Creatu Naming Problem

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1:17pm May 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1
I have an Otachie that I have hatched and I would like to name it Autumnal. However, when I click the blue button that's supposed to name my Creatu and add it to my pets, nothing happens. What is going on?

4:20pm May 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 789
Names on Rescreatu must be unique, meaning that each name can only exist once on the site (there are a few glitch exceptions). The name Autumnal is already taken but have a play around and see what other pretty names you can come up with :) The box where you write the name will be red if a name is taken and will turn green if it's free.

 Once you've been on the site a while and built up an account you'll be able to purchase names off other users ^.^

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