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4:42pm Jul 21 2015 (last edited on 8:02pm Jul 21 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1
Just started today, and I have to say I'm certainly intrigued. This place has a neat feel to it, I think I'm going to like it! So here's a it about me:

I'm a self-taught artist, training to be a tattooist. I'm married to a former body modifications specialist/teacher (who is currently working as a security supervisor). I have one son who is a year old now, and another son who was born in May (very excited). I'm an incredibly shy person, but I will always respond to a message, and I accept any friend requests. 
I have been around on pet sites a lot over the years, and tend to go MIA a bit, but always check back eventually, so if I've not been seen in a while, just give it time. I try to be really active, though, so especially in the first few months I'll be seen almost daily. 
Um...I have three cats, and a turtle. I love animals, a lot. Used to have a snake but she passed recently. 
My favorite color is teal, and I'm also partially colorblind. 

So that's me. ^^; Hope to see you around.

5:43pm Jul 21 2015

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hi TFerrooni, welcome to Rescreatu! :D We're happy to have you.

It sounds like you guys have some really interesting jobs! :) If you like to share your art online or just like to look at other people's art, I'd encourage you to check out the Artist Studio and Showcase subforums. There's also the Art Commissions subforum if you think you'd want to draw for other people. That's a great way to make TU.

If you haven't yet, I also recommend reading over the site rules: http://www.rescreatu.com/rules.php
They can be a great starting point for new players.

If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to help. Feel free to ask any time!

Otherwise, I hope you decide to stay a while and that you're enjoying yourself. See you around!

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

9:22pm Jul 21 2015

Normal User

Posts: 10
Hello!  Welcome to Rescreatu.  I'm a newbie too. D:
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