I feel The Sun Creepin up like Tick Tock

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10:23am Mar 17 2011 (last edited on 7:41pm Apr 4 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 13

Hello everyone!

I'm Cl*censored*i*censored*erature. If you will, please call me Rae, Lexie, or even CL.

If it isn't obvious, I love to read Cl*censored*ic books. Austen, Doyle, Shakespeare, Bronte...You name it, I love it<3  


So that means most of my pets will be named after cl*censored*ic characters (Dr. Watson, Lady Capulette, WilliamDarcy, ect) or places. (Venice, Rome, Paris, ect)


I'm absolutely in love with this site ^^ It's very nice and creative. The people here are so friendly, too!<3 

 Thank you guys so much for making me feel so welcome(:

Are there any tips or anything you guys could give me? I'm still fairly clueless<3


I'm on a various amount of sites such as: Neopets, Wajas, Wolf Haven


If you have an account on any, please contact me(:

Neopets--DizzyGirlLexie OR torchic121296

Wajas--CupidWithAnArrow (ID: 184262)



A little about me;

-I love to read

-I love to write

-I'm a very friendly person and will talk to anyone as long as they aren't rude

- I c@nt st@nd wen ppl t@!k lyke dis. So use proper English, please(:

-I can spazz out sometimes x3 


10:29am Mar 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
Check how rare a pet is that you hatch before selling it, and don't let anyone offer by Rmail without checking out the deal they're offering first! <3

10:33am Mar 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 13

Ooh alright ^^

And what range of numbers would be consider rare? Obviously not like...10's nad 30's..


But like, is it 0-5 or something? ^^ 


10:47am Mar 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
Generally, all of the pets you can find normally are common. Seasonal pets, whose eggs come out for 2 weeks of the year only, are Uncommon/kind of rare. Rare is more the Credit Shop pets, whose eggs can only be purchased with credits or from other users.

1:06pm Mar 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 13

Ah alright ^^; 


I just saw the "rare percent" thing. And I have a ocuple of .9's and 1's? So I thought those were a little less common ^^; 


4:48pm Mar 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 641
Nice to meetcha and welcome to res :) I'm dance, danceh, Dancilooni, Dancepants, Maggie, Mags, Maggeh, whatever you wanna call me ^.^ I'm sure we can be friends :3


4:50pm Mar 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 641
Oh yes a tip~ Be real careful about making deals with people you don't know ^.^


9:45pm Mar 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
~I feel the sun creepin up like tick tock~ <3 You a Mike Posner fan too? :D Lol anyways, welcome to rescreatu! ^^


12:30am Mar 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 13

Trying to keep you in my head but if not ;)


And yes<3 I love Mike Posner. Thanks Priana<3 


4:48pm Mar 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 406
omg you're such a young soul :3 I'm honestly surprised that there are people out there as young as you who appreciate cla.ssic. literature. Mm. Have you read Lord of the Flies, Watership Down, Blood Meridian, Heart of Darkness, the Metamorphosis or The Plague? All are fantasic if you haven't c: Welcome to Rescreatu, by the way!

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