Hi Josie, welcome to Rescreatu! :) We're happy to have you!
There are definitely plenty of ways to make TU on Rescreatu. From the looks of your profile, you chose to be a Merchant. I'm a Merchant too, and it's a great way to bring in TU! Typically, Merchant Shops are used for restocking. That means buying items in NPC shops for cheap prices and then selling them for a profit in your shop. Learning which items will sell for higher is a bit of an art and takes some practice and good memory. If you're unsure of how much an item would sell for, you can check by pasting the name of the item into the search bar at the top of the page, with "Shops" selected from the drop-down menu. NPC shops replenish their stock every 15 minutes, so someone who wants to buy the most valuable items will check at :00, :15, :30, and :45 on the dot.
My other favorite way to make TU is in the Stock Market. The trick here is to buy low and sell high, as with any stock market. :) If you're not sure what to buy, I recommend asking people in the Shoutbox for advice (if you're old enough).
If you have any questions about that or anything else, I'd be happy to help! ^^ See you around!