To Create a Creatu Forum Website

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5:03pm May 9 2015 (last edited on 5:04pm May 9 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 58
Welcome everyone! I hope it's okay to post a fan club website here? It's about creating new ideas for Rescreatu, like new creatu, items, and more!


Thank you so,

Wierdly a Zaphao Freak...

6:14pm May 9 2015


Posts: 3,217
Hello! we already have something like this ^U^ 
you can find it i the link below!

also, if you have a suggestion you can post it in the suggestion category of the forums 


10:51pm May 15 2015

Normal User

Posts: 58
Well I just wanted to open my own, thank you very much! Sorry, I really want to get known for stuff, I'm crying!

Wierdly a Zaphao Freak...

11:03am May 16 2015


Posts: 3,217
o-0 you can start your own, I was no means saying " AWHH HELL NO U CANT DO THAT CUZ E ALREADY HAVE 1" 

was just encase you were interested in seeing it or wanted to make one because you thought there wasn't one already 


6:02pm May 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 58
Alright, thank you so much for your help! (Also, as I can see, u r a helper!)

Wierdly a Zaphao Freak...
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