Meet LiN

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2:00am Jan 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 20
I can't believe that I've been here nearly a year and haven't ever really properly introduced myself.

You can call me LiN. ^_^
I am a 25 year old gamer and mother of a 5 year old little girl.
I'm on Res off an on throughout the day. Sometimes at strange hours.

As to the hours I seem to keep... Well, I do not sleep much or often.
I have PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, flashbacks, and depression. I tend to have flashback nightmares and so sleeping has become something to avoid.
I have been going to counseling. I'm hoping that it starts to help a little. Especially since my daughter will start school in the Fall.

I am the proud owner of a papered American Bully who will turn 1 in Feb. His call name is Fenris.
Fenris is being trained by me to be my psychiatric service dog. He's a very smart and loving pup.
I've had him since he was 7 weeks old. He was my birthday present to myself.
For the first 2 weeks I had him, I slept on the couch with him sleeping on my chest or against my neck. This was so I could take him out as soon as he woke up.
The very night we got him home, he started waking me from my nightmares. He's my little love bug.

I also keep and breed betta fish.
I have four 10 gallon tanks, a 10 gallon spawning tank, a 5 gallon tank, two 2 gallon tanks, and an assortment of 1/2-1 gallon jars. My daughter also has a 3.5 gallon tank.
I keep crowntails, but have not yet bred any. I'm still looking for the right male.
I keep and breed halfmoons. Mostly dragons of various colors.
I keep and breed halfmoon plakats. Some are dragons. I have a wide range of colors.
I also have a giant halfmoon plakat male and a half-giant halfmoon plakat female.
Two of my mails are double tails and one of my females carries the gene.
They all have names.

I am a writer and have taken up photography.
I can be found on both deviantart and facebook should any of you be interested.

I RP and game quite frequently.
My XBox360 and DS are quite addictive things.
I am also on a horse breeding, training, and showing site.

As a note - Typing this took me about 2 hours... Yay anxiety! XD

Anyways... Hi! ^_^;

2:23am Jan 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 429
No need to feel anxious! I'm sure we're all glad to get to know you a little better. :)

What kinds of games do you like?

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

4:06am Jan 31 2013


Posts: 3,216
well hi there LiNee

I have depression and anxiety too and I've found that, although counselling and medication help, the best thing thats helped me has been my partner and my dog ( shes not a service dog but shes so fluffy and sweet) 
Fenris sounds like an amazing dog :D 
and it sounds like he really is helping. 
Im glad he is and I hope that you continue to feel better in the weeks ahead. 

I don't know much ( OK anything) about breeding fish but it actually sounds really fun with all the different varieties and colours and tanks :D 
they sound really pretty ^o^ 

hehe xbox gaming can get pretty addictive :D 
*so many amazing games out there* 

so hello again LiNee, welcome to the induction forum and if you ever need/ want to talk 
just send me an Rmail 


4:23pm Feb 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
Wow you sound awesome LiN. :3 Welcome! I'd love to talk if you like. I have a thing for pets and fish, too. :D

psalm 103:12 |-/
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