just joined

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12:59pm Aug 24 2015 (last edited on 11:37am Aug 25 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 2
Hi, people! What's new?

I just joined this site. It looks really cool (but you know that, right?). Right now I'm waiting for the eggs to be able to hatch so I can get my first creatures. It shouldn't be too much longer.

You can call me Mystik or Mystik Owl or anything along those lines. And here I am back at school to get my degree so I can get a decent job (by decent I mean one that can actually support me!). Who knew it would be this hard, eh? I am soooo very tired of doing grunt labor for peanuts. So here I am back at university (gosh, I hate writing essays so much) but with a business degree maybe (just maybe) I can find something where I won't need to work 2 jobs just to keep a roof over my head. Why does it cost so much? Well that would be because I live in Vancouver BC Canada, one of the most expensive places in the world. I was born here so I live here.

Enough real life stuff. I love fantasy and fantasy pets. I love the concept of this site (with the planets full of different creatures). My favorite creatures are dragonlike creatures or things that look like cats. My goal is to have a huge collection of creatures (at least 1 of everything). After that, I don't know; we'll see. Wish me luck!


2:59pm Aug 24 2015


Posts: 3,217
Welcome to Res Mystik :D 

*o* good luck with the degree... and everything that comes after it.
Times are tough everywhere now-a-days but ,though I've never been, Vancouver looks so beautiful it's worth it ;n; 
(aha I guess that's debatable ^^""")

If you haven't already I suggest you have a look at the rules, they can be found in the link below  
tle="" target="">ja

and for future reference can be found below your logout button 
if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!!


11:37am Aug 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2
Thanks so much!
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