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9:43am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 7:24pm Sep 15 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 841


9:43am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 7:29pm Sep 15 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Creatu and Price Ranges for Selling

What are Creatu?
Creatu are the creatures that live on the five planets of Rescreatu.

How do I Get a Creatu? 
The basic way is to hatch one from an egg.
Creatu eggs can be found on Relcore, Scria, Reiflem, and Atquati. Uldavi is unable to be searched because the environment is too dangerous for non-creatu beings to go to. How to get the creatu from this planet will be explained in the Games post.
Another way to get a creatu is to buy one with tu. I do not recommend doing this early on as many pets are out of the price range of users who have just joined.
 How to buy a creatu is explained under the question "I want to buy a creatu in a certain color, how do I find it?"
You can also regularly find creatu in the forest on Atquati. These are pets other users have released from their hatchery or directly there so they may be a baby or very old creatu! Its a fun way and you get 10 attempts each day. (Note: As of July 2020 if you do not pick up a pet you find, you may loose a search turn. Known glitch)
How do You Hatch an Egg? 
On the top left there is an orange egg with a crack in it - that is the hatchery where eggs are kept. Once entering it you simply click "Incubate" and wait until the button turns green and reads "Hatch."

I can't name my creatu? Why?
1. The name you've chosen is taken
2. The name contains a censored word.
3. The name is longer then 20 characters.
4. The name contains characters not supported by code.

There is a name I really want to own. How can I find it?

Using the creatu search you would have to go through every creatu of every color and possibly of different gender in every location possible. The other way would be to pay a user to find the name for you.

My Egg Failed! Why?
If you did not wait for the button to turn green, you had a very low chance for the egg to hatch.

I hit the limit of eggs yesterday! Why can I not pick any up today?

Egg pick up is reset every 24 hours, so from the time you hit the limit that time he next day you should be able to pick up eggs again.

I Ran Out of Hatches, but I Still Have Eggs! What do I do?
Don't panic! Hatches reset every day at 12 AM Central Time, so your eggs will be there and be fine. 
However common eggs (eggs found on the planets year round) go Old after seven days and have a 60% chance of failing, and in another seven they go Spoiled and have a 95% chance of failing. You can find this information in the hatchery by clicking the blue text that reads "View Egg Hatch Chances."
You can also buy hatches by advertising in the Chatroom (known as the Shoutbox or SB). Keep in mind you may only do this once every 30mins and will cost anywhere from 100k (100,000 - the "k" standing for thousand) to 200k per hatch.
You can also do your daily rewards! You can ear one hatch a day!

Can I Stop My Eggs from Aging?
No, not without abusing a glitch (which is against the rules). Eggs are supposed to age and rot. It's what allows us to have mutant creatu. 

Is there a way to make my eggs fresh again?

Yes! Using an Egg of rebirth will make any egg change from Old/Spoiled to Fresh with its age counter reset to 0. However they will age again so use this item when you are ready/able to hatch the egg.

Are There Any Eggs That do Not Go Old or Spoiled or Fail?
Yes. Eggs under Other and Uldalvi eggs never go old or spoiled and fail only when the egg is not fully incubated. 

Can I Sell eggs? How do I Price Them?
Yes, from the Egg Market under the Shops tab. You can find out what other users are selling eggs for through this same page and match their prices or undercut by a small amount to sell sooner.

How Can I Find Out What Planet has what creatu and what they look like?
Under the Information tab at the top of the page to the far right is a page called "Creatu Species" that lists all the creatu and their planets.
Creatu Under Other are from the Cash Shop, how that works will be explained in the Cash Shop post.
Creatu Under Uldalvi are attainable and will be explained how int he Games post.

Some of these creatu on the Planets are at 0% find rate, Why?
Most of these creatu are Seasonal the only exception being Quelis. How to get Seasonal eggs will be explained on the Seasonal events post.
Uldalvi creatu are obtained through Kir's Quest.
Quelis eggs can be found by swimming in the Enchanted Springs and how to get to the springs and what they do will be explained on the 'How to Change a Pet's Color' post.

Creatu come in all sorts of colors! How can I get them?
The first colors in the creatu species page you will see are the 'Hatchable' colors, from Most common to rarest it goes as follows: Natural, Sepia, Cream, Black, Ginger, Silver, Blonde, Calico, Achro,Albino. To find out how likely you are to hatch these colors go to the Hatchery and click on the blue text that reads "View Hatch Colors".
The colors below that are Dye Kits (DK) and a special one called Trance. DKs can be bought from other users or from the NPC Shop called the Black Market. The Trance color is gotten from a Trance Potion, available from other users or the Cash Shop.

How can I tell what color my creatu is?
If you had just hatched the creatu you will notice above the image will read something like this "Ginger Female Ahea hatched on 2014-02-03 05:48:34" First is the color, then the gender, after that the species and finally the hatch date. 
If it is already hatched go to the top of the page (outside of forums) and look to the left of the screen, you should see your Human Avatar and beside that your pet, below your pet will be their Species, Color, Gender and Age. 

The creatu on the planets have another form! What are they and how do I get one?
The different form is known as a Mutant. Mutants are hatched by luck, with a Fresh egg you have a  2% chance, with Old you have a 6% chance and with Spoiled you have a 70% chance of hatching a mutant. 

I want to buy a creatu in a certain color, How do I find it? 
Under Information is a Creatu Search.
 Once you have gotten the search to bring up results you can view the prices of the creatu, then by clicking 'Rancher Shop' next to the one you wish to buy you can get to the user's shop and find the pet. If the shop has many creatu use the filter to find what you are looking for, once you have click on the creatu and click Buy. Make sure you have enough Tu with you to afford the creatu or else this will not work. 
Explication on Tu is in the Stocks, Bank, and Daily Tu earning post.

I want to sell some pets, How do I do this?
Under the shops tab you can click on Rancher shop and create your own shop, you can stock up to 5 creatu when you first open and can upgrade when you need to but that will cost tu. To put the creatu you want to sell in you click "Stock Pets" and then you click on the check boxes next to the creatu you want to sell and click the green 'Stock' button at the bottom. Now you can go to 'Edit stock' to price them! But don't go pricing willy nilly. Use the pricing in the shop to help you work out a good price! if it seems very high you can check pets of similar rarity and color for help!

I hatched an Albino pet! I want to sell it, but there are none for sale in other places what do I do?
Don't panic! Now Albino is a rare hatch, if you are sure you wish to sell it then a common creatu in Albino can go for 20mil (20,000,000) up to 30mil. 30mil is the high end and may take some time to sell but there is a good chance a user will buy it. I recommend not taking an offer lower than 18mil if you are comfortable with it wanting to sell it quickly or you're doing someone or a friend a favor.
If the creatu is a Seasonal (only hunted during a seasonal event. How to get them will be explained in the Seasonal events page.) Then it can be worth from 25mil up to 45mil.
These prices tend to stay around these numbers but always check the other rancher shops! Many users are only willing to pay so much for a pet so it is a good idea to keep in this range. 

I hatched and Achro! I wanna sell it but no one else is selling one?
Much like albino its a very rare hatch. However as more have been hatched by users who wanted them, more are building up for being sold. For common creatu 15mill to 20mil, Seasonal 20mil to 35mil. Note it may take some time to sell these creatu but they can be sold after some time.

Tips for selling creatu.
When selling try not to under cut other sellers too often, this causes creatu values to drop and it makes it harder to earn reasonable amounts of tu. 

How does Hatching work?

 A creatu's color is generated when the Hatch button is clicked. There is no way to raise your chances of getting a color.

Can you hatch Dye kit colors?

Normally no. However there have been times during events where we could hatch a dye kit color. From what I know the chances of hatching a dyed pet in these times are low but available to all creatu including CS. Watch for updates during Events! These might be brought back, but I have no confirmation on if they will be.


9:44am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 4:32am Jul 21 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Items and prices for selling

I have Items I want to sell how can I sell them?

Items can be sold in Merchant shops. Forums under Sells and Trades would also be another way to advertise what you are selling.

How much can I sell this item for?

Where the item comes from, how common it is, and the supplies of the item will all effect price. 
The best way to figure out prices of items is either to Search User shops from the search on the top right of the page or go under Information to the Item Database and what ever the item sold for last I suggest matching it or going a little higher.

Can you sell Cash points?

Yes! Cash points or CP tend to have a going rate of 900k (900,000) to 1mil (1,000,000) of tu per 1CP. 
Items bought with CP can be priced this way as well if the item is not in stock.

The CP transfer is located at the bank!


9:44am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 4:35am Jul 21 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Stocks, Bank, and Daily Tu earning

What is tu?

Tu is the common currency on Rescreatu. 

Users in the Chat are talking about Stocks! What are those and how do I make Tu with them?

Stocks are the safest and sure profit making strategy for making tu. 
Stocks are found in Games tab.
For the most part you'll be seeing low profits but you can safely earn tu by buying a stock low then selling it higher, even if its just a few points higher you're still earning. While slow this can add up over time and find a few stocks that will have higher ranges of profit. I've not yet seen anyone cover this since the update. I'll add info after I begin watching more myself.

Users are talking about all of the tu they have in their Banks. How do I get to it and what does it do?

The Bank can be accessed through clicking TU under your Human Avatar.
When opening a bank account you do not have to create a pin number but if you wish you are free to. A bank account allows users to quickly and easily send tu to others. You do not earn interest while the tu is in the bank but if you plan to use the Enchanted Springs then put away your tu!

I saw a user doing a loan! Can I do that?

Loans in tu have become a little more common! HOWEVER! I DO NOT recommend taking out a loan unless you know you will be able to pay the user back in a reasonable amount of time. 

What are some ways I can earn tu every day?

Playing the different Games on cite, selling your daily hatches, selling dips into the enchanted springs, and just adventuring around can earn some tu each day for you. 

The following links will guide you in how to sell items and probably gain a good reputation! 

tle="" target="_blank">Part one!


9:44am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 7:31pm Sep 15 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 841

How can I code my profile?

The following are all References from users who know how to code. This coding is put into the box that can be found in Preferences > Profiles

If the profiles are not working rmail any of these users and they can help!


9:44am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 11:00am Jun 7 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Posting Links and other commands in the Chatroom (ShoutBox/SB)

How do I make a Link in the Chatroom/SB?

to make a link you write out [ url = www.the link you want here ] without spaces.

How do I write in Bold/Italics/Slash/Underline in the SB?

[ b ] Bold [ / b ] 
[ i ] Italics [/i]
[ s ] Slash [ / s ]
[ u ] Underline [ / u ]
No spaces.
Keep in mind using these very often while speaking is considered spam so use it in moderation.

A song was posted by Media! Can I do that?

No normal users will never have control of Media because of possible power abuse of it.

The System is talking! Can I make it talk?

No System is normally only used to give out warnings to users on the verge of being banned from the chatroom. 
The System talking like a normal user does not happen often and in most cases does not last very long. Staff are simply enjoying interacting with users and having a fun time ^^

Someone in the Chat can use Smilies! Why can't I?

To use smilies in the SB you need to first fill the Smilie Collection. Collections can be found by clicking the yellow and orange flag at the top left of the Navigation bar.

tle="" target="_blank">How to safely link Youtube videos to the SB.


9:45am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 11:03am May 7 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Meanings of Colored(Coloured) names

There are users with Colored names in the SB! Why?

Colored Names in the SB indicate our different staff

Staff with this Color are Support Staff! Their job is to deal with any reports about misbehaving users, scammers, and glitches that need to be fixed.

Staff with names in this color are Moderators! They handle the rules of the site and regulate the chat room, and forums to make sure users are not misbehaving, scamming others, or putting forums where they do not belong.

Staff in this color are Artists! All of the art work on Rescreatu is handled by them

Staff in this color are Content Managers. All of the Content including Updates, items that go into the Cash Shop/NPC Shops, where items are located, and implementing all Seasonal events are handled by them.

Staff in this color are Writers! All books and text on site is written by them.

Staff in this color are Coders! They make and write the codes that make the site run.

If you see a user named Patrick with this color he is an Admin and the Owner of the site! Others with this color are aiding him in some way by having Admin powers.

What about the Night Sb?

I want to be a Staff! How can I join?

Sorry I can not revel much on how to apply for staff. Staff must be able to locate their applications and fill them out on their own. For all positions extensive knowledge of the site is required and is helpful for all positions.

I saw users breaking rules! What should I do?

Take screen shots, look at what time it happened, upload the images to Photobucket or tinypic or anywhere else you can, then click Rmail and go to Support ticket and report it! They will handle it appropriately even if you do not see it. 

I was told by a colored name user that I was breaking a rule! Where can I read the rules?

The rules page can be found to the left of the page under Log out.
Keep in mind there are the main cite rules and then there are the Chatroom/SB rules. Make sure to read all of them!


9:45am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 3:34am Jun 3 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Cash Points, Credits and Cash shop

What is the Cash Shop?

The Cash Shop holds special items that can only be bought with Cash Points and some with Credits.

What are Cash Points/Credits and how do I get them?

Cash Points (CP) and Credits are forms of currency, CP can be only bought directly from the cite with real life money or from other users at a price they set. On average they are 500k to 600k per 1cp. Credits can be bought by clicking on the Cash Points link under your Human Avatar and then click on the tab that reads Credits. They can be bought with tu and can buy some items.

There is an egg nest in the Cash Shop but its different then what I remember?

Yes on res we have several Cash Shop only creatu that rotate in and out of the shop. Each creatu has a month of time in the shop before the next set goes in. Other items like Clothing also can change monthly.

Items like Random Morphing Potions, Trance Potions, Name Tags, Gender Pendents, Natural Colored Jelly Beans, Class Tokens, and the Forged Birth Certificates do not change from the Cash shop.  

When is this cash shop creatu's month?

Eleodon - January
Drachid - October
So far only two CS pets have set months, All others go in the following cycle
Ezahni, Shaefu, Aerix, Jahra, Saruka, Cyid, Noctis, Haberisar.
After Haberisar it begins over again at Ezahni.

How do I get a Wyrae?!

Okay Wyraes can be either easy or REALLY hard to get. The item Random Morphing Potion will randomly morph your pet into any Common, Seasonal pet or into a Wyrae. Color, age, Effects are not affected by this item, only the creatu's Species. 
Wyrae is the most likely to get out of all of them but may still take several tries.

In the Cash shop there is a tab that says Custom Effects! What are these?

Custom Effects are known among users as OaKs. OaK stands  for One of a Kind Effect. These effects can be bought by users for 1000cp. The effect is custom made to a creatu of the buyers choice and is made by one of our many on site artists! However you can NOT OaK a creatu to make it look like another one and no other user will ever have your OaK. (Unless you sell it of course.)

What is a Forged Birth Certificate?/How do I change my User name

A FBC is used to change a user's player name on rescreatu. If the Username is not taken you can simply type in the name and submit it for a Support member to change you later.

Now if the  user name is taken the account the name is attached to will need to be inactive for at least two years to be available. Unlike an untaken user name you will need to type in RequestUsername.
Here is an Exmaple.

Usernames once owned by Staff members are off limits.


9:45am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 5:27pm Jun 6 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 841

What are Quest Games?

In Quest games you are sent on Quests to find something for the NPC in return for Tu. In some cases you get Tu and an item, or tu and a point.

Quest Games that only give Tu and Tier Points for the Leaderboard and Trophires

The Book Quest

We begin quests by clicking "Start" But because I failed my last quest I will be sent back to the 1st tier on the 50 streak. 
The Quest starts and tells you what  book you need to find and the reward amount of tu you will get for it. You only have so long to get the book to her so be quick!
We also have a Leader board where you can see the top Users and their streaks! If you manage to get past the 50th tier then you will win a Trophy for your profile!

The Weapons, Toy, and Clothes Quests work the same as the Book and give out Trophies of their own after the 50th Tier. Keep up your streak and get the items back before time runs out!

What is the Dye Kit Squishy Quest?

The Dye kit Squishy quest works much differently from the others. In this Quest you bring in items to make a Dye Kit squishy.

To begin click on one of these dye kit colors!

Now you can see what items you need and what you already have to make the Dye kit Squishy.

Why can't I see the items needed for Trance/Calico/Uldalvian/Natural Dye kit Squishies?

These Squishy items have not yet been implemented into the game.

Until they are introduced to all users we will not be able to make the items. Have faith and just wait a little while, it will come!

What can I use Dye kit squishes for?

Dye kit squishes can Dye Natural Creatu Squishes. Gold does not work on common creatu squishes but will work on any Cash shop creatu Squishy that reads as Natural _____ Squishy.

Do quests ever give out items?

The Food and Squishy Quests both give out items at random!

When will I get my item?

The items are given out at random, there is no alert or notification for this so after you have done all the quests allowed for the day to check your inventory for any of the items!

What is the use of Creatu Egg Squishes/Creatu Crackers?

For the most part they are just collectors items but the Crackers are a food item and the Squishes can be used to play with your creatu.

What is Kir's Quest?

Kir's Quest is a challenging Quest to find, hatch, bean, buy or spring Creatu into the correct color that K1r807 (Kirbot) Asks for.
When you begin your quest for K1r he will ask for a pet of a specific species and color. In return for the pet he will offer 100K A step up in level, and depending on the color of the pet anywhere from 0 to 4 points. Dye kits, Gold, Trance, Achromatic, Cash shop Creatu, Uldalvi Creatu, Quelis and Mutants are not requested as of writing this guide.
He may or may not ask for you a Blonde Narwi, what he chooses is random.

What is the use of Points and Levels?

Points allow users to buy items, creatu eggs and RSTU frames.

Levels and Rounds allow for other items to be Unlocked! So if you want something you gotta get to the higher Levels and onto the other Rounds!  One round = 121 pets turned in.

Keep in mind that if you give K1r a Pet it is then his. The name is freed up for other users to take as well and you can not get the pet back from him.

What is the Resurrection Quest?

This Quest is important if your pet has died!

When the Quest starts she will ask for three items. Healing Water, Super Healing Potion and Blessed flowers.

When you finish she will give you this, a Resurrection potion that will bring your pet back from the dead!

Luck Games

What do you get from Alphabet Soup?

The Alphabet Soup luck game gives out one alphabet squishy a day. Collect all of them to put into a collection for a Trophy on your profile!

What is the Apple Tree?

The apple tree is where you can take your creatu Once a day and get a free apple!

Why does the apple tree look like this?

Some times we forget to turn off the Christmas Here is what the Tree looks like normally and where you can find the different types of apples.

Made and provided by Yoda

How do I win at Precious Pearl Quandary?

There is no sure way to win at this, you have to keep trying every day! When you win you will get 25k, and some times clam meat. If you win 3 times in a row you get a pearl and a trophy for your profile.

Rock, Paper, Scissors?

Yep! The game is very basic chose one of the 3 to win 500 tu

Fishing Hole?

Yes! Reclore has a fishing hole, however if you do not live on that planet this is all you will see.

However if you chose Relcore as your planet you will be able to see this, and Once a day fish in the lake.

Flash Games

These Games are 3rd party hosted and do not always (if ever) pay out with tu. Still fun to play if you feel like spending a little time with these fun games.

Knowledge Games

These games are based around how well you know Rescreatu! In Mysterius item you Guess what item you are shown, and word scramble you unscramble a word that is an Item name on the site.

REMINDER: These games you can not ask for help with! It is considered cheating. 

Skill Games

This section of games has a link to the Library where you can store your collected books and compare your collection to other user's, The Stock Market, and Egg count, a simple game where you earn tu for counting the number of eggs on screen and giving the correct amount. 


9:45am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 11:29am Jun 5 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Seasonal Events


During the end of October normally we hold our Halloween events which include two Egg hunts!
Ebilia and Jaaku are hunted during this time and when they begin a full site Update will explain how to begin the hunts. Keep in mind once you begin you can not stop the 48 hour timer for hunting so do it only in free time!
We also get to send 'Knocks' on the doors of other users and receive Tricks or Treats and even given out our own.

An effect comes from this event, the Undead Effect.
One way to get this effect is during the event, an update will come saying that Pets raised from the Graveyard will now have a chance to be revived with the Undead effect.
The other way is to revive a pet using a Curse of the Undead.
Both methods will only work if the Creatu has art work of this effect.


This event has a Creatu hunt. Uilus and Narwi. Normally only Halloween has two hunts but that can change if creatu populations are low for both creatu. 
This event has the Frost Light effect. This can ether be received from the tunnels or from a Frost Light Icicle being used on the creatu.
As before this only works if the Creatu has art work for the effect.


This event includes Vaspi and Iluvu egg hunts, normally Iluvu eggs or Vaspi eggs are hunted and then traded for the other that is not hunted. 
Also during this event we have chances to send and accept or decline other user's Valentines! 

Spring Event

The Spring events involve the Easero and Kurrabi hunts. This year of 2014 we are also finding Seeds! These seeds where used to grow flowers to turn in to an event. An egg trade in was also done to give out Hatching Creatu Squshies. In this event we also get a chance to go to the fountain of youth where you have a chance of getting several different items; Egg of Rebirth, Rejuvenating Fern, Essence of Youth and Ageless Extracts. 
Ageless extracts give the Ageless Adolescent with one extract, with a second one the pet will receive the Ageless baby effect. 

How to hunt for Sesonal eggs in Season
When a Seasonal hunt is open to the user base there will be an update clearly state that the Hunts are open and what seasonal creatu we can hunt. Durring Valentine 2015 and Halloween 2014 we where treated to a new way of hunting where we explored sets of images that depicted the surface (or underground) of a planet where the seasonal creatu had hidden their eggs. Once you clicked 'begin hunt' you then click 'explore ____' depending on the hunt you chose would decide which planet you explored, and then you continually clicked 'Explore onward' while looking out for hidden eggs and items!
The old way of hunting eggs was to start the hunt then go to the planet and refresh for the seasonal egg to appear as other common eggs do.
Both methods where allowed in the most recent uses of the hunts and both take time for users to find eggs. You might not find any right away and might not find any at all but do not let that discourage you! Try your best and enjoy everything these events have to offer!


The Thanksgiving event has no seasonal creatu but holds a quest to collect foods to receive items for the work. 
Creatu Corn Husk Dolls are collectibles.

The Comet Festival

This event is the newest to Rescreatu. A comet has begun to loop around the Four Planets, the first having been Scria. This event gives out the Stardust effect and is held during the summer time. By watching the comet using several event items and your creatu you can recive items, tu, stat points, or even Stardust your creatu!
Silver stardust and Gold Stardust come from this event along with Stardust Urns.
Gold Stardust has NO USE at this point, during the event and NPC bought the stardust off of users and gave tu in return.
Silver Stardust can be put into a Stardust Urn to make a Silver Stardust Urn. This Urn can Stardust any Scria pet.
Gold Stardust Urns Stardust ALL creatu except Uldalvi so long as it has the Effect's art.
Other items for Stardusting Planet specific creatu will be released as the planets receive their own passing of the comet.


9:46am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 11:30am Jun 5 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Making/Adding Friends

I want to friend someone! Is that possible?

Yes! Here we call them Respals! Under LogOut on the left side of the page you will find the link to the page where you can send requests to users to be friend pals.

Why didn't this user add me? I just wanted to be Respals!

While the community is friendly some users only like to add users they know and talk with on a really friendly with. If you wanna make friends with them talk to them on forums when you can or on the SB if you get the chance. 
Just be respectful toward them and friendly and you are bound to make friends here.
Little things can make users well liked around here.
You do not have to  gift things away that are expensive.
Follow the rules.
Don't beg.
Please do not spam.
We do not ignore you but we miss things too. We're only human.
So please do not get upset if we miss your questions, give people time to react to you.
 Normal users and Helpers are bound to give you aid. 

Also Please do not just ask users 'Do you want to be my friend?' as soon as you meet them, you put them on the spot and possibly very uncomfortable by doing this and some will tell you right out 'No' while others will avoid it due to not wanting to hurt your feelings. 
Do not take offence if a user tells you no. They do not know you and most long lasting friendships form from over time, not in a single meeting. Take time to make friends on here, you will find that the community can be very kind.


9:46am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 11:30am Jun 5 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 841

How do I...

Most actions for forums can be done by the tool box located above the one you type in. Most are obvious in what they do, B being selected bolds text, I Italics your text, U Underlines text and so on.

While there is an Add Image button, you can also use the code
< img src = image url here > 
(the spaces between Img and Src are required)

To make an image a smaller, or larger size, behind the url you can add 
Height = "#Height Of image" Width = "#Width of image" 
(the " " around the number for your image's height/width is required)

the ending code should look something like this 
< Img src = image url here Height = "##" Width = "##" >

To make links you can either write a Message to be the Link as 'List of Hidden Avatars!' is below, or paste the Url link into the box, highlight it then click the chain link with a green circle and white plus sign. This will allow you to create a link in your forum post.


9:59am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 7:46am Aug 1 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Feeding pets, How to get food and Where dead pets go and how to get them back.


Feeding pets is a simple task. You select a pet, then go to your inventory, click on a food item then click Use. 
Also from the Inventory you can reach the Quick Stock where you can send all of your food to the food pen where it will auto feed pets when they reach below 70 hunger. 
You can get to the food pen by clicking on the apple on the top left of the page below the banner. WARNING any food sent to the pen can NOT be removed.

I don't have a lot of tu. How can I get food for my pets?

In Games under Luck there is the Apple tree where you can take each pet on your profile to and pick an apple for them to eat. You can do this every day and if you put your pets in your Show room before the Midnight reset then the pets do not age nor get hungry. You can do this for some time and stock up on apples until you can afford to buy food in larger quantities if you wish to do so.

Where can I buy food?

There are NPC shops that sell food, The Bakery, The Pizza Shop, The Candy Shop and The Butchery. 
You can also use the User Shop search and the top right of the page to find food but the food in user shops often is not cheep.


No the pet is not gone forever. 
 Explore >> Reiflem >> Otroe Circle >> Graveyard 
You should find your pet here <3


Sadly this can happen, but its rare. Pets whos DOB - Date of Birth - match the launch date of version 2 of rescreatu may die and lose their name the same night. Not all creatu with this date does this, and Staff are still unable to pin point the exact cause of it.
5/27/2009 is the birthdate that does this

Another glitch that can cause this is if you place a creatu into your showroom with 0 hunger then remove it later the next reset will cause it to die despite only being at 0 hunger for a shorter time then needed to die.

My pet is in the Graveyard but can I get it back?

Oh of course! 
Games > Quest > Resurrection Quest
Here you will be asked to find three items, Blessed flowers, a Super Healing Potion, and Healing water.
These items will make a Resurrection potion.
Blessed Flowers can some times be picked from the Forest on Atquati.
Super Healing Potions and Healing Water can be bought in the NPC shop The Pharmacy. 

My pet doesn't have its name any more!

Yes if a pet is in the graves for too long it loses its name. Its a cheep but long waited way of renaming pets.

Is there a way to kill a pet quicker?

Yes. In the Black Market the item Potion Of Death will instantly kill a pet. You still have to wait a while before it looses its name.


10:01am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 10:11am Jun 22 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Human Avatars (HA)

My Human Avatar (HA) is nude and I can't find the clothes I bought!

Human Avatar items are found in the Closet and in the Wardrobe sections in Avatar. 
To dress your HA go to Avatar then to Wardrobe. From there you can move through the different sections of clothing and dress up your HA.

I bought some clothes and I found them in my Closet but not my Wardrobe?

Unfortunately some clothing on Rescreatu has not been coded to be worn by HAs. 
Users can not code the clothes to be worn.

How can I tell if a clothing is coded to be worn yet or not?

Under Avatar there is the Dream Builder. All clothing that can be worn by HAs can be found there. Before buying anything check in there to see if it can be worn.

I don't like that this item over laps this one on my HA! Can I change it?

Yes you can! When you click on an item that is on your HA look just below the image and you should see "z-index" the number next to it is the la
yer the item is on. Negative numbers but items behind the HA. 

I changed my Hair on my HA but its not showing up?

When changing Hair on the HA you will need to save in the wardrobe again so it will change.
If it still has not try a 'hard refresh' where you hold Ctrl and tap the F5 button on the key board.


10:05am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 8:18am May 22 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Non-Player Character Shops (NPC Shops)

Some of the NPC Shops don't have names! What are they?

1. Candy Shop
2. Toy Store
3. Antonio's Pizza
4. Fashion Galore 
5. The Freaky Toy Shop
6. Potion shop
7. Black Market
8. Craft Shop
9. The Squishy Shop

Clicking on the Referral points shop is closed why?

Referral points has been closed since I believe V2 of Rescreatu. As of writing this we are in V3 of Rescreatu.

What are Job Tower Tokens? What are they for?

In V1 of the site there was the Job tower. In this Quest you would give a token of the level you were currently on and given a quest of so many items to bring to the Job Tower. In return for completing the quest you where given so much tu for the work.
Will this return? I am not sure, if I hear anything from staff I will update.

What are books for?

Books raise the intellect of a pet and hold Rescreatu Lore that you can learn about! This information may be helpful during events. However books have a 5% chance of braking when read. Read at your own risk!

What can I use Fabrics and thread for?

Fabrics and Threads are mainly used with the Squishy Quest which will be detailed int he Quest section of the Forum. Some times these items will be needed for other quests or seasonal events.

Does anything ever stock in the Holiday Collections shop? The General Store?

The Holiday Collection Shop still restocks but I believe its rarely. The General Store does not stock any more I believe.

When do Shops restock?

Shops restock at every 10 mins
so at
And so on.

Staff have Memorabilia?! How do I get one as Staff?!

Memorabilia for staff is reserved for Veterans. You will have to work hard and long to earn the right to have your own balloon, squishy or personal item added to the game!

However this tradition has been stopped as some believed it was making staff feel 'entitled' or better the other users. It seems unlikely that new staff memorabilia to return. I am not sure if this includes Staff apples as well but it may.

How do I buy more then one item at a time from a NPC shop?

That little slider bar there will let you buy more then one item at a time!


10:07am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 11:35am Jun 5 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 841
How to change a pet's color.

I want to Dye my pet how do I do that?

A Dye kit will dye the pet. 
To dye the pet you want you need to first select them, then go to you inventory and click on the Dye kit you want to use on the pet and finally click use.
A dye kit can be bought from a User's shop or from the Black Market. 
The Enchanged Springs on Atquati can also change a pet's color to a Dye or a Hatch color (Not Natural, Trance, Gold, Uldalivan or Achromatic). This prize is only found on the 3rd tier 16+ visits in a row.
These Springs color changes will NOT work on Cash Shop pets, Uldavli pets, or Mutants.

I heard Natural Colored Jelly Beans change pets color? Do they?

Yes. They change the pet into any hatch color except natural or the color the creatu already is.
Beans work only on Non Mutant Sesonal and Common creatu.
Calico Colored Jelly beans Turn Galta, Ivik, and all other Non Mutant Sesonal and Common creatu Calico.

Kir has two dyes in his shop what do they do?

Uldalvian Dye kits dye only Iviks and Galtas.
Random Dye kits can be used on any creatu except RSTU001 or 002. It then randomly chooses a dye kit to dye on your selected pet. It will not give Trance Gold or Uldavian. 

I own a RSTU001/002 How do I dye it?

Trance dye is now fixed! Simply use a Trance Potion on the 001/002!
I can not reveal how exactly but the Air brush from Kir's Prize shop has part in this process.

There is a pet that isn't from the CS/Kir that is Gold/Uldalvian!

These creatu will have broken images and will never have official art unless an OaK effect is bought for the creatu. The process that allows for this is long and expensive and isn't worth it by this point in the game due to the risk of being stuck with a creatu you did not wish to have in those colors.


10:30am Feb 6 2014 (last edited on 3:56am Jul 1 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 841
Other topics. 

Any Important points not falling into the posts above will go here!

What is a gold account? How do I get one?

This is not a real thing on res, there is no such thing as a Gold Account. This was a joke that was created by Users. Its only meant for entertainment and a laugh for the community to enjoy.

I skipped over an egg!!

Don't worry! If you have not landed on another egg there is a way to get the egg!
tle="" target="">Follow this link to collect your egg

What are Zaps/Rrays? How do I get one? What does it do?

Zaps and Rrays refer to an item called a Regression Ray. This is a retired CS item and only so many users are active with one. The Rray zaps a pet into an Adult, Adolescent, or a baby. 

I can not make my creatu in ____ Effect!

In order for an effect to be able to apply the creatu must meet these qualification
1. The creatu must be aged 30 days or older
2. The creatu needs to have art for the effect available on the site prior to your attempt of adding the effect to the creatu.
3. In the case of the curse of the undead, the creatu must be dead. 

Ageless effect?

The Ageless effect was introduced to Rescreatu last spring event. Ageless Extracts make your pet's art remain as Adolescent with one Ageless Extract and a 2nd will make it into a Baby. Your pet will still age but as long as the effect is on it will look like its Baby or Adolescent stage.

Undead Effect?

The Undead effect is an effect that comes with the Halloween event, or from the Curse of the Undead.
A curse of the undead only works if the pet meets these requirements: Adult, Dead, and Has Undead Art.

Custom Effect?

Already created effects can not be up-tained by more then one user, these are effects that users have payed 100 USD to have made onto a pet they own. These effects are made to their specifications.

Stardust Effect?

This effect is gotten by using a Gold Stardust urn available in the Cash shop. This Urn can Stardust any non Uldalvian pet if it has art. However, a Silver stardust urn can also give the effect to Scrian pets that have the artwork.

Cosmic Effect?

The Cosmic effect is an effect that can only be applied to Cyid, Heberisar, and Noctis using a Cosmic Salve bought in the CS

Frost light effect?

The frost light effect is obtained though use of a Frost Light Icicle on an adult Creatu

What are Hatches? 

Hatches are the turns uses to hatch an egg. The term comes from the hatchery where it reads "You have X hatches and you have X left to use today!"

What is a nattie?

Nattie is shortened term for Natural.

What is a Hebbie?

Shortened name of Haberisar.

How do I know if a pet can get an effect? How can I see what it looks like on a creatu?

The Pet Species list under Information has a way to show you effects on a creatu!

What is a Cosmic Salve?

This item can give out the Cosmic Effect to a select few Cash shop creatu. 
Currently only Hebbie, Cyid, and Noctics can get this effect.

Where can I get Quelis eggs?

From the enchanted springs in the 3rd tier. To raise in levels in the springs you must visit them and swim every day! Put your tu in your bank to not lose it!

The Planets of Rescreatu


10:12pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3
I think this will be a very informative guide! Thanks for taking the time to make it!

3:44pm May 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 841
This is still active Do not lock this Thread.


4:13pm May 10 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Change "Cite" to "site"
Darken the writer's purple
Perhaps go back and do a grammar/punctuation check as well? Not major, but it helps when reading n-n

Other than that, this looks great so far! :D Good job<3

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