If you go to your profile, you can click 'edit pet page' on one of your pets. Then you can type up a deion or post drawings of your pet, etc. You'll get the hang of it eventually.
With the making up characters of your pets, that Uwi mentioned, I think I know what she means. You can go to the role play section of the forums and make up a character, you know, like imagine it, pretend it? I can pretend that my pet is very adventurous, etc. lol. In role play, you can role play about animals, creatu, people, etc.
If you have anymore questions, you can rmail me. If you don't know what an rmail is, it's like a Res email. You can use it by going to the left tool bar and down at the bottom of the list it says 'Rmail'. You can use that to privatly speak with someone, like email.