New Rancher!

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12:45pm Jul 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2
Hi I'm new and quite enjoying the game thus far! I am starting out my shop and hoping to gain some great friends and good trades so please let me know any tips/tricks/ and helpful hints you may have!

Currently collecting colored Draquas, donations, gifted pets, and items welcome! Help me meet my goal~

6:51am Jul 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 102
Some things that help me are naming and pricing. Sometimes you'll find that peole drastically reduce the price of a valuable pet to make it sell faster. I mean if you want to go ahead but it often pulls in more tu if you're patient. Someone will buy it eventually:). Also naming is important. Obviously, pretty much all of the amazing names have been taken so the names will have to be made up to an extent. I try to stick with something short that flows. 

Please disregard my terrible avatar. It won't let me edit it...but apparently that's being worked on -_-
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