Rescreatu? Refuse-atu. HELP!

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5:11pm Mar 4 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2
When i am on pet auctions, it will NOT let me buy the creatu straight up. I press the button that says buy it now, and it says that there was something wrong with my request. Help this website is a glitch fest!

BlueJay Babe

5:23pm Mar 4 2016


Posts: 3,211

Make sure you have the right amount of TU on hand! 

I see that you have 13k on hand at the moment, what pet were you trying to buy?

If you're absolutely sure that you have enough TU then send in a support ticket 
They can be found under: 

Rmail> support ticket tab

if you need to send in a ticket include as much information as you can
pets name, price, the amount of tu you have on hand etc.  

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