Rescreatu is such a unique word o.o Wonder what inspired it. Is there a story behind it? XD
Hello everyone, I am Gvantsa. A lot of people call me Gwen. I am fine with being called either. I just joined recently, I was browsing the internet looking for a new pet site and stumbled upon a fan-made site about this site. And here I am! I'm 19, I like Anime and Korean dramas and I listen to Pop, K-Pop, J-Pop mostly.
I already found and hatched an egg. I got the cutest little thing :3 Love her <3
I have two questions:
1. Are there any premade profile layouts and pet page layouts around here or on a fansite? :3
2. Does this site have a resort/hotel kind of feature? For when you are away for long periods of time and you place your pets in there for a set number of days to be fed/played with for a fee. I read somewhere pets are capable of dying if you don't feed them long periods of time.. worried of that happening if I end up not being around a long time xD