Hi there.... well, I always have loved sites like this, so I went on bing and looked up "virtual pet sites". Voila, Rescreatu popped up! I clicked it and immediately joined, Daw, those cute little critters~~
Psst, Dancica says hiya
Anywho, like I said before, I love adoptable websites like this. I'm also into most any kind of fiction books. Roleplaying has been a favorite pastime as well! ;3
I'm also newly obsessed with Gondras. *huggles Dancica until she farts*
Uhm, what else... oh, yes, I really like dark colors and anything that doesn't sparkle. *shiver* Ugh, just the thought of sparkles makes me sick. X3
Hm, well, that's about it. Wait, one more thing: there's a few things on my wish list *eyebrow wiggle*
Don't hesitate to friend me or RM me! I don't bite~ much