Hello everyone!
I'm Cl*censored*i*censored*erature. If you will, please call me Rae, Lexie, or even CL.
If it isn't obvious, I love to read Cl*censored*ic books. Austen, Doyle, Shakespeare, Bronte...You name it, I love it<3
So that means most of my pets will be named after cl*censored*ic characters (Dr. Watson, Lady Capulette, WilliamDarcy, ect) or places. (Venice, Rome, Paris, ect)
I'm absolutely in love with this site ^^ It's very nice and creative. The people here are so friendly, too!<3
Thank you guys so much for making me feel so welcome(:
Are there any tips or anything you guys could give me? I'm still fairly clueless<3
I'm on a various amount of sites such as: Neopets, Wajas, Wolf Haven
If you have an account on any, please contact me(:
Neopets--DizzyGirlLexie OR torchic121296
Wajas--CupidWithAnArrow (ID: 184262)
A little about me;
-I love to read
-I love to write
-I'm a very friendly person and will talk to anyone as long as they aren't rude
- I c@nt st@nd wen ppl t@!k lyke dis. So use proper English, please(:
-I can spazz out sometimes x3