Apr 9 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
Join c: I'm going to get a 'bino really soon from Pet! :D
5:51am Apr 10 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Adding you to the members list now! You're the one who bought Shayia from Reeses aren't you? I wish I'd had more to offer DX But congratulations, your offer was better - and I'm sure you'll take care of her c:
11:39am Apr 10 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
Red: Nah. Actually, someone out offered my offer XD
12:45pm Apr 10 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Who was it? I didn't see they're post on the forum. *Jealous* XD I'll just keep trying to hatch my own. All my friends are supporting me, so I'm sure I'll get there in the end - and I'll even have the satisfaction of knowing I hatched it! c:
3:38pm Apr 15 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 251
12:46am Apr 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 102
i would love to join as well! ^^ this is a really intressting idea you came up with! ^^
8:43am Apr 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 251
Awh, thanks Berry. I thought it might be a nice change, and I always love to help other users with goals - especially tesuri ones :3
1:34am Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 401
I can't find any Tesuri's, at all. ;-; Does anyone know anywhere good to look and about how long it will take? ;O; Thanks. :3
10:29am Jul 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Im joining I LOVE tesuris <3
9:27pm Feb 17 2013 (last edited on 10:57pm Mar 13 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 354
A poem composed by me: Tesuri, tesuri, flying free Oh tesuri, I love thee Your fur so soft, Your flight so swift You fly so free Enchanting me Tesuri tesuri, Your fur so furry You run in a flurry Capturing me
Thank you, thank you. It was nothing.
10:44pm Mar 13 2013 (last edited on 10:50pm Mar 13 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 354
6:11pm Mar 16 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 98
I have one and bid on one surprise I got a purple one :o