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2:15pm Dec 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3
Hi there.... well, I always have loved sites like this, so I went on bing and looked up "virtual pet sites". Voila, Rescreatu popped up! I clicked it and immediately joined, Daw, those cute little critters~~

Psst, Dancica says hiya

Anywho, like I said before, I love adoptable websites like this. I'm also into most any kind of fiction books. Roleplaying has been a favorite pastime as well! ;3 
  I'm also newly obsessed with Gondras. *huggles Dancica until she farts*

Uhm, what else... oh, yes, I really like dark colors and anything that doesn't sparkle. *shiver* Ugh, just the thought of sparkles makes me sick. X3

Hm, well, that's about it. Wait, one more thing: there's a few things on my wish list *eyebrow wiggle*
Don't hesitate to friend me or RM me! I don't bite~ much

*potent fart*

4:28pm Dec 13 2014


Posts: 3,205
Hello and welcome to Rescreatu :D 

I love virtual pet sites too xD I've joined so, so many but Res has been the only one I've stuck with. I hope you love it here too! 

If you have a browse of the forums you'll see we have several roleplaying sections for your roleplaying pleasure xD 

;w; Dancica is adorable and that fart... so potent 

OH ALSO if you haven't already I suggest you have a look at the rules, they can be found in this link: http://www.rescreatu.com/rules.php
and below your log out button.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask ^u^ 

and beware the star dust effect some Creatu can get :o 
many sparkles 


7:00pm Dec 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3
I'm gonna flop on over to the roleplays in a sec~ 

I, so far, really like Res. I think I'll be with it for a while!

*hops away to unlock the power of stardust*

OH YEAH, thanks for introducing yourself! It's nice to meet you! X3

Potent fart XD

*potent fart*

12:21am Dec 14 2014 (last edited on 12:22am Dec 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 429
Omg your signature. Good job, lol!

Welcome to Res! I'm Gravy. c:
Glad you like it here! Good luck getting Stardust! I have that effect on my Kioka. So majestic. o3o

Also honestly I never noticed how pretty Cream Gondras were. Congrazzles!

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

6:14am Dec 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3
Thank you X3 

Nice to meet you!
I'll need that good luck c:

*pats Dancy on her head* Daw~ thank you again!

*potent fart*
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