What is stardust?
Stardust falls from the comet during the Relcore Comet Festival. Through collecting stardust, users will use the piles that are found for quests, or unlocking the Stardust effect for their creatu.
What stardust can I find?
During this festival, only Jade Stardust and Gold Stardust is obtainable.
How do I get my pet stardust?
To stardust a pet, you need a stardust urn. Your pet needs to be an adult, and have the stardust effect. Select the pet, go to inventory, go to your stardust urn, and click use item.
Has the festival started? What do you do?
It's not open yet! The comet festival still hasn't officially started but it's getting closer!
When will the festival start? We don't have an exact date for when it'll be open but there will be an update when it starts!
How do I find stardust?
You can now find star dust in Random events! Be sure to pick it up if you find any!(and for those who were at the last festival and know what we're going to have to do with the star dust- Urns will be released soon!)
Why can't I find stardust?
The closer the comet gets, the easier stardust will be found, just keep exploring in any area of the site you can get random events!
Where do I find an urn?
Urns are obtainable throughout the event. While I can't disclose the location, I will just say that by trading a certain item in, rewards you with said urn.
Can I sell my stardust urns?
How do I fill my stardust urn?
Go to your inventory and click on your empty stardust urn. Click use item. It'll bring up the option to fill it with stardust.
My Jade Stardust Urn won't work on my Mirabilis! Help?
Jade Stardust Urns will only work on Relcore pets.
Why won't Jade Stardust work on my Jahra?
Gold stardust is the only stardust that works on CS pets!
Why won't the NPC Shops trade with me?
Certain NPC shops will not have the option to exchange. For the ones that do; you need to tell them you have Jade Stardust. It will then take you to a different dialogue box. MAKE SURE, you enter an amount of stardust in order to receive your item.
What do the new stardusted pets look like?
You can see what the Relcore stardust pets look like by going: Information >Creatu Species>Any Relcore Creatu>Stardust Effect in the Drop Down Menu
Why can I only stardust Relcore pets with Jade Stardust
Those are the pets that are meant to be stardusted this time. You could always buy a silver stardust urn from a usershop and stardust a Scrian pet or a Gold urn to use on a CS pet. You'll have to wait for another festival for the other planets, though!
What is Adagu's Arrow?
Adagu's Arrow is Astrum, it's a special name for the comet as it passed via Relcore, who's guardian is the great Adagu. When the Comet passed over Scria it was called "Loyna's Light" after the guardian of that planet.
Who is Astra?
Astra is Perry's, the astronomers faithful companion. They're the beautiful stardusted, indigo Jahra pictured beside Perry.
What's going to happen once the festival has started?
We have no idea what's going to happen this year, we can only hazard a guess based on what happened during the last event (which was a long, long time ago) We don't want to spoil what happened last time encase people want to keep it a surprise.
How was the stardust effect found?
Creatu were coated in the dust as it fell from the comet.
How long is this event?
We have no idea I'm afraid ;0;