Squishy Quest Error and less than half an hour before end of quest! Please help

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5:20pm Apr 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3
I have all the elements for a squishy quest in my inventory - sold many of my stocks to be able to afford the items spending 221500 TU to receive 272,783 TU but despite my having all the items it isn't recognising it nor allowing me to trade my items in.  I am certain I have the correct items and have refreshed multiple times; any ideas?

5:24pm Apr 19 2016


Posts: 3,217
aw man, I'm not too sure about this one i'm afraid. 
I suggest sending in a support ticket.

Support tickets can be found under
Rmail> support ticket

Include as much information as you can and good luck :O  


5:26pm Apr 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3
Thank you for your incredibly quick response - I'm fairly new so I didn't realise about support tickets so thanks for that as well. 
I have taken print screens of my items list and the quest one second apart so I'm hoping that should be proof enough. 
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