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4:17am Dec 4 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3
Thought it'd be a good idea to attempt a hello. So! Hello! You can call me Pumira. Joined on the first of this month.

Discovered this place whilst digging about the inter-webs, getting reeled in by the neato creature designs. Slowly feeling my way around the site; Learning about things. So far I really adore the Meragon I've dubbed 'Birchmurk'. :>

2:39pm Dec 4 2016


Posts: 3,217
Hello and welcome to Res :D 
It's good to hear you're finding your way around and I love your meragons name! 

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, and if you haven't already I suggest having a look at the rules.
They can be found in this link: 
tle="" target="">Click


10:05pm Dec 4 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3
Thank you! And I've given the rules a look over a couple times so far, but I'll give em another read-through for good measure. :>

Thank you for the welcome, Zen!

5:43pm Dec 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 5,512
Welcome! I'm Arcanine but most people here just call me Arc. Its nice to meet you! :3 feel free to shoot me an email if you ever have any questions or need some help. 


4:53pm Dec 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3
Thank you as well, Arc! Nice to meet you. And I will keep that in mind. c:
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