A Guide for New Users

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3:22pm Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 3:36pm Jan 27 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
So, I wanted to make a little guide on beginning on rescreatu.
This isn't focusing on rules, however, since Meg is making a beautiful thread about that.
tle="" href="http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/general/general/newbie-039-s-guide-of-the-rescreatu-rules-older-users-and-staff-please-help-/~page/1/">Check out Meg's Thread!
I am going to make a guide on easy ways to make tu.

First Topic: Games

Games are a fun, and easy way to earn tu.
The games are a perfect way to get some funds when you join.
Here are some of my personal favourites:

Random TU
This game will give you a random amount of tu each day, you can earn anywhere from 100-10000 tu!

Precious Pearl Quandary
This game is all about luck. There are three shells, and you guess which one the pearls in. If you guess it right, you get 25,000tu!
You can only play this game three times a day. You may even get a pearl or some clam meat too.

Apple Tree
This can be used multiple times, but with different creatu.
You can pick an apple from different branches, but only one turn for each creatu.

There are many other games out there, so try them all out!


3:22pm Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 3:33pm Jan 27 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,274

Second Topic: Stock

Stocks may seem rather intimidating or hard. But they actually aren't that hard, or scary.

There are many different types of shares you can buy from, but only certain ones get really high, and those are the ones most people invest in. As a new user, you can earn 30mil, unless you have a lot of tu, but it is helpful if you want to turn your 10k into 500k. If you're patient. The stocks reset at 12:00pm restime and 12:00am restime. So, twice in a day.

Some good stocks are STA, ARM, SQU, SWE, POT, TOY, FAS, and FRE.

Currently, these stocks are kind of high, but I recommend buying as many shares as you can in ARM when it's low. The trick is to buy low, and sell high. It could take a while though, but ARM has been known to shoot up quickly. I recommend selling when the shares are worth over 100, but if you have alot of tu in stocks sell when they are over 300.

If you have any other questions, just ask! That's what I'm here for. =}


3:23pm Jan 26 2013 (last edited on 3:34pm Jan 27 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,274

Third Topic: K1R

K1R's Quest is rather challenging and isn't meant for new users.
K1R will ask for a pet, and you will have to give it to him.
Say if he asks for an albino jaaku, new users won't be able to get this as easily.
Users that have been on for longer, saving and investing in stocks will probably be able to get the pet easier.
But, if you really want to do K1R's quest, just remember not to beg for pets.
hat's against the rules.
If you get a pet for K1R, he will give you 100,000tu.
That's a good profit if he asks for a nattie, but it's not when he asks for albinos.
The main part of K1R's quest isn't the tu, it's the items in the prize shop, which can be bought with points he gives you for high coloured pets.


3:22pm Jan 27 2013 (last edited on 7:48pm Jan 28 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754

Forth Topic: Pets

Subtopic One: Getting Your First Pet

Getting your first pet is always fun. Here are a few of the ways you can do so:

Hatching~A way most people get their first pet by hatching. You can find eggs on one of these planets~ Relcore, Scria, Reiflem, and Atquati. How you find an egg is you explore the planet, and there will be an alert saying that you have found an egg. Click "Click Here to Take the Egg", and the egg will be in your Hatchery. The Hatchery is the orange little egg at the top, left hand side of your screen. You can then incubate your egg, and whenever the egg is fully incubated, you can hatch it c:

Buying~If you feel like you wish to do so, you can buy your first pet. You can find someone in the shout box or forums who is selling a pet, and send them the tu they want, or you can go to a place called Creatu Search, under Information at the top bar. You then click "location", and put Rancher Shops. Then, put in whatever type of pet you would like into the bars below. Scroll down to the place that says "price", and put 1 in the first area. (I would recommend saving this as your default search) Now you can search for the pet, and if someone is selling one, it will appear you can then find it in that person's rancher shop, and buy it c:

Atqueen Forest~
On Atquati, there is a forest in the bottom right corner of the planet. If you click on it, there will be a picture with a few links above it click on the one that says "explore". If you click it, you will get to use your ten chances a day to find abandoned pets in the forest. Sometimes you will not find anything, but it is worth a try!

Subtopic Two: Pet Pricing Guide

Pets can be a great way to make tu on Rescreatu, but pricing them can be hard sometimes. Here is a good guide to help you price them:

Normal Findables:

Natural~They aren't worth very much. Sell them for about 50-2k tu.
Sepia~They are worth a little more than Natural. Sell them for about 2k-5k tu
Cream~Worth just a tad more than Sepia. Sell them for about 5k-15k tu
Black~Worth a good bit. Sell for about 30k-300k tu
Ginger~Lucky you. Worth about 300k-800k tu

Silver~Wow, nice job. Worth about 500k-1.5mil tu
Blonde~Amazing! Worth about 2.5mil-5mil tu
Calico~Amazing! Worth about 5mil-8mil tu
Albino~Wow, you lucky duck! Worth about 15mil-30mil
Achromatic~You're SUPER lucky man! Sell for around 25mil+


Natural~Worth a nice amount. Sell for around 150k-750k
Sepia~Worth more than Natural. Sell for around 900k-1.5mil
Cream~A Little more than Sepia. 1mil-2mil
Black~Nice. Sell for around 1.5mil-5mil
Ginger~Sweetness. Worth about 5mil-15mil
Silver~Worth about 5mil-18mil
Blonde~Awesome! Worth about

Calico~Awesome! Worth about
Albino~You're really lucky! Worth about
Achromatic~ You're SUPER, AMAZINGLY lucky. Sell for around


3:26pm Jan 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Yeah sure, that's fine. ^^


3:30pm Jan 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Kay, I'm making one about getting/pricing pets, if that's fine by you.
Oh, and thanks for saying my thread is wonderful ;o We should link our thread to each other.


3:33pm Jan 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Yes, we should. I'll link it right now. ^^


11:20pm Jan 30 2013 (last edited on 2:27am Jan 31 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 429
Fifth Topic: Merchant Shops

Subtopic One: Starting your Shop

Merchant shops are a wonderful way to make TU if you know how to use them. To open a merchant shop, you must choose the merchant class instead of the rancher class. Merchants have the ability to manage a shop and get special discounts in the NPC shops. 

To open your shop, hover over the "Shops" tab on the top of the page and click "Merchant Shop". You will then be lead to shop creation. You can name your shop, add a desc.ription, and start stocking!

Subtopic Two: How/What to Stock in your Shop

Sweet ShopFashion GaloreSquishy Shop

You can stock items from a number of different places. Items can be found all over Rescreatu, from random events to games and quests. These items are great to sell, but the TU really lies in the NPC Shops. There are many different shops, and each has its own unique theme. The items that sell the best are usually foods, clothes, and squishies, so if you want to have a successful shop with lots of traffic, you should mainly buy from stores that carry these items. Books can sell well too, depending on the book.
(NPC Shops are also located under the "Shops" tab.)

Stocking your shop is very simple. From your shop page, click the "Stock Shop" button. Here, you can choose to move your items to your food pen, gallery, storage, or user shop. You can also delete or send items from this page. To stock an item in your shop, choose the "User Shop" bubble and click "Complete Selected Actions". Your shop is now stocked and ready for pricing!

Subtopic Three: Pricing Items

Because merchantry is a competitive business, you want to make sure that you have fair prices on all of your merchandise. To do this, we generally search for an item in other users' shop and mark our prices somewhere near or under their price point. To search, copy and paste (or type) the name of the item into the search bar at the top of the page. The listings are ordered from lowest to highest price, so you can easily see how much you should be selling your item for.

Subtopic Four: Upgrading

So now you've got the basics down! All that's left is upgrading your shop. Upgrading allows you to stock more items. To do this, go to your shop and click on the "Upgrade" button on the top of the page. It costs very little, and your shop space will be upgraded by five slots each time. It's up to you how large or small you want to make your shop. It all depends on how much time and how many resources you want to put in.

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast
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