How to Link to Tumblr- The Safe Way!

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1:45pm Mar 15 2016 (last edited on 1:41pm Dec 4 2016)


Posts: 2,161
As most of us know, tumblr is famous (or should I say infamous) for being rather vulgar, and thus, quality videos/content that are actually Res-appropriate become inappropriate simply because of the URLs or comments of other users who have reblogged the item. (buttfaces :I)

So, I have created a picture how-to guide on finding a safe link to a tumblr post you wanna share!

First, reblog what you want to show. (without any inappropriate comments or tags lol)

It should look something like this, regardless of your theme. the colours/format might be different but it should look the same. Then, click the link that I have circled in red, that states how many notes something has and how long ago you reblogged it.

Now that you're here, (and this is only part of the screen, the bottom part has all the URLs of those who reblogged and sometimes the comments, which is mainly where it gets messy) please draw your attention to the link I have circled in red. You'll want to click that.

Your screen should now look something like tle="" target="">this. (for asthetic purposes, I have linked the image instead of pasting because it will stretch the thread) You will see the text bar at the side that I have circled. In there is your ticket to posting a safe tumblr link.

That area I've circled is all you'll need. https://em
bed/post/ has to be at the beginning, otherwise it doesn't work.

When you try to highlight just that one part, it will automatically highlight the whole thing. Just remove everything but that URL before you go to the em
bed link.

An embeded post will look like this. It will not contain the comments or URLs of those who reblogged it before, only the content you are trying to post. This will work for text posts, au
dio, chats, etc. Just make sure there's no inappropriate content in the post first, or all your efforts will be in vain. For reference on what is okay and not okay on the site, please refer to this tle="" target="">link. Of course, if your URL or the one you originally reblogged it from contains inappropriate language, then you will not be able to do this without receiving a warning from staff. (that means don't do it, heh) Please always remember to be careful and check thoroughly what you post before you post it. Happy linking!

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